The following report originally published 5 years ago this week here at PWTorch.com…
FEBRUARY 7, 2020
Announcers: Michael Cole, Corey Graves
-They opened with a video montage of Goldberg as his entrance theme played.
-The Smackdown opening theme aired.
-Miz and John Morrison walked out to Morrison’s theme as Cole plugged the Feb. 27 Super Showdown and did mention they are “returning to Rihad.” Morrison said his shirt has buttons, but he doesn’t use them. Miz said he’s a “chic magnet.” Morrison said, “Still going with chic magnet, huh?” Miz said, “I’ve got two daughters and a wife, it’s never been more relevant.” Miz welcomed everyone to The Dirt Sheet. Howard Finkle’s introduction aired a with cheesy intro jingle. They talked about a movie winning all the awards such as Golden Globes, Oscars, and Slammys. Miz introduced “Once Upon a Time on the Dirt Sheet.” They showed Morrison eating plain celery as Miz introduced his dad to Morrison. Then Miz’s dad told Miz he should flip and dive and pose like Kofi Kingston. Lance Storm made a cameo, asking Miz if he could be serious for a minute. John Laurinaitis also was also in the movie. They got on-screen name credits. It closed with “Coming Soon at Super Showdown – New Smackdown Tag Team Champions.”
(Keller’s Analysis: That was funny in the way that Morrison is socially awkward. The crowd reaction said it all.)
As Morrison talked about fans booing them last week, but now that they have a movie, suddenly everyone wants to hang out with the cool kids. They were (mercifully) interrupted by New Day. Kofi said he is Mr. Miz’s favorite WWE Superstar. “He likes me more than he likes his own son,” he said. Big E and Kofi entered the ring and laughed in an over-the-top way that it’s hilarious that Miz & Morrison think they can beat them for the Smackdown Tag Team Titles. Miz said they have dominated them the past two weeks and defeated every tag team Smackdown has to offer to become no. 1 contenders. Miz mocked Big E.
The Usos came out and did their routine, then said “Who? Who?” like New Day. They said Miz & Morrison never beat them. Miz and Morrison jumped a distracted New Day from behind. Dolph Ziggler & Robert Roode came out next and observed the scene. Cole said the Usos face Ziggler & Roode next.
(Keller’s Analysis: This is a matter of taste, which is subjective, but there wasn’t much anyone said there that was either entertaining or redeeming. It was just grating obnoxiousness for ten straight minutes.) [c]
Roode and Ziggler settled into a sustained attack on Jey. Ziggler and Roode double-teamed Jey with a Zig Zag/Spinebuster combo. Jimmy entered for the save. Jey caught Roode with an enzuigiri seconds later. He managed to climb to the top rope, but Ziggler distracted the ref. Roode then shoved Jey off the top rope. They cut to a break at 4:00. [c]
Roode and Ziggler isolated and got a sustained attack on Jey after the break. Jey blocked Roode’s DDT and backdropped him. Ziggler stopped him from making a tag with a Zig Zag for a near fall. Jimmy finally got the hot-tag after Jey avoided a superkick (thanks to Ziggler forecasting it with unnecessary stomping of the mat). Ziggler lifted his knees on a Jimmy frog splash attempt, leading to a quick two count. The Usos double superkicked Roode. Jimmy then landed a frog splash for the win.
WINNERS: The Usos in 12:00.
(Keller’s Analysis: Too formulaic in structure, but good athleticism start to finish, as you’d expect with those four.)
-Cole chuckled about Roman Reigns and the Usos pouring dog food over King Corbin last week. Graves said no one should have to relive that. [c]
-A WrestleMania commercial aired with a pirate ship theme. It’s 58 days away.
-Alexa Bliss said she beat Bayley in San Jose before. Nikki Cross said she has to get past Dana, Carmella, and her first to get to Bayley. Bliss said she’s won titles on both Raw and Smackdown due to “something twisted” up her sleeve.
-A video package aired on the dog food payoff last week. Once again, they showed dog food being poured on Corbin, but Corbin did not “eat” any dog food, as was advertising. Cole said it was disgusting.
