VIP AUDIO 6/1 – WKPWP Interview with Jon Moxley a/k/a Dean Ambrose, pt. 2 of 2 (PG EDITED version – AD-FREE): The story behind Lesnar WrestleMania match frustrations, awkward Stone Cold podcast, WWE’s antiquated pay structure, original plans for Shield return at Summerslam, more (73 min)

PWT VIP All Shows
PWT VIP All Shows
VIP AUDIO 6/1 – WKPWP Interview with Jon Moxley a/k/a Dean Ambrose, pt. 2 of 2 (PG EDITED version - AD-FREE): The story behind Lesnar WrestleMania match frustrations, awkward Stone Cold podcast, WWE's antiquated pay structure, original plans for Shield return at Summerslam, more (73 min)

NOTE: There are two versions of this Jon Moxley interview part two for VIP members. THIS IS THE SAFER VERSION. We made an effort to bleep swear words. Some may have slipped by, but dozens of edits were made to make this much safer to play in mixed company if there are kids, etc. around. A separate version of this interview has been posted here on the VIP site and VIP feed that is NSFW without any edits.

SHOW SUMMARY: PWTorch editor Wade Keller presents a special Weekend Interview edition of the Wade Keller Pro Wrestling Podcast with guest Jon Moxley (f/k/a Dean Ambrose). This is Mox’s second long-form interview and the first he recorded since his AEW surprise debut last Saturday night at “AEW Double or Nothing” in Las Vegas. This is by design a follow-up to his first interview earlier this week with Chris Jericho on his podcast which has been the talk of the pro wrestling industry for several days, so we’re not covering the same territory but instead covering topics he didn’t get to with Jericho. This interview, conducted on May 29, lasts nearly two-and-a-half hours. This is the second half of that interview. The first avenue was published the day before this one on the same feed.


  • The story behind the videos he has produced on Twitter and the excitement he feels being an artist in control again and collaborating with colleagues…
  • On people’s skepticism that “by the boys, for the boys” will never work in AEW because there’s too many cooks in the kitchen…
  • Producers he really respected and liked in WWE…
  • On his growing relationship with Cody behind the scenes on creative matters and how it contrasts to his WWE experience…
  • His amazement that top writers on WWE don’t go insane working in that system…
  • Details on his frustration with how The Shield return was handled Summerslam weekend last year and details on how it originally was supposed to play out and who derailed it at last second…
  • Tons of details told for the first time ever, on his WrestleMania frustrations the year he wrestled Brock Lesnar…
  • The awkward Stone Cold Podcast on WWE Network, finally explained in (agonizing) detail…
  • Did he hesitate to sign another “corporate contract” with AEW so soon after being free from his WWE contact?…
  • What the greatest moment of his career was so far…
  • What did he think watching back at his entrance at Double or Nothing…
  • His reluctance to dive head first into social media like most wrestlers…
  • PPV payoff structure under the WWE Network and strong thoughts about WWE’s way of scheduling house shows in this era…
  • Why he thinks WWE will soon have to start paying wrestlers more money, and it’s not (just) because of AEW as competition…
  • And more.



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