NOVEMBER 19, 2024
NXTCommentators: Vic Joseph, Booker T
Ring Announcer: Mike Rome
Backstage Correspondent(s): Sarah Schreiber, Byron Saxton
Join Nate Lindberg & Kevin Cattani approximately 10 minutes after the end of NXT for PWTorch’s NXT Post Show, PWT Talks NXT!
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-The show opened with a scenic shot over Orlando Florida. Then Booker T and Vic Joseph hyped the audience up for the night, standing ringside.
-Nathan Frazer and Axiom bickered as they walked to the ring for Nathan Frazer’s match. Gallus menacingly walked behind them and stopped before the curtain to Gorilla.
Last week, Ava called every tag team to action. To make them hungrier than they have been to capture NXT Tag Gold. Nathan Frazer, being one half of the Tag Champions alongside Axion, is now a major target across the tag division. OTM, D’Angelo & Stacks, Hank & Tank were among some of the teams scattered around the arena with their eyes on Frazer and Axiom.
This played into the story of the match, with not only Frazer getting slightly distracted from time to time. Eddy Thorpe would be distracted by all the hub-bub too, causing him to lose his momentum at least once. Frazer and Thorpe had great chemistry as they traded explosive offensive moves, adding to the drama already inside the arena. Frazer would hit a phoenix splash on Thorpe, as all of the tag teams surrounding the ring started fighting with one another – unable to keep the peace.
Winner: Nathan Frazer in approx 11 Minutes
-After the match, the entire tag team division filled the ring and ringside area in a massive brawl.
-A vignette for Andre Chase and Chase University aired with Chase giving what could be his last pep talk to the students. If he loses his match tonight against Ridge Holland, Chase U disbands. (c)
-A vignette for Guilia was up next, showcasing the challenges she faced to get to the position she finds herself in now and her move to America. She said she will not only become the Iron Survivor, but will see the NXT Women’s Champion, Roxanne Perez soon.
-Kelani Jordan asked Mr. Stone and Stevie Turner to talk Ava into giving her an Iron Survivor Qualifying match next week.
-A prerecorded promo from Stephanie Vaquer played as she made her way to the ring, stating that she would beat Jaida Parker in their match and move on to become the Iron Survivor.
A match with high stakes for both women. Not just because of the chance to be in the Iron Survivor match, but these are two women that NXT wants to push hard. It could be interesting to see the fan’s reaction to the loser after the fact. The match started out a little slow and methodical, kicking into gear pretty quickly. Jaida Parker’s shoulder was “injured” early on in the match, and Stephanie Vaquer smartly focused her offense on continuing to injure it. (c)
After the commercial break, Jaida Parker was solidly in control nearly pinning Vaquer on multiple occasions. Stephanie and Jaida would trade offense until Lola Vice came down the entrance ramp to distract Parker. This allowed Vaquer to quickly get her finish on Parker for the win.
Winner: Stephanie Parker in approx 11 minutes.
-Dion Lennox and Brinley Reece prepare in the locker room for their upcoming intergender tag match.
-Roxanne Perez shared a video from the beach, on vacation trying to relax. Sol Ruca “photobombed” her video, randomly running into her. Ruca said to enjoy vacation because afterwards, she’ll be seeing more of Ruca.
(3) TONY D’ANGELO (w/Adriana Rizzo) vs. BROOKS JENSEN (w/Shawn Spears)
Shawn Spears has seemingly been the puppeteer, gaslighting Brooks Jensen into potentially doing Spears’ bidding. Over the last few weeks, Spears has been working on Tony D’Angelo until D’Angelo finally agreed to a match with Jensen last week. D’Angelo came out strong out of the gate, but was overpowered by Jensen after a few moments. Jensen would attack the throat of D’Angelo, causing D’Angelo to sell the effects of being unable to breathe throughout the rest of the match. It also showed how tenacious that D’Angelo really is, fighting through something so devastating.
Brooks Jensen would continue to be a powerhouse, until D’Angelo was able to reverse a big boot into a Spinebuster for the win.
Winner: Tony D’Angelo in approx 4:00
-Shawn Spears entered the ring to shake D’Angelo’s hand. Brooks Jensen attacked D’Angelo from behind during the handshake. Spears smiled sinisterly to end the segment.
-Ashante “Thee” Adonis and Karmen Petrovic were flirting and hyping each other up in the locker room for their intergender tag match.
-Lexis King was backstage, talking about being the best version of himself he could be. The camera pans and he’s talking to Yoshiki Inamura from Pro Wrestling NOAH. Josh Briggs would ask Yoshiki what that conversation was about. He would say “NXT is a crazy place”, as the massive tag team brawl began to cut through the area this was being filmed in. Yoshiki continued “My kind of crazy!”
The first minute of the match saw four tags between the teams, without a single competitor touching. They stood in their corners, tagging their partners, neither team knowing who should start. The women finally kicked off the action, briefly, as Lennox and Adonis were tagged in pretty quickly. Adonis and Lennox shared control of the match while they were the legal competitors until they both went for a clothesline, taking each other out. Brinley Reece got the hot tag and unleashed her comeback on Petrovic. Adonis would try to flirt with Reece and she slapped him. This allowed Petrovic to captialize on the distraction and get a superkick on Reece for the win.
