The following report originally published 20 years ago this week here at PWTorch.com.
MARCH 7, 2005
-After clips aired of last week’s show and the Raw opening aired, Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler introduced the show, previewing the Ric Flair vs. Batista main event.
-Shawn Michaels got a full ring intro. Then clips aired of Michaels beating Edge last week followed by Kurt Angle’s interference. Michaels said his goal was to go to WM21 and give the fans something special and tear the house down. He said last week’s attack by Angle changed his attitude. He said Angle “took it upon himself to come into our house and left my blood, beaten, and unconscious.” He said in his career, he’s had his ass handed to him a few times, but he’s a doormat for nobody. He then introduced a clip from Smackdown.
WrestleMania season has become the perfect time to do some brand crossover angles to try to hook viewers of one program onto the other, but on a limited basis, it doesn’t blur the lines between the brands enough. In fact, with Michaels referring to Raw as “our house,” it further establishes that wrestlers are loyal to their brand. He said as he lay on the trainers table last week getting ten stitches, he wondered where that rage came from. He said it’s been a while since he felt that kind of rage.
He said Angle was jealous that he had never tested himself on the big stage of WrestleMania against him, the Show Stopper. He referred to himself as “Mr. WrestleMania.” He said WWE is all about making dreams come true, and on Apr. 3 he’ll get his chance. He said “once and for all we’ll find out just who is the greatest performer of our generation.” I assume Triple H is considered part some other generation then.
Angle showed up on the screen. He told Michaels not to worry, he’s not at the arena, he’s at the WWE studios. He explained that his problem with Michaels predates the Royal Rumble. He said his rage came from everyone in the media asking him in 1996 after he won the Olympic Gold Medal when he was going to move to the big leagues. He said all people could talk about was Shawn Michaels vs. Bret Hart going 60 minutes. “I won a Gold Medal and all people were asking me about was some guy named Shawn Michaels.” He said it drove him nuts.
He said for people to refer to Michaels as the best wrestler of this generation is an insult to him and everything he stands for. He said had he not gone to the Olympics, he would have shattered all of Michaels’s records. He said over the next four weeks on Smackdown he’s going accomplish everything that Michaels has in 20 years. He then vowed to snap Michaels’s ankle in two at WrestleMania. Michaels was shown standing silent and intense inside the ring, pondering Angle’s words.
I really liked that Angle’s promo spoke from the perspective of pro wrestling being a natural “next step up” from Olympic wrestling. I’m sure Angle’s amateur pals were cringing, but for the pro wrestling world to fully click, it needs to be portrayed with a straight face as the step up from amateur wrestling. Great delivery and intensity from both Angle and Michaels.
-They showed Hunter walking toward the entrance.
[Commercial Break]
Ross said Rosey was looking for revenge for what Hunter did to his superhero pal Hurricane last week. Rosey got in some brief early offense, but Hunter won with a Pedigree. Hunter gave Rosey a respectful amount of offense to keep it from being just a squash. After the pin, Hunter brought his sledge hammer into the ring and rammed Rosey in the gut with it. The ref called for immediate help from the back. Ross said that was uncalled for and called Hunter one of the most mean-spirited World Heavyweight Champions he can remember. As Hunter walked up the aisle, he let out some strange monster squeal as if a pig’s throat were being slashed by a hunter.
WINNER: Hunter at 2:41.
[Commercial Break]
-Hunter bragged to Flair about what he just did with the sledgehammer to Rosey. Flair looked to be in another world. Hunter asked him what’s wrong. Flair stood up and said he wasn’t pleased with Hunter for setting up the match with him against Batista later. Hunter told Flair that he made the match because he’s the Nature Boy, the Dirtiest Player in the Game, and head and shoulders above all else. Hunter added that when goes out there later, he won’t be out there alone, he’s going with him and he’s bringing his a friend (his sledgehammer). Flair said he’s feeling it now.
-Edge walked into a room with Chris Benoit, Chris Jericho, Christian, and Shelton Benjamin. Eric Bischoff then joined them and said he approved the six-person ladder match. He said those five were participants. Edge said he put his body through hell last week and he didn’t want any part of it. Bischoff said if Edge didn’t want a chance to be World Champion, that was fine with him. Edge asked what he meant.
Bischoff said it wasn’t an ordinary six-way ladder match. He said it’s a “Money in the Bank Ladder Match.” He said the briefcase would be suspended above the ring and the first to grab it would earn a shot at the World Title anytime in the next 12 months. He could use the contract the day after WrestleMania, or if they were really patient, they could hold off to have the title match at WM22. Bischoff announced Edge vs. Jericho, Benjamin vs. Benoit, and Christian vs. a mystery opponent next. Lots of people were wondering right now if that would end up being Matt Hardy.
[Commercial Break]
Kane was the surprise opponent. Ross said that wasn’t what Christian was expecting. Christian got in half of the offense, but Kane ended up winning clean with a chokeslam. After the match, Tomko attacked Kane with a ladder. As Christian and Tomko staggered to the back, Kane sat up.
WINNER: Kane at 3:08.
