10 YRS AGO – WWE SMACKDOWN TV Report (2-19-2015): Daniel Bryan vs. The Miz, plus Ziggler, R-Truth, Wade Barrett, Seth, Big Show, New Day, Reigns, more

By Wade Keller, PWTorch editor

The Miz (artist Grant Gould © PWTorch)


The following report originally published 10 years ago this week here at PWTorch.com…

FEBRUARY 19, 2015


-A lengthy video recap aired of the Daniel Bryan-Roman Reigns tension on Raw on Monday night with both guys acting like immature jerks to each other.

-The Smackdown opening aired, followed by pyro blasting in the arena as the camera panned the crowd and various signs. (Check out Bruce Mitchell’s interview with author John Hitchcock as they discuss the origin and history of attention-grabbing fans signs at pro wrestling events in the latest VIP Bruce Mitchell Audio Show special editions this week.)

-As Daniel Bryan made his ring entrance and led the crowd in “Yes!” chants, Michael Cole, Byron Saxton, and Jerry Lawler commented on Fastlane’s main event. Saxton called it an implosion between Bryan and Reigns. Lawler said he thought they might fight from Monday all the way until Sunday at Fastlane.

-A clip aired of Mizdow telling Miz he got his fruit plate ready. Miz bragged that he was an A-lister who mentored Bryan. Mizdow laughed. “Without me, Bryan would have been a nobody, a nobody just like you were before you met me – an irrelevant loser who was doing stupid impressions,” Miz told Mizdow. He asked Mizdow if he thinks he likes ringing a bell and making him shine his shoes. He said he doesn’t, but rather he’s trying to teach him lessons so he won’t go back to being what he used to be. Miz told Mizdow if he doesn’t listen to him, he will never work in this town again.

(WK Reax: I like that there was a segment there that (a) acknowledged the Miz-Bryan history and (b) established why Mizdow stays with Miz at this stage of the abusive way he treats him.)


Before the match, Mizdow played to the crowd and got cheers. Miz angrily asked what he was doing. Mi told him he is an assistant and he wanted him to get him a Egyptian cotton towel in the back so he can wipe off his sweat after the match. He told Mizdow to walk faster or get fired. When the match began nine minutes into the show, Bryan went after Miz with an aggressive array of kicks. Miz got in some offense after a minute, but Bryan surprised Miz with a Yes Lock for the tapout win at 2:00.

WINNER: Bryan in 2:00 via submission.

(WK Reax: I’m all for making Bryan look strong, but he’d look stronger if Miz seemed like a more formidable opponent. There is so much more they could have gotten out of this if they focused a little bit on what’s at stake for Miz if he were to beat a top contender for the title like Bryan is right now. And then have them put in a good, hard-fought match at least 8 minutes, ideally a few more.)

-The announcers hyped Roman Reigns vs. Luke Harper and Dolph Ziggler vs. Seth Rollins.

-Ryback came out to his entrance song. [c]


(WK Reax: Speaking of just “throwing matches out there,” this match has zero set-up. Just like Miz-Bryan, WWE is so inefficient when it comes to getting the most out of TV matches between stars. Vince McMahon is allergic to treating the matches within his shows as actual sports contests, he leaves out all of the stuff that builds anticipation and gives some meaning to the action in the ring and the potential outcomes. It’s just sad how easy and cheap it is, and how much of a net-plus it would be to take the time and effort to just set the stage a little. Then viewers would be more engaged in the match itself and the near falls or near tapouts, and then matches would hold the audience more and they wouldn’t have this self-fulfilling prophesy of having two minute Bryan-Miz matches because they fear people tuning out. One of the best gifts WWE could give themselves is to re-focus on making the action in the ring and the outcomes of all TV matches, not just one or two per show, seem like something real is at stake. The wrestlers and referees act like it’s real while the match is happening, so why can’t the production team put effort into giving it a sense of consequence and setting the table before the bell rings?)

