AEW DYNAMITE RESULTS (9/4): Keller’s report on Okada vs. Fletcher for AEW Continental Title, Mariah May vs. Nyla Rose, Ospreay & Cassidy & O’Reilly vs. Claudio & Yuta & Pac

By Wade Keller, PWTorch editor


AUGUST 14, 2024

Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Taz

Ring Announcer: Justin Roberts

Attendance: WrestleTix reported earlier this week that 1,896 tickets had been distributed so far; arena is set up for 2,634. More tickets have been sold since then. Subscribe to WrestleTix on Patreon for detailed up-to-date information.



PWTorch editor Wade Keller is joined by PWTorch’s Chris Lansdell to review AEW Dynamite LIVE tonight right after Dynamite. Join us and let us know your thoughts on Dynamite during the show.

Email our post-show at with your comments and questions about Dynamite. We’ll read your emails live during the post-show.

Subscribe to all of our free podcasts by searching “wade keller” and “pwtorch” in your podcast app of choice including Spotify and Apple Podcasts and most other iOS and Android apps.



Note: Get primed for Dynamite with Zack Barber’s excellent AEW Feud Tracker article, posted earlier today.

-They cut right to an internal shot of the darkened arena with Excalibur introducing the show. Daniel Garcia marched right out to his music with a sense of purpose. He said people say patience is a virtue, but he’s not feeling particularly virtuous. He called out MJF so he could break his neck.

MJF appeared in the stands with a spotlight on him. He said he was up there because he didn’t want to ruin their match this Saturday by whooping his ass. (How did he know Garcia was going to storm to the ring and demand to see him at the very start of the show, though?) He said unlike Garcia, he doesn’t attack people from behind like a coward. He said said Garcia looks like “an emaciated skinhead hooked on Ozempic.” Fans groaned.

Garcia asked MJF if he thinks anyone believes what he just said. He said it’s all fake and a lie, just like everything about MJF. “From your tan to the make-up on your face to cover up your acne to the trip you took to Turkey to get a hair transplant that didn’t even work,” he said. MJF shifted aggressively in his chair. He said MJF’s love of AEW is also fake. He said he can get as many fake tattoos painted onto the back of his leg, but they will never believe him. MJF began to retort, but Garcia told him to listen to him for once.

Garcia said he meant it last week when he said he is obsessed with ruining his life. He said he wants MJF to suffer and the people who love MJF to suffer too. He told MJF if he can find a woman who can pretend to love him for more than a year, he should marry her and have kids. He said every time he picks up his kid from school, he’s going to feel a tingle and he’s going to think about him. “Max, your kid is going to ask you, ‘Daddy, were you a wrestler?’ And you’re going to have to say the truest statement you ever said in your life: ‘I was until Daniel Garcia ended my career.'” MJF stood and applauded Garcia’s threats.

“Wow, Bravo, Danny!” he said. He asked the crowd if they heard that Danny learned how to speak. He said he has a lot more maturing to do. He said he was trying to do him a favor when he cost him his match against Will Ospreay. He said he was trying to do him a solid. He said the fans used to love him. He told the fans he’s the only real person in the arena who matters, so they should be quiet. He said the fans turned on him like rats. “You don’t want their love, you don’t want their affection, you don’t want championship gold,” he said. “The more you rise up in this sport, the more these fickle bastards will want to watch you fall.”

He said this Saturday, he’ll do him a favor and make sure the fans can’t hurt him the way they hurt him. Fans chanted, “Shut the f— up!” He said he’d do that by putting Garcia in a wheelchair. He told him there is one person he can trust – that mother of his he “always likes to bring up.” MJF said she’ll take care of Danny while he’s lying on his back. He said Danny’s mom has happily tended to other men on their backs. Garcia heard enough and ran up toward MJF. He fought off security guys trying to stop him. Garcia broke free and ran up to where MJF was. When he arrived, MJF broke a bottle over his head MJF brushed off his white suit jacket and took a sip of red wine.

MJF lifted Garcia who was bleeding from his forehead. MJF sat next to him and wrapped his arm around him. He said they say every man must go through hell before reaching paradise. He said Garcia woke up something in him that has been dormant for far too long. He said he’s going to send him straight to paradise, “and for that, you can thank me later.” He kissed his bloody forehead and then licked the blood off his finger before walking away.

(Keller’s Analysis: MJF was sinister and Garcia was intense. Garcia’s anger seems a bit out of scale with what MJF did to him, though. There’s no way to elevate his feelings toward MJF any more than what he said. I’d like to see MJF dial down everything being escalated to an 11 out of 10, too. Sometimes beating a rising star and thwarting his desire to ascend to main events is enough for a feud. You can be cruel and sinister and a jerk about that without vowing to end his career in the process and insult his mother.)

