10 YRS AGO – WWE Raw Report (10/6/2014): A stupid coincidence, Stephanie & Triple H, Cody as Stardust, The Exotic Express, Bo Dallas, Dean Ambrose, more

"Stardust" Cody Rhodes (credit Scott Lunn - @ScottLunn)


The following report originally published 10 years ago this week here at PWTorch.com…

OCTOBER 6, 2014

[Hour One]

-The show opened with highlights of Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins and green slime.

-Michael Cole introduced the show as they showed a wide angle of the arena. He said they’ve heard rumors all week long that Rollins was irate over what happened last week, he was going to storm to the ring and protest. Rollins marched angrily to the ring and yelled, “Kill that music right now!” The fans booed. He said the fans think what happened to him was funny, but the real highlight was the beatdown he, Randy Orton, and Kane gave Ambrose and John Cena at the end of the show. A clip aired. Rollins reacted with a perfectly obnoxious over-the-top laugh.

He said he is the living, breathing, future of WWE. Pat Patterson and Jerry Briscoe, I mean Jamie Noble and Joey Mercury walked to ringside. They asked him to leave the ring. Cole said Mercury and Noble work for The Authority. Rollins said he lives for standing in the spotlight like this. He said everybody wants a piece of him. Cena charged to the ring. Rollins bailed out and escaped into the crowd. He happened to end up right where Ambrose was standing.

(WK Reax: That was a stupid coincidence.)

Ambrose punched Rollins, who then escaped back to ringside where Cena met him. Ambrose dove onto both of them. He punched Rollins a few times. Noble and Mercury tackled Ambrose as Rollins ran up the ramp to the stage. Ambrose broke free, but Rollins was long-gone. Cena entered the ring and regained his senses.

Stephanie McMahon and Triple H stepped onto stage. Steph spoke first and said they are not letting the show dissolve into chaos before it even gets started. She said Rollins let his ego override his brain, which is something Cena and Ambrose know about, too. Triple H said Cena and Rollins weren’t working together on the tandem attack, but they both want the opportunity to get a piece of Rollins. Steph asked the fans if they’d like to see Cena and Ambrose get their hands on Rollins. Triple H repeated the question because the crowd didn’t pop big enough. He announced Cena & Ambrose vs. Rollins (pause) & Kane. The crowd booed when he said Kane. Triple H then announced Orton would also team with them, making it a handicapped match.

Cole responded, not with outrage that The Authority are abusing their authority by booking an unfair three-on-two match, but just dryly saying it’ll be a heck of a main event.

(WK Reax: It’s small moments like that where WWE loses its way. Besides the overexposure of Cena & Ambrose vs. some combo of Kane, Orton, and Rollins, anytime a heel authority figure books a handicapped match, the announcers’ no. 1 job is to establish how unfair it is – not only to get heat on the heels for not fighting fair, but to make the babyfaces seem more heroic when they overcome the odds. I just shake my head at the evaporation of the most basic tenets of what makes pro wrestling as a genre work.)

-They went to Cole, Jerry Lawler, and JBL at ringside who threw to a clip of Big Show apologizing on Smackdown for how he handled the Russian flag last week on Raw. He apologized to the Russian people he might have offended. Cole said Rusev and Lana would respond later.

-The Usos and Dolph Ziggler warmed up for their six-man tag match next. [c]


An inset interview aired with the Usos spoofing and mocking the interview style of Goldust & Stardust. They said they’re not buying the cosmic key nonsense and “bros before weirdos.”

