10 YRS AGO – TNA IMPACT TV Report (10-8-2014): Team 3D vs. Hardys vs. Wolves in Full Metal Mayhem match, plus Roode, Angelina Love, James Storm, Low Ki, Samuel Shaw (Dexter Lumis), EC3, MVP

Bobby Roode (art credit Grant Gould © PWTorch)


The following report originally published 10 years ago this week here at PWTorch.com…

OCTOBER 8, 2014

[Hour One]

-A recap aired of Robert Roode asking Bobby Lashley for one more title match with MVP saying no, plus The Wolves beating Team 3D and the Hardys followed by the Full Metal Mayhem challenge.

-Mike Tenay introduced the show saying they were just four days away from Bound for Glory “live from Japan.”

-Bobby Roode marched to the ring. He said he heard MVP say no, but he didn’t hear it from Lashley. Out walked MVP and Kenny King. MVP said he was under the impression “they spoke English in Canadia.” Roode said MVP is the one who can’t hear because he asked for Lashley, not him. MVP said he’s asking for a lot of things he has no right to ask for. King made a choking gesture as MVP said Roode is among the challengers who have lost to Lashley. He said he had his opportunity and he lost, so his answer is, was, and will be: No.

As MVP and King were about to leave, Roode asked who drove Lashley to the arena tonight and who stayed in back and fed him grapes. Roode said he knows what it feels like to be World Hvt. Champion and that’s why he’s so passionate about getting his rematch. He told MVP and King they’re content to be lackeys and getting a sniff of the championship. He said they know they don’t have what it takes to be champion. Roode said he’ll do anything he can to become champion. MVP called him Yoko Ono and said he won’t break up their group.

King asked Roode if he meant he’d do whatever it takes. MVP and King had a conference. MVP said he can give Roode a chance to get a title shot again, but only if he can only beat him and King at the same time in one match. King smiled, very happy with himself for his idea. Roode asked if this was okay with Lashley. MVP said he is the chairman of these joints chief of staffs, so what he says goes. MVP said if he accepts his offer, this is his last shot ever. MVP said his bark is worse than his bite. Roode said, “You’re on.” Tenay and Taz questioned whether Roode gave that offer proper thought before agreeing to it.

-A video package aired on last week’s Knockouts Championship Title change with Gail Kim losing to Havok after Kim decided to fight despite being injured by her earlier in the night.

-Ring intros took place with Angelina Love and Velvet Sky coming out first, followed by Taryn Terrell. [c]

-An ad aired for Bound for Glory pushing the X Title match first, then the Great Muta tag match, the Knockouts Title match, and Dudleys vs. Dreamer & Abyss tag.


Then Rayne’s ring entrance took place. Before Rayne arrived, the Beautiful People attacked Terrell. Taz talked about the Sky challenge of Havok at BFG.

(Quotebook: Taz: “I never say small package in a Knockouts match. I always inside package.” It seems to me you’d want to stay away from that in men’s matches more.)

Taz and Tenay plugged the 2015 TNA Knockouts Calendar. A wisenheimer would say that you could buy it to count the months since TNA went out of business, but that’d be premature and mean and possibly (hopefully!) backfire.

In the end, Terrell ducked a Love kick and delivered her finisher, but then Rayne snuck in and side rolled Terrell and yanked on her tights to “steal” the pin and earn the first Knockouts Title match after BFG.

WINNER: Rayne in 6:00.

-Rayne tried to talk herself out of trouble with Terrell afterward. Then Havok walked out with the title belt. Terrell and Rayne stopped in their tracks and looked scared. Havok entered the ring and clotheslined Terrell. Rayne fled the ring as Havok lifted Terrell and choked her. They aired post-produced boos and it wasn’t subtle. [c]

-Backstage MVP chatted with King when in walked Lashley. MVP explained the deal they made. Lashley shot MVP his one facial expression as he listened. King told Lashley to chill out and have that thank you ready for them. Lashley said, “Thank you.” There was a hint of sarcasm.

-A clip aired of James Storm’s storyline with Sanada.