-Excalibur said they would be sending medical attention to Garcia.

-Renee Paquette interviewed Willow Nightingale, Orange Cassidy, Mark Briscoe, and Kyle O’Reilly backstage. She talked about Willow’s scheduled match. Will Ospreay walked in. Renee asked how it felt to be an honorary member of The Conglomeration. Ospreay asked if they have any words of wisdom. O’Reilly looked at Briscoe. Briscoe had a story ready to go. He said O’Reilly called him and talked about adding Ospreay to their team. He said he told O’Reilly “hell yeah.” He asked Milwaukee if they were ready. He yelled at the camera like a crazed man and walked away.

(1) KAZUCHIKA OKADA vs. KYLE FLETCHER – AEW Continental Championship match

Justin Roberts introduced Okada first, and noted that match has a 20 minute time limit. The bell rang 17 minutes into the hour. Don Callis joined in on commentary. Fletcher took early control. The announcers hyped what was scheduled for the rest of the show. Fletcher kicked Okada off the ring apron and then dove through the ropes and knocked Okada to the mat. They cut to a double-box break as Okada celebrated. [c/db]

Okada took over during the break and settled into a chinlock. Fletcher made a comeback after the break. Okada came back with a neckbreaker and then landed a top rope elbow. He gave a middle finger to the crowd afterward. He set up a Rainmaker, but Fletcher blocked it and landed a Michinoku Driver for a two count. Okada caught Fletcher with a DDT at ringside when Fletcher went after Okada at ringside. Taz said Okada tricked Fletcher into thinking he was more hurt than he was. Okada set up a move on the ring apron, but Fletcher countered with a brainbuster suplex on the ring apron. Both tumbled to the floor and were slow to get up at 10:00. They cut another double-box break. [c/db]

Okada settled into a mid-ring rest hold during the break. Fletcher stood and powered out and yanked Okada to the mat. He followed with two sidekicks to Okada’s head. Excalibur said at All Out there will be a four-way match for the Continental Title, and on a special Friday episode of Collision, they will determine the three participants: The Beast Mortos vs. Konosuke Takeshita, Bryan Keith vs. Orange Cassidy, and Lance Archer vs. Mark Briscoe.

Okada took control against Fletcher at ringside. He went for a suplex, but Fletcher reversed it and suplexed Okada over the barricade. Fletcher then charged at Okada and leaped at him with a flip over the barricade. Fletcher celebrated and then threw Okada back to ringside.

Back in the ring, Fletcher bodyslammed Okada and then leaped off the top rope with an elbowdrop. Fletcher played to the crowd and waited for Okada to stand. He did a Rainmaker pose and then kicked him across his back from behind. He set up a tombstone, but Okada blocked it and then landed a lariat. “One more time!” chanted the fans. Okada hit another lariat. He followed with a Rainmaker attempt. Fletcher ducked, but Okada dropkicked him instead. Fletcher caught Okada with a half-and-half suplex and a leaping faceplant for a near fall at 18:00.

They announced one minute remaining as Fletcher climbed to the top rope. Okada hid behind the ref, shoved Fletcher into the ref, gave Fletcher a low-kick, and then hit the Rainmaker for the win.

WINNER: Okada in 19:30 to retain the AEW Continental Title.

-After the match, Takeshita ran out to check on Fletcher and eyed Okada.

(Keller’s Analysis: I think that lived up to most people’s expectations for a TV match between these two. Fletcher held his own very well against Okada, who seemed to be interested in working a good match other than settling into a mat hold during both commercial breaks.)

-Excalibur said Swerve signed a contract extension with AEW.

-A video aired of Swerve and Prince Nana visiting his family home. They showed the tree he climbed as a kid. He also showed off family photos. He said they fell on hard times and the house got foreclosed on. He said they had to move out. He said he wanted to buy back the property some day, and when he signed his contract extension last week, he is now the proud owner of his childhood home. Nana hugged him and they walked onto the porch of the home with boarded up windows. [c]


The bell rang 42 minutes into the hour. They showed Saraya and Harley Cameron watching the match on a monitor backstage. Excalibur talked about a sitdown interview that was posted on social media with Hayter talking about her journey back. Hayter absorbed a dropkick and then fired back on the rebound off the ropes with a hard clothesline. Renegade came right back on the attack, but Hayter cut it off with a boot to her face as she charged at her.