The fight began before the bell with Jey Uso being thrown into the ringside steps. The crowd chanted “U! So!” The ref restored order. Cole talked about WWE working with the breast cancer charity this month. [c]

A “We Want Ziggler!” chant broke out as Jey was trying to break away from the heels and make a tag. Ziggler got the hot-tag and flew all over the ring at the heels. It settled in Cesaro vs. Ziggler. Ziggler got Cesaro in a sleeper mid-ring. Cesaro began to drop to his knees. Ziggler followed with the Fameasser for a near fall. Chaos followed with all-six. The Usos dove onto the Dusts at ringside. Cesaro surprised Ziggler with an uppercut for a near fall, with Uso making the save. Cesaro tossed Uso out of the ring. Ziggler surprised Cesaro with a schoolboy for a two count. Stardust tagged in and scored a near fall on Ziggler seconds later. Ziggler tagged in Jimmy Uso. Ziggler and the Usos triple super kicked Stardust. Jimmy landed a big splash next for the pin.

WINNERS: The Usos & Ziggler at 12:15.

(WK Reax: Very good opening match. Well orchestrated and executed finishing few minutes especially. No surprise given who was in this match.)

-They went to the announcers at ringside. They threw to a clip of John Cena on the NBC Today Show in a mockup of a wrestling ring. Cole hyped that Hoada and Kathie Lee would be on Raw next.

(WK Reax: Kathie Lee said the “guys wrestle.” I’m surprised she didn’t get properly prepped that she should say the “guys sports entertain the WWE Universe.” Gotta get that Orwellian language right, right?) [c]

-The Exotic Express made their way onto the stage. Adam Rose led Kathie Lee and Hoada to the ring. They were all wearing robes. Kathie and Hoada drank wine at a glass table in mid-ring. They complained that they have to behave on their show, but on Raw they don’t have to. They stood up. Kathie encouraged Hoada to do a “crazy dance.” They insisted the music get louder. Hoada then began dancing. Kathie spanked Hoada with the wine bottle, which shattered. Kathie turned around and wagged her butt, leaving it open for Houda to spank her. Rose told Brooklyn it’s party time. He dove into the arms of the Exotic Express at ringside. He asked Kathie and Hoada to do it, too. Hoada dropped back, but Kathie held on to the top rope at first. Then she finally dropped back.

(WK Reax: Stupid time waster. What else is there to say?)

-A vignette aired with Bray Wyatt and Luke Harper. Bray said he gave a man with nothing a reason to exist. He said he fixed him and he is sending him out to walk amongst others. Harper said he’s going to piece himself back together. A clip aired of Harper walking away from Bray in a field. Harper leaned into the camera and said: “Peek-a-boo, you’re doomed.” [c]

-A clip aired of the Mark Henry-Bo Dallas match and angle last week.


Bo kneeled in the ring, but then leaped out to ringside when Henry entered the ring. Lawler asked what’s the difference between Bo Dallas and a pot hole. Then he said he’d swerve to avoid a pot hole.

(WK Reax: That wasn’t funny and it was kind of crass. He basically said he’d choose to kill Bo rather than turn his steering wheel a little bit to avoid him.)

Henry threw Bo into the barricade at ringside. Then he removed a monitor from the announce table (because he wanted to hurt Bo, but not toooo badly). Bo escaped a World’s Strongest Slam attempt and rolled into the ring to beat the count. Henry was counted out. Henry showed frustration at ringside.

WINNER: Bo Dallas via countout at 1:50.

(WK Reax: This feud was missing Bo really rubbing it in Henry’s face that he let down America. It needed to be more excessive and obnoxious. And then the announcers really needed to sell the idea that Henry needed to redeem himself by teaching Bo a lesson. They’ve got 30 percent of the way to both of these, but mostly what I hear from the announcers is JBL saying Henry let down his country and not much outrage or defending by the others, at least not with any sense that they’ve invested at all in responding to JBL.)

-Next Sunday, two new episodes of Total Divas including Tyson Kidd asking Natalya if any part of her wants a divorse. [c]

-A video package aired on Smackdown’s 15 year anniversary with various clips including Eddie Guerrero, Booker T, Edge, The Rock, and a younger John Cena. It closed with hype for Friday’s Smackdown 15th Anniversary Celebration episode.

