TNA BOUND FOR GLORY RESULTS (10/26): Nemeth vs. Hendry, Grace vs. Slamovich, ABC vs. Hardys vs. The System

By Darrin Lilly, PWTorch Contributor


OCTOBER 26, 2024

Commentators: Tom Hannifan, Matthew Rehwoldt



-Bob Ryder and Rhino were inducted into the TNA Hall of Fame. Eric Young accepted for Ryder and Tommy Dreamer introduced Rhino.


The final wrestlers were Jake Something, Zachary Wentz, Rhino, JDC, AJ Francis, and Frankie Kazarian. Wentz eliminated Jake.  AJ threw out Wentz. Rhino took out JDC. Rhino clotheslined AJ over the top rope. Frankie and Rhino had a one-on-one match at that point. Frankie gave Rhino a low blow (which the referee didn’t see), then got the pin. Frankie will get a title shot, which he can redeem within the next year.


-A live rendition of the National Anthem was followed by a video of Detroit and the TNA wrestlers.

(1) “SPEEDBALL” MIKE BAILEY (c) vs.  EL HIJO DEL VIKINGO — TNA X Division Title match

The announcers noted that this was Vikingo’s first match in TNA since January. Fans chanted “Holy s***” and “This is awesome!” before the bell even rang. After a few minutes, the action went to the floor, with high-flying moves being exchanged.

Back in the ring, Bailey got a shooting star press for a two count. Vikingo nailed Bailey with a whirlwind kick. They traded chops and kicks. Bailey caught Vikingo with a crane kick and a tornado kick, followed by the Ultima Weapon, but Vikingo kicked out of the pin attempt. Vikingo gave Bailey a Canadian Destroyer.

Vikingo caught Bailey with a corkscrew moonsault to the outside. Vikingo gave Bailey a Destroyer from the post to the ring apron that got a “Holy S***” from the fans. Bailey suplexed Vikingo off the top rope and got the pin.

WINNER: Mike Bailey in 16:00.

(2) SPITFIRE (Dani Luna & Jody Threat)(c) vs. ROSEMARY & WENDY CHOO — TNA Knockouts Tag Team Title match

Threat “suplexed” Choo’s pillow out of the ring, but Choo used that distraction to get the upper hand. Luna eventually tagged in. Luna powerbombed Rosemary for a two count. Rosemary and Choo gave Luna a DDT on the outside. Threat did a dive from the top rope to the floor on Rosemary and Choo.

Rosemary had Luna pinned but pulled her up at the two count. Luna powerbombed Rosemary and Choo off the top rope, then tagged to Threat. Rosemary accidentally hit Choo. Threat hit the double knees on Choo and Rosemary, followed by a double German suplex. Spitfire hit the Pressure Drop and Luna pinned Choo for the win.

WINNERS: Spitfire in 10:00.

After the match, Rosemary speared Choo. Fans booed. Rosemary gave Choo a kiss and stared at her.

-Frankie Kazarian was reading a referee’s book to prepare for the main event tonight. Gia Miller interviewed him. He once again said that he would be raising the hand of the real TNA World Champion.

-Joe Hendry and Nic Nemeth were shown arriving earlier today.


Maclin attacked Alexander during Alexander’s entrance. Hannifan said that Saint & Sinner had travel issues and wouldn’t be here tonight. They brawled on the floor with Maclin getting the best of it. Alexander threw Maclin into the ring post. The bell finally rang.

This was a good back and forth brawl. Alexander gave Maclin a series of German suplexes. Maclin then gave Alexander a series of his own. They exchanged punches. Alexander slammed Maclin on the ring apron. Alexander kicked Maclin low while the referee was down. Alexander tied Maclin’s hands behind his back. The referee went to cut the tie, but Maclin refused and attacked Alexander. Maclin gave Alexander the Caught in the Crosshairs and a dive to the outside.

Maclin caught Alexander with a running knee. Alexander gave Maclin a tombstone piledriver but Maclin kicked out of the pin attempt. Maclin escaped the C-4 Spike. Maclin gave Alexander a headbutt. Alexander put Maclin in the ankle lock. Maclin passed out since he couldn’t tap. The referee stopped the match.

WINNER: Josh Alexander in 15:00.

-Masha Slamovich and Jordynne Grace were shown arriving earlier.

(4) PCO (c) vs. MATT CARDONA — TNA Digital Media Title and International Wrestling Championship match

This was a Monster’s Ball match. Cardona had on his Ghostbusters outfit. The action went to the floor early. PCO threw Cardona through a door that was set up in the corner. Cardona hit a diving PCO with a metal trash can. Cardona powerbombed PCO through another door that was set up.

Cardona poured tacks in PCO’s mouth and gave him the Re-Boot. Cardona drove PCO’s head into the thumbtacks. Cardona stuck tacks into PCO’s face. PCO fired up, but Cardona gave him the Radio Silence for a two count. Cardona brought in yet another table, but PCO charged and drove it into him, then smashed it over him. PCO poured more tacks on the mat. Cardona gave PCO a low blow.

Cardona brought in a barbed wire bat and hit PCO with it. PCO chokeslammed Cardona into the tacks. PCO followed with a PCOsault and got the pin.

WINNER: PCO in 14:00.


Rapper Westside Gunn was shown in the front row. Santana and Moose started off brawling on the floor. JDC also got involved. Moose had the advantage in the early part of the match, but Santana made a comeback. Santana gave Moose a cutter for a two count. Santana did a dive from the top rope to the floor on Moose and JDC. They brawled on the floor again.