Hayter caught Renegade leaping off the top rope with a powerslam. Hayter followed up with three backbreakers followed by Haterade for the win. They showed Saraya and Cameron backstage reacting.

WINNER: Hayter in 3:00.

-Excalibur threw to a clip from last week of Hook getting Roderick Strong to tapout, but his boot was on the bottom rope.

-Strong was complaining to Christopher Daniels backstage. Hook entered the scene and said Strong was right, his foot was on the rope. He challenged Strong to a match tonight. Strong said he won’t fight him “in this dumpy town of Milwaukee.” He said he’ll make his call soon, though.

-Excalibur hyped the upcoming matches and segments.

-They cut backstage to Marina Shafir attacking people. Jon Moxley was with her. They walked up to Jack Perry and The Young Bucks. Mox told Perry, “I don’t care what they say, you’re a sweet kid.” He then walked away as Perry smiled. [c]

-As Mox and Shafir made their way to the ring, the announcers talked about what Mox said last week. Schiavone said he had no idea what Mox meant when he told him it’s not his company anymore. Mox began by saying Darby isn’t in the building, but years ago when he didn’t know who he was, he wrestled him. He said Darby stood no chance against him, but he fought his heart out. He said Darby had nothing and was sleeping in his car, but he knew after that match that Darby was special. He said the chance to get in the ring and perform in front of the fans is a privilege. “That is not something you are entitled to,” he said. “Sometimes we forget that.” He said he isn’t an impatient man, but he is eager to talk to Darby. He said he doesn’t want to apply pressure, “so don’t make me.” He closed with, “Darby, I just want to talk.” He dropped the mic and left through the crowd. Shafir followed him.

-Renee interviewed Chris Jericho, Bryan Keith, and Big Bill backstage. Jericho had a frozen smile as Renee introduced the segment. Jericho waved and said, “Hi, guys!” He talked about Orange Cassidy ruining his jacket. They threw to a clip of a remarkably younger looking Jericho standing in the ring as Cassidy signaled for orange juice to be dropped over him. Jericho complained that the jacket he ruined was worth $7,000. He said Keith is going to squeeze it out of his hide on Collision on Friday. Bill said the true indication of a man’s character doesn’t lie within his heart, but rather in his ability to make good on his debts. Cassidy walked in and told Bryan to tell Jericho that if he can beat him on Friday, he’ll give him the $7,000. Cassidy acted as if Jericho wasn’t standing there. Bryan said it was a show of disrespect, but he’d make Cassidy pay the price. Jericho softly said, “Pay the price,” a play on Keith ending segments by yelling the last words just said.


(3) MARIAH MAY vs. NYLA ROSE – AEW Women’s Title match

Mariah made her entrance first. Then Nyla came out. Excalibur said Nyla is a two-time former champion and a real threat to Mariah’s reign. Excalibur noted that Collision airs this Friday night at 8 ET. He said Toni Storm disappeared into the streets of London after losing at Wembley and resurfaced this week in Australia. He said she was interviewed about Grand Slam coming to Australia next February. The bell rang 1 minute into the hour.

Nyla landed two bodyslams and a legdrop for a two count at 2:00. Mariah snapped Nyla’s neck over the top rope and then leaped off the top rope with a dropkick leading to a two count. They cut to a double-box break. [c/db]

They fought back and forth for a few minutes. Nyla rolled through on a top rope bodypress and landed a leaping powerslam. Mariah rolled to the floor. The ref checked on her condition. Nyla set up a move on the ringside steps, but Mariah charged at her and swept her leg. Then she landed a running knee to her face. Nyla barely beat getting counted out. Mariah then caught Nyla with a running knee to the chin and then landed a Storm Zero for the win. Excalibur said Mariah has answered any questions people had over whether she could compete at the highest level in AEW. She lay on the mat and kissed her belt afterward.

WINNER: Mariah May in 10:00 to retain the AEW Women’s Title.

(Keller’s Analysis: Nyla was back on Dynamite to face a big-name opponent and lose.)

-A vignette aired with Deonna Purrazzo who talked about the setbacks she’s had. She threw a wine glass against the wall and said she’s not done making art. “I’ve only just begun,” she said.

-Excalibur said Purrazzo will face Hikaru Shida on Collision who will be facing Mercedes Moné at All Out for the TBS Title. [c]

-Mercedes made her way to the ring with Kamille. A clip aired of Mercedes defending her New Japan Strong Title at Capital Collision last Friday in Washington D.C. Mercedes entered the ring and grabbed a mic. Fans chanted for Shida as Mercedes talked about her pride in having two belts. She said she is “the face of TBS and this whole damn company.” She said Shida will learn there is a price to pay when you mess with Mercedes Moné. She dropped the mic and laughed.