Saxton: “Ryback is like a major pimple that the Authority have been unable to pop.” Okay, less visuals like that. Yuck. A few minutes in Kane applied a chinlock that rivaled John Cena’s worst STFs for showing a ton of light. I mean, anyone in the audience could have slipped their head out of that easily with the slightest effort. There’s no excuse to not cinch on basic mat holds like that.

As a comparison to Reigns recently, let’s track Ryback’s move this match: Back suplex, kick, kick, kick, forearm, punch, punch, armbar, selling for Kane, belly-to-belly out of corner, selling for Kane, chop to chest, selling for Kane, elbow, punch, punch, punch, punch, duck under, Thesz press, splash, spine buster, cover, selling for Kane, Shellshock, three count.

(WK Reax: Not a lot more than Reigns does, but just the back suplex, belly-to-belly, and These press is enough to elevate the perception that he’s just doing rudimentary moves a wrestler in his very first match executes in front of 50 people at a bar somewhere. Really, though, Reigns needs to aim higher than Ryback’s move set when it comes to what he incorporates into his matches if he wants to be a guy who can carry WWE style main event matches.)

WINNER: Ryback in 4:00.

(WK Reax: Again, this match would have meant more had there been a little build-up and anticipation, and a soundbite from each of them before the match. Then the announcers selling the outcome would have meant more. When it’s just thrown out there like this, it diminished Kane as a main eventer, which he has been lately on Raw in various matches. If Kane jobs out in four minutes and it’s treated as a passing happening, it diminishes the perception that the Ryback win even meant that much.)

-The announcers reviewed the Wade Barrett-Dean Ambrose contract signing angle from Raw. Ambrose then came to the ring to his music to provide commentary on Barrett’s match. [c]


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Ambrose said the IC Title is one of the most prestigious, celebrated titles in the company’s history because it was held by guys who took pride in being the work horses of the company. Dean said Barrett isn’t one of those guys like Mr. Perfect, Randy Savage, and Bret Hart. Regarding R-Truth saying “Whoop there it is!” to the crowd before the match, Ambrose said: “What on earth is Truth doing, that’s from like 1993?”

(WK Reax: Good for him pointing that out. Truth’s character is stuck in the early 1990s back when he was in his early 20s. But Vince McMahon loves Truth’s routine, so he keeps doing it. I assume even Truth knows how out of touch it makes him seem. That said, he gets a decent response doing it, so there is that.)

Even when Barrett was yapping at Ambrose at ringside, he cinched on a chinlock with some effort and facial straining, unlike Kane in the previous match. Barrett took Truth to the announce table for a beatdown while trash-talking with Ambrose. Truth then surprised a distracted Barrett with a schoolboy for the win. Ambrose took satisfaction in what happened, then said he had to go to a weather report for Telemundo, so “peace out.” He walked right past Barrett who was throwing a fit inside the ring.

WINNER: R-Truth in 3:00.

(WK Reax: Ambrose being the laid back cool dude is better than the “lunatic fringe” caricature he was portrayed as a couple months back. It’s a subtle difference, more a case of improvement by subtraction.) [c]

-They showed Vince McMahon flexing his muscles on the cover of “Muscle & Fitness” magazine. Cole called it inspiring. Saxton said Vince says if you train as a lifestyle, it helps you through everything. Cole said living a clean lifestyle helps you feel better all around, especially mentally. Lawler said McMahon is a testament to that.

-They went to the announcers on camera. Lawler said Memphis is buzzing about Fastlane coming on Sunday. They threw to a video package on Cena-Rusev.

-A Bray Wyatt vignette aired. He sang, “Walk with the reaper, leave this world behind.” He said he sings that song to all of his pets before he puts them down. He said the clock is ticking and the angel with the burned wings is waving him on home. Find me! Or I’ll find you.”

(WK Reax: I still see images of Bray smiling for backstage photos with fans when he’s doing these vignettes. It breaks the potential illusion that he’s legitimately a barely exaggerated version of his real self on TV that he puts himself out there as a regular guy doing charity work and marking out for past legendary wrestlers for photo ops.) [c]

-The Sheamus vignette aired.


