10 YRS AGO – WWE SMACKDOWN TV Report (10-17-2014): Rollins vs. Ziggler, plus Stardust (Cody), Sheamus, Kane, Dean Amborse, AJ Lee, Usos, more

Dean Ambrose (photo credit Wade Keller © PWTorch)


The following report originally published 10 years ago this week here at PWTorch.com…

WWE Smackdown review
October 17, 2014
Taped 10/14/14 in Birmingham, Ala.
Aired on SyFy
By Greg Parks, PWTorch Columnist

– WWE Open.

– Clips from last Monday’s Raw were shown, focusing on the Dean Ambrose-John Cena-Seth Rollins triangle (with Randy Orton shoe-horned in as the fourth wheel).

– A wide shot of the crowd in Birmingham was shown as the theme music of Seth Rollins played. He walked to the ring, Money in the Bank briefcase in-hand. As he did so, a Hell in a Cell graphic for Rollins vs. Ambrose was shown. Once in the ring, the crowd greeted Rollins with a “you sold out” chant. I’m surprised that chant still has steam this far into Rollins’ heel run. Rollins said he did sell out, but honor doesn’t pay the bills. He called the fans “cowards” and said they’d sell out family members, just like he did with The Shield. As he cut the promo, Lilian Garcia was still in the ring, so I’m assuming he has a match coming up. Rollins said the fans would sell out to be like him. He even said selling out would be the best thing fans could do in their life. Another “you sold out” chant as Rollins was prepared to move on with his promo.

He turned his attention to his HiaC match with Ambrose. Rollins said Ambrose does not belong in Hell in a Cell, but rather, in a straightjacket. He guaranteed that Ambrose would be carried out after the match. He said Ambrose will be nothing more than a hot, smelly mess after the match. Strong words – for a seven year-old. Rollins said he sold Ambrose out but at Hell in a Cell, he’ll put Ambrose out. Following the promo, Dolph Ziggler’s music hit and he walked out. As he did, they showed the final couple seconds of the Randy Orton vs. Ziggler match, and Rollins giving Ziggler the curb stomp after the match.

Ziggler took the mic and said the fans were making a sound they make when they want to see someone. He said Rollins wouldn’t know anything about that because Dean Ambrose wasn’t out there. He said that when you sell out, there’s something priceless that the person loses out on: self-respect. Rollins laughed at that idea and asked if self-respect helped Ziggler when he curb stomped him on Monday night. He even said showing off wouldn’t help him either. Ziggler looked dejected at the zinger, but the dropkicked Rollins. Referee Charles Robinson separated them and then started the match.


Ziggler quickly clotheslined Rollins out of the ring. They cut to break 20 seconds into the match.

[Commercial Break]

Back at 3:42, with Ziggler taking a chest-first bump into the turnbuckle after a whip from Rollins. Rollins followed up with a snap suplex for a one-count. Rollins’ offense kept the match at a somewhat methodical pace. Not boring, mind you, but methodical. That is, until Ziggler back-dropped Rollins outside the ring. Rollins sold a tweaked knee. Ziggler attacked him outside the ring. He tried to take advantage of the knee injury, but Rollins countered and sent Ziggler face-first into the ring post. As Rollins mounted the top rope, Ziggler climbed up and gave him a face-buster off the top. Both men sold exhaustion and pain as they cut to break at 7:52 of the match.

[Commercial Break]

The show returned, 11:44 into the opening match. Rollins missed a corner splash and both men were down again. Ziggler began his comeback with a burst of energy. Rollins turned the tide by bringing Ziggler down throat-first across the top rope. Ziggler and Rollins battled on the top rope and Rollins tried a sunset flip/powerbomb. Ziggler turned it into a DDT. Cover got him a two-count. Rollins dodged a Zig Zag and did sunset flip Rollins for two. Rollins picked Ziggler up and powerbombed him in the corner, then gave him the curb stomp for the pinfall.

