NXT TV RESULTS (2/25): Wells’s live report on Hardy Boyz vs. No Quarter Catch Crew, Ricky Saints & Je’Von Evans vs. Ethan Page & Wes Lee, Moose, Stephanie Vaquer, more


FEBRUARY 25, 2025

NXT Commentators: Corey Graves, Vic Joseph, Booker T

Ring Announcer: Mike Rome

Backstage Correspondent(s): Sarah Schreiber


-Earlier tonight, many of tonight’s competitors arrived. The Hardy Boyz got a big reaction.

(1) STEPHANIE VAQUER (c) vs. KARMEN PETROVIC (w/Ashante Thee Adonis)

Adonis wore a black and white cowboy getup that honestly looked pretty sharp. The referee didn’t look familiar, so either I’ve blinked and missed him or he’s just hitting TV.

Grappling to start. Petrovic got shoved and they reset. Vaquer rolled up Petrovic for a long two in the early going. Vaquer blocked Petrovic to the mat and then trapped Petrovic on a leapfrog setup for two. Petrovic managed a crucifix for two, then went into a very cool full nelson with the legs, but Vaquer broke free quickly. Petrovic charged Vaquer to the corner and hit a running elbow, then a back elbow for two. To a corner, Petrovic hit a back kick, grounded Vaquer, and landed another kick for two. After some reversals, Vaquer hit a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker and a couple of leg drops for two.

Vaquer washed Petrovic in the corner a couple of times, then missed double knees as Adonis helped Petrovic escape. Vaquer headed outside and Petrovic hit her with a cross-body, but it was pretty tentative as they were on the announce table side with very little space to work with. Petrovic was in control, and she and Adonis posed to boos heading into split-screen. [c]

Vaquer took control with a dropkick, then put the palm strikes to Petrovic. Vaquer hit her knee strikes to the mat. Vic said “someone needs to get Booker a cigarette.” Vaquer rolled up Petrovic for two. Vaquer went for a double-underhook, but Petrovic threw a right. Vaquer went high and Petrovic landed a kick, then a Frankensteiner. She hit a spinning kick for two. Inside cradle by Vaquer for two. DDT and a rollup for two. Eat Da Feet and a crescent kick by Vaquer. Fate Kick set up Vaquer’s finisher, but Petrovic hit a superkick to cover for her own two count.

Boo/yeah shots commenced. To a corner, Vaquer caught a kick and hit a dragon screw. SVB finished.

WINNER: Stephanie Vaquer at 11:38.

After some celebration, Giulia’s music played her out to the ring. CW’s censor justified his job by killing the moment by a full twenty seconds of silence during a “holy shit” chant. Giulia said Vaquer was saying she was the best champion, but “you’re not: I am.” Giulia wanted to find out who the best woman is. Vaquer said they’re friends, but…title for title and champion vs. champion. Seriously?! Are they paring down the number of championships, or can we assume a screwjob of some kind?

(Wells’s Analysis: Petrovic got her first shot at a championship here, I think, and this came off strong. Vaquer looks good in any context, but Petrovic definitely brought it and kept up in this one. She doesn’t have half the aura that Stephanie has just by existing, but she’s finding her way in this heel role and improving all the time)

-Arianna Grace and Santino Marella were talking out on a balcony about how there was a TNA tag team championship match and now it’s on. Lola Vice showed up and said she was interested in a match tonight…unless nobody in her family ever taught her to fight. Marella shot Vice a look and then the cobra came up and Marella used his other arm to calm the cobra and say “take it easy.” The match was made for later on.

-Lexis King walked up to Oba Femi and said there would be a dream match tonight: Lexis King vs. Moose. The short scene went nowhere before it cut to commercial. [c]

-Locally, an ad for AEW Dynamite at the Roy Wilkins auditorium next month played. This is the venue NXT has always played when visiting St. Paul for house shows.

(2) MOOSE (c) vs. LEXIS KING – TNA X-Division Championship match

King indeed got something of a hometown pop, despite the odious character he’s playing. Mike Rome handled formal introductions; they don’t do that for North American Championship matches (or at least didn’t tonight). King’s pop during his entrance was very strong. Does Cincinnati really have so few stars? Moose was somewhat booed (though some were likely chanting Moose) but largely, he got very little reaction at all. I guess it isn’t a TNA kind of town.

