SEPTEMBER 26, 2017
Announcers: Vic Joseph, Byron Saxton
-They opened with a three and a half minute video package with highlights of Enzo celebrating his Cruiserweight Title victory including bragging that he made 205 “relevant.” Then it jumped to Neville stepping out and staring him down and saying he is nothing but a disgrace. He said he has made a joke of the division, the men in it, and “his” championship. They showed Enzo’s low kick to end the match. He said he won’t let him make a joke out of him. “On behalf of the entire Cruiserweight Division, I am here to end you,” he said. Then they showed Enzo earlier getting Kurt Angle to agree to give him a “no contact” clause. Enzo threw that in Neville’s face, but Neville attacked him anyway. They showed Neville stuffing the “no contact” clause in his mouth and kicking him, then landing a Red Arrow.
-The 205 Live opening played.
-They showed the crowd cheering as Joseph introduced the show.
-Enzo made his full ring entrance. The crowd seemed not sure how to react. Enzo came out limping with a crutch and his face bruised up. Saxton said he’s surprised he has a pulse.
Enzo introduced himself in the aisle with his usual catch phrases. Some cheers, but less than usual. He apologized for how long it took to enter the ring. He said he’s got to keep it real. He said last night he was “really, really hurt.” He seemed a little choked up and even introspective. He said he is smiling and hides it so well, “almost as well as Cedric Alexander hides his charisma.” He said Enzo hasn’t called out sick an entire day in his career. “I take that stage and I’m the same guy backstage as I am on that stage,” he said. “That guy is a star, that guy is a champion, that guy is the guy who put 205 Live on the map. You know I’m right.” He said he’s the reason the 205 Live title means something.
He said as far as Neville is concerned, “Do you realize he has to wake up and look in the mirror?” He said, “That’s the punchline. He’s ugly.” He said there is more to the story regarding how he, Enzo, looks. He then threw to highlights of what happened after Raw went off the air.
Braun Strowman came out after Raw went off the air and attacked Enzo with a powerslam. Then the rest of the cruiserweights took turns giving their finishers to Enzo one after another. The crowd chanted “You deserve it!” Enzo seemed slightly taken aback by the reaction. Back live, he said they’re right, he does deserve the Cruiserweight Title. He said last night was supposed to be a great night. He said he even flew his mother out to watch the show. He said his mother watched from the front row and cried her eyes out because she had to sit there and watch a monster and an entire cruiserweight division black and blue her son’s beautiful eyes while he was trying to keep his intestines in tact. He said she covered her eyes but her ears were open. And she heard fans chanting “One more time!” The crowd live joined in.
He said the same haters who were echoing it last night were the same haters who probably thought Neville was a prince in shining armor trying to save the Cruiserwight Division. He said Neville isn’t Jamie Lanister, “but make no mistake about it, winter is coming.” He said he will be able to put his title on ice. He said he had a clause in his hands which said any cruiserweight who puts his hands on him forfeits his opportunity to get a title shot. He said since each of them laid a hand on him, it looks like he’ll retire as champion. He said Neville broke the clause first, so “you ugly Golem vs. Frodo combination, you Keibler elf looking shmuck, you’ll never lay your hands on it again.” The crowd chanted along with him as he finished with his catch phrase.
-Saxton said he’s not sure how things work on 205 Live, since this is his first time on 205 Live, but can the title really be put on ice? The announcers, otherwise, didn’t express any judgment on Enzo’s words or the beatdown he took the night before.
-Drew Gulak walked backstage in a suit with his “No Chants” sign irritating people he walked past. [c]
Gulak joined the announcers on commentary. Tozawa came out first, then Nese. On his way to the ring, Nese said he is the premiere athlete and he has eight reasons he is better than everyone there. He counted his ab muscles. Joseph asked Gulak how he can approve Gulak because he’s showboating, something you’re against. Gulak said he’s just stating the truth. Gulak flexed and showed off his biceps. Tozawa got the crowd barking along with him. Nese knocked Tozawa off balance on the top rope, then kicked him in the exposed mid-section. Then he gave him a gut-buster for a near fall.
When Tozawa made a comeback and dove into Nese and knocked him into the announce table, Gulak yelled at Towawa, “That was high risk; it should have been in the ring!” Tozawa rallied inside the ring and eventually landed his top rope senton splash for the win.
WINNER: Tozawa in 8:00.
(Keller’s Analysis: I love how straight Gulak plays his anti-highspot no-fun character. Nice action with the expected result.)
-Afterward Gulak played a siren horn (which has to freak people out sitting on a toilet in the bathrooms in the arena). He entered the ring and said Tozawa is in direct violation of Proposal #3 in his plan to improve 205 Live. Drew spoke in Japanese and asked Tozawa if he comprehended. Tozawa reacted in a way that suggested he didn’t make any sense. Gulak then said he can inform everyone now of Proposal #7 for the first time, which Tozawa is also in violation of. He said he’d now continue his Powerpoint Presentation
He revealed Rule #: No Celebrating. He said he has a dream of a Drewtopia where talented ground-based athletes can compete in peace and shake hands before and after every match and not have to deal with mindless celebrating. He said celebrations and chants turn fans into mindless sheep. He said they might as well be chanting “Bah! Bah! Bah!” Tozawa then gave him a tornado kick. Drew got knocked to the floor. Tozawa then began barking “Ah! Ah! Ah!” from the second rope.
