WWE bringing back Cruiserweight division on WWE TV

July 18, 2016

By James Caldwell, PWTorch assistant editor WWE is officially bringing back the Cruiserweight division on main WWE TV. Stephanie McMahon, the on-air Raw Commissioner, announced she is bringing back the CW division on Raw. No […]

John Cena in new “Hefty” ad campaign

July 18, 2016

By James Caldwell, PWTorch assistant editor The Hefty brand is set to unveil three different TV ad spots featuring WWE star John Cena. Cena, who is looking to expand his mainstream recognition, is pitching Hefty […]

Brock Lesnar speaks on potential drug-testing violation

July 16, 2016

By James Caldwell, PWTorch assistant editor Apparently unconvinced of a potential drug-testing violation prior to his UFC 200 fight, Brock Lesnar issued a one-sentence statement Friday night vowing to figure out what happened. “We will […]

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