“Lexis King” chant. Moose backed up King to a corner. Switch and a chop. Moose landed the next chop and indeed, a bunch of guys were yelling “Moose!” Moose tossed King and stalked him in a corner. King threw up a palm strike with little effect. Moose charged King to a corner, then missed a charge. King hit an enzuigiri over the ropes, then went in and tried to roll up Moose, but Moose powered out of it. King went high and Moose dropkicked him all the way to the floor. I guess there was another “holy shit” chant because they muted again. Moose beat King’s head into the announce table, then charged him to the steel steps. Moose tried to powerbomb King on the apron, but King fought it off, then hit a block from the apron to the floor.

Back inside, King tried something from the top, but Moose caught him and hit the Book End. Moose tried another powerbomb, but King wriggled free. King landed some rights, then charged Moose, who backdropped him high and over the top rope to the ramp. Wow. Time for another mute job. King sold it like death and he slowly crawled to the ring. Moose kicked down at him to boos. Oh, come on. If you love your guy, let him be a heel! Moose leaned into it and went back to the dismissive kicks. King got into it as well and fired up in babyface fashion.

King hit some combo offense and tried some knife-edge chops. He staggered Moose but couldn’t knock him down. Moose went for a pop-up powerbomb and King hit a huracanrana. “NXT” chant. I didn’t expect that to happen in a King match. Moose went outside and King hit a plancha. Back inside, high cross-body by King. He covered for two. After some reversals, Moose hit a high cross-body and a powerbomb fpr a very long two. The audience was shocked at the non-finish; so was I.

Moose measured King but ran into a superkick. Coronation got a very long two. Well, there’s your false finish. He went for another and Moose blocked. Spear and that’s all she wrote.

WINNER: Moose at 9:30.

Not long after the decision was rendered, Oba Femi’s music played him out to the ramp. He congratulated Moose on the win but said this was what everyone was waiting for. He said in two weeks, at Roadblock, they’ll face off. He said this also would be title vs. title.

(Wells’s Analysis: King gave it his all here and honestly had one of his best matches to date. I’ve gotten to recap Moose matches a couple of times as he’s worked stateside New Japan matches on occasion, and I’m always glad for the chance to see him. This audience didn’t seem to know him as well as the normal NXT audience in Orlando, but I think MSG will respond to him)

-Shawn Spears pre-taped segment. He ran down the members of his group: Brooks Jensen, Niko Vance and Izzi Dame. He put them all over as we got shots of them in rotating chairs. He said they had all made a transformation for the better. He said there was a new “family” in NXT and the only thing is to take the NXT North American Championship next week. Not a bad segment, but if they want me to get excited about a Spears vs. D’Angelo match, it might take a miracle.

-Jordynne Grace walked backstage ahead of a talk segment. [c]

-Earlier today on social media, Arianna Grace talked with Kelani Jordan on the bus. Grace asked Jordan about Jaida Parker, and she ran her down. Parker was not far in the background on the bus, and they started jawing as usual.

-Jordynne Grace hit the ramp with a mic. She said she knew where she belonged from the beginning. She said she showed up as an outsider, but once she felt the hunger in the locker room, she knew she had to be a part of it. She said she had one goal: to become a champion. She wanted to be the best wrestler in the world. She said the last time she was standing here, she was standing between two stars (Vaquer and Giulia). She said she felt the shift.

Roxanne Perez’s music played. She still goes here?! She said everyone wants to be part of the division she made famous. She said she put a brand on her back for twelve months. She said it was one thing to be on top of the Knockouts division – a big fish in a small pond – and another to be the best here. Grace said if this was her division, where’s her title? Perez asked, do you mean the title you couldn’t beat me for at Battleground? Perez said she was going to become the champion after winning Elimination Chamber and then, if she feels like it, she’ll win the NXT Championship took, and she’ll be Roxy Two Belts. Jordynne said there was a famous saying: “Everyone has a plan until-” and then she punched her in the face. Roxy went for higher ground.

-Trick Williams was looking at his phone and lamenting the comments about him losing to Eddy Thorpe. Je’Von Evans showed up and tried to relate to Williams, saying they were in similar situations. Williams flipped and said “you’re fighting over a smile. I’m fighting for a championship.” He went hard at Evans and they started to break down, but didn’t come to blows. Ricky Saints stepped into frame and offered a handshake to Williams, who instead went for a fist bump. Saints said his name and Williams said “Yeah, I heard about you” and left. I’d still bet against an actual heel turn, but they’re getting dangerously close.

-No Quarter Catch Crew and the Hardy Boyz headed to the ring (separately). Matt and Jeff got a reaction dwarfing any so far tonight. [c]

-Through Sarah Schreiber, Jaida Parker gave a fiery locker room promo cutting down Kelani Jordan and said she’d find out why everybody says Jaida Parker don’t play.

