•Chris Jericho-Jon Moxley Promo – HIT: The crowd was hot for Jon Moxley, but throughout the night they were a bit different than the usual AEW crowd. Typically, AEW fans are hot for the majority of segments and keep a buzz throughout the night. Tonight, they were into certain things up to a point then kept quiet for others. There were reports floating around that ticket sales were down for Cleveland, but they managed to shoot the show to make it appear like the arena was packed. Moxley came off really well until he challenged The Inner Circle and their back-up to take him on because he has everyone in the arena on his side. The people in the arena knew what he meant, but it came off as weird line on television. The brawl was an overall success, but didn’t illicit that huge pop that it was set up for. Security stepped in quickly and broke it off before anything really happened.
•The Young Bucks vs. The Butcher & The Blade – HIT: A fine match that gave the audience all the spots you’d want to see in a Young Bucks match without going all out. The biggest story coming out of this segment was a wrestler who wasn’t even in the match. Hangman Page is more over now than he ever has been in AEW. They may have to reconsider a potential heel turn because the audience is buying into his beer drinking character. It seems this is leading to a potential match-up between Page & Omega vs. The Bucks either on an episode of Dynamite or Revolution.
•Big Swole vs. Nyla Rose – MISS: Not a good showing by these two. Nyla Rose seemed to have been improving after being absent from Dynamite. This felt like a step in the wrong direction. Big Swole didn’t look much better either. This continues to be a tough balance of how much time they dedicate to the women’s division. Much of the division needs more exposure and experience, but at the same time the matches creates these lull periods that can bring down the crowd and the flow of the show.
•Kip Sabian vs. Cody – HIT: Arn may need to rethink his playcard next time to avoid being thrown out of the match. This was a fun match between Cody and Kip Sabian. Sabian was booked strong attacking Cody out of the gate then taking three Cross Rhodes for the pin. There was a memorable spot when Joey Janela popped his head out from the crowd to interrupt a kiss between Sabian and Penelope Ford. I didn’t mind the Janela spot because it was fun, but didn’t take away from the focus which was to make Cody look good leading up to his match against MJF at Revolution.
•Britt Baker Promo – HIT: This week cemented that Britt Baker is a much better fit as a heel. Last week, some her delivery felt a little shaky. This week she came out with a bravado and continued her spats from where she left off last week. Baker has always had potential to be something big dating back to the first few AEW shows when she was getting great reactions. AEW kept mentioning she was a dentist to the point that it became a parody. They’ve corrected course and she seems to be back on the right track.
•SCU vs TH2 – HIT: Solid match between these teams. The crowd wasn’t in to this match as much and that could be due to TH2’s lack of TV time. They’re a really talented duo that could work with some of the younger teams like Private Party and Jurassic Express. I still don’t know what to make of the Dark Order. They continue to tease something with Christopher Daniels and the identity of a higher power in the group. Dark Order has been one of AEW’s biggest flops since they’ve begun, but that doesn’t mean that the right talent with the right creative can’t save the act.
•Darby Allin & Private Party vs. Chris Jericho & Santana & Ortiz – HIT: These tag matches involving Chris Jericho allow to work with a lot of younger talent. Nothing blow away her, but a satisfying main event. Jeircho won with a Judas Effect out of nowhere. Post match, The Inner Circle got involved and beat down Darby Allin. Sammy Guevara got Jericho’s endorsements to take some extra shots on Allin which looked like they may be setting up a match between the two at some point soon. Jon Moxley came to make the save at the end continuing the build to Revolution.
I love Britt Baker. Put the belt on her already.