-The announcers talked about Smackdown being the second-longest-running weekly episodic TV show in history. JBL said to Cole he’s been there from Day One. Cole said JBL was, too.

(WK Reax: Jerry Lawler, who has probably never watched an episode, just sat there silently hoping he wasn’t called on to talk about his favorite Smackdown memory.)

Clips aired of the Cena-Ambrose-Rollins angle earlier in the show.

[Hour Two]

-Dean Ambrose walked out. Cole called him “The Lunatic Fringe” again. Lawler hyped the two-on-three handicapped match later. Some fans chanted “Ambrose! Ambrose!” Ambrose said lately Cena has been up in his space and he doesn’t like it. Clips aired from Smackdown of Cena and Ambrose crossing paths. Ambrose said he told Cena not to give him a reason not to like him. He said he is trying really hard. He called him to the ring so they can settle the issue face-to-face and hash it out. He said, “Please, John, indulge me with your presence.” Lawler questioned whether this was a good idea. Cena came out to a mixed reaction.

Cena called Ambrose unstable and said Ambrose threw himself at him earlier. He said they’re all clear and he understands his actions, or something along those lines. It wasn’t really clear. Ambrose said they don’t like each other and now that it’s all out in the open, maybe they can at least coexist later. He said he has no problem dropping him right now, though, and taking on The Authority’s men by himself. Cena walked up to Ambrose, called him Einstein, and said he would clue him in. He said the last time he tried to take on The Authority alone, he got a cinder block to the head and was out five weeks. Cena then praised Ambrose for having the guts to say and do whatever he wants.

(WK Reax: Ambrose has fans because he says and does whatever he wants, but once Cena spells it out like that, it becomes a lot less cool.)

Cena got closer to Ambrose and said he is giving him reasons not to like him, and that’s a mistake. Ambrose rolled his head and gyrated and twitched for several seconds, then said he is hungry and is going to get out of there. He said he’s going to ride the ferry and get a bite to eat and go on rides at Coney Island.

-The announcers reacted. Lawler said Ambrose feels Cena deserted him last week so he’s returning the favor this week. They hyped that Roman Reigns would update them live on his surgery and eventual return. Cole said The Authority have assigned Show to sensitivity training and he is “inactive” tonight because of it, but Rusev and Lana would respond to his apology later. [c]

-They showed Ambrose walking down the steps to catch the subway, a Q Train that heads to Coney Island. He got on the subway train and it sped away.

(WK Reax: It’s so stupid that they had the camera ahead of Ambrose instead of following behind. It’s just a needless sloppiness when it comes to making things as realistic as possible. It’s not plausible that the camera would get to the subway before Ambrose, so it takes you out of the moment, because there’s no way a camera would be stationed in the subway area otherwise. Why not just amp up the IQ quotient 20 points and think about this stuff and make it realistic when all else is equal?)

-Backstage Triple H walked up to Cena and yelled, “The Champ is Here!” He asked if that’s awkward. He referred to Ambrose as “kids these days” and said he doesn’t understand the opportunity put in front of him to main event Raw and partner with “Thee John Cena.” He insincerely said he feels bad for Cena being left alone against three opponents. Cena said he knows he’s trying to protect Rollins at all costs, but a point will come when Rollins can’t run away. He said if he has to go through Orton and Kane to get to him, that’s what he’ll do. Triple H said he admires his determination. Triple H said he is going to be fair and make Rollins start that match later tonight. “That way we’ll know you’ll get a piece.” He told him to keep calm and never give up, reading the words off his t-shirt.

(WK Reax: That last line was pretty funny.)

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(3) SUMMER RAE (w/Layla) vs. BRIE BELLA

Brie had to have her arm tied behind her back. Cole explained that The Authority gave Nikki the power to determine opponents and stipulations for her sister Brie. Brie managed to win with a kick to Summer’s face. Brie led the crowd with a “Yes!” chant.