WINNER: Rollins, at 14:36. I would’ve liked to have seen more focus and attention by the announcers paid to Ziggler being Intercontinental Champion. They did mention it a few times, but it just seemed to be in passing. I know the focus is on Rollins because of his position on the card. Oh, and obviously, good match (though the two breaks hurt the flow).

After a few replays of the match, Dean Ambrose interrupted the Seth Rollins celebration by coming to the ring with his contract still on its clipboard. Rollins left the ring as Ambrose entered. Ambrose took a mic and said he finally got what he’s been foaming at the mouth for. He said he’d rip the face of Rollins clean off. He also discussed into which orifice of Rollins he’ll stick his boot. Kane’s music interrupted and he said he doesn’t get to have a match at Hell in a Cell, which has him feeling aggressive. He said he likes hurting people. Kane said he’d like to make Ambrose scream in pain, so he put himself in a match with Ambrose in the main event.

– Also tonight, a six-man tag match with Sheamus & The Usos teaming up to take on Gold & Stardust & The Miz.

– A.J. Lee was skipping down the hall backstage. She’s in action next.

[Commercial Break]

– Paige and Alicia Fox were at the announce desk, but only Paige was on commentary. They showed what happened on Raw this past week, where Layla ditched A.J. Lee during their tag match against Fox and Paige. Also, A.J. attacked Layla after the match.

2 – LAYLA vs. A.J. LEE

Layla was already in the ring. In an inset interview, A.J. said she doesn’t play well with others, and that her best friend is the Divas Title. Running elbow by A.J. on Layla. Spinning back kick as Paige explained that A.J. let the title go to her head. Paige actually referred to Fox as her “sane friend.” Layla came back with a kick of her own. Layla locked A.J. in a headscissors. Layla missed a springboard cross-body, and A.J. locked in the Black Widow. Layla tapped.

WINNER: A.J. Lee, via submission, at 1:59. For as often as A.J. and Paige have been on commentary during each other’s match as this feud has progressed, I still have little idea as to what they’re trying to get across or the story they’re trying to tell.

After the match, Fox charged into the ring and A.J. gave her the Thesz Press as a greeting. That led to Paige entering the ring and kick A.J. Ram-Paige was delivered to Lee. The attack was replayed. Paige posed with the Divas Title.

– Seth Rollins entered Kane’s office and asked Kane to leave him a little piece of Dean Ambrose for him. Kane was upset and said neither Rollins nor Ambrose has experience Hell in a Cell. He said they’re facing “a first-time apocalypse.” Kane said together, he, Rollins, and Randy Orton will do some damage to Ambrose and John Cena on Raw during their 3-on-2 Handicap Street Fight coming up. He told Rollins to watch his match later on, as he might learn something.

[Commercial Break]

– The exterior of the Birmingham-Jefferson Convention Complex was shown.

– A graphic for Sheamus vs. The Miz at Hell in a Cell was shown.

– They showed Sheamus on Miz TV on Main Event, where Damien Mizdow was impersonating Sheamus. Sheamus ended up Brogue Kicking the stunt double.

– Sheamus and The Usos joined Renee Young backstage. Sheamus talked about Mizdow’s performance on Main Event, saying he made a great Sheamus – until he kicked his face off. The Usos said Miz and Mizdow make worse twins than Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny DeVito. Because Arnold is in WWE’s good graces, both Usos complimented the film in the end. They also talked about taking it to Gold and Stardust during the six-man match tonight. Sheamus said the only stars those guys will be seeing is when they’re lying on their backs in the ring.

– The Erick Rowan vignette aired.

– Sheamus and The Usos made separate entrances for the six-man tag. It’s next.

[Commercial Break]

– When Miz and Mizdow came to the ring, they showed Miz beating Sheamus two weeks ago on Raw. Then, this past week, Sheamus lost by count-out thanks to – a version of twin magic I guess? They again showed the Miz vs. Sheamus U.S. Title match graphic. When Gold & Stardust came to the ring, they showed an inset interview with the tag champs. Goldust said in space, no one can hear you scream. But on earth, your agony can be deafening. I like that line.