During New Day’s entrance, they isolated a couple fans here and there clapping to them, but more telling was utter boredom and passiveness of the vast majority of fans around them. A wide shot from the hard camera was telling. Maybe four out of two thousand people clapping along. Most are just exhibiting the body language equivalent of rolling their eyes at them.

A vignette aired with the Ascension during their ring entrance where they called Ric Flair and Dusty Rhodes “old farts” and said they would have destroyed Flair & Dusty in their day, but what matters is today’s wrestlers, and they’re going to beat The New Day. Lawler decried their lack of respect for wrestlers of the past. When Saxton downplayed respecting one’s elders, Cole said he’d understand when he became an elder some day. Saxton said he wouldn’t ever become an elder because he takes care of himself with a clean lifestyle like Vince McMahon. Cole insisted indignantly that McMahon “is an elder!” The Ascension beat Big E. with a high/low.

WINNERS: The Ascension in 3:00.

-The announcers hyped Reigns vs. Harper. Saxton said a win will prove he has all the momentum in the world going into Sunday’s match. [c]

-A Total Divas ad aired with primary focus on Natalya and Tyson Kidd’s relationship, plus Brie Bella’s balancing the desire to have a baby versus derailing her career and losing her income.

(WK Reax: How bad does it make WWE look that Brie has to choose between having an income and having a kid? Shouldn’t Brie have maternity leave with pay, independent contractor status of not, given the size of WWE? Shouldn’t the story be that she can have a kid, get maternity leave pay, and then return in a year or two and pick up where she left off?)


Here we go: Punch, kick, punch, kick, punch, kick, kick, kick, kick, sell for Harper, punch, punch, kick, stomp, stomp, stomp, flying clothesline, drive into the security barrier, punch, side suplex, two count, kick, sell for Harper (including a side headlock by Harper that looked like it really hurt and he was really putting forth meaningful effort to inflict pain without providing an easy escape), punch, punch, knee, back suplex, clothesline, clothesline, clothesline, clothesline, clothesline, clothesline, punch, flying clothesline, two count, sell for Harper, kick out, Samoan drop, spear, three count.


The finish was cool in that as Reigns went for a Superman punch, Harper kicked him in the chin, but Reigns came right back with an immediate spear for the win. The announcers wondered if Reigns lost a tooth on that kick. They said he won on instinct.

WINNER: Reigns in 5:00.

-The announcers threw to a video package on the Triple H-Sting angle on Raw with Ric Flair.

-The Big Show’s ring entrance took place. [c]

-Cole plugged that Money in the Bank tickets at Nationwide Arena in Columbus, Ohio go on sale Friday.


Show attacked Rowan before he entered the ring. A minute later they entered the ring and the ref called for the bell to officially start the match. Show dominated start to finish and won quickly after his chokeslam.

WINNER: Show in 2:00.

(WK Reax: Show did a good job here projecting that he’s a mean ruthless giant. It’s good to reestablish that in a match like this on occasion. The pre-match blindside attack helped “protect” Rowan from seeing like a complete pushover here.) [c]


The Bellas joined the announcers on commentary. They replayed the silly naked Paige angle from Raw before the bell. Nikki said she was trying to do the world a favor so they could see Paige naked, but her wardrobe ended up better than usual because we got to see her in color, not just black and white. Cole said he liked that she was a good sport about it. Nikki said maybe Paige can learn from them about how to be classy while having fun rather than being trashy. Paige won with the PTO tapout. Cole asked Nikki had a flash of concern. She denied it. Lawler said she looked concerned. Paige invited Nikki in the ring afterward. Brie held back Nikki who pretended to want to answer the challenge. Instead Nikki held up her belt.

WINNER: Paige in 4:00.

-The announcers threw to a video package on the Rhodes family.

