AEW WRESTLEDREAM RESULTS (10/12): Danielson vs. Jon Moxley for AEW World Title, Young Bucks vs. Private Party, Ospreay vs. Ricochet vs. Takeshita, Darby vs. Brody

By Wade Keller, PWTorch editor


OCTOBER 12, 2024

Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Nigel McGuinness

Ring Announcer: Justin Roberts

Attendance: WrestleTix reported tonight that over 8,000 tickets had been distributed near showtime counting 7,850 tickets and hundreds in a VIP section. The arena has a capacity of 21,000 spectators when configured for concerts. Subscribe to WrestleTix on Patreon for detailed up-to-date information.


PWTorch’s Brandon LeClair and Tony Donofrio will review AEW WrestleDream LIVE tonight right after PPV ends.

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(A) Brian Cage beat Atlantis Jr. in 11;00 to win the ROH TV Title.

(B) Anna Jay beat Harley Cameron in 9:00.

(C) The Acclaimed (Max Caster & Anthony Bowens w/Billy Gunn) beat MxM Collection in 12:00. Caster was back in old form with his pre-match rap aimed at MxM which included references to impotence and MxM on Chatterbate.

(D) The Outrunners & Orange Cassidy & Kyle O’Reilly vs. Alex Reynolds & John Silver & Tony Nese & Ariya Daivari in 12:00.



White came out first. When Hangman came out, Excalibur and Schiavone said Hangman can’t possibly still believe he’s on the moral high ground over whatever his gripes once were. They fought back and forth for the first eight minutes. White scored a two count with a German suplex into a bridge at 8:00. Hangman rolled to the corner. Fans chanted, “Jay White! Jay White!” White set up a superoplex. Hangman dug into his eyes to break his grip. White knocked Hangman down with a chop. With Hangman hanging upside down in the corner, White gouged his eyes. Hangman, though, took control seonds later and followed with a Death Valley Driver on the ring apron at 10:00.

Hangman prepared for a Buckshot Lariat, but White charged at him. Hangman punched him. White, though, took Hangman down with a Dragon Screw. Hangman powerbombed White onto the ring apron and then onto the ringside steps. White collapsed to the ground. Some fans chanted, “You sick f—!” Excalibur said White never revealed the nature of his injury that caused him to miss time.

They fought up the aisle. White dropped Hangman knee-first over the edge of the ramp. Excalibur said he didn’t think he had seen that before. White continued the beating in the ring including chopping away at Hangman in the corner. He set up a Blade Runner, but Hangman countered with a Dead Eye. Both were down and slow to get up. White set up a Blade Runner again, but Hangman blocked it. Hangman grabbed the ref and attempted a low blow. White blocked it and then suplexed Hangman on the back of his head. White set up a Blade Runner again and then hit Dead Eye. Hangman couldn’t follow up as he clutched his knee in pain afterward.

Hangman eventually stood and set up a Buckshot Lariat. His knee gave out. White then caught him and delivered the Blade Runner. The crowd popped and then the ref counted three. Juice Robinson came out and celebrated with White.

WINNER: White in 17:00.

(Keller’s Analysis: That was a really good, smart match for an opener. They built slowly but with intensity, told a story with Hangman’s knee and many attempts by each to do their finisher, and White eventually got the win once he executed his finisher. This didn’t burn out the crowd but instead set the pace and effectively got a big pop for the finishing sequence. Glad to see White get the big win here, too. He’s as underutilized and as ready to shine in a top spot as anyone since he hasn’t been overexposed. There’s a hole to dig out for him after the Bullet Club derivative and MJF feud as a fill-in, but he’s a special talent.)

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(2) MARIAH MAY vs. WILLOW NIGHTINGALE – AEW Women’s Title match

Willow came out first and Excalibur touted how popular she is wherever they go. Mariah then made her way out. The bell rang 26 minutes into the hour. Mariah took control early. She yanked on her mouth when pushing her against the top rope. Willow followed with a Pounce and took control, tossing Mariah into three of the top turnbuckle pads before throwing chops. Mariah yanked Willow off balance on the second rope and then mounted her and punched away.

Willow yanked Mariah’s face toward hers and bit her when Mariah leaned in to trash talk her. Willow applied an Indian Death Lock type hold mid-ring at 5:00. Willow slammed Mariah’s head into her knee before releasing the hold. Willow landed a running cannonball seconds later. She went for a top rope moonsault, but Mariah rolled out of the way and then hit Mayday for a near fall. After some counters, both went down and were slow to get up at 8:00. Willow went for a Death Valley Driver, but Mariah countered with a victory roll for a two count. Willow countered for a two count. Willow lifted Mariah and delivered a leaping Death Valley Driver into the corner for a near fall at 10:00.