WINNER: Brie in 2:00.

-Backstage Miz and Mizdow walked up to Kane and took credit for the California Fruit Basket they gave to Kane. Miz said it is the California way of saying he is sorry for what he said to The Authority last week. Kane said they don’t want apples or oranges or apologies. He said they see through him. Miz asked if he was too dense to appreciate the gift. Kane said, “Being dense is coming into my office and insulting me.” He said he scheduled him against Sheamus tonight, but no matter how much organic fruit he eats, he has a feeling he’ll be eating a Brogue Kick later. Mizdow grabbed the fruit basket and left, giving Kane a gesture that indicated if he didn’t appreciate the gift, he didn’t get to keep it. [c]

(4) JACK SWAGGER (w/Zeb Colter) vs. TYSON KIDD (w/Natalya)

Cole said the marital problems between Swagger and Kidd have been on display on Total Divas on Sunday nights on E! Tyson hid behind Natalya at ringside to stop a charge from Swagger, and then took control. Natalya didn’t like that. Lawler asked JBL if he’s ever jealous of his wife’s success. JBL said no because he knows he’s responsible for it. Natalya inadvertent got in Kidd’s way as he tried to get over to the corner to climb the top rope. That gave Swagger an extra second to run over and throw Kidd off the top rope right into the Patriot Lock for the win. Swagger sold the injured ankle by taking off his boot, massaging his ankle, and glaring at Natalya.

WINNER: Swagger at 3:11.

-They showed Christian and Edge standing by at the WWE Studios. They plugged their hosting the 15th Anniversary Smackdown Special right after Raw on WWE Network for just $9.99. [c]

-Cole stood at ringside and introduced “live via satellite Roman Reigns.” Reigns said he’s able to move around better since surgery, but he’d rather be there in Brooklyn with the fans. He said it’s only a matter of time and he’s counting the days down before strapping on the vest and kicking everyone’s ass. He said it’ll happen sooner than later with his positive attitude.

(WK Reax: That was it? A few platitudes and cliches? It’s like he was reading Jeff Jarrett’s Twitter feed!)

-They aired clips of the Rollins-Ambrose-Cena segment and plugged the main event, now apparently three-on-one.

-A commercial aired for the “Brothers of Destruction” DVD release tomorrow. [c]

-A commercial aired for WWE Network using Ultimate Warrior’s speech earlier this year as the narration and ending with the word “Immortal” on the screen.

(WK Reax: Not sure if that’s a nice tribute or a tad bit tacky.)

(5) MINI-GATOR (Hornswoggle w/Heath Slater, Titus O’Neal) vs. EL TORITO (w/El Matadores)

Cole said, “This is hilarious.” He might as well have been asking, “Does anyone have change for a dollar” given his disconnected tone. The commentary managed to make this farce even worse. The crowd chanted “This is stupid!” It switched to a “Der-ick-Jee-ter” chant.

WINNER: El Torito at 2:18 after a moonsault.

-A replay aired of Big Show’s apology. [c]

-Cole hyped that tomorrow night on Main Event on WWE Network, Ziggler faces Bo Dallas.

-Out walked Rusev and Lana. Cole said Show is there and is being forced to watch Lana and Rusev tonight. Lana said today is a great day because it is the birthday of the most powerful man in the world who is virile and muscular. She said Show shouldn’t just be suspended, but in prison for desecrating the Russian flag. She said by supporting him, the fans have committed a hate crime and should be in prison, too. She said they support the superior country, Mother Russia. A “USA!” chant broke out. Rusev went on and on about Show being a coward. Then Rock’s music interrupted and the crowd popped. Cole yelled, “You’ve got to be kidding me! No way! I got goosebumps!” Lawler squealed.

