VIP NEWSLETTER – PRO WRESTLING TORCH #1700 (December 22, 2020): WWE TLC PPV Roundtable Review & Keller match report, Parks looks at WWE women’s wrestler heel turns, Keller’s Raw & SD & Dynamite reports, ROH Final Battle

December 22, 2020

PWTorch Newsletter #1700 Cover-dated December 22, 2020 LINK: 1700 PWTorch Newsletter PDF –LIST OF ALL LATEST NEWSLETTERS –CLICK FOR ALL 2020 NEWSLETTERS –CLICK HERE FOR DIRECTORY OF ALL PAST NEWSLETTERS BY YEAR SUMMARY: This week’s PWTorch Newsletter features […]

VIP AUDIO 12/19 – Bruce Mitchell Mailbag w/Heydorn: Why did Rapid Ricky Romero’s sons go by Youngblood instead of popular Romero name, has Tony Khan been successful in building a diverse AEW roster as promised, is blurring lines of good vs. evil in AEW hurting product, more (61 min)

December 19, 2020

SHOW SUMMARY: In this edition of the Bruce Mitchell Mailbag Podcast, hosted by PWTorch Columnist Zack Heydorn, they dive into the mailbag including these topics: why Rapid Ricky Romero’s sons used the Youngblood name instead […]

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