Winners: Ashante “Thee” Adonis & Karmen Petrovic in approx 4:30
-Sarah Schreiber interviewed Ridge Holland on his match later tonight with Chase. Ridge cut a promo on all of Chase U, saying that the members of Chase U will flounder without their father figure to lead them.
-A video package outlining the Iron Survivor Challenge match including highlights from prior events and the rules aired.
(5) WREN SINCLAIR (w/Charlie Dempsey) vs. ZARIA
Sinclair was outmatched from the get-go against Zaria, clearly the underdog against the woman who wants to become the most destructive force in the NXT Women’s division. Whenever it looked like Sinclair was about to build momentum, Zaria would quickly cut her off. Zaria threw Sinclair out of the ring at one point, and Dempsey interjected himself, trash talking to Zaria. Sinclair snuck back into the ring and hit a suicide dive on Zaria, then threw her back into the ring. Sinclair continued to fight valiantly, but ultimately fell to a spear followed by Zaria’s version of the F-5, for the win.
Winner: Zaria in approx 3:30
-Fatal Influence was shown walking to the ring (c).
-D’Angelo was being seen by the medical staff after being injured in his match against Jensen. Ava walks in and D’Angelo demands a rematch on Jensen. Ava granted it if he could be cleared. Eddy Thorpe entered the room and wanted her to do something about the tag teams interrupting his match. She said no. Eddy pointed out all the chances that she gave other wrestlers, and stormed off extremely upset.
-Fatal Influence stood in the center of the ring talking about how good they are, Fallon Henley issued an open challenge for her North American title next week. Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson interrupted Fatal Influence saying they wanted a shot at Fallon’s title. Nikkita Lyons then came out wanting a shot. Adriana Rizzo attacked Nikkita Lyons from behind, causing the entire female locker room to spill out in a massive brawl. Fallon Henley stood in the ring and looked on as Tatum Paxley slithered up from behind her, planted her to the mat, and held the North American title up high.
-Ashante “Thee” Adonis and Karmen Petrovic awkwardly flirted with one another, and it looked like they were about to kiss when Nikkita Lyons walked through the shot. “Hey Ashante, I never got a text back the other night”. Petrovic was upset and stormed off as Adonis claimed that she was lying. (c)
-A video package for Ethan Page aired, him declaring that he’ll become the Iron Survivor.
-Axiom tells Nathan Frazer that he’s going to be Ethan Page’s opponent in the Iron Survivor Qualifier next week. Meaning if Axiom wins, he and Nathan Frazer will be opponents in the Iron Survivor Challenge match at Deadline.
-A 2nd vignette for Andre Chase and Chase U aired. Andre Chase hyping up his students as he walks into his match against Ridge Holland.
-NXT Champion, Trick Williams made his way to the ring to watch the next match ringside.
Ridge Holland and Andre Chase made their ways to the ring. Mike Rome did the announcements under the spotlight with both men in the ring to give this match an even bigger fight feel. Chase and Holland spent the first few moments of the match trading offense and momentum, with Ridge Holland eventually staying in control of Chase with a series of German and Belly to Belly suplexes. Holland continued the onslaught on Chase before jumping out of the ring and ripping up the ringside mats. Holland looked to powerbomb Chase on the exposed floor, but Chase managed to reverse out of it. Chase climbed up to the apron and delivered a senton to Holland before cutting to commercial break (c)
Vic Joseph would ask Trick Williams, joining he and Booker T on commentary, to speak on what Chase U means to the NXT Universe as Andre Chase managed to shift control of the match back in his favor. However, no sooner was Chase able to gain control, Holland would reverse into a massive gutwrench. Holland left the ring to grab a chair, then returned to the ring to attack Chase with the chair. The ref stopped the blatant cheating and as the ref turned his back to dispose of the chair, Holland low blowed Chase and quickly covered him. Seemingly out of nowhere, Duke Hudson and Thea Hail appeared and pulled the ref out of the ring before the count of three. With the ref indisposed, Duke Hudson unleashed fury upon Ridge Holland. The two would fight over to the exposed concrete from earlier in the match. Hudson went to powerbomb Holland on the concrete, and Holland managed to reverse it and send Hudson through a decorative wall. Holland stood up and began the hunt for a wounded Andre Chase when Riley Osborne also appeared out of nowhere and delivered a senton to Holland, still standing on the floor, from the top turnbuckle. Osborne accidentally hit Thea on his way down. Osborne threw Holland back into the ring and tried to take him out on behalf of Chase. Instead, Holland overcame Osborne, picked him up, and tossed him over the top rope to the exposed concrete.
Andre Chase, witnessing the decimation of his students fired up like only Andre Chase can. He hit a side Russian leg sweep, followed by the Chase U Stomps. Chase then delivered a Uranage and covered Holland, but it wasn’t enough. Chase climbed to the top rope, Holland followed him. Holland looked for a superplex, Chase reversed into a powerbomb then covered Holland for a near fall. Chase hit a top rope cross body, but was caught by Holland. Holland slammed Chase to the mat and covered him for the win, disbanding Chase U for good.
Winner: Ridge Holland in approx 12:00
After the match, the camera crew showed the destruction left in the wake of Holland and the look of dismay on the face of Andre Chase. The show came to an end as fans could literally be seen in tears in the audience, saddened to say goodbye to a fan favorite faction.
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