10 YRS AGO – NXT TV Report (10-9-2014): Becky Lynch, Sasha Banks, Sami Zayn, Mojo Rawley, Enzo & Cass, Titus, Breeze, more

Sasha Banks and Bayley (photo credit Brandon LeClair © PWTorch)


The following report originally published 10 years ago this week here at PWTorch.com…

WWE NXT Results
October 9, 2014
Taped at Full Sail University
Report by Justin James, PWTorch contributor

[Q1] Funny note: Tyler Breeze’s original music is being used in a lot of ads on ABC for their various shows. It must be some stock music.

Speaking of Tyler Breeze, he is out first for a match. He’s facing Mojo Rawley. This match came out of Breeze demolishing Rawley after Rawley carelessly touched him on the ramp a few weeks ago.

The announcers are Jason Albert, Renee Young, and Rich Brennan.


Breeze hides in the ropes early on to frustrate Rawley. Rawley with a few blows, but Breeze gets his feet up in the corner and just rips Rawley. Breeze locks in an armbar, and the mat calls for the bell even though Rawley didn’t tap.

WINNER: Tyler Breeze in 1:15. Very, very unusual to see a ref call for the bell without a tap out on a submission hold. Rawley’s stock appears to be in freefall.

Post-match, trainers come out and the announcers speculate that the ref heard or saw something that viewers did not that required the match to be called.

Next was a Performance Center video with Cassady and Amore. Amore asks William Regal for a favor. He wants Regal to give Carmella a shot. Regal suspects it is a trick for Amore to date Carmella. Regal watches her for a few minutes, and likes what he sees. He asks for her to come in next week for a try-out. Apparently, Enzo Amore can train a hairdresser in a month to the point that she can get a try-out.

Video package summarizing the feud between The Ascension and Hideo Itami.


They open hot with Itami punching Viktor to the mat, but Viktor comes back with a back elbow. Suplex gets a two count for Viktor. Albert does a great job using his experience in Japan to enhance Itami. Itami is bleeding in the mouth. Itami lands on his feet on a suplex and attacks with kicks. Springboard missile dropkick sends Viktor to the corner and Itami follows with a basement dropkick.

[Q2] On the stage, Konnor is assaulting Sho Funkaki. Viktor tries to capitalize on the distraction, but Itami dodges and hits a dropkick for the win.

WINNER: Hideo Itami in 3:11. Great opening to the match, and I loved seeing a babyface not allow a distraction to cost him the match.

Post-match, Konnor rushes the ring and beats on Itami as the crowd chants for Funaki. The Ascension tie Itami in the ropes and destroy him as the announcers beg for someone to stop it. Funaki barely gets to the ring so The Ascension take him out too. Fall of Man to Funaki as Itami can’t help but watch. The crowd is outright booing The Ascension.

[ J.J.’s Reax: Once again, NXT succeeds where Raw and Smackdown fail. They got real heat on The Ascension through the use of Funaki, they made the babyfaces look like babyfaces, and the heels look like heels. The heavy doses of outrage from Albert, Brennan, and Young truly sold the idea that The Ascension were to be despised and put sympathy on the faces. ]

“During the break” video showing Funaki being stretchered out of the arena.

The Vaudevillains make their entrance. They are facing Amore and Cassady. Amore and Caddady with pre-match promos. They just rip the Vaudevillains and the crowd goes nuts.


Amore fares poorly against Gotch early on and English tags in. English wants a suplex but Amore flips over mid-move and lands on English. Cassady tags in and takes on English. English slips away and gets Gotch in, who walks into a big boot. English breaks up the pin. Cassady and Amore double team Gotch, but English clears Cassady after the move. Gotch dumps Amore into the turnbuckle. That’s A Wrap ends the match.

WINNERS: The Vaudevillains in 3:05. Two comedy teams putting on a non-comedy match. I like that in NXT, the comedy acts are serious in the ring.

