5 YRS AGO – TNA IMPACT WRESTLING TV REPORT (5-15-14): Eric Young vs. MVP for TNA Title, James Storm, Gail Kim, Kazarian, D.J. Zema, Mr. Anderson

By James Caldwell, PWTorch assistant editor

MVP (photo credit Grant Gould © PWTorch)


The following report was originally published five years ago this week on…

TNA Impact Results
May 15, 2014
Taped in Orlando, Fla.
Aired on Spike TV
Report by James Caldwell, PWTorch assistant editor

Moments Ago: Eric Young was in the parking garage pacing around looking for “his boss,” MVP. A black limo rolled up backstage and Young tried to jump MVP inside the limo. Security intervened and dragged Young away. MVP smirked and told Young to be careful with all that energy.

Impact Zone: Mike Tenay hyped Young vs. MVP for the TNA World Title at Slammiversary, then Young’s music played to bring out the TNA champ. In the ring, Young said he woke up last Friday thinking this was all a dream, but it’s really a bad nightmare. “Someone I trusted turned his back on me,” Young said. The crowd cheered. Young said everyone put their trust in MVP, hoping for change or anything besides Dixie Carter.

Young gathered himself and promised that this will not happen on his watch. He told MVP that he will have to take the TNA Title from him. He said all MVP had to do was ask for a title shot, but since he didn’t go that route, he better be careful what he wishes for. “Because I’m not right,” he said. Young shouted at MVP to come out here and fight him right now.

MVP responded from the video screen. He said Young can throw all the verbal jabs he wants, but he’s wasting his time. MVP told Young he should be thankful that he even put him in the #1 gauntlet match. He didn’t think Young had any chance of winning, but all it did was speed up his plan to get to the TNA Title. MVP said definitive power is with the title. He said the pencil-pushing business as Director of Wrestling Operations is for the suits in Nashville.

MVP referenced L.A. Clippers owner Donald Sterling, saying he’s lost all power. But, he wants power and it comes with the TNA Title. But, he’ll let Young keep the title for a few more weeks until Slammiversary. Then, Young can return to being an insignificant nobody.

From the ring, Young said he wants to fight MVP tonight. MVP said if that’s how Young feels, he better be wary of his security. MVP walked off the backstage interview set. So, Young bailed from the ring and went looking for MVP.

Earlier this Week: Rockstar Spud was driving Dixie Carter around Nashville. They arrived at Dixie’s house, where Bully Ray had vandalized the exterior.

Announcers: Tenay and Taz hyped Dixie-Bully business throughout the show, plus an X Division Title match, Willow vs. Magnus & Bram, and more.

Video Review: Magnus’s old buddy, Bram, showed up to confront Magnus about going soft.

Somewhere: Jeff Hardy/Willow talked in his mysterious way about facing Magnus and Bram tonight. “Approach me now and await your fate,” he said twice.

[Commercial Break at 9:11]


Somewhere: Jeff Hardy/Willow was shown pacing around on a staircase. Magnus found him and tried to attack him, but Hardy knocked him down the stairs. Hardy beat Magnus toward the production area, then Bram attacked Hardy from behind. Magnus and Bram continued to beat up Hardy ringside, then knocked him into the ring to officially start the match.

1 — JEFF HARDY/WILLOW vs. MAGNUS & BRAM — handicap match

Bram, who could pass for Paul Burchill, knocked around Hardy early on. Magnus also tagged in and worked on Hardy, who eventually fought back on Bram. Hardy dropkicked Bram across the ring, then landed a corner attack. Bram then cut off Hardy, tagged in Magnus, and decided now was the time to go under the ring. The crowd quieted down, then Bram pulled out a weapon. He rolled it at Magnus’s feet, but Magnus said he doesn’t want to use it and get DQ’ed. Hardy then small-packaged Magnus for the pin and the win.

Post-match: Hardy got the heck out of the ring, then Bram reprimanded Magnus for not using the weapon he gave him to use. Magnus continued to hold his position that he’s not going to win like that, then walked out of the ring, not on the same page with Bram.

WINNER: Hardy at 4:15.

Backstage: Eric Young went looking for MVP, but MVP wasn’t in his office. Young overturned the rental furniture and started knocking things down. Young observed his handiwork, then walked off.

[Commercial Break at 9:23]

Dixie’s Home: Dixie Carter and Rockstar Spud checked out Bully Ray’s “art project.” Bully called Dixie and noted the phone call is coming from inside the house. Dixie angrily approached the front door, then told Spud to go in ahead of her and find Bully.