-They went to the announcers on camera who talked about how King Corbin went to “the big game” (they can’t say Super Bowl when it aired on their network?) and people complained he still smelled of dog food. Corbin went into the production truck and attacked a guy in charge and threw him out of the truck and down the steps. The guy said he was just doing his job, so Corbin asked if he is just doing his job now. Sonjay Dutt, Adam Pearce, and Shawn Daivari shows up in suits to yell at Corbin.
-In the ring, Elias strummed his guitar. He began to sing about San Jose, but was promptly interrupted by Cesaro’s music. Elias complained about being interrupted. Sami said the real issue is when he’s interrupted. He said if something bad happens to Elias, he brought it on himself. [c]
(2) ELIAS vs. CESARO (w/Sami Zayn)
Cole said Cesaro can’t be happy that his partner, Shinsuke Nakamura, lost the IC Title. He said new IC Champ Braun Strowman would be out later. Cesaro kicked Elias off the ring apron to the floor where Sami obnoxiously got in his face and taunted him. Cole asked if Sami ever shuts up. Graves said Sami is spouting wisdom, and you need to be open to accepting the truth. Sami took a cheap shot at Elias as Cesaro distracted the referee. When Elias made a comeback, Cesaro gave him an uppercut to knock him off the top rope. Then he superplexed Elias for a two count. Elias made a fiery comeback and landed a top rope flying elbow for the win.
WINNER: Elias in 8:00.
(Keller’s Analysis: I really thought Cesaro was going to get a needed win here. I’m puzzled, since Elias doesn’t really need to be a credible wrestler to continue doing what he does, but Sami’s a good act as a heel manager and with Nakamura last week and Cesaro this week, his guys have been really defined down to near irrelevance.)
-Cole said Charlotte Flair will join Renee Young and Booker T on “WWE Backstage” on FS1 next Tuesday.
-They showed Goldberg getting mic’d up. [c]
-Cole plugged the XFL on Fox starting tomorrow. Then they went to Cole and Graves at ringside.
Check out the latest episode of the Wade Keller Pro Wrestling Post-show covering the latest episode of Smackdown: CLICK HERE to stream (or search “wade Keller” on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or any other iOS or Android app to subscribe free)
-As Cole said Goldberg was about to reveal who was next, Corbin barged onto the stage. He said he is the King and he will not be silenced. He said Reigns should have lost last week just like their 49ers lost to his Kansas City Chiefs. (Big booes.) He said if Reigns had fought him one-on-one like the man he says he is, he would have won their Rumble match, won the Rumble, and gone on to main event WrestleMania. He demanded one more match with Reigns. He walked up to a “fan” at ringside who was laughing at him. He poured a giant cup of water over his head. Reigns came out and attacked Corbin. He gave him a Drive By at ringside. Corbin scurried out of the ring and to the back. Reigns grabbed the mic and told Corbin if he wants one more match, he’s got it. He suggested they go one-on-one in a cage, so tell his boys to stay home.
-Cole interviewed Goldberg on the big screen live via satellite. Cole asked him, “Who’s next?” He said he watched the Rumble with his son and he was inspired. He said he’d like to face The Fiend. He said everyone knows his Universal Title reign was too short and he never got a rematch. He said might be making a massive mistake, but you don’t get anywhere in life playing it safe. He was interrupted by the Firefly Funhouse.
-Bray Wyatt sat on the Firefly Funhouse set dressed in a suit jacket and tie, but no dress shirt. He said Goldberg is reportedly thinking of challenging The Fiend for the Universal Title. He said word on the street is that he accepts. Mercy the Buzzard was shown shivering and saying it will be a cold day in hell when The Fiend loses the Universal Title. They went to a split-screen with Bray and Goldberg. Goldberg said intimidation won’t work with him. Bray said to take his advice. Goldberg said the only thing he’s taking from him is the Universal Championship. He said the breaking news is “Fiend, Bray Wyatt, you’re next!” He tore off his earpiece and stormed off. Back to Bray, he said that wasn’t very nice. He then said, “Let me in!” Fiend’s face flashed on the screen. Bray then waved happily and said “bye!”
(Keller’s Analysis: Another big Saudi payday for the “inspired” Goldberg.)
