AEW FEUD TRACKER: Assessing and grading Danielson vs. Moxley, White vs. Hangman, Jericho vs. Briscoe, Darby vs. Brody King, Ospreay vs. Callis Family, more

By Zach Barber, PWTorch contributor



• Daniel Garcia re-signed with AEW announcing his decision in a promo on Dynamite that needed more context than it was given

• Shelton Benjamin debuted last week as part of MVP’s Hurt Syndicate. He got a nice reaction. I like Shelton. He’s a very good wrestler and a good dude but it was a shoulder shrug moment for me. Shelton is what he’s going to be. There is no upward trajectory for him so I don’t know about the wisdom of this hire.

• Swerve Strickland was announced as returning Saturday at WrestleDream which will likely be where Bobby Lashley, who is reportedly signed to the company, will debut to officially kick off what should be a really good feud.

• Jake “The Snake” Roberts returned on Dynamite having negotiated a trade with Don Callis, Lance Archer for LFI. I’m always happy to see Jake healthy and contributing. His mind is still sharp despite everything he put his body through. Still, Jake Roberts leading a trio of Mexican wrestlers in a lucha war against Hologram is a weird choice. We’ll see how it plays out.

• Last week Taz was attacked in the parking lot before the show. This served to give Hook a new story hunting for the mystery assailants and to write Taz off for knee replacement surgery which he successfully had yesterday.


WrestleDream is on Saturday night and man does it feel like the most cobbled together PPV in AEW’s history with the obvious selling point being what will likely be Bryan Danielson’s last match for awhile and the potential reveal of the man pulling Jon Moxley’s strings. This card is the manifestation of having three major events inside 8 weeks. The relentless pace makes it hard to build things up properly. And so we have this show where most of the matches have been put together on 10 days notice. Some have worked better than others and I do think bigger stories are being built but as a standalone show this card isn’t inspiring. That said AEW is extremely lucky that the talent level on the roster is such that it’s nearly impossible for the show to wind up being bad. It should be an enjoyable night of wrestling and a coming out of it they’ll be able to really build to Full Gear.

Jon Moxley vs. Bryan Danielson

Latest Developments

After defeating Kazuchika Okada, Bryan was attacked by Claudio, PAC, and Marina. Jon Moxley alluded to someone forcing his hand. Wheeler Yuta made the save and challenged PAC and Claudio to a tag match tonight but the question is whose side is Yuta going to end up on?


The show cold opened with a mildly produced pre-recorded promo from Mox’s group. PAC and Claudio addressed Yuta. Marina spoke menacingly in her native Moldovan and then Mox cut a promo on Bryan. He promised to let him die a warrior’s death, to go out on his shield, and be buried peacefully in his backyard. This was great. They came across as intense and menacing, Mox in particular. To me, he’s the best promo guy in AEW. Holistically, this promo was just the right amount of produced.

Bryan Danielson had a really good match with Kazuchika Okada (surprising I know) to complete their trilogy. Even though the extra Continental title stipulation was unnecessary, commentary did a good job explaining why Okada was wrestling more defensively and stalling for the first twenty minutes. The backslide finish was slightly disappointing. There’s no reason why Bryan couldn’t have hit Okada with his finish and pinned him.

The post-match was certainly interesting. PAC and Claudio, whose presence momentarily distracted Okada and led to the finish, attacked Bryan along with Marina. They held in place for Mox, who got on the mic and implied that he’s doing what he’s been doing not for himself but because someone is directing him to. Excalibur put even finer point on it saying that someone was “forcing Moxley’s hand”. Yuta ran down to a decent pop to help Bryan and laid out the challenge for the match. It should be noted that PAC and Claudio didn’t lay hands on Yuta. On Collision, Yuta and Claudio had a face-to-face in which Yuta expressed his frustration and Claudio didn’t flinch. He asked Yuta if he (Claudio) had ever steered Yuta wrong and then asked what Bryan’s done for him.