Rock walked out wearing a Brooklyn jacket and he saluted the fans. Cole declared this the loudest Barclays Center has ever been. He said this is what makes Raw worth watching, almost as a way of rewarding those viewers who sat through dumb stuff like what happened right before this segment. A “Holy sh–!” broke out followed by “This is awesome!”

Rock entered the ring and said: “Rusev and Lana right now we need you to do two things. Know your role.” He gave a rundown of his day which, he reminds us, starts at 4:30 a.m. and he has some caffeine and then goes to the gym. He said the difference is he doesn’t pull his shorts up to his nipples.

(WK Reax: The announcer laughter almost was bad enough to undo anything cool about Rock. It was so forced, like those NFL pre-game shows as they cut to commercial breaks.)

[Hour Three]

He made fun of Rusev’s moose knuckle and then talked about arriving in the Big Apple. The crowd went berserk for Rock. He said his jet landed in Queens. He said then he took a cab to Manhattan. (Had he taken the subway, he might have crossed paths with Ambrose.) He said he visited Lana’s favorite area, the meat packing district. Lana leaned over and seemed to be explaining the joke to Rusev, which was hilarious. Then he said Rock doesn’t wait for no ferry, so he swam to Staten Island. He said then he jumped on the 4 Train and headed right to the Bronx so he could get out and show respect by chanting “Derek Jeter.” That went over with the crowd, who picked up the chant very loudly.

Rock said he had one last borough to go to. He said he drove right across a famous bridge and walked into Barclays Center and said: “Finally The Rock has come back to Brooklyn.” Lawler said it was electrifying.

(WK Reax: I could have done without the announcers TELLING us over and over how cool Rock was. Just let Rock and the crowd speak for themselves.)

Lana asked who he thinks he is, interrupting the great Rusev. She told him to “shu-tup.” Rock replied: “And you need to stop dressing like a Soviet street walker.” Rusev huffed and puffed. He told Rock: “Listen you American piece of garbage. This is your last warning. Leave now or I will crush you.” Rock stared back at him and repeated his threat. Then he said: “Your breath is smelling like Chewbacca’s hairy bean bag.” Rock told Lana she is stunning and gorgeous and smoking. “Too bad you’re walking around here like someone has shoved a Smirnoff bottle up your Putin.” The crowd ate that up.

Rock turned his attention back to Rusev. When Rusev tried to answer him, Rock interrupted and said, “It doesn’t matter what you think.” He said it’s a fact that Rusev is more dangerous than almost anyone back there, but there’s another fact he should know. He said they don’t boo them because they support Russia, they boo them because they’re a couple of world class international a-holes.

(WK Reax: The PG restrictions kicked in there.)

Lana said just like the great Vladimir Putin once said, the cobra wolf goes home to eat and Rusev is hungry. Rusev moved toward Rock slowly. Rock fired back: “Just like the great Jay Z once said, allow me to reintroduce myself. I am the jabroni beating, pie eating, trail blazing, eye-brow raising, talking is done, you’re out of your class, no sleep ’til Brooklyn, the Rock whips your ass.” Rock threw a barrage of punches at Rusev. Rusev took a dive over the top rope and crashed on the mat.

Rock then closed with, “If you smell what The Rock is cookin’!” Cole called it an incredible moment.

(WK Reax: I’m so glad Cole confirmed that for everyone. That was a lot of fun. It’s nice when Rock is just Rock, not the Hollywood big-head stealing a main event from more deserving full-timers and all that nonsense that interfered with is return for WrestleManias 27-29.)

-As the announcers digested the segment, Rock shook hands with fans at ringside and then shook hands with each of the announcers. Cole threw to a clip of the Ambrose departure to Coney Island. [c]


Cole talked about Tweet exchanges between Paige and A.J. Lee. The announcers wondered if A.J. Lee is happy to be teaming with Emma. Paige started against Fox. When Emma tagged in, it didn’t take long for her to get frustrated with Emma’s antics. She just grabbed her Divas Title belt and walked to the back. That left Emma open for a kick to the chin and then her Rampage finisher.