-Backstage Enzo limped backstage and talked to himself. He told his belt they were chanting “You deserve it.” He said there has never been a more correct crowd in his life. He said he earned it. Ariya Daivari showed up and apologized to him. Enzo said, “Oh, an apology? Not accepted. How ya’ doin?” Daivari admitted that he was susceptible to mob mentality and peer pressure, something Enzo would never fall prey to because he’s original and he’s amazing. Enzo asked if he looks like a piece of toast. “Quit trying to butter me up, bro,” Enzo said. Daivari said it was all Neville’s plan and he orchestrated the entire thing. Enzo said he knew it. Daivari said Neville has always been trying to get him. Daivari said he could be a big star outside of the Cruiserweight Division and even outside of WWE. He said Neville is trying to drag him down. Daivari said he wants to be Enzo’s friend and ally and wants to watch his back. Enzo said where he grew up, people had to earn their stripes and prove they wanted to keep it 100. Daivari said he wants him to watch his match with Neville tonight and he’ll see he is sincere. Enzo said he’d not just watch, he’ll be in his corner. Daivari shook his hand and said, “How you doin’?” Enzo yanked his arm and said sternly, “Don’t you ever do that again.” He smiled and Daivari smiled. Saxton said he doesn’t know if Daivari deserves a Chapstik or an Academy Award for that performance.
(Keller’s Analysis: By every measure, Enzo is a heel at this point, but as long as he has clever one-liners some are going to cheer for him or at least pop for his jokes. And kids are going to still like him because he’s such a character. It’s fascinating to watch a “rib” on Enzo manifest into all of this, including Neville turning in what amounts to a rare double-turn.)
-They showed the clip fro last week of Swann turning down TJP for another match, and then TJP kicking Swann in retaliation later in the show.
-A soundbite aired with TJP. He said when Swann said they couldn’t have another match or it would cost them their friendship, he did the only logic thing and ended their friendship.
(Keller’s Analysis: I like the edgier TJP demeanor and look there.)
-TJP made his ring entrance for his match with Lince Dorado. Then Dorado began his ring entrance. Swann charged to the ring right past Dorado. He attacked TJP. (Poor Lince! He’s never going to get to wrestle on 205 Live again, is he?) TJP bailed out to avoid a spin kick from Swann and escaped into the crowd. Swann’s music played and he stared at TJP from the ring.
-A clip aired of Jack Gallagher and Brian Kendrick attacking Cedric Alexander last week, cementing Gallagher’s turn. Joseph plugged that Gallagher would face Cedric next week on 205 Live.
-Backstage in front of a metal fence in the background, Kendrick and Gallagher cut a promo. Gallagher said they are working together now. Kendrick said they could explain it, but they’re going to show everyone. Gallagher said: “We’re here to teach you poor unfortunatel people. After all, actions speak louder than words, and what action speaks louder than cruelty? Cruelty is a gift humanity has given itself. It’s like the coming of summer after those cold, snowy months. Seasons must change and leaves must fall like the weak.” He told Cedric to enjoy his sunny days because next week begins the autumn of his life and a cruel winter on 205 Live.
(Keller’s Analysis: No one else could have pulled off those lines like Gallagher with his accent and overall delivery and look, but it fit. I like this new Gallagher and I like the Kendrick-Gallagher alliance.) [c]
-Neville made his ring entrance and was greeted by some boos but also some scattered “Neville!” chants. He said he has heard what everybody is saying, that yesterday he acted irrationally and am descending into madness. He asked for an opportunity to explain himself. He said last night he knew exactly what he was doing and it was the night of his life. Hilarious delivery of that line as he stared into the hard camera. He said he is aware he sacrificed his championship rematch by defying the no contact clause as established by Kurt Angle. “But you know what? I don’t care. And given the opportunity I will do it again. And again. And again. So my advice to little Muscles Marinara, keep one eye open buddy because you never know where this creature is going to be lurking, eager to feed off of your pain and misery because I refuse to allow 205 Live to degenerate at the hands of such a talentless little rat.”
(Keller’s Analysis: I like this version of Neville. Just wanting too devour Enzo makes him a babyface, and he’s kind of badass in caring more about taking down Enzo than getting his title back, but it only works because of how obnoxious Enzo is.)
(2) NEVILLE vs. ARIYA DAIVARI (w/Enzo Amore)
Enzo accompanied Daivari to the ring. Neville slid out of the ring as soon as the match began and went after Enzo. Daivari attacked him from behind and threw him into the ringside barrier three times. Daivari said, “This is for you, Enzo!” Enzo said he’s doing great, better than he’s ever seen. “I love it almost as much as Neville loves his precious!” He maniacally taunted Neville, rubbing his belt and saying, “Do you want your precious?!” He continued to toss Neville around the ring. He set him on the top rope, then planted him neckbreaker style onto the mat. The ref stopped counting at one because Neville’s feet were in the ropes. Daivari complained, then kicked at Neville. Neville eventually avoided a top rope frog splash. He made a comeback with a series of kicks and then the went after Enzo at ringside again. Enzo threatened to hit him with a crutch. Daivari blindsided Enzo with a sidekick and then went for his lariat finisher. Neville then quickly applied the Rings of Saturn. Enzo attacked him with his crutch, costing Neville the tapout win.
WINNER: Neville via DQ in 5:00.
(Keller’s Analysis: Pretty one dimensional match, but it told its intended story well.)
-Enzo really battered Neville over and over with the crutch. Two referees ran to the ring and told him to stop. Enzo punched away at Neville and trash-talked him. He mounted him and threw elbows to the head as Neville covered up. Enzo asked the fans if they don’t want to cheer. He mocking chanted “You deserve it! You deserve it!” Saxton said he called Enzo a friend at one time, but he doesn’t know who this man is. Joseph said Neville stood up for the entire Cruiserweight Division last night, but Enzo is the only man standing tonight.
NOW CHECK OUT LAST WEEK’S REPORT: KELLER’S 205 LIVE REPORT 9/19: Neville turns crowd against Enzo in remarkable segment, Kendrick vs. Alexander, Tozawa vs. Dar
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