Yuta’s internal struggle has been an interesting subplot of this story and comes front and center as the audience is left to wonder if Yuta will stand by Bryan or rejoin his partners. As far as the PPV match, Bryan has had an insane run of matches this year. It’s almost a career highlight reel for most wrestlers and on Saturday it all comes to an end. Mox is going to beat Bryan and send him into semi-retirement. The only real question in my mind is do we learn the identity of the mystery person Mox is working for. I would bet yes. I still believe that the most likely scenario is that it’s Shane McMahon. I don’t know who else it could be that would be comparably impactful. AEW really needs this reveal to grab people’s attention because this is going to be their primary story for awhile. “Here Comes the Money” hitting in the Tacoma Dome on Saturday night would do that.

Grade: A-

Jay White vs. Hangman Page

Latest Developments

Hangman defeated Juice Robinson and then used his belt to hang him over the top rope which led to the return of “Switchblade” Jay White to rescue his friend.


Before the bell even rang Hangman and Juice were brawling through the crowd. Once in the ring the match wasn’t any less physical. At one point Juice took a gnarly fallaway slam into the corner. In the end Hangman used a low blow to setup a Buckshot lariat for the win. After the match Hangman removed his belt, wrapped it around Juice’s neck, and hanged him over the top rope. That brought the return of “Switchblade” Jay White who brawled into the crowd with Hangman and ended up putting him through a table.

Hangman continues to be dangerously unhinged. He took out the Gunns ahead of the match. Beating Juice wasn’t even enough for him. He felt it necessary to hang him. Switchblade’s return was something I predicted and I’m glad I was right. It’s good to see him back. A feud with Hangman seems like a good landing space even if he does still have Sting’s baseball bat that he stole from Darby and defiled. There’s history between Switchblade and Hangman in AEW and elsewhere for them to lean on so I’m curious to see what they do. Switchblade already cut a promo released on Twitter explaining that his issue with Hangman has nothing to do with Hangman’s damaged psyche and everything to do with Hangman keeping Switchblade from the world title and picking a fight with the Bang Bang Gang. If that’s the first course of discourse between the two we’re in for a treat.

On last night’s Dynamite Jay White laid oit the challenge for WrestleDream and Tony Khan made the match. Going to the first match at WrestleDream is a choice. I can only assume this will be continued beyond Saturday so as to build it up more.

Grade: B+

Check out the latest episode of the Wade Keller Pro Wrestling Post-show covering the latest episode of Dynamite: CLICK HERE (or search “wade Keller” on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or any other iOS or Android app to subscribe free)

Willow Nightingale vs. Mariah May

Latest Developments

On last week’s Dynamite Mariah called Willow out for failing upwards. This week Willow won a cobbled together four way match for the right to face Mariah.


Let me say this upfront. This feud is purely a stopgap to get a women’s title match on the PPV. I think the destinations here are Mariah vs Mina Shirakawa and Willow vs Deonna Purrazzo and her mob family. That said I’m glad Mariah said what everyone was thinking and called Willow out for failing upwards and getting herself in position for a title match despite lots of recent losses. Acknowledge the obvious, don’t run from it. Last night’s match was supposed to be between Willow and Dr. Britt Baker, as a way to pay off Mariah randomly scoping out Britt’s match with Serena last week. Unfortunately Britt took ill and was unable to make the show so Willow was booked in a four way match with Saraya, Nyla Rose, and Jamie Hayter. The match wasn’t crispest affair but the women worked hard. Penelope Ford returned to attack Jamie Hayter who subsequently chased her to the back. In the end Willow won after hitting a Death Valley Driver to Saraya through a table. My assumption was that Willow would beat Britt and that would get Willow her match with Mariah and provoke Britt into turning heel and aligning with Deonna. I ultimately still think Britt ends up aligned with Deonna but it’s going to take more work to get there. As for Mariah she will retain her title and then she’ll have her celebration with Mina and probably leave her in a bloody heap, because in spite of her protest on commentary last night, she has to know Mina’s been teaming with Toni Storm in Japan.