Impact Zone: Back in Orlando, Gail Kim was introduced to the ring for Knockouts action. Gail said she’s not here for make-overs or evening gown matches. Gail’s big babyface line was not how many matches she’s won to be deserving of a top spot in the division, but being the hardest-working Knockout on the roster. Gail said she’s ready to fight.

[Q3] The Beautiful People’s music played to bring out Knockouts champion Angelina Love and Velvet Sky. Angelina said Gail looks ugly in “jealousy” and her outfit is awful. She said Gail is a darn good wrestler, but she isn’t the champ and never will be the champ. Angelina and Sky hit the ring, where Angelina said they accept Gail’s challenge. Velvet the blind-sided Gail and Angelina called for their personal referee, Stiffler.

2 — GAIL KIM vs. VELVET SKY (w/KO champion Angelina Love)

Velvet controlled early on after cheating to get the advantage. Velvet knocked Gail to the outside, where Angelina got in some offense while Stiffler distracted himself. Back in the ring, Velvet put a bag over Gail’s head and kicked her. But, Velvet continued to toy around instead of getting the win, allowing Gail to surprise Velvet with Eat Defeat for the win.

Afterward, Angelina attacked Gail from behind as ref Stiffler pretended to act upset by the sneak attack. Beautiful People stood tall over Gail.

WINNER: Gail Kim at 3:42, indirectly establishing Gail as next in-line for a KO Title shot.

Backstage: The Menagerie was shown walking around. They’re in action next.

[Commercial Break at 9:37]

Last Thursday: Kurt Angle lost to Ethan Carter III and sold a major knee injury. TNA then cut to post-match interview footage of ECIII bragging to Jeremy Borash about tearing his ACL. Carter said if that’s Angle’s last match, then what a way to go out against him. Carter then declared this his world now after taking out another legend.

Impact Zone: Kazarian was introduced for the next match. As Kazarian bounced down to the ring doing his usual ring intro, Tenay said it’s a “fired up” Kazarian seeking revenge on The Menagerie after last week’s events. Menagerie’s music then played to bring out Rebel and Crazy Steve, who was set to face Kaz. The Freak and Knux followed out to observe Crazy Steve in singles action trying to get money to send back to the carnival.


3 — CRAZY STEVE (w/The Menagerie) vs. KAZARIAN

Steve stumbled into the ring as the full ring entrance played out. The announcers tried to find ways to fill time as the entrance went on for a while. The bell eventually sounded, but the music kept playing. Steve tried to hand his balloons to the ref, then handed it to Kaz, who slapped Crazy Steve. The music kept playing, then Kaz chucked Steve through the ropes to the floor. The music looped for the third or fourth time as Steve did some weird stretching bit.

Steve then placed balloons in the center of the ring and splashed one or two of them. He popped the remaining balloons, then The Freak did something on the ring apron. Rebel did something, then Steve pantsed the ref, so the ref DQ’ed Steve. Christy Hemme announced Kaz as the winner and The Menagerie didn’t seem to mind taking the loss. “I didn’t even know a match was going on,” Taz said. Steve posed with the rest of The Menagerie in the ring before TNA mercifully cut off the music and cut backstage.

WINNER: Kaz via DQ at 2:34. A mis-use of TV time. It’s a bush league act that should stay on the indies. But, that’s actually insulting to the independents. It just doesn’t make any sense at a fundamental level since the whole act was created for the storyline reason of Knux making money to send back to his hometown carnival, so if Crazy Steve loses a match, he’s not making any money to send back to the carnies.

Backstage: Austin Aries waited for MVP to come out of the restroom. Aries said MVP’s cheap suit didn’t fool him for a second, then Aries punched a security member. The others held Aries, who took a punch to the gut from MVP. Security then hauled Aries away. But, Eric Young jumped MVP. Tenay said the cameras are rolling.

[Commercial Break at 9:51]

Backstage: Eric Young was shown brawling with MVP around the backstage area. MVP reversed a whip into a trunk, then put Young’s arm inside a steel chair. MVP smashed the chair and Young sold intense arm pain. MVP then wrapped his tie around Young and tried hanging him over his back.