-Earlier today, via socials, someone laughed while filming the action in the arena. It was suggested to be the new, still-unnamed faction of vultures.

(3) THE HARDY BOYZ (Matt & Jeff) (c) vs. NO QUARTER CATCH CREW (Myles Borne & Tavion Heights) (w/Charlie Dempsey & Wren Sinclair) – TNA Tag Team Championship match


The Hardy entrance, one of the biggest moments in NXT all year, was deadened by the censor. Wren did the finger gun Hardy dance and then looked at Dempsey as if to say “I couldn’t help it.”

Jeff and Heights opened. Heights powered Jeff to the ropes. Hardy wore down Heights with elbows. Matt tagged in and hit an elbow from the second turnbuckle. “You still got it” chant. That one always teeters between endearing and insulting. Jeff tagged in and they hit some of their combo offense for two. Heights got in some shots and tagged Borne. There was a “You’re not Randy” chant and the partially-deaf Borne must have heard it because he sold it with annoyance. NQCC got a double-team sequence and tried a Hardy leapfrog spot but it didn’t connect. The Hardy Boyz were able to hit it, of course. Matt and Jeff dominated and the action went to the ramp, where they hit another from the top of the ramp to the ring. Mute #5 by the censors. Borne was just getting back into it as the match went to split-screen. [c]

During the break, Axiom & Nathan Frazer showed up and sat on the ramp with chairs (they’d be on the perch if they were in Orlando, I assume). The Hardy Boyz were trying to rally as Matt was playing face in peril. Borne tagged in and Matt hit a jawbreaker. Jeff laid out Tavion on the outside to allow Matt to tag him in without interference. Jeff tagged in and hit some leg drops for two. NQCC tagged and tried to double team, but Jeff hit Whisper in the Wind and the crowd was muted for the sixth time.

Everyone got involved for a bit, but Matt and Tavion cleared out relatively quicly. Matt made a blind tag and hit a neckbreaker on Borne, but Heights snuck in and broke it up. Borne missed a dropkick and Matt hit Twist of Fate. Jeff threw his shirt, Matt did the same, and Jeff hit the Swanton bomb. Matt covered for the win.

WINNERS: The Hardy Boyz at 11:10.

(Wells’s Analysis: Okay enough, but it was a Hardy spotfest, as it should probably be, as they were more about nostalgia here than anything and made sure to play all the hits and do little else. Heights and Borne were very good as always, and need a little something to break through to the next level)

-Axiom and Frazer hit the ring and everyone put each other over. Frazer said they stand there as the best tag team in the world today facing the best of all time. Jeff said enough small talk – let’s make the match. Santino’s music played for another big pop. He said he was backstage talking to Ava, though he pronounced it “A-va,” as per his usual buffoonery. He said it would be “Fractiom” vs. “The Hard Boys” at Roadblock for the TNA Tag Team Championship.

-A sponsored pre-taped segment featured the Family at dinner. Stacks apologized for the loss but D’Angelo said he would take care of business next week. Luca Crusifino and Adrianna Rizzo mostly supplied silent nods and reactions.

-LFG spot. Vic promoted the new weekly show. [c]

-Over the weekend, Sol Ruca and Zaria hung out in the pantry with a bunch of other PC kids hanging around. Piper Niven showed up and cleared the way for Chelsea Green. The heels did their usual comedic routine and Niven got them into a tag team match.


Grace was posing in the ring with a large throwback-style cape that said “Miss NXT.” Vice’s music cut this off and Grace wasn’t happy. Grace managed a couple of ducks and rights and she was very happy with herself. Vice got in her own, then hit the “I’m a Latina” hip attack in the corner earlier than usual. It briefly spilled outside, then went back in, and Grace hit a back elbow and then got mean in a corner. The ref told her to make room and she said “I’m sorry” with a curtsey and it got a big laugh. She is her father’s daughter.

Grace worked a cravat and then tossed Vice to the mat. Vice took over and set up a big kick and hit a backfist to finish.

WINNER: Lola Vice at 2:25.

They cut away from this immediately and said something was up backstage. They showed someone laid out (was it Brooks Jensen? I didn’t make him out before they cut away) and showed the four gang dudes walking away before the show went to commercial. [c]

(Wells’s Analysis: Vice has been pretty absent lately so I didn’t know whether they’d slot her back in at a high level, since…well, she’s been fine, but I don’t think she’s the talent they want her to be. Meanwhile, I genuinely think Grace can have the better and longer career, though it’ll be in a comedic role with a lot of losses ahead of her)

-Eddy Thorpe walked through Cincinnati and talked about his people who once roamed here only to be pushed out west and ignored. He said it reminded him of the powers that be who keep allowing Trick Williams to have a chance at him even after he’s beaten him. He said he wanted this even more than Williams, though.