Willow set up a top rope powerbomb, but Mariah countered with a huracanrana. She followed with a running knee strike and a Storm Zero for the win.

WINNER: Mariah in 11:00 to retain the AEW Women’s Title.

(Keller’s Analysis: Really good match. That was one of AEW’s better all-around women’s matches to date even with it going only 11 minutes. These two clicked. It didn’t feel like the culmination of a feud, and it had to be a tough call to have Willow lose again given how popular she is, but it seems like they have more investment in Mariah’s story right now.)


The bell rang 32 minutes into the hour. Perry took an early lap around ringside after early offense by Shibata. Shibata lost patience and chased him down. They chopped each other for a few minutes. Perry spit at Shibata. Shibata fought bacvk with a flurry of offense including rapid-fire chops. Perry avoided a charge by Shibata. Shibata suplexed Perry at ringside into the side of the ring.

Back in the ring, Perry made a comeback and applied a Snaretrap. Excalibur talked about Shibata’s brain bleed years ago. Shibata made a comeback with a Death Valley Driver and then a sleeper. Perry bridged back and the ref counted Shibata’s shoulders down.

WINNER: Perry in 9:00 to retain the TNT Title.

-Perry attacked Shibata afterward. He blasted him in the face with the TNT Title belt. Daniel Garcia ran out for the save. Perry and Garcia had a staredown. Perry then rolled out of the ring. MJF then came out to his music. Garcia watched as the crowd popped. MJF and Garcia had a staredown. Perry then hit Garcia from behind with the belt. MJF raised his hands i a disarming way and backed into the corner. Perry walked to the back. MJF then smiled and took off his jacket and unbuttoned his cuffs. He then pounced away at Garcia. MJF stood on Garcia’s neck and said the last time he saw him, be beat him without breaking a sweat. Excalibur said that wasn’t true. He said he then went on to make several movies and several million. MJF said Garcia’s alleged bidding war was about as real in 2024 as the Seattle Supersonics. Fans booed. MJF said, “Waaa! Waaa! I’m talking, Seattle! Oh yeah, we’re in Tacoma. Who gives a shit?”

MJF told Garcia that he is glad he told him his Dynamite Diamond Ring was in a pawn shop in Buffalo. He said it took him some time, but he found it, and now he’s going to kiss it. As he got ready to punch Garcia, Adam Cole’s music played. He marched out and then ran to the ring (as we held our collective breath). MJF bailed out and Cole played to the crowd from center-ring. Cole helped Garcia to his feet. Garcia accepted a fist bump offer. Cole rolled out of the ring and said he is back, better than ever, ready to take on anyone. He said MJF is a dead man.

(4) WILL OSPREAY vs. RICOCHET vs. KONOSUKE TAKESHITA (w/Don Callis) – AEW International Title match

The bell rang five minutes into the second hour. Ospreay and Ricochet dazzled early with a flashy sequence. Takeshita dropkicked them both as they struck poses. Callis on commentary said they scouted that. Takeshita set up a table at ringside. Ricochet avoided a charging Takeshita and then knocked Ospreay to the floor. Callis said Ricochet was ahead on points. Takeshita caught a diving Ricochet, but Ospreay then flipped onto both of them at ringside. Takeshita knocked Ricochet down with an elbow to the jaw.

All three were battling on the ring apron a minute later. Ospreay went for an OsCutter, but Ricochet resisted. Takeshita knocked Ricochet down, then caught Ospreay and delivered a Death Valley Driver. Ricochet then leaped at Takeshita with double-knees on the ring apron. A “This is awesome!” chant broke out. Ricochet put Takeshita on the table at ringside. Ospreay blocked Ricochet’s charge with a Spanish Fly mid-ring for a two count. Ospreay played to the crowd, but Ricochet countered Ospreay and scored a two count. Ricochet blocked a Hidden Blade and landed a double-underhook back suplex into a bridge for a two count. Ricochet followed with a 450, but Ospreay moved. Ospreay then gave Ricochet a Styles Clash. Takeshita broke up the cover at 9:00.