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Goldust with a shoulder knock-down on Sheamus, taking fans back to the feud on ECW that really helped Sheamus get over when he first debuted. Hip-toss by Sheamus. Stardust got the better of one of the Usos, and tagged in Miz. Miz made a big deal of taking off his shades, and ended up on the receiving end of a knee-lift. The camera focused more and more on Mizdow’s sympathetic selling outside the ring. Miz was sent outside the ring. Goldust created a distraction that allowed Miz to take back over on offense in the ring. They cut to break at 3:41 of the match.

[Commercial Break]

Back at 7:21 with Goldust delivering a spine-rattling spinebuster for a near-fall. Stardust ripped the t-shirt off of Jey Uso and went after him with it. Sheamus chased Miz, who had just landed a cheap shot. Miz was half-way up the ramp when Sheamus returned to his post, allowing Miz to do the same. Goldust tagged in and continued the offense for the heels. JBL talked about Goldust having been a tag champion with Hall-of-Famers like Ricky Steamboat and Booker T. The Steamboat one stumped me until I realized he was talking about WCW Tag Titles when Goldust was wrestling as Dustin Rhodes. Sheamus made the hot tag and went after Stardust. Miz was clotheslined over the top and to the floor. Jimmy Uso dove onto Mizdow at ringside, with Miz narrowly avoiding him. However, Stardust was thrown into Miz, who hit the announce table. Powerslam by Goldust for two, broken up by Jey. In the end, Sheamus landed the Brogue Kick on Goldust for the win.

WINNERS: The Usos and Sheamus, at 11:12. Another solid match with refreshing emphasis on the United States title and feud.

– Kane vs. Dean Ambrose is tonight’s main event.

– Big Show was walking backstage. Show was headed to the ring, but not to compete. I assume we’ll hear from him next.

[Commercial Break]

– A graphic showed Wrestlemania as being among one of the most valuable sports brands, as determined by Forbes magazine (it actually finished eighth among sporting events).

– Big Show came to the ring. As he did, they showed Big Show vs. Rusev from Smackdown three weeks ago, in which Rusev attacked Show with the Russian flag to cause a disqualification. Then, last Monday, Mark Henry broke up The Accolade and Henry and Show attacked Rusev after the match. A graphic for Show vs. Rusev at Hell in a Cell was shown. In the ring, Show talked about growing up as a giant and said responsibility is thrust upon you at a young age when you’re that size. So he accepts the responsibility of pinning Rusev at Hell in a Cell. Show said his best friend Mark Henry got a little emotional on Monday in a match with Rusev that ended in a DQ. He called out Henry, wanting to talk to him face-to-face. Show didn’t seem upset at Henry for his actions and even danced to his theme song when Henry came out.

Show put his arm around Henry. He even told a road story with the two of them visiting a Waffle House at 2am. Long story short: They flipped a guy’s car over for parking in their spot. Show talked about Henry’s family and how close they are. He said his heart was with Henry when Henry battled Rusev. He said he knew Henry wanted that responsibility on his shoulders, so he gave him space. He asked Henry for that same space to be given to him. Henry told Show that Rusev is not human. He said it’s a hard pill to swallow to hear Show say he’s going to do something that Henry didn’t. Henry said if Show wants him to get out of the way, he will. The two hugged on it. Rusev’s music then played to bring him out, accompanied by Lana.

Lana called Show and Henry the Goodyear Blimps of the WWE – blown up, full of gas, and very slow. Ruseve took the mic and said after he beats Show, the people will turn on Show because he’ll let them down just like Henry did. He said after Show loses, he’ll disgrace himself and “your stupid USA.” Rusev said he’d crush Show. Show had enough at that point and said Rusev had a bogus Arnold Schwarzenegger accent. That’s two Arnold references on the show. Big Show vowed to chokeslam Rusev, knock his jaw off his face, and pin him at Hell in a Cell. Henry politely applauded Show at ringside.

