Inside Vince McMahon – insight from big interview on Shane’s return, not acting his age, mistakes, WWE Corporate, how he views today’s WWE roster, trying to pull off surprises, wrestling media, McMahons entertaining themselves in the ring & more

March 8, 2016

WWE CEO Vince McMahon pulled back the curtain on his personality and how he operates as a business leader in a rare interview with Brian Fritz of the Orlando Sentinel tied in with the WrestleMania announcement for April 2017. […]

Report – WWE to open physical Hall of Fame

March 8, 2016

WWE will reportedly open a physical Hall of Fame/restaurant/attraction in Orlando coinciding with WrestleMania 33 next year. According to Attractions Management, WWE is planning to take over the “NBA City” location at Universal Studios in Orlando […]

What Happened After Raw Went Off-Air in Chicago

March 7, 2016

WWE Raw TV Taping Report March 7, 2016 Chicago, Ill. Report by Ben Tucker, PWTorch TV specialist Read Tucker’s in-person tweets from the Raw taping @BTuckerTorch. After Raw went off the air, the Wyatts returned […]

Updated Line-ups for Roadblock & WrestleMania 32

March 7, 2016

During Monday’s Raw, WWE did not announce any new matches for the “Roadblock” special this Saturday or WrestleMania on April 3. However, new matches were set in motion for WM32 – including A.J. Styles vs. […]

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