The bell rang to start this match without any ring entrances. Tenay and Taz talked up BFG. Taz said it’s a grand spectacle to see a wrestling event out of Japan. Tenay pushed the Great Muta & Tajiri vs. Great Sanada & Storm match. Taz said Sanada won’t be loved in his homeland. Tenay said the entire country feels they have seen one of their favorite most beloved stars disrespected by Sanada. A few minutes in Low Ki and Storm hot-tagged in at the same time. Ki threw a bunch of kicks and a hard running clothesline in the corner. Tenay plugged the Samoa Joe vs. Kaz Haysha vs. Low Ki X Title match at BFG. Ki gave Storm his leaping double foot stomp. Low Ki was distracted by Manik at ringside, so Storm gave him a back stabber for a near fall. Sanada sprayed Uno in the face with mist and then Storm delivered the Last Call Superkick for the pin.

WINNERS: Storm & Sanada in 6:00.

-Tenay hyped the Roode vs. MVP & King match. Taz pushed the Full Metal Mayhem tag title match.

-Backstage Gunner told Creepy Guy (a/k/a Samuel Shaw) to watch himself against Bram later. Creepy Guy said he’s getting tattoos to impress Gunner and he took on this match to impress him. Gunner asked him if he’s ever thought of being himself instead of trying to be someone else. Creepy Guy asked Gunner if he’s ever thought of being more supportive. [c]


Taz said Shaw is creepy the way he’s obsessed now with Gunner. Bram charged to the ring and swung a wrench at Shaw. Shaw ducked and nailed Bram in the head with a trash can lid twice. Tenay pushed the Team 3D vs. Dreamer & Abyss tag match. Tenay said he’s never seen Shaw wrestle without his shirt before. Taz said, “Well, at least not on TV.” What does that mean? Shaw sunset flipped Bram off the top rope onto a pile of four chairs. A “TNA!” chant broke out. Shaw followed up with an attempt at his finisher, but Bram recovered and reversed Shaw into the corner. Bram should still be selling the sunset flip onto four chairs. It’s truly ridiculous that he recovered from that and pinned Shaw a minute later. He used that wrench to KO Shaw and score the pin.

WINNER: Bram in 6:00.

(WK Reax: It’s really hard to praise anything about that match. Not sure if the unprotected blows to the head, the complete reliance on foreign objects, or the non-selling of the top rope sunset flip onto four chairs was worse, but it’s probably my least favorite match of the year for those collective reasons.)

-Afterward, Brittney came to the ring to check on Shaw. She lifted his head and tried to bring him back to consciousness. She caressed his head and rubbed his hair.

-Roode warmed up backstage and told the roving reporter he knows what he has agreed to and he’s ready. He said he hasn’t been able to sleep since he lost the World Title to Lashley on Sept. 17. He said the World Title means more to him than anything else in the world. He said he’s about to kick the door in to get what he wants back. [c]

-Backstage Bully Ray, with Devon, said the Wolves must be crazy to ask for this Full Metal Mayhem match. The Wolves barged in. Eddie Edwards imitated Flair and said a man once said to be the man, you’ve got to beat the man. Davey Richards said they look forward to beating them at the match they made famous. Edwards closed with, “Let the hunt begin.”

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Roode’s ring entrance aired, but MVP and King were already in the ring. MVP opened the ropes and gave Roode one last chance to leave. Taz said MVP was being sarcastic. Roode punched King. Then he and King double-team attacked Roode. Tenay pushed Ryota Hama vs. EC3, Kazma Sakamoto vs. MVP, Manik vs. Minoru Tanaka as the three inter-promotional match-ups. Roode made a comeback at 2:00, but it didn’t last long.

[Hour Two]

At ringside, MVP twisted the heel of his boot into the small of Roode’s back, then whipped him into the ringside steps. When MVP held Roode and King wound up and swung, he showboated too long so Roode ducked and King hit MVP instead. MVP, though, recovered quickly and went after Roode. Roode backdropped a charging King over the top rope, but MVP then gave Roode a running boot to the face. MVP scored a near fall with a fisherman suplex into the bridge. Roode countered with a schoolboy out of nowhere for the win, eliminating MVP. That left King to prevent Roode from getting the title rematch.

