VIP AUDIO 1/29 – VIP Podcast Vault (NEW VIP SERIES) – Wade Keller Hotline #2 (May 12, 2003): Booker T says Goldberg has a lot to prove, Jericho-Goldberg backstage scuffle, WWE should start a world class developmental facility, Elizabeth 911 call (21 min)

January 29, 2021

SHOW SUMMARY: This installment of the VIP Podcast Vault is the second-ever Wade Keller Hotline recorded for the PWTorch VIP website. It includes a rundown of news and commentary on recent happenings including these topics: […]

VIP AUDIO 1/28 – RETRO RADIO – Keller’s Pro Wrestling Focus (7/25/1993): Keller & Schire talk WCW Beach Blast, WCW front office changes, previewing SummerSlam ’93, Dallas-based Global Wrestling Federation update, and more with guests Gill, Coraluzzo, Fargo (128 min)

January 28, 2021

SHOW SUMMARY: This is the July 25, 1993 episode of Pro Wrestling Focus featuring PWTorch editor Wade Keller and cohost George Schire talking WCW Beach Blast, WCW front office changes, previewing SummerSlam ’93, Dallas-based Global Wrestling […]

VIP AUDIO 1/24 – Everything with Rich Fann & Wade Keller: Asuka’s usage against Bliss, Private Party’s turn, Darby and Sting, Darby’s name, Reigns & Heyman in WrestleMania commercial, Fatu vs. ACH on MLW TV, Gunns vs. Dragunov from 2018, more (92 min)

January 24, 2021

SHOW SUMMARY: In this, the third-ever episode of the new VIP-exclusive weekly series “Everything with Rich Fann hosted by Wade Keller,” Rich and Wade discuss these topics: The involvement of Asuka in the Alexa Bliss […]

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