-Randy Orton told Stacy backstage that what he was going to say in the ring would shock the world. Stacy asked if that’s what he really wants to do. Orton said the time was right for him to issue the challenge for WrestleMania.
[Commercial Break]
The crowd chanted “You screwed Matt” at Edge early in the match; it was quite audible on TV. Edge seemed a bit rattled. A fan held up a sign that read “Edge Speared Lita.” He gets credit for creativity. Most fans had to be wondering what that chant was all about. Ross almost seemed to be on the verge of alluding to it, saying that Edge lately has “made…” and then paused and went a different direction, then Lawler interrupted and went into storyline mode. Ross said, “Edge is a changed man. He’s not the same guy I used to talk to.” Lawler asked, “You’re not saying he has a split personality are you?” Ross said, “He’s made some bad career choices. Everyone’s against him.” Gosh, Ross has to be aware of the two ways those comments can be interpreted. Jericho dove onto Edge at ringside at 4:00 and they cut to a commercial.
[Commercial Break]
A fan walked by the hard camera with an “Edge Betrayed V1” sign. A brief “We Want Matt” chant also was started. Edge mocked Jericho’s silly war dance, but took so long that by the time he turned around, Jericho knocked him to the mat with a clothesline. Jericho rolled through an Edge huracanrana attempt into a victory roll for a near fall at 12:00. Edge surprised Jericho with a boot to the face. Ross said: “How can (Edge) be happy with himself? Running around blaming everyone else for him not being World Champion. He needs to look in the mirror.” At 15:00 the ref went down when Jericho had Edge pinned after a Lionsault. Edge picked up a ladder and jammed it into Jericho’s gut. Edge then hit a DDT for the win.
WINNER: Edge at 16:05.
STAR RATING: **3/4 — Good TV match, but it had a strange vibe to it and was a bit disjointed at times.
-Backstage Coach told Bischoff his idea for the “Money in the Bank” match was great. Bischoff said he had a new idea, “Pick your poison Monday.” He said he’s not going to pick the opponents of Batista or Hunter the next two weeks. He said starting next week in Atlanta, Batista picks Hunter’s opponent and the next week Hunter picks Batista’s opponent. Coach told Bischoff he is a genius. Bischoff said, “I’m just getting warmed up.”
[Commercial Break]
-A video aired hyping the WWE Hall of Fame with Hulk Hogan, et al.
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-Randy Orton walked to the ring to his full ring intro. He talked about how proud he was as a kid of his father “Cowboy” Bob Orton. He said he is so proud of his father getting into the Hall of Fame. Orton said he realizes that to make his mark, he needs to call out another legend. He said he realizes that he has made some choices that haven’t always been popular, but sometimes being successful isn’t about being popular. He said at WM21 “in a most ultimate match-up, legend killer vs. legend, I will defeat the Undertaker.” Ross acted surprised, which made him seem out of touch to a lot of fans considering the match had already been (a) hinted by Orton last week when he was looking at the picture of Taker on the magazine, (b) plugged on the WWE-produced WrestleMania special that aired in Canada and on DirecTV, and (c) advertised on TV and in movie theaters. Orton said he would prove the legend is just a myth.
Bischoff walked out and congratulated Orton for making such a bold challenge. He said he is looking forward to seeing him end Undertaker’s winning streak. Bischoff said he would get extra stock options from the board when he beat one of Smackdown’s top stars. Orton didn’t look thrilled. He asked Bischoff if it was true that he used to run WCW. He asked him if when he was in charge, “isn’t it true for 88 straight weeks you beat WWE in ratings.”
Bischoff tried to change the subject. Orton told Bischoff that makes him something of a legend. Orton smiled. Bischoff stopped in his tracks. He turned to leave the ring. Orton grabbed him and gave him an RKO. Bischoff’s “turn to leave the ring” was a bit awkward because when he turned, he didn’t really try to go anywhere; he seemed to be standing there waiting for the RKO. The crowd didn’t seem all that excited during the promo, as if they were siding with the legend over the legend killer. He got a nice pop for giving Bischoff one of his awkward RKOs. It seemed the awkwardness may have been more Bischoff’s bump than his execution this time.
-Ross and Lawler ran down the WrestleMania 21 line-up so far including Raw, Smackdown, and interbrand matches, plus Steve Austin in Piper’s Pit.
-Benoit was shown getting ready for his match against Benjamin. It’s not a big endorsement of the tradition of the IC Title at WrestleMania that Benjamin isn’t defending his title on the show, but instead is part of the six-man ladder match.
[Commercial Break]
Benoit dove through the ropes and when Benjamin moved, he ran into the ladder set up at ringside, knocking it over and twisting it. It was pretty clear to everyone but Benoit that Benjamin was going to move out of his path. Benjamin took control with a nice top rope clothesline, but seconds later missed a Stinger Splash. Benoit went right into a series of three unreleased German Suplexes, but Benjamin countered on the third with a roll-up for a near fall. Benoit went right back into a series UGS’s. When Benoit went for a headbutt at 3:00, Benjamin moved and went for a pin with a rolling cradle. Benoit kicked out at two. Benoit soon applied the Crippler Crossface. The crowd popped as Benjamin reached for the bottom rope. Benoit rolled Benjamin away from the rope and forced a tapout.
