VIP NEWSLETTER – PRO WRESTLING TORCH #1734 (Aug. 11, 2021): Keller’s cover story assessing NXT’s mission last two years, Parks attends WWE live event, Counihan on Dragon Gate, Keller’s TV reports, Newswire, more

August 11, 2021

PWTorch Newsletter #1734 Cover-dated August 11, 2021 LINK: 1734 PWTorch Newsletter PDF –LIST OF ALL LATEST NEWSLETTERS –CLICK FOR ALL 2020 NEWSLETTERS –CLICK HERE FOR DIRECTORY OF ALL PAST NEWSLETTERS BY YEAR SUMMARY: This week’s PWTorch Newsletter features Wade […]

VIP AUDIO 8/7 – NXT Eight Years Back: Wells & Stoup cover NXT from 8-7-13 including Bo Dallas at last solidifying his heel act, Adrian Neville challenging Dean Ambrose for United States title, best onscreen couples, best movies with an animal lead, more (77 min)

August 7, 2021

SHOW SUMMARY: Kelly Wells and Tom Stoup cover NXT from August 7, 2013 including Bo Dallas at last solidifying his heel act, Adrian Neville challenging Dean Ambrose for the United States title, best onscreen couples, […]

VIP AUDIO 8/6 – The Fix Mailbag w/Todd Martin & Wade Keller: Did Punk’s brand suffer from UFC and Fox Sports forays, what if Vince and TK switched rosters, legal take on Cena stealing Summerslam contract, mid-’90s gimmicks, MLW, more (54 min)

August 6, 2021

SHOW SUMMARY: In this episode of The Fix, PWTorch VIP analyst Todd Martin and host PWTorch editor Wade Keller address the following questions and topics submitted by listeners: Evaluating mid-’90s WWE gimmicks such as Freddy Joe […]

VIP AUDIO 8/6 – WWE Then and Now w/Frank Peteani: Justin Girardi co-hosts to talk WCW Bash at the Beach 1996 and recent WWE happenings. Misterio Jr. vs. Psychosis, Malenko vs. Disco Inferno, Konan vs. Flair, Sting & Luger & Savage vs. Hall & Nash and a “third man,” NWO formation, more (126 min)

August 6, 2021

SHOW SUMMARY: Frank’s long-time personal friend Justin Girardi makes his first appearance for PWTorch to discuss the famous WCW Bash at the Beach PPV from 1996 in the first of the “WCW Files” portion of WWE […]

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