MVP yanked on Roode’s leg and gave King the chance to take control. Tenay called for the ref to step up. King leaped over the top rope and snapped Roode’s neck over the top rope. Roode surprised King with a Roode Bomb. When he went for the pin, Lashley interfered for the DQ. Lashley speared Roode. Tenay noted that technically the stip was that Roode had to either pin or submit both King and MVP, and the DQ doesn’t count, so Roode doesn’t get a title shot after all.

WINNER: Roode via pinfall and DQ in 8:00.

-Backstage Ethan Carter III (EC3) said he is willing tonight to give Rock Star Spud a chance to show his loyalty to him but if he doesn’t, the future doesn’t look bright. [c]

-EC3 stood in the ring in a suit. He said he has been in Impact Wrestling for one calendar year and he has yet to be defeated. He said he has never been submitted or been pinned and has had victory after victory (he said it about a dozen times). He said if history is written by the winners, he is a novelist. He said those whom have failed him, he has vanquished from TNA one after another. He said there is one man who can make amends – Rock Star Spud. He called him to the ring. Spud walked to the ring. Taz said he feels bad for Spud.

EC3 told Spud that it’s no secret he failed him, but he is giving him a chance to redeem himself tonight. Spud said he is his best friend. EC3 said if he’s his best friend, prove it. Spud said he knows his favorite color is green because he loves money. He said he knows every time he checks into a hotel he insists the maid sets the thermostat no higher than 71 degree. EC3 said, “I don’t like to be cold.” Spud said he also knows that it continuously bothers him that the fans chant “You can’t wrestle” at him. The crowd began chanting it. Spud said EC3’s lines: “He disagrees… He thinks he’s very good…” EC3 said it’s impressive how much he knows about him. He said he can’t let it slide how Dixie Carter was put through a table because of his failure. He said he was the last line of defense, but when they needed him the most, he fainted and failed him. He said he, much like these 99 percenters in the crowd, are losers. Spud said he isn’t a loser, he’s Rock Star Spud. EC3 said he is a loser. Spud reiterated that he’s not a loser, he’s Rock Star Spud. EC3 said, “Well, I’m a Carter and you’re a failure.” He shoved Spud down, then slapped him when he stood up. After three slaps, Spud slapped back and tore off his jacket. EC3 patronizingly told him he has heart, he’ll give him that, which is what makes this sweeter. He then said he’s fired.

-A video aired hyping the three-way tag team main event up next. [c]

-Tenay and Taz hyped the BFG line-up with on-screen graphics for each match.

-Backstage MVP said even though the referee cheated because he clearly kicked out, everything worked out just fine. King laughed and said he’s hurt, but yeah, things are fine. In walked Kurt Angle. He told him he’s not G.M. and he doesn’t make matches and stips. Angle said all he knows is Lashley has to defend the title again and Roode is a legit contender. He said Roode will wrestle for the no. 1 contendership next week and he warned MVP not to come near it. A dejected Lashley, MVP, and King walked away. MVP said it’s time to crack some bottles.

-The Hardys ring entrance took place as Tenay and Taz explained the rules. When Team 3D came out, Tenay and Taz talked about their Hall of Fame induction this weekend. The Wolves came out last. [c]

(5) THE WOLVES vs. TEAM 3D vs. MATT & JEFF HARDY – Full Metal Mayhem

(WK Reax: For Full Metal Mayhem to mean more and feel more novel, it would have been so much better if there wasn’t that no DQ match earlier with Bram and Shaw. It just makes that match all the more frustrating that it even happened.)

Early on Matt slammed Richards onto the ring apron. Taz said Richards isn’t the only guy with an injury, because Devon has a groin injury.b Bck in the ring, Matt set up a ladder mid-ring. Bully yanked Matt down and slammed him hard. Richards yanked on Bully’s leg to stop his climb, then he landed a reverse sidekick and a DDT. Richards climbed next, but Jeff Hardy pulled him down.