The fight moved into a quiet Impact Zone, where MVP continued to beat up Young until Young made a comeback, which woke up the crowd. Young knocked down MVP on the stage, but walked into a boot to the gut. MVP then lit up Young with knees to the mid-section before knocking him down the ramp. MVP and Young continued to brawl ringside, then MVP kicked Young’s left arm. Two fans on the front row cheered on MVP, who then rolled Young into the ring.

Now in the ring, Young teased fighting back as MVP taunted him to fight back. Young came back with a kick out of the corner, then he tackled MVP center-ring. Young landed right hands, but MVP turned the tables. Security eventually hit the ring to pull MVP off Young to a quiet response. Some of the crowd tried to make some noise with a “Let Them Fight” chant, then Young went after MVP.

[Q5 — second hour] MVP and Young broke free from security, then MVP told security to leave the ring. Well, except for two security members who held Young for MVP to deliver a low blow. Then, MVP told them to get out of the ring. MVP scooped up a lifeless Young and delivered a single-arm DDT to the injured arm. Young writhed in pain, then MVP took the mic.

MVP said Young made his point, and he will get his TNA World Title match. Tonight. Taz said that’s pretty convenient agreeing to the title match after injuring Young. MVP headed to the back as Young sold the arm injury in the ring.

Announcers: Tenay and Taz were shown on-camera reacting to the events. Tenay hyped Young vs. MVP for the TNA Title tonight and ntoed the title is in jeopardy.

Dixie’s Home: Rockstar Spud surveyed damage done by Bully Ray. Spud stopped when he heard Bully’s voice somewhere in the house. Bully then spotted the cameraman following Spud around and found Spud hiding behind a couch. Ray told the cameraman not to go anywhere.

Impact Zone: Mr. Anderson was introduced for the next match. Anderson’s music stopped, then he introduced himself to a quiet Impact Zone. Anderson hit the ring and waited for James Storm, who was introduced next.

[Commercial Break at 10:05]


The match quickly moved to the floor, where Anderson rammed Storm head-first into the guardrail. Meanwhile, Tenay hyped the Joker’s Wild on-demand PPV. Storm came back with an arm snap across the ring steps. Anderson sold pain as he rolled back into the ring. Anderson and Storm went back and forth in the ring, then Storm trapped ref Stiffler to deliver a low-blow out of the ref’s view. Storm tried a pin with his feet on the ropes, but Stiffler stopped his count at two and reprimanded Storm.

Storm followed up with a spike DDT for a two count. Storm, frustrated, contemplated his next move, then rolled out of the ring. Storm grabbed a beer bottle, took a sip, re-entered the ring, and Anderson gripped him for Mic Check, but Storm spewed beer in Anderson’s face when the ref turned his back to dispose of the beer bottle. It allowed Storm to superkick Anderson for the pin and the win.

WINNER: Storm at 4:58.

[Q6] Last Month: Mr. Anderson “committed” Sam Shaw with help from Christy Hemme at Sacrifice.

Video: Sam Shaw, in a straightjacket, was shown sitting down in an all-white padded room. A random man told Sam that someone is here to see him. Shaw repeated Christy’s name, then demanded to know if it’s her.

[Commercial Break at 10:17]

Video Package: Sanada in the gym running the treadmill. TNA showed Sanada studying his matches ahead of tonight’s show. He said he must be more prepared than all of his opponents.

In-ring: Christy Hemme was standing by to introduce D.J. Zema as the first participant in the title match. Zema came out sporting taped ribs selling the effects of taking a beating during last week’s Tag Title ladder match. Tigre Uno was out next, followed by the X champ Sanada.

5 — X Division champion SANADA vs. TIGRE UNO vs. D.J. ZEMA — three-way match for the X Division Title

As the bell sounded, Tenay hyped Destination X occurring this summer. Tenay noted the X Titleholder has a chance to cash in for a TNA Title shot at DX. Suddenly, the discussion shifted to Bully Ray inside Dixie Carter’s house right now. Tenay said he thinks something will go down tonight. The commentary track shifted back to the match, which followed a pattern of two in and one out. Tigre then knocked both men out of the ring and double-splashed them.

Back in the ring, Tigre wanted a top-rope move on D.J. Zema, but Zema crotched him. Sanada then came off the top with a chop to D.J. Z’s head. Sanada followed up with a Tiger Suplex with a bridge pin for the pin and the win.

WINNER: Sanada at 5:23 to retain the X Division Title. Fine match, but Sanada needs some stars to work with.