They hit a series a big spots leading to a Takeshita near fall in Ricochet. All three were down and slow to get up. An “AEW!” chant rang out. Takeshita took out Ricochet and Ospreay with hard elbow strikes to their jaws. Ospreay came back with a quick enzuigiri and then an OsCutter attempt. Takeshita ducked a clothesline and then clotheslined Ospreay, who flipped and landed on his feet. He followed with an OsCutter. Ricochet landed a splash on a vulnerable Ospreay for a believable near fall. A “Fight Forever!” chant broke out.

Ricochet and Ospreay battled on the ropes in the corner. Ricochet knocked Ospreay down. Takeshita lifted Ricochet on his shoulders. Ospreay clotehslined Ricochet, who landed on his feet. Ospreay then landed a Poison Rana. Ricochet followed with a Poison Rana. Takeshita gave both Ospreay and Ricochet a double German suplex. Takeshita played to the crowd and then flip dove onto both Ricochet and Ospreay at ringside. He followed in the ring with a lariat on Ricochet for a near fall at 16:00.

Ospreay leaped off the top rope and sent Ricochet crashing to the mat where Takeshita caught him, but Ricochet landed on him and scored a two count. Schiavone said this is one of the best matches of the year “by far.” Ricochet kicked Ospreay and then leaped off the top rope with a shooting star press. Takeshita kicked Ricochet in the face. They both landed on Ospreay for a two count. Excalibur said he wasn’t sure if it was Ricochet or Ospreay who were vulnerable to getting pinned there. (Would it matter?) Takeshita eyed the table he set up 15 minutes earlier. He tried to set up Ricochet on the ring apron, but Ricochet fought back and stomped on the back of Takeshita’s head.

Takeshita delivered a leaping cradle piledriver off the ring apron through the table. He high-fived Callis at ringside and pounded his chest. Back in the ring, Ospreay nailed him with a Hidden Blade for a one count. Ospreay landed another and got a two count before Callis yanked the ref out of the ring by his boots. Schiavone there are no DQ’s in a three-way. Callis entered with a screw driver and swung at Ospreay. Ospreay blocked it and set up a move. Kyle Fletcher then showed up in a hooded jacket and struck Ospreay with the screwdriver from behind. Ospreay looked up and took in the scene. Takeshita, meanwhile, delivered a running knee strike.Fletcher threw a ref into the ring who counted to three.

Fletcher gave Ospreay a Tiger Driver after the match. Osreay clutched his neck as Takeshita, Callis, and Fletcher celebrated. Well, Fletcher didn’t celebrate as much as stand over Ospreay and smile. Excalibur called it a stinging betrayal by Fletcher.

WINNER: Takeshita in 21:00 to capture the AEW International Title.

(Keller’s Analysis: A dazzling and hard-hitting crowd-pleasing rapid-fire highspot filled match. Takeshita did some athletic stuff, but he was also the heavy-hitter. It’s great to see Takeshita with a big win and perhaps a big focused push, although the finish was so full of shenanigans, it didn’t boost him in a credible way as much as just signalling his biggest push to date.)

-Renee Paquette interviewed Jerry Lynn and Orange Cassidy backstage. He said he’s a big fan and he even dressed up as him for Halloween. He said he knows he’s been going through some stuff lately, but he sees big things in him. He said if he really wanted to and really tried, he could be the man. “Just food for thought,” he said. He walked away. Hook walked up to Orange said he should listen to Jerry and said he is the man. They fist-bumped.

-Prince Nana stood mid-ring and plugged a website where you can buy his coffee. He then introduced Swerve Strickland. Swerve made his entrance to a big ovation. He said he wanted to address his home town and his people. He said he still feels tingling down his neck, but he has been medically cleared. MVP coughed and interrupted Swerve. He walked out with Shelton Benjamin. He said he’d like to discuss his future. He said he hasn’t called him back or answered his emails or DMs. He said said he assumed he was in deep contemplation about his future. He said they have history and go way, way back. He said his career seems to be floundering lately. He said he’s built a career on taking champions and reminding them on what it takes to be great and how to get the titles they should have. MVP said he wanted to talk business.

Swerve said, “First off, hello.” He said he gave him a lot of great advice over the years. He said MVP’s achievement have been inspiring. He praised Shelton Benjamin for paving the way for people like them to do what they do in the ring. Fans applauded. Swerve said told Prince Nana that some of the stuff MVP has saying isn’t wrong.