At 5:00, Matt was on Bully’s shoulders, but Matt suplexed Edwards off the top rope and all three fell back onto the mat. A “This is awesome!” chant broke out. Bully was in control a minute later working over Matt and Edwards. He lifted and dropped Edwards onto a security railing that was bridged at ringside between the apron and the ringside steps. Taz sold it big. They cut to a break. [c]

Back to the match with 14 minutes left in the two hour show, Matt and Jeff were working over Bully with the ladder. Edwards threw the ladder at a charging Jeff. Devon entered, but soon found himself selling to a barrage of methodical charishots by Matt and Edwards. Matt and Edwards then went after each other. Jeff gave Bully a Whisper in the Wind and then immediately went back up top and landed a Swanton.

At ringside Jeff rammed Bully’s head into the table bridged at ringside. Then he climbed to the top rope and leaped off toward Bully. Bully moved and Jeff crashed through the table, which shattered. Tenay wondered if that took Jeff out of the match. Bully, Edwards, and Matt climbed the ladder and reached for the tag belts. Bully and Matt chopped Edwards in stereo, then tossed him off the top of the ladder to the mat. Matt and Bully reached for the belts, but fought each other instead. Matt shoved Bully to the mat, then Matt fell backwards the other way. Everyone was on their back at the same time. Richards tried to get back in the mix after being sidelined the majority of the match. He didn’t last long as at ringside Matt leaped off a ladder and leg-dropped Richards through a table. A “TNA!” chant broke out. Taz dared viewers to find action like that anywhere else.

Bully threw a taller ladder into the ring. Devon set it up and climbed it. Edwards yanked Devon down. A few minutes later Edwards climbed the tall ladder, but Bully tipped it over and Edwards bumped to the floor. Jeff entered and threw a chair at Devon and tried to dropkick it, but Bully countered. Jeff kicked the chair into him on the second try, then threw it at him, but Bully blocked it with his hands. At ringside Matt put Bully on two tables. Bully had the wherewithal to make sure he pushed his shirt down so his belly didn’t show as he lay there otherwise waiting for Matt to leap off the top rope. Edwards, though, yanked Matt’s leg out from under him. Meanwhile Jeff climbed the ladder. Richards tipped it over and Hardy fell/dove onto Bully on the tables at ringside. The fans chanted “This is awesome!” Taz said, “This is insanely awesome!”

Richards and Matt met on the top of the tall ladder. They punched each other. Edwards came up behind Matt and powerbombed him through a table in the ring. Richards then pulled one belt down and dropped it to Edwards. Then he pulled the second one down to retain the belts.

WINNERS: The Wolves in 24:00 to retain the TNA Tag Team Titles.

(WK Reax: A spot-fest to be sure, and they went all out for 24 minutes. The crowd ate it up.)

-As the Wolves celebrated, Tenay said they’d see everyone Sunday for Bound for Glory.

-Then a commercial aired pushing next week’s Impact main event, promising the fallout from BFG plus Jeff Hardy vs. Eric Young vs. Austin Aries vs. Roode.

FINAL THOUGHTS: This show felt more like a big PPV than Bound for Glory. TNA’s definitely in the mode of giving anything and everything away on TV because drawing ratings is the key to their survival, more than some faint hope that they can manage to pop a big PPV buyrate for a Japan-based show airing on tape delay. They didn’t push at all like in past years that BFG is their signature event of the year. BFG largely feels like it’s happening in separate parallel universe from everything that happened on this show. Almost nothing on this TV show involved amping up viewers’ emotions regarding any rivalries at the PPV on Sunday. Not even a promo from Joe about the X Title match. All of the hype was the announcers doing voiceover work pushing the issues at stake at BFG. This show itself was okay. Some will absolutely love it for the 24 minute three-way tag match filled with big spots. I feel like I’ve seen it all so many times, and know the real-life consequences of that many big spots jammed into one match, that it’s lost it’s luster for me. I’m more into a style with less physical sacrifice and fewer moves that are designed to mean more. That Bram-Shaw match almost made me angry watching it. MVP and Roode were good on the mic. King was fun as the agitating sidekick. The rest was an average edition of Impact.)

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