TNA IMPACT TV RESULTS (3/6): Lilly’s report on the Hardys vs. the Colons, Femi and Moose Face to Face, Elijah vs. Myers

By Darrin Lilly, PWTorch Contributor


MARCH 6, 2025

-Commentators: Tom Hannifan, Matthew Rehwoldt

-Recap of last week’s highlights.

(1) ELIJAH vs. BRIAN MYERS (w/Alisha Edwards)

Elijah attacked Myers at the bell. They fought on the outside. Fans were into Elijah. Elijah did a rope walk. Alisha got on the apron to cause a distraction, which allowed Myers to get the advantage. Elijah made a comeback. Eddie Edwards got on the apron, but Eljah threw Myers into Eddie. Elijah gave Myers a Tombstone piledriver and got the pin.

WINNER: Elijah.

The System attacked Elijah after the match. Joe Hendry ran in with a white guitar to run off The System.

Gia Miller interviewed Ace Austin and The Rascalz. They talked about facing the Northern Armory tonight and Wes Lee’s team at Sacrifice. Ace said there were questions about if they could trust each other. Zachary Wentz said they would focus on tonight. Trey Miguel said “smoke ’em if you got ’em.” [c]

-AJ Francis & KC Navarro came out to the stage for another edition of the First Class Penthouse. AJ introduced “KO” but then said it was “K-NO” and introduced KC Navarro instead. Steve Maclin interrupted and took the mic.

Maclin told KC to shut his mouth. He called him “Scappy Doo” and called AJ “Temu Suge Knight.” They agreed to a match later.


They had an exchange at the start with Evans using her power and Xia using her quickness. Rosemary was shown looking from the rafters. Evans got the upper hand. Xia made a comeback. Xia hesitated after thinking that Evans was hurt. Evans put Xia away after a clothesline from behind. [c]

WINNER: Savannah Evans.

-Spitfire ran into Ash & Heather by Elegance’s hotel room and woke them up to do their hair. Ash and Heather had makeup and clothes like Spitfire. They went to the park. Ash and Heather ate food that they didn’t want.

(3) MIKE SANTANA vs. JOHN SKYLER (w/Mustafa Ali)

Skyler did mic work on the way to the ring and said he would take care of the Santana problem. Santana won the match quickly after a powerbomb.

WINNER: Mike Santana.

Jason Hotch tried to attack Santana, but Santana laid him out with the Spin the Block clothesline. Santana picked up a weapon. Ali appeared on the screen, drank coffee, and said that Santana was unhinged. He said that TNA should be a safe work environment, so Santana had been randomly selected for a urine sample. An official came out and gave Santana a cup. [c]

(4) STEVE MACLIN vs. AJ FRANCIS (w/KC Navarro)

The end came when the Northern Armory got on the apron to cause a distraction. Maclin did a dive on AJ to the outside. Maclin confronted the Northern Armory on the stage and told them to leave. AJ used the distraction to chokeslam Maclin and get the pin.

WINNER: AJ Francis.

-Clip of Ryan Nemeth wanting to join Matt Hardy, Joe Hendry, Leon Slater, and Elijah. Matt did a Facetime call with Nic. Matt said he wanted Nic as his partner at Sacrifice. Nic said “we” are in. Matt informed Nic that Ryan was never part of the team because no one wanted him. Nic told Matt that he knows what it’s like to have a brother. Nic said he understood and said he wanted Matt to let him be the one to tell Ryan he wasn’t on the team. Matt revealed that Ryan was in the room already and had heard. Ryan said he was going to cry. He said, “I hate you all” and stormed out of the room. [c]

-Steve Maclin confronted the Northern Armory backstage. Eric Young said he was doing this for Maclin. Maclin said he doesn’t trust in this. Young said he knows what’s better for Maclin and to let the truth guide him.

Frankie Kazarian mocked Maclin for losing to AJ Francis and for turning his back on the only person that cared about him. Maclin urged him not to do this right now.

-Clips of the Hardys and Moose on NXT from earlier in the week.