Swerve said the last couple months haven’t been good. He said since he being with Nana, he lost the main event at All Out, he lost his childhood home, and he lost his championship. Nana looked nervous. Swerve said, “On the other hand, I wouldn’t have had all those things to begin with it wasn’t for you, Nana.” Fans applauded and MVP looked worried.

Swerve then told MVP they could actually make history together. He said with MVP and Shelton backing him up, imagine what they could do. Swerve went back to Nana and said there are some things that irk him including the percentage of wages Nana takes. He said he still sells weed to high school kids in the parking lot of hotels. “Yeah, I still hear about that,” he said. He said he’s erratic and sometimes he can’t find him before he goes to the ring. He said the most important thing, though, is that he’s family.

He turned to MVP and said he won’t turn his back on family for anybody. He told MVP to shove his business cards up his ass because he isn’t interested. Shelton stepped into Swerve’s face and said he misread the situation. Shelton said they were not asking him, but rather telling him there is no him without them. MVP held Shelton back after some shoving. Christopher Daniels entered the ring with referees to restore order. Fans chanted, “Swerve’s House!” MVP led Shelton to the back.


The bell rang 49 minutes into the second hour. Excalibur said for those who aren’t familiar with Mexican wrestling, two-out-of-three-falls matches are the standard. Hologram scored a three count in 4:00 after a springboard crucifix bomb into a leverage three count.

For fall two, they brawled up the aisle. Mortos pressed and slammed Hologram onto the ramp. Back in the ring, he landed some power moves including a discus lariat for a three count. Schiavone said that’s the first time they’ve seen Hologram go down for a three count.

Hologram leaped off the top rope rope with a leaping dive onto Mortos on the floor. Back in the ring, Morton slammed Hologram off the top rope and then landed a powerbomb on his knee followed by another discus lariat for a believable near fall. Hologram came back with a swan dive crucifix bomb for a near fall. A winded Hologram landed his airplane spin bomb for the win.

WINNER: Hologram in 17:00.

(Keller’s Analysis: This felt like an intense fight at times, but at others times two wrestlers setting up spots, although that could be said about the three-way earlier, too. There were some big impressive spots and the crowd was largely into it enough to keep the energy going even if it doesn’t feel like this was a match that belonged on PPV. It does seem they want Hologram to be their rising Lucha star, so putting him on PPV to extend his win streak is part of that process. Mortos has been a pleasant addition to the mix lately.)


The bell rang 12 minutes into the third hour. Darby attacked Brody with chops, but Brody easily tossed Darby out of the ring. Brody then swung Darby into the ringside barricade. As he moved the steps, Darby leaped off the ring apron onto his back. Brody fended him off. Darby leaped at Brody, but Brody caught him and then chopped him to the ground. Brody put the steps on Darby and battered him at ringside for several minutes.

Back in the ring, Darby avoided a cannonball. He then rallied and landed a Coffin Drop on Brody at ringside at 6:00. Brody applied a sleeper and took over with a methodical attack. Darby eventually fired back with chops, but Brody applied a sleeper again and then a back suplex.

Darby eventually shoved Brody onto the steps at ringside. He followed with a top rope coffin drop onto Brody. Fans chanted “Holy shit!” Brody rolled back into the ring and Darby promptly landed another top rope Coffin Drop for a three count.

WINNER: Darby in 13:00.

(Keller’s Analysis: Good big man/small man match that played into Darby’s resilience and agility and speedy as an antidote to Brody’s brute force toughness.)

(7) THE YOUNG BUCKS (Matthew & Nicholas Jackson) vs. PRIVATE PARTY (Marq Quen & Isaiah Kassidy) – AEW Tag Team Title match

A vignette previewed the match. The Bucks made their entrance. Then a video aired on Private Party with footage from earlier in their careers and then working out in the streets with Amazing Red giving them a pep talk and saying they need to move on from partying to being more serious. Excalibur talked about Amazing Red passing down lessons to them. As Private Party came out, they showed Stokely Hathaway in the front row. Matthew asked them to cut Private Party’s music. He acknowledged that Private Party beat them five years, and now here they are in the biggest match of their careers. He said they’ve done nothing since then and they’ll always be a mid-card act. They held the belts up near them and said sniffing them is the closest they’ll come. Private Party heard enough and attacked them. The Bucks threatened to leave. They brawled on the stage.

Quen leaped off the top of the stage tunnel and landed the Bucks and Kassidy. Kassidy went after Matthew in the ring which led to the official start of the match 37 minutes into the third hour. Excalibur said many think Private Party are capable of so much more, and this is their chance. More dives at ringside took place.