[Q7] Dixie’s Home: The phone rang. Dixie, standing outside her house, frantically asked Spud if Bully’s in the house. Bully answered and told Dixie that it’s a shame Dixie is all alone.

[Commercial Break at 10:31]

Video: Samuel Shaw was still sitting in the padded room. Gunner then walked into the room and squatted down next to Shaw. Gunner said he’s here because he thinks Shaw needs someone to talk to. No response from Shaw.

Video Package: Ethan Carter III took out Kurt Angle last week on Impact. Tenay and Taz wished Angle the best in his recovery and said they hope to see Angle back in the ring “real soon.”

Dixie’s Home: Carter walked around her house looking for Bully while sounding scared on the phone. Dixie then found Spud selling pain on the floor. Ray was hiding behind the door, and he asked Dixie if she thought this would come to this. Ray said Dixie has caused all of this. “I’m standing in your home because of you,” he said. If only Dixie didn’t do what she did at Sacrifice. Dixie sold being terrified and breathed heavily as if she just finished a mile run. Dixie stammered that she wants all of this to end and for him to leave her home. Bully told Dixie to make it all go away by saying: “Dixie Carter fears Bully Ray.” Suddenly, Ethan Carter III was in the room. ECIII blasted Ray from behind. “Dixie Carter fears no one!” Dixie shouted down at Bully. Dixie calmed her breathing and locked eyes with ECIII.

Backstage: MVP was shown taping up for the main event title match.

[Commercial Break at 10:41]

Video Review: MVP cancelled Bobby Roode’s TNA Title shot last week, sent Roode home, suspended him (after the fact), and MVP turned heel on EY to get a title shot tonight. On commentary, Taz said he’s sure Roode will be back … pause … “sooner or later.”

[Q8] Impact Zone: TNA champ Eric Young was introduced to the ring for the main event. Young tried to get the crowd engaged as he marched to the ring holding his left arm to sell pain from the earlier attack. MVP was introduced next and sauntered down to the ring selling this being an easy match victory. Suddenly, EY attacked MVP ringside. But, MVP whipped Young shoulder-first into the ring steps, targeting the injury. MVP continued the attack heading to break.

[Commercial Break at 10:50]

6 — TNA World Hvt. champion ERIC YOUNG vs. MVP — TNA World Title match

The bell sounded back from break to officially begin the match. MVP took his time wearing down Young as the announcers played it up like there’s no way Young will retain the title in this situation. Young then mounted a comeback before climbing to the top turnbuckle. Suddenly, Kenny King hit the ringside area and assaulted Young. The ref called for the bell.

WINNER: Young via DQ at 3:13; Young retained the TNA Title.

Post-match: King attacked Young, then MVP demanded that referee Brian Hebner restart the match. Brian refused to, so King kicked him. MVP asked King what he’s doing as Taz tried to figure out what’s going on. MVP and King then put the boots to Young as Taz brought up King hating MVP recently. MVP then patted King on the head as Tenay noted this doesn’t make any sense.

Suddenly, Bobby Lashley’s music played. King and MVP sold fear, the announcers thought Lashley was coming to make the save, but then Lashley speared Young. Lashley played to the crowd, then King brought weapons into the ring. Lashley and MVP shared a laugh, then King set up Lashley to slam Young into a chair. MVP said one thing is missing. He held up the TNA Title belt while standing over EY, then MVP’s music played. Taz said everyone better pay attention to MVP, King, and Lashley. “This is bad,” Taz said. MVP, King, and Lashley posed, Young sold in the ring, and Tenay said TNA has been turned upside-down in one night.

Next Week: TNA had footage cued up from next week hyping MVP, Eric Young, and Dixie Carter ready to explode in the Impact Zone.

FINAL THOUGHTS: It’s not so much that none of this makes sense right now – and I’m sure TNA will try to explain away everything – it’s to the point where they do this so often that a portion of the audience is just giving up and not interested in the explanation. The ratings point to that. I’m sure TNA’s eventual explanation will have a shred of “oh okay, that could works,” but it’s like having to explain a really complicated joke – it just falls flat. And, most importantly, whatever emotional response TNA is going for isn’t there with how frequently characters shift around and how dull the Impact Zone environment is as these developments play out.

RECOMMENDED: 10 YRS AGO – KELLER’S TNA IMPACT REPORT (5-7-09): Styles, Samoa Joe, Angle, Sting, Nash, Steiner, Foley, Jarrett, Black Machismo (Jay Lethal), Consequences Creed (Xavier Woods)


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