-They showed Daniel Bryan hanging out backstage. Heath Slater walked up to him and said Goldberg doesn’t know what he’s getting himself into. Slater said Fiend came after him and his family. Bryan said that was Miz. Slater blew off it making a difference. He said Fiend beat the hell out of him and whipped him over and over. He said he’d never let a man whip him like that. He said choosing that type of match was kind of stupid in the first place. He asked Bryan if he’s okay. Bryan took exception to his words and suggested they wrestle tonight. Bryan got up and walked away. Slater sat there soaking up what just happened. [c]
-A “This Week in History” segment showed Hulk Hogan vs. Andre the Giant back on Feb. 5, 1988.
After Bryan’s ring entrance, they showed a video package on the Bryan-Fiend match. Bryan then took it to Slater aggressively. He landed a top rope dropkick and then kipped up. Then came Yes kicks. Bryan then won with the LeBell Lock. Cole said The Fiend changes people.
WINNER: Bryan in 2:00. [c]
-A highlight package aired of Braun beating Nakamura last week for the IC Title.
-Renee Young interviewed Strowman mid-ring. She asked about him winning a singles title finally. He said he gets chills and this has been the greatest achievement of his career. He talked about winning the Greatest Royal Rumble, tipping over ambulances, and winning tag titles with an eight year old at WrestleMania. He said now he can hold a singles title over his head. He was interrupted by Nakamura. (If they wanted anyone to take a rematch seriously, they ought to have portrayed Nakamura better in the loss, and maybe had Sami’s other guy Cesaro win earlier against Elias.)
Sami demanded an honorable championship rematch. Braun said he’ll defend it anytime, anyplace, “including right here in San Jose.” Sami said it’ll happen, but not tonight and not in San Jose. He said they’ll be smart and surgical about this. He said they will use every single resource they have at their disposal. “Trust me, Braun, we have resources,” he said. Then Revival attacked Bryan from behind. Sami and Nakamura joined in the beatdown. As the four heels celebrated, Braun recovered and took three of them down with a series of punches. Then he caught up with Sami at ringside, but Sami ran into the ring. Nakamura surprised Braun with a Kinshasa. A relieved Sami smiled and hugged Nakamura. [c]
-They showed postcard shots of San Jose, Calif.
-They showed Daniel Cormier in the front row.
-Cole threw to a video feature on Otis getting ready for his Valentine’s Day date with Mandy Rose. Otis was shown jumping rope, with the camera focusing on his bouncing belly fat. Then he did curls as Tucker encouraged him. Otis then lifted a keg, then did sit-ups with the reward being a bite of pizza every time he sat up. Otis then tried on a suit coat. Tucker ripped off the sleeves. Then they shifted to Otis practicing eating like a gentleman. He tucked a napkin into his shirt and lifted the steak like it was a sandwich. He stood up and accidentally tipped over the table. Otis looked sad. Tucker said he should cheer up because he’s ready.
-As Sheamus made his ring introduction, Cole plugged the Hall of Fame. They showed the NWO (Hulk Hogan, Scott Hall, Sean Waltman, Kevin Nash) and Batista on the screen in the corner.
Cole talked about Crews’ fighting spirit. Sheamus beat him quickly with a Brogue Kick.
WINNER: Sheamus in 1:00.
-Shorty G ran out for the save. He ducked a Brogue Kick, but Sheamus came back with another Brogue Kick seconds later. [c]
-Cole hyped that Super Showdown would feature The Fiend vs. Goldberg, Miz & Morrison vs. New Day, and Reigns vs. Corbin in a cage.
-Ring entrances took place for the Fatal Four-way main event. Bayley was at ringside to watch.
(5) NAOMI vs. ALEXA BLISS vs. NIKKI CROSS vs. CARMELLA – Fatal Four-way to earn a Smackdown Women’s Title match
After some early chaotic four-way action, Naomi landed a corkscrew plancha onto her three opponents on the floor. Bayley stood over them flaunting her title belt. Naomi shoved her down. Bayley jumped up and got the better of Naomi and threw her into the ringside steps. Cole said that changes the complexion of the match. [c]
A few minutes later, Naomi lifted her knees on a Twisted Bliss by Bliss. Carmella entered and caught Naomi with two kicks to the chin for the three count.
WINNER: Carmella at 12:00.
-Bayley attacked Carmella right afterward, then bailed out. She clutched her title belt and sneered as Carmella looked up to soak up what just happened.
OR CHECK THIS OUT AT PROWRESTLING.NET: Seth Rollins says Hulk Hogan got what he deserved when he was booed at the WWE Raw on Netflix premiere
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