The Bucks took control for a few minutes, followed by Private Party doing more dives at ringside and in the ring. They showed Action Andretti, Leyla Grey, and Top Flight watching at ringside. They also showed Stokely again. Matthew powerbombed Kassidy into their corner where Nicholas kicked him. Kassidy made a comeback and scored a near fall after a springboard faceplant.

They fought to ringside. Quen landed a 450 splash off the ringside barricade onto Matthew. All four were down and slow to get up. Back in the ring, Private Party landed Gin & Juice for a near fall at 11:00. Fans chanted “Private Party.” They landed More Bang for Your Buck on Nicholas for a near fall, broken up by Matthew who shoved Quen off of Nicholas before the three count.

The Bucks came back with a Doomsday Dropkick by Nicholas and then a dropkick into a senton splash followed by the EVP Trigger. Excalibur said the Bucks were going to retain which of course gave away the kickout a second later. Kassidy surprised Matthew with a small package for a near fall. Kassidy sold a neck injury as he tried to rally. Then they finished him with the TK Driver for the win. They showed Stokely reacting at ringside. Quen consoled Kassidy afterward who had his face buried in his hands. A doctor and ref checked on him and helped him up. Excalibur said they had nothing to be ashamed of.

WINNERS: The Bucks in 16:00 to retain the AEW Tag Team Titles.

(Keller’s Analysis: The Bucks were right, apparently. Lots of action and some suspense and drama due to the late strong build in Private Party. Curious where the distraught Kassidy situation is headed.)

(8) MARK BRISCOE vs. CHRIS JERICHO (w/Big Bill, Bryan Keith) – ROH Title match

Jim Ross joined in on commentary for the first of two men’s world title matches. The bell rang at the top of the fourth hour.Briscoe absorbed an early flurry by Jericho and then landed an elbowdrop at ringside. Briscoe came back and dove onto Bill and Jericho at ringside. Briscoe then put Jericho on a chair and leaped off the ring apron with a Blockbuster. Briscoe slapped hands at ringside. Bill interfered and leaned a table against the announce desk. Orange Cassidy showed up and went after Bill with an Orange Punch.

Jericho took over again at ringside. Excalibur talked about what Jay Briscoe meant to people who knew him and how he was the rock of the family. Excalibur said this seems to be the first time since the death of Jay that Mark has seemed shaken due to what Jericho said about his brother to his face.

Jericho brought the match back into the ring at 5:00 and chopped away at Briscoe’s chest in the corner. Briscoe rallied and landed a Fisherman’s Buster for a near fall. Jericho countered a Jay Driller attempt and twisted Mark into a Walls of Jericho. Mark crawled to the rope. Keith took a shot at Mark as Jericho was distracting the ref which led to a near fall. Keith stood on the ring apron and yelled at the ref. Rocky Romero yanked him off the ring apron and fought him up the aisle. Jericho grabbed a chair, but Briscoe kicked it into him. Briscoe then leaped off the ladder and dove onto Jericho at ringside, crashing through a table leaning at ringside.

Briscoe threw Jericho into the ring. He went for a top rope move, but Jericho caught him mid-air with a Code Breaker for a two count. Briscoe ducked a Judas Effect and then set up a Jay Driller. Jericho countered with a Judas Effect. Jericho stalked Briscoe who was out on his back. He then set up a Jay Driller. Fans booed. Jericho landed it for a near fall. Fans cheered Briscoe’s kickout.

Briscoe fired up and yelled as he no-sold Jericho’s punches. He then punched away at Jericho and then landed a Death Valley Driver followed by his top rope elbowdrop. He pointed up to acknowledge Jay, then delivered a Jay Driller for the win.

WINNER: Briscoe in 14:00 to retain the ROH World Title.

(Keller’s Analysis: This wasn’t always smooth or pretty and graceful, but it had some emotional grit and they played it up well both in the match and on commentary. It’s interesting to see the ROH World Title get such a late slot on the card.)

(9) BRYAN DANIELSON vs. JON MOXLEY (w/Marina Shafir) – AEW World Hvt. Title

A video package previewed the match. Mox came out first. As Danielson was entering the ring, Mox jumped him. Danielson made a comeback at ringside with kicks as “Final Countdown” continued to play (which felt weird). Mox grabbed a cable and choked Danielson with it at ringside. Danielson escaped and choked Moxley. Shafir jumped on Danielson’s back with a sleeper. Mox then clotheslined him. Back in the ring, Danielson kicked a chair into Mox and the ref called for the bell.

