Viewership for first two TNA airings on Pop TV

By James Caldwell, PWTorch assistant editor


TNA on Pop TV – December 29

Part 2 of TNA’s “Best of 2015” special drew a few more viewers than Part 1 on Pop TV.

The airing on Tuesday, Dec. 29 drew 136,000 viewers, up from 111,000 viewers for the short-notice Pop debut on Dec. 22.

The episode was again outdrawn by its lead-in, a “Days of Our Lives” soap opera airing, which drew 213,000 viewers.

It was a similar demographic situation with Days of Our Lives splitting 20 percent males and 80 percent females. Then, TNA flipped to 57 percent males and 43 percent females.

Through two airings, TNA has faced the hurdle of trying to create an entire new audience with male-centered programming on a female-centric cable channel.

At least this week, TNA outdrew the movie that followed Impact…

– 8:00 p.m. EST: Days of Our Lives drew 213,000 viewers

– 9:00 p.m. EST: TNA drew 136,000 viewers

– 11:00 p.m. EST: “August Rush” drew 98,000 viewers in late-night, down from 129k viewers for “Point Break” last week.


TNA on Pop TV – December 22

The first TNA program to air on Pop TV drew just over 100,000 viewers on Tuesday night, December 22.

Part 1 of the “Best of TNA in 2015” drew 111,000 viewers, down 100,000 viewers from the lead-in. The follow-up programming in late night drew more viewers with 129,000 viewers.

The progression was as follows…

– 8:00 p.m. EST: Days of Our Lives drew 211,000 viewers

– 9:00 p.m. EST: TNA drew 111,000 viewers

– 11:05 p.m. EST: “Point Break” movie drew 129,000 viewers

Pop TV aired a block of soap opera programming from 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. EST that skewed heavily toward the female demographic.

Viewers were in for a surprise when TNA Impact came on at 9:00, as the audience flipped to a male-skewing audience. However, not enough of the soap-opera audience was replaced by viewers who were aware of TNA having programming on a new night on a new channel on short notice.

Last week’s TNA Impact on Destination America on Wednesday night advertised a “Best Of” airing this Wednesday on Dest. America. That was moved to Pop, creating a litmus test for how many viewers TNA reached through social media and their website, had access to Pop, and then tuned in.

Part 2 of the “Best Of” is next Tuesday, Dec. 29. This leads into Impact’s semi-live debut on Tuesday, January 5.

Days of Our Lives – 8:00 p.m.

  • 211,000 viewers
  • 27 percent males 18-49 and 73 percent females 18-49
  • Median Age: 58.0

TNA Best Of – 9:00 p.m.

  • 111,000 viewers
  • 60 percent males 18-49 and 40 percent females 18-49
  • Median Age: 52.7

Point Break – 11:05 p.m.

  • 129,000 viewers
  • 65 percent males 18-49 and 35 percent females 18-49
  • Median Age: 43.8

3 Comments on Viewership for first two TNA airings on Pop TV

    • That’s what TNA fanboys say every time they move. When they were down to averaging 900K fans on Spike: “Wait til they move to Destination America”. When they averaged 250K fans on DA: “wait til the audience catches on”, then “wait til they get a new channel”. Now, they can barely get half the audience of a soap opera re-run

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