Oba Femi/Moose Face to Face segment. Femi came out first. Moose brought The System and a line of security with him. Moose said the security was there to protect Femi. Femi asked Moose why he was challenging him now. Moose said he has patience and fights for the biggest prize, so he waited until Femi won the NXT Title.

Femi said that Moose hasn’t faced anyone like him, and he would walk out the winner. Moose said he has been the face of TNA but after beating Femi, he would be the face of NXT and there was nothing Femi could do about it. Femi wanted everyone else to leave the ring so they could fight. JDC said the first security person who jumped Femi could be in The System tonight. All of the security guys attacked Femi, but he fought them off. Femi took out JDC and Brian Myers, then threw a security member outside.

The System attacked Femi, but he fought them. Moose finally gave Femi a spear. Moose raised both title belts in the air.

-Fraxiom promo. They talked about their match against the Hardys. They complimented the Hardys for being legends, but said they would win. They said they would be watching when the Hardys face the Colons.

-The participants in the 6-man match did their ring entrances. [c]

(5) ACE AUSTIN & THE RASCALZ (Trey Miguel & Zachary Wentz) vs. THE NORTHERN ARMORY (Eric Young & Judas Icarus & Travis Williams)

After some back and forth action, Ace threw all three members of the Northern Armory to the floor, then Ace and The Rascalz did a triple dive to the outside. The Rascalz did a double superkick on Williams on the outside. Young hit Wentz on the outside to give his team the advantage.

Wentz gave Williams a jumping knee. He tried to make a tag, but the Northern Armory pulled his partners off the apron. Wentz finally made the tag to Ace. Young and Ace had an exchange. The Rascalz pulled the Armory off the apron. Trey tagged in and hit some moves on Young. Wentz got a two count on Young. The Rascalz double teamed Young and got a two count. Everyone exchanged moves. Wes Lee, Tyson, and Tyriek came to ringside and caused a distraction. Young gave Trey a piledriver and got the pin.

WINNERS: The Northern Armory in 10:00.

-Mike Santana confronted Santino Marella in the hallway and objected to taking a urine test. Santino said that Ali went above his head. He urged Santana to do it anyway and prove Ali wrong. Santana saw Tasha yelling at someone for getting a coffee order wrong. Santana smiled at the camera. He told the guy not to let anyone talk to him like that and that it was his lucky day. Santana took the guy’s cup and walked into a restroom. [c]

-Spitfire made Ash & Heather by Elegance be their training partners in a gym. The Concierge was in disguise as a janitor and helped Ash & Heather attack Spitfire. All three fled the scene.

-Masha Slamovich came to the ring for a promo. She talked about having a target on her back, but that’s okay because she’s built for war. She said that Cora Jade was stepping into a fight and wouldn’t be walking out.

Cora walked to the stage. She said Masha’s days are numbered. She said Masha is overhyped and promised to expose Masha’s weaknesses. She vowed to be the first NXT Superstar to win the TNA Knockouts Title. Masha said that Cora would be exposed at Sacrifice.

As Cora neared the ring, Tessa Blanchard attacked Masha. Cora and Tessa attacked Masha, until Lei Ying Lee made the save.

-Tasha gave Mustafa Ali the coffee cup. Tasha said that Santana’s test came back negative. Ali drank the “coffee”, winced, and said it was great. He looked like he was about to throw up. [c]

-Ryan Nemeth walked to the stage to announce that his brother Nic would return in eight days.


The Hardys received a huge reaction. The Hardys had the early advantage, causing the Colons to regroup on the outside. [c]

The Colons had the upper hand. Fraxiom was shown watching a monitor backstage. Jeff made the hot tag and ran wild on the Colons. Matt and Jeff both hit a Twist of Fate. Jeff took his shirt off, but The System ran in and attacked the Hardys. Joe Hendry, Elijah, and Leon Slater ran in for the save.

WINNERS: Matt & Jeff Hardy by DQ in 8:00.

Santino’s music played and he walked to the stage.  He said they had to restore order, so he made a 10-man tag match in a cage at Sacrifice.

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