VIP AUDIO 3/15 – VIP Podcast Vault – 18 Yrs Ago Wade Keller Hotline #57 (02-26-2004): Ask the Editor including how do WM payoffs work, Michael Hayes incident at Triple H/Steph wedding, who should get last slot at WM20, WWE’s use of tag team gimmicks (24 min.)

March 15, 2022

SHOW SUMMARY: This installment of the PWTorch VIP Vault jumps back to a Wade Keller Hotline from February 26, 2004. Throughout the month of March 2022, we’ll be posting the February 2004 and March 2004 PWTorch […]

VIP AUDIO 3/13 – Keller’s Focus On WWE: Scott Hall on life support after heart attacks, wrestling world reacts, walking through Hall’s journey in the ring, Big E neck injury update including what went wrong, WM ticket sales, ratings (20 min.)

March 14, 2022

SHOW SUMMARY: In today’s episode of “Focus On… WWE,” PWTorch editor Wade Keller covers the following topics: Scott Hall on life support after heart attacks, wrestling world reacts. A walk through Hall’s journey in the ring. […]

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