FREE PODCAST 7/22 – PWTorch Dailycast – PWTorch ‘90s Pastcast: Moynahan & McDonald discuss issue #183 (7-16-92) of the PWTorch including a full review of Great American Bash, WWF and WCW news and notes, Alex’s Superstars review, more (146 min.)

July 22, 2022

SHOW SUMMARY: Patrick Moynahan and Alex McDonald kick off the twenty-eighth episode of PWTorch ‘90s Pastcast discussing issue #183 of the PWTorch including WCW Great American Bash ‘92, Vader’s first title win over Sting, too many […]

FREE PODCAST 7/19 – PWTorch Dailycast – PWT Talks NXT: Wells, Lindberg, and Hazelwood cover Zoey Stark returning for Women’s Battle Royal, A-Kid’s debut as masked character Axiom, new names and gimmick for Grizzled Young Veterans, more (114 min.)

July 20, 2022

SHOW SUMMARY: Kelly Wells, Nate Lindberg, and Bruce Hazelwood cover Zoey Stark returning for the Women’s Battle Royal, A-Kid’s debut as masked character Axiom, new names and gimmick for Grizzled Young Veterans, and more. FREE […]

FREE PODCAST 7/19 – WKPWP Tuesday Flagship w/Keller & Powell (pt. 1 of 2): Is Summerslam worthy of name this year, full preview of announced matches, how to better utilize Omos, WWE’s frustrating finishes lately, Becky heel turn pros and cons (96 min.)

July 20, 2022

SHOW SUMMARY: PWTorch editor Wade Keller presents part one of a two part Tuesday Flagship edition of the Wade Keller Pro Wrestling Podcast with guest co-host Jason Powell from They discuss these topics: Does this […]

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