AEW RAMPAGE RESULTS (10/4): Young Bucks & Jack Perry vs. Shibata & Private Party, Conglomeration vs. Bryan Keith & Big Bill, plus Kamille, Queen Aminata, more


OCTOBER 4, 2024

Announcers: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Matt Menard

Ring announcer: Arkady Aura

(1) THE YOUNG BUCKS (Matthew & Nicholas Jackson) & JACK PERRY vs. KATSUYORI SHIBATA & PRIVATE PARTY (Isiah Kassidy & Marq Quen)

Shibata worked Perry to the mat to kick things off as Perry bailed and tagged in Matthew. The two double teamed Shibata until he fired back to take Perry down. Perry and Matthew overcame Shibata to take the advantage back. Matthew was rocked by a shot to the chin as Shibata tagged in Quen. Quen quickly tagged in Kassidy as the two worked over both Matthew and Nicholas. Perry broke up a pin attempt just as Shibata ran across the ring to knock Perry to the floor with a boot to the face.

Kassidy had Nicholas in the corner and laid in a series of right hands. Kassidy continued working over Nicholas until Matthew pulled him to the floor. The two battled until Nicholas nailed Kassidy with a kick across the face. Things broke down from there as both teams battled around the ring. The Bucks set hit a senton splash on Kassidy inside the ring as Perry hit a DDT on Quen on the outside. [c]

Kassidy overcame a double team by the Bucks as Perry yanked Shibata off the apron before he could make the tag. The Bucks continued to double team Kassidy before covering for two. Perry was sent into the corner where the Bucks accidentally nailed him with stereo kicks to the face. Kassidy took down the Bucks before finally making the hot tag to Quen. Quen single handedly took it to the Bucks with a flying senton off the ropes to the floor.

Quen hit a crossbody back into the ring on Nicholas for two. He climbed to the top rope but Perry cut him off. Nicholas hit Quen with a huge super falcon arrow off the top for a close two count. Quen hit Perry with a high kick before tagging in Shibata. The two battled as Shibata got the upper hand. Private Party and Shibata then triple teamed Perry, with Shibata making a cover for two. Shibata hit Perry with a PK for two as Matthew broke up the pin. The Bucks hit superkicks on Shibata , then hit a triple superkick with Perry on Quen. The Bucks double teamed Quen again and focused on his lower back before making a cover for two.

Perry went for his finish but Kassidy caught him in a destroyer. Private Party followed up with Gin and Juice on Perry for two as the Bucks broke the pin. Matthew stopped a Silly String as he and Nicholas hit the EVP Trigger on Kassidy. They went for a TK Driver but Quen rolled up Matthew for the win.

WINNERS: Private Party in 15:00

(Moynahan’s Take: Nice opening six-man match, with little to no crowd interest at this point in the night. A good primer for Private Party before their number one contender match on tomorrow’s Collision.)

– Renee was backstage with Kris Statlander who said her recent Street Fight win over Willow Nightingale was the end of an era for her. She said it was time to be back on her own where she is the toughest and strongest. Kamille appeared and stared down Statlander as she questioned whether Statlander was really the toughest and strongest. [c]

– Renee was backstage with Harley Cameron who said Saraya was currently incapacitated after her recent match with Jamie Hayter. She then spoke to Queen Aminata in advance of their match tonight and said Aminata was in a lot of trouble.

(2) KAMILLE (w/Mercedes Mone) vs. ZOEY LYNN

Kamille immediately speared Lynn right from the bell, then dropped her to the mat for the quick win.

WINNER: Kamille in 0:30

(Moynahan’s Take: YOUR RAMPAGE SQUASH OF THE WEEK! We need to see more of this from Kamille on a more frequent basis. Surprised we didn’t hear from Mone after the match.)

– Renee was backstage with Anna Jay. Renee mentioned how Will Ospreay took notice of Jay’s recent return. Jay thanked Ospreay and said the rest of the women’s division will need to try her and see what Ospreay is seeing.

