VIP AUDIO 3/3 – VIP Podcast Vault – 18 Yrs Ago Roundtable Special (2-8-2004): Keller, McNeill, Mitchell: Analysis of various WrestleMania 20 lineup possibilities including Lesnar, Goldberg, Guerrero, Benoit, plus prospects of Savage in TNA, WWE Hall of Fame (48 min.)

March 3, 2022

SHOW SUMMARY: This installment of the PWTorch VIP Vault jumps back to a Roundtable Special from February 8, 2004. Throughout the month of March 2022, we’ll be posting the February and March 2004 PWTorch VIP podcasts, […]

VIP AUDIO 3/2 – Everything with Rich & Wade (pt. 3 of 3): WrestleMania developments, Reigns-Lesnar, Women’s Title matches, Edge-Styles, McAfee-McMahon, Nick Wayne, Waltman, New Japan Cup, Gresham-Santana botched finish (61 min.)

March 2, 2022

SHOW SUMMARY: In the final segment of this week’s episodes of “Everything with Rich Fann hosted by Wade Keller,” Rich and Wade discuss these topics: Reaction to the Brock Lesnar-Roman Reigns contract signing. WrestleMania’s line-up taking […]

VIP AUDIO 2/28 – VIP Podcast Vault – 18 Yrs Ago Wade Keller Hotline (1-29-2004): Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels non-finish stirs controversy, WM20 takes shape, early benefits of brand split, Goldberg-Lesnar hype, Benoit’s push, Cena’s ascension (32 min.)

February 28, 2022

SHOW SUMMARY: This installment of the PWTorch VIP Vault jumps back to a Wade Keller Hotline from January 29, 2004. Throughout the month of February 2022, we’ll be posting the January 2004 and February 2004 PWTorch […]

VIP AUDIO 2/26 – VIP Podcast Vault – 18 Yrs Ago Roundtable w/Keller, McNeill, Guttman previewing the 2004 Royal Rumble, evaluating the possible elevation of Rhino and Holly in the midst of same old names on top all the time (33 min.)

February 26, 2022

SHOW SUMMARY: This installment of the PWTorch VIP Vault jumps back to a “Current Events Roundtable” podcast featuring PWTorch editor Wade Keller and PWTorch columnists Pat McNeill and James Guttman from Jan. 24, 2004. They previewed […]

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