Santana gave Moose a Death Valley Driver and a 450 splash for a two count. They exchanged offense on the apron. Moose powerbomed Santana on the apron. JDC tried to hit Santana with a chain, but Santana gave him the Spin the Block clothesline. Moose gave Santana a spear, but Santana kicked out at two. Santana got the Spin the Block on Moose and got the pin.

WINNER: Mike Santana in 14:00.

(6) JORDYNNE GRACE (c) vs. MASHA SLAMOVICH — TNA Knockouts Title match

Fan reaction was split. Masha caught Grace with a dive to the floor early. Grace gave Masha some aggressive kicks and stomps. Masha gave Grace a Snow Plow, but Grace kicked out at two. Masha gave Grace a series of moves. Grace gave Masha a Kryptonite Crunch for a two count.

Masha gave Grace a Burning Hammer for a two count. They exchanged strikes. Grace gave Masha the Juggernaut Driver, but Masha kicked out. Grace immediately put Masha in a leglock submission, but Masha reached the ropes. Masha gave Grace a Snow Plow from the top rope, followed by a piledriver for the pin.

WINNER: Masha Slamovich in 17:00 to win the TNA Knockouts Title.

Masha and Grace hugged after the match.

(7) NIC NEMETH (c) vs. JOE HENDRY — TNA World Title match

Frankie Kazarian was the special referee. Ace Steel gave Hendry a pep talk before the match. They played a video that showed Hendry training and walking. The music sounded similar to “Lose Yourself” by Detroit’s Eminem. Hendry was dressed like Eminem for this entrance with a chainsaw, overalls, and a hockey mask.  A cool camera shot followed Nemeth from backstage to his entrance down the ramp. Fans enthusiastically chanted “We believe!” during Hendry’s introduction. Nemeth was booed.

Fans sang “I believe in Joe Hendry” and clapped during the early part of the match. Hendry gave Nemeth a delayed suplex. Nemeth dropped ten elbows on Hendry. Nemeth escaped the Standing Ovation and put on the sleeper. Hendry powerbombed Nemeth for a two count. Hendry put on the ankle lock, but Nemeth reached the ropes. Hendry gave Nemeth a fallaway slam from the top rope.

With both men down, Frankie grabbed his Call Your Shot Gauntlet trophy to cash it in, but Hendry grabbed him and told him to do his job. Nemeth gave Hendry the Famouser and Frankie tried to fast count Hendry, but Hendry kicked out at two. Nemeth gave Hendry a DDT for a two count. Hendry caught Nemeth and gave him a Death Valley Driver for a two count. Hendry booted Nemeth out of the ring.

Hendry gave Nemeth a cutter on the apron. Frankie grabbed the trophy again and called for a referee. JBL walked to the ring. He gave Frankie the Clothesline from Hell. Fans cheered. JBL talked to Hendry and turned to leave but then gave him a clothesline too. JBL decked Ryan Nemeth. Nemeth gave Hendry the Danger Zone. Another referee ran in for the count, but Hendry kicked out at two. Fans chanted “We believe!”

Hendry blocked a superkick and went for the Standing Ovation, but Nemeth superkicked him and gave him the Danger Zone for the pin. You could hear the crowd deflate.

WINNER: Nic Nemeth in 16:00.

-Santino Marella congratulated the two newest members of the TNA Hall of Fame, Bob Ryder and Rhino.

(8) THE SYSTEM (Brian Myers & Eddie Edwards w/Alisha Edwards)(c) vs. ABC (Chris Bey & Ace Austin) vs. JEFF HARDY & MATT HARDY — Full Metal Mayhem TNA Tag Team Title match

There were tables, ladders, and chairs all around the ring that Jeff Hardy had hand painted. Even the ring mat had Jeff Hardy art painted on it. The Hardys came out first, followed by ABC, then The System. The Hardys got a great reaction. Everyone brawled at the start. The Hardys and ABC worked together to fight The System. Bey did a dive over the top rope to the floor on The System. The wrestlers fought in the crowd. Ace jumped off a barricade and put Myers through a table.

Matt jumped from a ladder and legdropped Eddie through a table. The Hardys gave Bey a Twist of Fate. Ace pushed over the ladder and knocked the Hardys to the mat. ABC hit the Poetry in Motion on Jeff. Bey stomped on Jeff, who was on a ladder. Jeff hit ABC with a ladder. ABC suplexed Jeff on a ladder. The Hardys and ABC continued to fight. Ace and Jeff fought near the top of a ladder. The System finally got back involved in the match.

At this point, there appeared to be technical problems with the feed cutting in and out. ABC hit the Art of Finesse and The Fold on Myers. Bey gave Eddie the Art of Finesse off a ladder. Bey hung from the structure. Eddie swung him into a spear from the top rope from Myers. Matt knocked Eddie from the ladder and hit him with a chair. Matt gave Eddie a Twist of Fate. Jeff gave Myers a Twist of Fate.

Jeff jumped off a giant ladder and put Myers through a table at ringside. Alisha tipped over a ladder to send Ace to the floor. Matt kicked Alisha and gave her the Twist of Fate, to cheers. Eddie hit Matt with a kendo stick. Matt hit Eddie with a chair. The Hardys sent Eddie through a table on the floor. The Hardys climbed the ladder and grabbed the belts to take the titles.

WINNERS: Jeff & Matt Hardy in 28:00 to win the TNA Tag Team Titles.

The Hardys celebrated with the fans after the match.

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