Backstage interview with Sami Zayn. He says that you look at Titus O’Neil and he looks dangerous, but he’s a guy stuck in a feud with a bunny, and he feels good about his chances.

Becky Lynch with her new high-energy entrance to a really good reaction.

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[Q3] Banks gets in Lynch’s face, so Lynch whips Banks with her hair. Banks runs right into an armbar and an crucifix pin attempt. Banks with a cover but Lynch bridges right out in an impressive feat of strength. Banks dodges a running elbow in the corner. Banks puts Lynch across the ropes and a double knee smash to the middle gets two. Lynch can’t get free of Banks. Surprise schoolgirl gets two for Lynch. Banks fights a backslide so Lynch turns around and hits an uppercut. Lynch with a full comeback. Banks surprises Lynch with a clothesline, then a backstabber and the “Bank Statement” submission hold forces Lynch to tap.

WINNER: Sasha Banks in 4:10. Decent match with lots of back-and-forth. Lynch has some sort of “it” factor that I can’t explain with her current presentation. It’s a shame that Banks needs a win and the women’s division isn’t deep enough for anyone else to take the loss other than Alexa Bliss.


O’Neil casually tosses Zayn to the mat on a lock-up. Zayn slips out of the corner and looks confident. Zayn runs into a monster of a body slam which bounces Zayn off the mat. The announces discuss the idea that the NXT roster is very close to the main roster in quality and emphasize the main roster members that Zayn has gone up against. Zayn enrages O’Neil and O’Neil makes him pay.

Zayn shows heart, but another huge bodyslam gets two for O’Neil. Zayn sprawls on the ramp after getting dumped out of the ring.

[ Break ]

O’Neil with a bearhug out of the break. Zayn tries to fight but O’Neil re-applies the hold and then drops Zayn. Zayn swinging at O’Neil from the mat but O’Neil ignores it. Another body slam gets two. Zayn tries to fight back but O’Neil destroys him in the corner. The ref checks on Zayn who wants to continue. O’Neil with another mugging in the corner.

[Q4] Young puts Zayn over as someone who will never give up or quit. O’Neil with another bearhug and Zayn sells it with brilliance. Zayn headbutts out of the hold, but a big boot puts Zayn back to the mat. Low bridge and Zayn gets a break. Zayn with a huge dive over the tank to put O’Neil down. Zayn rolls O’Neil in the ring, high cross-body gets a nearfall. Zayn wants a Helluva Kick but runs into a big boot for a nearfall. Mid-ring sleeper hold from Zayn and O’Neil drops to a knee. O’Neil powers up and sends Zayn flying off him. Zayn can barely stand but he gets feet up, but O’Neilis too close to the ropes to get a count.

Zayn fires himself up and wants some sort of wristlock move, but O’Neil uses the leverage to cream Zayn. O’Neil looks for a powerbomb but Zayn escapes, looks for a tornado DDT but O’Neil crotches him. O’Neil plucks Zayn off the ropes and hits a massive Clash of the Titus for the win.

WINNER: Titus O’Neil in 13:02. I’ve said I saw potential in O’Neil for a while, and this match proved it. Yes, he was up against Sami Zayn who could make my kid sister look like Brock Lesnar. But O’Neil did a great job with his offense to make it look powerful and impactful, particularly the bodyslams. I am not sure if Zayn looks good for lasting 13 minutes against the gigantic O’Neil, or if he looks bad for losing to a guy who recently got beat up by The Bunny.

Post-match, O’Neil wants to do more damage with a top-rope guillotine leg drop with Zayn’s head dangling over the apron, but Adrian Neville drags Zayn to safety.

Final Reax: It looks like O’Neil vs. Neville is our next title feud, and I could not be happier. I’m pro on O’Neil and I want to see him have a chance to develop and learn. I liked his work in tonight’s main event quite a bit. The rest of the show was solid as well. More Becky Lynch and Hideo Itami, please!

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