Grade: B

Serena Deeb vs. Queen Aminata

Latest Developments

Queen Aminata made the save when Serena attacked Britt Baker post-match last week on Dynamite. Serena retaliated on Rampage by attacking Aminata after Aminata beat Harley Cameron.


This was pretty standard stuff. Queen Aminata making the save and Serena retaliating two nights later was just a simple way to let the audience know the feud is continuing. My one critique/suggestion would be that they really need to run a Collision recap package and get Aminata some promo on Dynamite. The crowd didn’t react to her music hitting likely because they didn’t recognize it.

Grade: B

Mercedes Moné vs. Kris Statlander

Latest Developments

Kris Statlander declared herself a born again Kristen on Rampage and proclaimed that she had proven that she was the strongest and toughest woman in AEW before being interrupted and shoulder checked by Kamille who was flanked by Mercedes. The next night on Rampage Stat interrupted a Mercedes promo and shoulder checked Kamille. She then won a squash match before being attacked by Kamille. On Dynamite Mercedes had a very physical match with Emi Sakura that she won with a little assist from Kamille. They attempted a double team on Emi before Stat ran out for the save.


I have to address the elephant in the room first. Statlander is a babyface again. It was abrupt and to their credit they tried to explain it via her promo where she talked about being on her own for the first time. In reality I think Tony Khan looked at his roster and realized Stat was a heel and so were both of the women’s champions so he made a change. It seemed like he eased her to neutral first rather than just turning her into overt babyface. That said, she needs to stay face for like 2 years. Multiple turns inside a year is never good.

Now that that’s out of the way, let’s talk about the feud. I’m here for it. Stat vs Kamille will be a great hoss fight. Stat has been presented as the strongest woman in the division and beating Kamille will further establish that. It will also set her up to fight Mercedes. I think Stat could get a really match out of Mercedes so I like the possibilities of this feud especially since Stat has finally gotten comfortable on the mic.

Grade: B+

Darby Allin vs. Brody King

Latest Developments

Darby Allin cut a great pre-taped promo last week recounting a encounter with a bully on a bus as means of explaining why he is the way he is. He issued an open challenge for WrestleDream. The challenge was answered by Brody King on Collision. Darby called Brody out on Dynamite last night and then cut good promo on him that concluded with Darby hitting him with a rock.


Darby’s pre-taped promo from last week detailing the encounter with the knife-wielding bully on the bus was very good. It really gave insight as why Darby is who he is and why he would risk his title match the way he did.

He issued an open challenge which was subsequently answered on Collision by Brody King someone Darby has a lot of history inside and outside AEW. Darby called Brody out last night and then launched into a promo about how they came up on the indies together and how after ROH shut down, Darby called Tony Khan and told him to hire Brody King because he knew how good Brody was and that he had two kids to support. Brody responded by telling Darby that he’s trying to save him from himself because Darby has a death wish. Darby got fired up and told Brody to put him out of his misery. When Brody refused Darby slapped him which led to a fight and Darby pulling out the rock he had in his promo last week.

I enjoyed Darby’s promo. I never have a problem with wrestler’s using real life in their storylines. While he’s in the House of Black, Brody is presented as a mystical figure so introducing this reality didn’t, in my opinion, do any harm. If had any issue with it, it’s that Brody should’ve been more willing to put Darby out of his misery. Darby instigating the fight and then pulling out the rock didn’t make a ton of sense. I expect Darby to win especially since the show is in his home area of Washington.

Grade: B

Chris Jericho vs. Mark Briscoe

Latest Developments

Chris Jericho challenged Mark Briscoe to an ROH world title match and then invoked Mark’s late brother, Jay.