The bell rang 24 minutes into the fourth hour. Danielson dove through the ropes onto Moxley at 2:00 and then kicked away at him on the Spanish announce desk. Mox fired back and piledrove Danielson onto the table. Fans chanted, “F— you,  Moxley!” Mox went on sustained methodical intense offense for a few minutes. Shafir interfered again. She then pulled up the ringside mat.

Mox, meanwhile, put his boot against Danielson’s neck against the ringside steps. He set up a piledriver on the cement floor, but Danielson backdropped out of it. Danielson got in a stretch of spirited offense, but Mox made a comeback and landed a running stomp. He applied a Bulldog Choke mid-ring.

Danielson fought out of it. They stood and exchanged wild swings at 16:00. Danielson went down first. When Mox went for a kick, Danielson caught his boot and then he fired back with a flying clothesline. Shafir grabbed Danielson’s boot as Danielson set up his running knee. The ref booted her from ringside.

Danielson landed a Busaiku Knee at 19:00 for a near fall. Exaclibur said fans are rooting for Danielson around the world. Danielson took a breather with Moxley down on his back. He then grabbed Moxley’s arm and stomped away at his body. He then cinched on the LeBell Lock mid-ring. Mox teased tapping, but instead crawled toward the bottom rope. Danielson grabbed his arm, but Mox put his boot on the bottom rope instead. Mox rolled to the floor. Danielson leaped thorugh the ropes, but Mox caught him and delivered a Death Rider on the concrete floor. Mox covered Danielson and Excalibur said it was the end of Danielson’s career. Danielson kicked out at 22:00.

Mox drove elbows into Danielson’s shoulder and neck and then applied a chinlock. Danielson escaped and landed another Busaiku Knee for a near fall at 24:00. Mox caught Danielson with two lariats for a two count. Mox gave Danielson a Death Rider mid-ring. Danielson kicked out at one. Mox told Danielson not to make him do it. Danielson spit at him. Mox then delivered a leaping piledriver. He then applied a sleeper. Danielson flailed desperately. Mox dropped back and the ref called for the bell. The air went out of the arena and it fell silent. Justin Roberts announced Moxley as the new AEW World Champion.

WINNER: Moxley in 26:00 to capture the AEW World Hvt. Title.

(Keller’s Analysis: One hell of a main event. It kind of felt like the only finish that made sense short of some big angle or screwy finish. Mox was built up so much with his new gimmick so it’d be hard to imagine him losing. It seemed Grand Slam was changed to accommodate this timeline.)

-Claudio Castagnoli, Shfari, and Pac joined Mox. Mox produced a plastic bag. Wheeler Yuta and Darby Allin then ran out quickly for the save. Mox and Co. bailed out to ringside. Yuta then gave Darby a running knee to the face. Yuta kneeled and reacted to the moment. Excalibur asked if Yuta has been in on it all along. They duct taped Darby’s wrists to the middle rope. Mox gave Yuta the plastic bag and he put it over Danielson’s head. Schiavone called for the police. Security ran out. Apparently all other wrestlers were locked in a room somewhere or went back to the their hotels. Private Party finally ran out. Then Jeff Jarrett, which got a pop. Mox jabbed Jarrett with a chair. Claudio put Danielson’s head in a chair. Claudio stomped the chair and pressed down on it. A bunch of other babyfaces finally made it to the ring. Ross said, “Where the hell have you guys been?” (He’s the best as just calling out what people applying logic to AEW are often thinking. I’m not sure it’s always for the best, though.) As medics tended to Danielson, Schiavone said Danielson wasn’t moving and he was worried for him. He said it’s an issue of quality of life. Excalibur went to soft talking and his voice cracked as he said this was beyond anything he’s seen in AEW. They showed Cassidy and Darby at ringside looking emotionally broken as they watched. Danielson was strapped to a backbrace. The PPV ended with what felt like a funeral scene.

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OR CHECK THIS OUT AT PROWRESTLING.NET: AEW WrestleDream results: Powell’s live review of Bryan Danielson vs. Jon Moxley for the AEW World Championship, Will Ospreay vs. Ricochet vs. Konosuke Takeshita for the AEW International Championship

(You can always reach PWTorch editor Wade Keller at

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