-Renee Young interviewed Goldust backstage. She asked what’s going through his mind as he heads into Fastlane to face his little brother. Goldust said he tried to embrace Stardust at first because he has been there and knows what it’s like. He said they were on fire and rekindled their brotherhood and recaptured the tag team titles, but then darkness crept in. He said he saw it coming a mile away because it’s happened to him. He said Stardust is more than a persona, it’s a cancer who is eating his brother Cody Rhodes alive. He said he wants that back and now he has to do something that is probably the most difficult thing he’s ever done in his career – face his brother in the ring and beat Stardust at Fastlane. Stardust then showed up on the monitor behind them. That explains the placement of the monitor behind them. He mocked Goldust as he was deep in the Stardust persona. He said after Fastlane, Cody won’t be the only one who ceases to exist because the Universe will forget the name Goldust.

(WK Reax: Goldust showed the value there of the old-style promo of being interviewed backstage and reacting to a situation and previewing a match. It was to the point, but hit a lot of key topics to set up the match. Goldust is from a generation where that was standard, and it shows given how smooth he was at doing a 90-120 second promo that accomplished a lot in a relatively short period of time. Let’s have more of that with the rest of the crew.)

-The Usos ring entrance took place. [c]

-A soundbite aired with Tyson Kidd & Cesaro with Natalya regarding getting a shot at the tag team titles at Fastlane. Kidd said teaming with Cesaro has been the greatest decision of his life. Cesaro said they’ll prove to the Usos that the power of friendship is far more powerful than blood. Natalya was all luvy-duvy with Tyson as he talked.

(8) JIMMY USO (w/Jey Uso, Cameron) TYSON KIDD (w/Cesaro, Natalya)

Lawler said there are a lot of wives out there at ringside, then added: “I put an ad online saying ‘Wife wanted’ and I got a hundred answers saying ‘You can have mine.'” A minute into the match, Rusev attacked Jey at ringside, then attacked Jimmy and Kidd inside the ring. Lana chuckled from the stage.

WINNER: No contest in 1:00.

-Rusev grabbed the mic and ranted for a bit in his native language about Cena. Cole said, “The only thing I made out of that was ‘John Cena.'” Cole said that’s what Cena will face on Sunday. Lawler plugged Ziggler vs. Seth with J&J barred from ringside. [c]


Cole wondered why Seth needs J&J Security if he’s as good as he says he is. Saxton defended him. Seth applied a side headlock that looked like it would really hurt. Seth cinched it on like his life depended on it. Ziggler fought it like he was really hurting while in. They cut to a break at 2:00. [c]

During the break Kane and Show came out. Ryback and Rowan came out to offset them. Ziggler rallied after the break and scored a two count. Rapid-fire exchanges followed with more two counts. Ziggler dropkicked Seth to ringside. He shoved and slapped Rowan and Ryback. Ziggler then charged at Seth with a forearm and threw him back into the ring. Back in the ring, Seth avoided a Ziggler charge in the corner. Kane distracted Ziggler, and then Seth caught Ziggler who gave him a toss into the corner followed by a Curb Stomp for the win.

WINNER: Rollins in 10:00.

(WK Reax: Really good action between these two. After a show full of pretty mundane lethargic wrestling for the most part, it’s so nice to get a dose of this type of action.)

-Afterward J&J joined Show, Kane, and Seth at ringside to celebrate. They realized they had a five-on-three advantage so they walked toward the babyfaces and surrounded the ring. A brawl broke out. The heels beat down Rowan, then Seth gave him a Curb Stomp. Ryback recovered and cleared the ring of the heels just as they began to celebrate. He took Show down with a flying clothesline mid-ring. J&J went after him, but he powered them off of him and then led the crowd in a “Feed Me More!” chant. Kane held Ryback as Show gave him a KO punch. Then Seth gave Ryback a Curb Stomp. The Seth music played again as the heels stood tall. Lawler said they are despicable and shouldn’t be proud of themselves. Cole hyped Fastlane.

FINAL THOUGHTS: I’m really not sure how that final segment of Smackdown – WWE’s last large audience hard-sell for Fastlane – did anything to promote the actual Sunday live PPV main events. At least we didn’t get a big dose of Bryan and Reigns looking like complete immature jerks toward one another, but having the heels who aren’t involved in a big way in the top Fastlane matches stand tall at the end of the show wasn’t a strong closing pitch.

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