WINNERS: Paige & Alicia Fox at 2:48.

(WK Reax: So that’s supposed to make A.J. likable? What emotions are they going for here with this feud?)

-A Wyatt family vignette aired, this time focused on Erick Rowan. Bray said the law of jungle is that only the strong survive. Bray talked about Rowan’s innocence being taken because he was teased for being different. Rowan took off the sheep mask and said, “Don’t apologize. I will hurt you. Just like you hurt me.” Bray set him free, also. Bray said, “They shall feel the smoke of his burning.” It closed with a pregnant woman’s belly with the words “It’s Coming” written on it. [c]

-The announcers wished Bruno Sammartino a happy 79th Birthday.

(7) MIZ (w/Damien Mizdow) vs. SHEAMUS

The crowd chanted for Mizdow, which the announcers acknowledged. Mizdow at ringside sold the body part that Sheamus was hurting on Miz’s body. They cut to a break. [c]

After the break, Mizdow mirrored Miz’s offense at ringside. The crowd got even more into chanting for Mizdow. The announcers said that must be upsetting to Miz. I think it might upset Sheamus more since he’s the babyface in this match that the fans should be behind. When Mizdow tried to interfere, Sheamus gave him a Brogue Kick off the ring apron. Miz then schoolboyed Sheamus for the win, which got a mild pop.

WINNER: The Miz at 10:20.

(WK Reax: I still think Sandow can come out of this Miz partnership with a bright future in WWE.)

-The announcers talked more about the breast cancer charity work. They threw to a clip of Hulk Hogan last week. [c]

-Lawler stood in the ring and asked fans to give a warm acknowledgment to women who have fought and beat breast cancer. They were in the front row wearing pink t-shirts. Then Joan Lunden spoke from the stage about the “challenging journey” of fighting breast cancer. She credited the fans for their financial and moral support. Cena came out and gave her a hug. [c]



Rollins started in the ring, but immediately tagged out before Cena could touch him. He tagged in a minute later after Kane softened Cena for him. Cole said Cena’s beef with Rollins is that he shouldn’t have interfered before the match against Lesnar was over. Cole managed to tell that story without saying Lesnar’s name. Cena made a comeback against Rollins after Rollins’s cockiness cost him. Cena threw a couple bad punches at Kane and Orton to knock them off the ring apron, then went into his finishing sequence against Rollins. After a Five Knuckle Shuffle, Kane interfered with a big boot to his face. The ref called for an immediate bell.

WINNER: Cena via DQ at 4:40.

-Afterward, as the three heels beat up Cena, Ambrose came out pushing a hot dog wagon onto the stage. He set up the umbrella and then rolled it to the ring. JBL asked how he got that on the subway. Good question. One of many. The crowd chanted “We Want Hot Dogs.” Ambrose squirted Orton and Kane with ketchup and mustard, then ran the cart into them. Ambrose then entered the ring and attacked Rollins. Cena beat up Orton when he reentered the ring covered in yellow mustard. Cena gave him an Attitude Adjustment. Cena then gave Kane a rolling clothesline. Ambrose dove through the ropes onto Rollins at ringside. Ambrose threw more condiments all over Rollins. Then he used the tongs on Rollins’s crotch. Cena gave Kane an AA next. Rollins squirmed his way up the ramp to the stage. As Cena and Ambrose stared at each other, Triple H’s music played.

Triple H and Steph (who made it through the whole show – good for them!) walked onto the stage. Triple H, quite appropriately, said, “An impressive mess.” He said they’ll have a chance to fight Rollins, but first they have to fight each other. He said at Hell in a Cell, Cena will go one-on-one with Ambrose, and the winner face Rollins in the Hell in a Cell. Steph said either way, either Cena or Ambrose are headed straight to hell. Ambrose then gave Cena a double-arm DDT. The crowd popped. His music played to end the show.

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