– Ambrose vs. Kane is tonight.

– Nikki Bella was walking backstage. She stole some guy’s water out of his hand as she did so. She’s in action next.

[Commercial Break]


No entrance for Naomi. As Nikki came out, they showed a WWE.com exclusive interview in which Nikki announced a one-on-one match between her and Brie at Hell in a Cell where the loser becomes the winner’s bitch for a month. But hey, the graphic says “personal assistant.” I picture that being similar to one of Slater and Zack’s bets on Saved by the Bell, when whoever got the lower grade on Mr. Testaverde’s mid-term would be the other’s slave. As Nikki and Naomi locked up, Brie was shown watching on a monitor backstage. Naomi fought out of a rest-hold and responded with dropkicks. Another dropkick and a kip-up. Rear View found the mark but Nikki got her foot on the rope to break up the pin. Nikki grabbed Naomi by the hair and gave her her back-breaker finish.

WINNER: Nikki, at 2:16. This match did its job in giving the announcers time to talk about the Bella match at Hell in a Cell. Match wasn’t too bad, either.

– Ambrose vs. Kane is tonight.

[Commercial Break]

– A Wyatt Family vignette aired, this time, focusing on Bray himself.

– Renee Young was backstage with Dean Ambrose. Ambrose talked again about his Hell in a Cell match with Seth Rollins. He said Rollins can’t prepare himself for the unknown. Heck, Ambrose said even he doesn’t know what he’s going to do. But as for Kane, he said Kane has appeared in one too many horror flicks given his verbiage earlier. He was ready to saddle up against the Big Red Monster.

– Kane and Seth Rollins came to the ring for Kane’s match with Ambrose. It takes place after the break.

[Commercial Break]


Ambrose surprised Rollins by rolling out of the ring right near him, then jumped back into the ring before Kane could get to him outside. Ambrose avoided Kane in the corner and hammered him with rights. Dropkick to Kane, who was then clotheslined over the top by Ambrose. Ambrose opened the ropes in Rollins’ direction, but Rollins declined the invite. Ambrose hopped over the top rope, landing on Kane. Ambrose attempted a tornado DDT, but Kane shrugged him off and booted him down. Kane threw Ambrose out of the ring through the middle rope. He rammed Ambrose’s back into the barricade and apron. Back in the ring, Kane delivered a hard right hand to Ambrose in the corner. After squeezing the juice out of Ambrose’s hand, Ambrose was again sent to ringside. This time, Ambrose got the better of Kane while trying to shake some life back into his hand. Suicide dive found the mark. He went to the top and hit a dropkick. Bulldog out of the corner on Kane for two at 5:11. Rollins got on the apron and was knocked down by Ambrose. Ambrose hit the ropes, but Rollins pulled him out of the ring for a DQ. They couldn’t put Ambrose over Kane clean here?

WINNER: Ambrose, via disqualification, at 5:42.

The heels took advantage of the 2-on-1 situation after the match. Rollins powerbombed Ambrose into the corner and Kane retrieved a chair from ringside. Ambrose side-stepped a curb stomp and took the chair. He threatened Rollins with it, but Kane came from behind. Ambrose fought him off and hit him a number of the times with a chair. However, that allowed Rollins to scamper away. Ambrose stood on the ropes signaling toward Rollins as the show ended.

Did you watch Friday’s Smackdown episode? Send your 0-10 score & Reax to pwtorch@gmail.com for our TV Reax feature.

Greg Parks has been covering WWE Smackdown for PWTorch.com since January of 2007. He is the host of “Moonlighting with Greg Parks,” a PWTorch VIP-exclusive audio show posted each weekend. Follow him on Twitter @gregmparks for live Tweeting during Raw, Impact, and PPVs, as well as other bits of wisdom. Comments, questions and feedback are welcome, and can be sent to g_man9784@yahoo.com.

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