30 YRS AGO – Keller’s WWE Raw Report (9/19/1994): McMahon says all Americans look up to Lex Luger, Lawler tormented by Dink the Clown, plus Yokozuna, Holly, Droese, Backlund

Yokozuna (photo by Wade Keller © PWTorch)


The following report originally published 30 years ago this week here at PWTorch.com…

SEPTEMBER 19, 1994

(To read PWTorch Newsletter back issues dating back to the late 1980s with results, interviews, editorials, news, and more, sign up for a VIP subscription HERE.)

-The program opened with a recap of Tatanka’s turn at SummerSlam…

(1) Lex Luger won a squash. During the match, Vince McMahon talked about all Americans, including Native Americans, being able to look to Luger as their role model. McMahon also mentioned the name of the winner of the weekend’s Miss America pageant so the show seemed live…

-A promo aired hyping next week’s Raw including appearances by Tatanka, Diesel & Shawn Michaels, and a King’s Court with British Bulldog…

(1) Duke “The Dumpster” Droese beat Jerry Lawler by countout. Lawler engaged in his usual psychological stall tactics hiding a foreign object in his trunks. Eventually, Dink popped out of a plastic (i.e. non-violent) garbage can and squirted water on Lawler. Lawler blew his temper and chased Dink back to the dressing room only to be counted out. Lawler returned to the ring only to be tripped by Droese and walked on by Dink. Lawler fled the ring and then threatened to hit Droese with the plastic cannister when Doink came up from behind and trapped Lawler. Lawler leaped into the crowd to avoid facing either Droese or Dink…

(2) The Heavenly Bodies won a squash…

Vince McMahon interviewed Bob Backlund. McMahon opened with a long, emotional speech about Backlund’s history. Backlund said society has changed and the fans have changed. Backlund said his chicken wing crossface cannot be broken. “Longtime friend of Backlund” and WWF Magazine writer Lou Gianfriddo volunteered to have the move demonstrated on him. Backlund applied it and wouldn’t let go. McMahon jumped on Backlund to pry him off and was soon joined by several referees…

(3) Bob Holly won a squash…

(4) Yokozuna won a squash…

Strong Point: The excellent Backlund segment…

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