AEW RAMPAGE RESULTS (10/25): Ricochet vs. Nick Wayne, Undisputed Era vs. Shane Taylor Promotions, Anna Jay vs. Leila Grey, Beef vs. Beast

By Patrick Moynahan, PWTorch contributor


OCTOBER 25, 2024

Announcers: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Matt Menard

Ring announcer: Justin Roberts

(1) UNDISPUTED KINGDOM (Matt Taven & Mike Bennett) vs. SHANE TAYLOR PROMOTIONS (Shane Taylor & Lee Moriarty) vs. GATES OF AGONY (Bishop Kaun & Toa Liona)

Taven and Moriarty started things off as Roderick Strong joined commentary. Moriarty took Taven to the mat who was able to reach the ropes for a break. Taven connected with a nice looking dropkick on Moriarty, then rolled Moriarty for a two count. Bennett tagged in and went for a quick cover on Moriarty. Kaun made a blind tag and immediately went after Taven. Kaun nailed Taven with a huge clothesline that took him down.

Kaun hit a moonsault press for two. Kaun and Liona made quick tags as they kept Taven trapped in their corner. Taven finally made the tag back to Bennett who nailed Liona with a series of stiff chops that had no effect. Taylor tagged in and dropped Bennett with a sit-down bomb for two. Bennett ducked a clothesline but was met hard with a second from Taylor. [c]

Things broke down a bit from here as Taven went on a rampage (no pun intended.) He nearly single-handedly took out everyone aside for his partner. Taylor slowed things down as he hit the ring and took out both Bennett and Taven. Kaun caught Taylor in an Air Raid Crash. Liona hit the ring and wiped out the Undisputed Kingdom on his own.

Moriarty was taken out by Liona and Kaun but the Undisputed Kingdom took advantage and were able to pick up the win.

WINNERS: Undisputed Kingdom in 9:00

(Moynahan’s Take: Fun opener that gives Undisputed Kingdom a win after seemingly being put on the shelf for some time. Actually, all three of these teams have seemed to have gotten pushed to the back in recent weeks and months, so it was nice to see them all in action. The tag team division needs some life in it, eh?)

– Renee was backstage with Beef and asked about his cousin, Anthony Henry. Beef talked about Henry’s recovery but said Henry wouldn’t get back to him after multiple attempts. Beef then turned his attention to Beast Mortos, whom he will face tonight. JD Drake then appeared and wished Beef luck. [c]

– Renee spoke with the Undisputed Kingdom, who asked to speak with Beast Mortos. Strong said it was really bugging them that they would not be out by the ring with Mortos. They let Mortos know they would be rooting for him and would give him some meat if he won. Mortos simply grunted in response.


The commentators hyped up Jay’s ring work since she came back from her time in Stardom. Jay hit Grey with a series of knee strikes but Grey caught Jay with a flipping neck breaker off the ropes for two. Grey rammed Jay into the turnbuckle, then hit her with a running knee strike.

Grey covered for two and failed to hit a follow-up suplex on Jay. The two traded shots back and forth until Jay hit a leaping forearm. Jay hit a shotgun dropkick, then drove Grey to the mat for the win.

WINNER: Anna Jay in 3:00

(Moynahan’s Take: I think Jay looks good after her stint in Japan, but it also may be just me buying into what the commentators are selling me. Either way, I guess that’s a win for Jay, right?)

– A video package aired recapping this past week’s Dynamite.

Check out the latest episode of the Wade Keller Pro Wrestling Post-show covering the latest episode of Dynamite: CLICK HERE (or search “wade Keller” on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or any other iOS or Android app to subscribe free)

(3) BEEF (w/J.D. Drake) vs. THE BEAST MORTOS (w/LFI)

Both men charged at one another in the early going, with neither one wanting to give away ground. Mortos nailed Beef with a back suplex before hitting him with a huge right hand right across the face. Mortos followed up with a running knee strike for two. Mortos slammed Beef and the two then attempted to suplex one another to no avail. Mortos dropped Beef with a stiff headbutt. [c]

Mortos nailed Beef across the face with a huge right hand that riled up the crowd. Beef escaped out of the corner, then hit a cross body off the ropes. Beef landed a series of shots on Mortos in the center of the ring before he took Mortos down with a huge right hand. Beef hit a running clothesline, then a bulldog for two. Mortos caught Beef in a Samoan drop for a two count. Mortos went to the top rope and hit a corkscrew splash for two.

Beef hit Mortos with an enziguri then went to the top. Rush hit Beef behind the ref’s back as Drake failed to help Beef out. Mortos dropped Beef for the win.

WINNER: Beast Mortos in 8:30

– After the match, Rush took the camera cable and used it to attack Beef. Drake stood on the outside and finally tried to help before LFI overtook him and beat him down as well.

(Moynahan’s Take: Super fun match between two beefy men – yes I went there. Mortos is great, and I always dig Rush. Just give LFI a storyline to latch on to and let them grow as a solid faction.)

– Renee was backstage with Harley Cameron who downplayed being punched in the face recently by Thunder Rosa. She told Rosa that anything she could do, Cameron could do better, then told her to wait and see what it was. [c]

– A commercial aired for Wednesday’s Fright Night Dynamite.

(4) RICOCHET vs. NICK WAYNE (w/Mother Wayne)

Wayne bailed to the outside to get the crowd riled up a bit late into the evening. Wayne eventually made it back into the ring as Ricochet immediately went on the offensive attack. Wayne kicked Ricochet in the stomach to slow things down but that didn’t last long. Ricochet took Wayne down with a dropkick but missed a moonsault off the apron. Wayne ducked away from Ricochet’s punch attempt, as Ricochet nearly hit Mother Wayne. [c]

Ricochet hit a jawbreaker then a few chops on Wayne in the corner. Ricochet followed up with a springboard dropkick, then landed on his feet. Ricochet went over the top rope to take out Wayne. Ricochet then hit another springboard back into the ring for a close count. Ricochet went for a running shooting star for another close count. Ricochet went back to the top as Wayne popped up and clawed at Ricochet’s eyes. Wayne hit a stunner, then rolled up Ricochet while he grabbed the ropes for two.

Wayne hit a dragon suplex for two. Wayne went for his finisher but Ricochet cut him off. Ricochet hit a spinning high kick, then a dead-lift German suplex for two. The two traded kicks but Ricochet got caught in a cutter as he came off the ropes. Wayne hit a destroyer on Ricochet for a two count. Ricochet ducked Wayne’s World then hit a jumping knee and followed up with a running elbow strike for the win.

WINNER: Ricochet in 13:00

– After the match, Konosuke Takeshita appeared at the top of the ramp to face off with Ricochet who stood in the ring.

(Moynahan’s Take: Phenomenal match – wow. Why this was pushed to late night on a Friday instead of Dynamite or Collision, I don’t know, but please give me more.)

FINAL THOUGHTS: Wow, two solid weeks of Rampage? I gladly accept, but the irony isn’t lost on me that they seem to be finding a groove with these shows now that it’s rumored to be going away sooner than later. Go out of your way to catch the main event if nothing else. Glad to see Ricochet be used as a respected wrestler while Wayne deserves more time to shine on AEW TV. Until next week – stay safe everyone!

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OR CHECK THIS OUT AT PROWRESTLING.NET: AEW Rampage results (10/25): Murphy’s review of Matt Taven and Mike Bennett vs. Shane Taylor and Lee Moriarity vs. Gates of Agony in a three-way tag, Ricochet vs. Nick Wayne, Anna Jay vs. Leila Grey

(You can always reach PWTorch editor Wade Keller at You can also send live event results and news tips to that email.)

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