WINNER: Benoit at 4:20.
STAR RATING: ** — Really good short match. If Benjamin weren’t IC Champ, that finish would have been okay less than four minutes, but it does seem to stunt Benjamin’s credibility to lose so quickly to Benoit. Benoit, given his stature should have won, but Benjamin losing so cleanly in less than five minutes seems a bit harsh for a reigning IC Champ.
-A Dirty Harry movie spoof aired with Undertaker out of costume looking a bit more like JBL and Kevin Nash’s love child than Clint Eastwood.
[Commercial Break]
-Muhammad Hassan barged into Bischoff’s office and complained about being left off the WM card. He said he belonged in the six-person ladder match. Bischoff said the slots were filled based on experience and WrestleMania success. Hassan called Bischoff a cowardly G.M. Bischoff said he didn’t like his tone of voice. Khosrow Daivari then ranted for a few seconds.
-The Smackdown Rebound aired.
-William Regal and Tajiri enjoyed the photo spread of Christy Hemme. Trish Stratus walked in and looked at the magazine with disgust.
[Commercial Break]
-As Christy Hemme walked to the ring, Lawler said: “I go from zero to horny in about 3.5 seconds when I hear her music.” Ross had no comment. Christy called Trish to the ring. Ross said Christy is as likable as anyone you’ll ever meet. Trish asked Christy what she wanted. She asked if it had to do with Christy’s Playboy issue hitting newsstands on Friday. Trish said Christy plans to autograph all copies with the word “slut.”
Christy said the reason she called her to the ring is to challenge her for the Women’s Title at WrestleMania. Trish beeped like a truck in reverse and said, “Let’s back up a minute. You are serious?” Trish vowed that if she got in the ring with her, she’ll end her career. When she asked if she was sure that’s what she wanted, Christy said forcefully, “That’s what I want.” Trish said, “Deal. I accept. You’re on.” She then asked her what she thinks she can get in the ring with her, “the greatest Women’s Champion ever,” and beat her. Christy said, “Because someone has been training me.”
Trish laughed and said, “I didn’t know Hugh Hefner was training people.” She said it was someone she knows very well. Then Lita’s music played. She walked out with a knee brace. When Lita entered the ring, Trish got right in her face. When Lita’s music stopped, there were boos and a chant of some kind that may have been “You screwed Matt.” They seemed to quickly turn down the crowd mic. Christy then gave Trish the Twist of Fate.
-They showed Hunter and Flair heading toward the entrance tunnel. Bischoff cut them off and told Hunter he can’t bring the sledgehammer to ringside. Flair gulped and looked worried. Bischoff said he can’t put the WM21 main event in jeopardy. “Either you give me the hammer or you can’t go to ringside with Flair.” Flair said he wouldn’t go to the ring without Hunter. Hunter handed it over. Flair screamed, “You are my man! What are you doing! We’re the Three Amigos. It’s you, me, the sledgehammer.”
[Commercial Break]
-Ross plugged that Hunter would have to face Benoit next week since Benoit was Batista’s choice for the “Pick Your Poison” match. Ross pointed out that Hunter has never defeated Benoit one-on-one.
5 — RIC FLAIR (w/Triple H) vs. BATISTA
Ross pointed out it was Ric Flair country, noting that he got his start 30 years ago and made a name for himself in the Mid-Atlantic territory. With it being almost 11 p.m., this isn’t looking to be a long match. Batista shoved Flair to the mat in the opening seconds after an ill-advised test of strength. A fan held up a sign that read: “Signs are stupid.” Another fans held up a sign that read “They took my sign.” I think seconds later, ironically, security did take that sign. Nikita, I mean Batista, continued to overpower Flair. Batista shot evil stares Flair’s way. When Hunter distracted Batista at 2:30, Flair clipped him from behind the knee.
Flair continued to work over Batista’s leg. Flair applied a figure-four at 4:30. Batista quickly reversed it. Flair chopped sweat off of Batista’s chest. When Flair climbed to the top rope, Batista caught him and threw him to the matt. He followed up with a powerslam. The crowd seemed hesitant to get too behind Batista, which may have been because they have a soft spot for Flair or the match was a bit sluggish. Batista did the “thumbs up/thumbs down” routine while leering at Hunter at ringside. When Hunter entered the ring, Batista tossed him right over the top rope. Batista then powerbombed Flair for the win.
Hunter chop blocked Batista from behind as Batista began celebrating his win. Hunter then retrieved a sledgehammer from under the ring. There’s more than one of those! Hunter’s been studying Jeff Jarrett NWA Title match tapes. When Hunter swung the sledgehammer at Hunter, Batista blocked it and yanked it away from Hunter. Hunter begged off as Batista broke the sledgehammer handle across his knee. Hey, at least the sledgehammer didn’t split in two prematurely as Jarrett’s viola did at last month’s TNA PPV. Batista pointed the two segments of the hammer down emulating his thumbs down gesture.
WINNER: Batista at 6:27.
STAR RATING: 1/2* — Clunky match.
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