I don’t have it in me to go through this blow for blow. This was a bad Chris Jericho promo. The only good part was him taking a shot at the grifter podcasters who doubted AEW getting a good TV deal. Beyond that it was terrible. Challenging Mark Briscoe to an ROH title match on a AEW PPV was bad enough. Is it too much to ask to keep these brands separate? I don’t need an ROH title match on my AEW PPV. Him invoking Jay Briscoe felt wildly out of place. Jericho is so unserious right now it just felt like a desperate attempt to get unearned cheap heat on a feud that didn’t deserve it. Mark responded this week with an uncharacteristically serious promo. No levity, no wildness, not even a word of the day. Just Mark promising to hurt Jericho. I sincerely hope Mark retains because we’ve already seen Jericho as ROH champion and we don’t need to go there again.

Grade: C

Will Ospreay vs. Callis Family

Latest Developments

Will Ospreay and Ricochet’s match was thrown out last week after Takeshita attacked both men. This week Ospreay confronted Don Callis, who admitted that he sent Takeshita after Ospreay. Physicality ensued and Ricochet ended up making the save for Ospreay.


The Ospreay/Ricochet match was fantastic up until the back-to-back non-finishes. First there was a double pin which resulted in a draw and led to the match being restarted. Within maybe a minute of the restart Takeshita ran-in and attacked both men. You want to setup a triple threat match fine. Do the run-in but don’t do the double pin first. It was a hat on a hat and it was unnecessary.

As far as the segment on last night’s show goes, I thought it was tremendous. Ospreay called Callis out to the ring an didn’t let up until Callis finally admitted that he sent Takeshita to attack Ospreay. Callis told Ospreay that he was tired of Ospreay not listening to him and Ospreay preventing Kyle Fletcher from cheating at Grand Slam was the final straw. Ospreay disavowed any tie to Callis and Callis slapped him to Ospreay to toss Callis across the ring. Takeshita ran in for the save and attacked Ospreay. Fletcher attempted to play peacemaker to no avail. Callis handed him the damn screwdriver and told him to stab Ospreay but he refused and walked out. That’s when Ricochet hit the ring for the save.

Such delicious drama for Ospreay, Fletcher, and Callis. As soon as Ospreay amicably split from Callis you knew there was going to be a blow up at some point. Callis is a manipulator and he was never going to let Ospreay just walk away unscathed. He called in his favor to get the Ospreay and Fletcher team up. Ospreay refusing to cheat was finally too much and Callis showed his true colors. Ospreay should never have trusted Callis but in life people have to learn the hard way that some people are truly despicable slimeballs. The Fletcher part of this is interesting. He refused to betray his best friend. Eventually Callis will tire of his insolence and sic Takeshita and newly acquired Lance Archer on him leading to a full reunion of the United Empire. The only issue here is Ricochet. He really felt like a third wheel in this segment because he was. In hindsight it might’ve been smarter to just have Ospreay beat Ricochet and then have Takeshita attack so it would be one on one. Instead Ricochet is on the outside of the story looking in and probably eats the pin from Takeshita thus taking the title of Ospreay without him being pinned. Ordinarily I’d be more upset with that potential outcome but obviously the story isn’t over between Ospreay and the Callis Family regardless so I’ll allow thia once.

Grade: B+

Stay right here and keep the flow going. We think you’ll like to read this next…

RECOMMENDED NEXT: AEW DYNAMITE HITS & MISSES (10/8): Moxley and Danielson, Darby and Brody King, Daniel Garcia’s promo, Jay White calls out Hangman, Statlander flips on a dime

OR CHECK THIS OUT AT PROWRESTLING.NET: Powell’s AEW Dynamite List: Bryan Danielson and Wheeler Yuta vs. Pac and Claudio Castagnoli, Willow Nightingale vs. Nyla Rose vs. Jamie Hayter vs. Saraya for a shot at the AEW Women’s Championship at WrestleDream

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