-Sarah Schreiber talked with Ava, who announced Oba Femi vs. Moose, Fraxiom vs. Hardy Boyz and Vaquer vs. Giulia for both Women’s Championships. They framed this as a big announcement, but…all of those things were basically confirmed earlier. Oh well.

-Next week, Kelani Jordan faces Jaida Parker. That’s one of the most heated feuds on the brand right now; why is it not on Roadblock? Also, Chelsea Green & Piper Niven face Sol Ruca & Zaria.

-The heels in the main event made their separate entrances. I’m 90% sure that Mike Rome said “West Lee.” [c]

-More hype for Roadblock from the announcers.

(5) RICKY SAINTS & JE’VON EVANS vs. ETHAN PAGE & WES LEE (w/Tyriek Igwe & Tyson Dupont)

Evans and Saints each got full entrance after the commercial break. For the record, the first time I accidentally typed “Starks” was in the boldface above this paragraph, which I had to fix.

Lee and Page opened. Might as well build suspense for Saints in the ring. The heels took the early advantage and Page tagged Lee. They went outside where Evans was cornered by all four heels. Back inside, Evans sped it up and took down Lee with some lightning-quick offense. He covered after a huge dropkick for two. Saints made the tag as the crowd was chanting “Ricky.”

Corey said he talked to CM Punk about Saints, and Punk said Saints has a natural swagger that most guys spend their entire careers chasing. Saints took the upper hand and made the tag and the faces hit a double arm drag. Evans dropkicked an interfering Page out of the ring. They cleared both heels to the outside as the match went to split-screen. [c]

Booker T talked about Saints acclimating, and said he had to learn to make it in the locker room when he came over from WCW before he could make it in the ring. That’s relevant enough, but the way they treated Book was absurd and those the culture backstage at that time was embarrassing.

Page hit a big move on Evans outside for a seventh CW Censor appearance. Lee dominated Evans in the ring and then got in Saints’ face a little bit as they kept teasing the first big singles feud for Saints. The heels double-teamed Evans after a tag and Page hit a beautiful powerslam and covered for two.

Saints made the hot tag and he dominated both heels as they fed for his offense. Tilt-a-whirl gutbuster by Saints to Lee. Spear got two, broken up by Page. Evans cleared Page to the announce table side and they started brawling over the barricade and brawled over their own issue.

Lee got in a couple of kicks and charged Saints to the post. Lee missed from the top and Saints hit a big side slam. Igwe and Dupont tried to interfere but Saints cleared both from the apron. Meteora by Lee got a long two. Lee jawed into the ear of Saints, then went for a Cardiac Kick but got caught and hit with Ro Sham Bo for the win.

WINNERS: Ricky Saints & Je’Von Evans at 12:47.

-Final hype for next week’s show. Saints held up a crowd sign in the ring that we didn’t really get a good look at before he tossed it, but I think someone drew him, maybe? He did his familiar taunt as the show ended.

(Wells’s Analysis: They had their cake and they ate it too, as they didn’t give away a singles match exactly, but Saints still got to celebrate on his own after his first match. This was more of a spotfest than a match, though I guess there may have been a heat segment during the break (I tune out during split-screen most of the time). I understand this was a personality showcase, but hopefully they’ll do something more interesting than a blitz of spots when it’s time for singles matches)

FINAL THOUGHTS: They sure kept the crowd loud tonight, as the babyfaces won all five matches (though I guess in the cases of Lexis King and maybe Arianna Grace, the heel got as much or more of a positive reaction). That seems an iffy way to head toward a bigger show, but I can’t argue with any results here. The big news is two title vs. title matches – Vaquer vs. Giulia and Moose vs. Oba Femi. This seems like playing with fire as there would seem to be a good chance that they won’t come through on one or both promises there. I also think it’s weird that they’re going with Vaquer vs. Giulia so early and in a face vs. face setting when they could keep that bullet in the chamber much longer, but maybe that’s where the non-finish comes in (which I can live with, but some fans reject entirely). Though I worry about what might be to come, I have no particular complaints with this episode, as NXT continues a string of very strong TV episodes during a stretch I’d call their best in a very long time. Nate Lindberg and I will talk it over on PWT Talks NXT.


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