– Deonna Purrazzo and Taya Valkyrie were shown in what looked to be an alley. They spoke about their mutual respect and what they need to become ‘we.’ They spoke about being bound together by ‘the code’ and those who refuse their code would get respect beaten into them.


The two traded moves in the early going before Cameron knocked Aminata with a kick across the back of the head. Aminata fired back with a running kick that knocked Cameron down. [c]

Cameron hit a nice running knee strike for a two count. Cameron hit another roundhouse kick as Aminata fell to the floor. Cameron charged toward Aminata who dropped Cameron to the apron. Back inside the ring, Aminata hit a snap suplex, then a lariat for two. Aminata missed a running kick in the corner which allowed Cameron to hit a series of shoulder shots to Aminata. Cameron countered Aminata into a roll up pin attempt. Cameron got caught a second time into a backbreaker, then Aminata’s finish for the win.

WINNER: Queen Aminata in 7:00

– After the match, Serena Deeb attacked Aminata from behind. Deeb wrapped Aminata’s leg in the ropes and locked in a submission before Dr. Britt Baker’s music hit. Baker hit the ring with a chair in hand to run Deeb off.

(Moynahan’s Take: This was a match that happened. Nothing inherently wrong here, just nothing worth writing home about. The post match melee looks to be setting up a tag match with a likely Deeb/Baker showdown.)

– The Acclaimed and Daddy Ass were backstage with Renee. Renee asked them about MxM Collection. Daddy Ass cut her off and asked MxM why they were so dumb to not realize it was Billy Gunn dressed up on last week’s Collision. They talked about MxM embarrassing themselves as of late. They ended by telling MxM how they’d give them a makeover if the two teams ever stepped into the ring together. [c]

Check out the latest episode of the Wade Keller Pro Wrestling Post-show covering the latest episode of Dynamite: CLICK HERE (or search “wade Keller” on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or any other iOS or Android app to subscribe free)

(4) THE CONGLOMERATION (Orange Cassidy & Kyle O’Reilly) vs. BIG BILL & BRYAN KEITH

Chris Jericho joined commentary for this match. Jericho acknowledged his past with Matt Menard before mentioning how much Menard learned from him. Bill and Cassidy started things off. Bill used his size and strength to take the early advantage as Cassidy bailed to the floor. Cassidy returned and used his speed to elude Bill before he got a hand from O’Reilly. Cassidy and O’Reilly goaded Bill into a few near misses, which riled Bill up. Keith tagged in and slapped O’Reilly across the face. O’Reilly chased Keith around the ring until he and Cassidy each took out Keith and Bill. [c]

O’Reilly and Cassidy were double teaming Keith in the middle of the ring until Keith powered his way out of things with the help from Bill. Bill made the tag and hit running charges on both Cassidy and O’Reilly into the corner multiple times. Bill hit a boot then a slam before tagging Keith back in. All four men hit the ring as Keith and Bill maintained control. Keith hit a knee strike on Cassidy for a two count.

Keith tried for a Diamond Dust but Cassidy fought out of it. Bill hit the ring and picked up Cassidy before O’Reilly kicked away at Bill until he fell to the mat. Keith was back in but was caught in a swinging DDT by Cassidy. Keith caught Cassidy on the top rope and hit an avalanche exploder. Keith and O’Reilly went at it in the middle of the ring until O’Reilly locked in a leg submission. Jericho left the commentary table to distract the ref. Keith tapped out but the ref didn’t see. Rocky Romero came to the ring but was wiped out by Bill.

Cassidy took down Bill on the ramp as he and Keith connected on Keith with a high-low for the win.

WINNERS: The Conglomeration in 12:30

(Moynahan’s Take: Fun main event match, with everyone working hard. Kind of surprised by the outcome if only because I imagined the Learning Tree crew would get some heat with a win.)

FINAL THOUGHTS: Another week, another Rampage. The show was fine as-is, but nothing noteworthy to take away. From the latest news this week of AEW’s new TV starting in 2025, it sounds like Rampage’s days are numbered. We’ll see how officially that is but by the way this show has been treated by the company for years, I’m not surprised to see it go. More to come! Until next week – stay safe everyone!

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