Shida appeared on the big screen and said she’ll win the title as Mercedes and Kamille smirked at her. Shida pulled open her jacket and said Mercedes can’t beat the Ace. Daniels walked in and banned Kamille from ringside at All Out. Mercedes threw a fit. “Sayonara, bitch!” Shida said. (Reset the bitch-o-meter.) Taz said Kamille didn’t do anything wrong. Schiavone said it was the right move.

-The Young Bucks were backstage with Perry. Nick Jackson said Perry had something to say. Perry said he was in the arena the first time Bryan Danielson stepped foot in AEW and he felt the electricity in the air. He said he promised himself one day he’d stand in the ring with Danielson. He said when he heard the news that Danielson’s career was coming to an end, he wanted to be sure he got that match. He said he changed the person he was and went to Japan and started over and did everything he had to do to get back to AEW. He said Danielson could have helped him, but he didn’t. He said Danielson only cares about his “perfect little fairy tale ending.” He said Saturday won’t be a happy ending for him. Matt said they will do anything to make sure that the AEW World Title comes back to where it belongs with The Elite.

-Bryan Danielson made his way out to his music, holding up his belt. Excalibur said he’d join them on commentary for the main event. [c]


O’Reilly and Cassidy came out first. As Ospreay made his entrance, they replayed Pac attacking him to build their match at All Out. The bell rang 32 minutes into the hour. Danielson said Jack has friends, but he has friends too, and some of them are in the ring now. O’Reilly and Yuta battled early. When Pac and Ospreay tagged in, they cut to an early double-box break. [c/db]

Pac had Cassidy grounded and applied a Brutalizer. Ospreay broke it up. Yuta and Claudio knocked Ospreay out of the ring. Cassidy went for a tag, but no one was there. Claudio and Yuta then went to work on Cassidy. Claudio launched Yuta off the top rope onto Cassidy mid-ring with a splash for a two count. A minute later, Cassidy tagged in Ospreay who rallied against Yuta and then fended off Claudio. Ospreay and Pac went face-to-face. They cut to another double-box break. [c/db]

Back from the break, fans were chanting, “This is awesome!” Chaos broke out leading to dives at ringside. Ospreay and Pac brawled onto the stage. Yuta went after Ospreay, so he turend his back to Pac. Pac leaped onto Ospreay, but Ospreay slipped free and knocked Pac off the ramp. Ospreay then leaped off the ramp with a flip onto Pac.

Back in the ring, Cassidy leaped off the top rope and landed a DDT. He kipped up and signaled for the Orange Punch. Claudio countered, but Cassidy his Stun Dog Millionaire and then Beach Break for a two count. Cassidy slo-mo kicked Claudo as O’Reilly hard-kicked Claudio in the chest. The intensity increased. O’Reilly applied a hanging guillotine on Claudio. Claudio eventually escaped and landed an uppercut. Claudio gave O’Reilly his Giant Swing. Yuta then kicked O’Reilly as he swung around. Claudio scored the pin.

WINNERS: Claudio & Yuta & Pac in 20:00.

-Afterward, Danielson ran out to celebrate with Yuta and Claudio. Perry, The Bucks, and Okada attacked them. The Bucks held Danielson as Perry wound up with a chair. Claudio and Yuta intervened and cleared the ring of Okada and The Bucks. The Bucks pulled Perry out of the ring. Claudio told them they made the biggest mistake of their lives. Fans chanted, “You f—ed up!” He challenged the Bucks to a tag match at All In. Danielson told Perry so many people are tired of his crap, so he guaranteed that this Sunday he will get “his f—in’ head kicked in.” He was bleeped. Danielson’s music played as Perry looked worried on the ramp.

-They cut backstage where Pac and Ospreay were still fighting. Pac brainbuster-suplexed Ospreay onto a rolling crate. Pac then told Ospreay he’d see him Saturday as Daniels yelled at him to get out of there.

-Excalibur hyped the All In line-up.

-Tony Schiavone stood mid-ring and introduced Swerve and Nana first. They sat at the table for the contract signing. Hangman was introduced next. He didn’t come out right away.


Schiavone tried introducing Hangman again and they replayed his music. Still no Hangman. Hangman then showed up on the big screen. He was at Swerve’s family house. Hangman said they already know the match is going to happen whether he’s at the contract signing or not. He said Swerve slipped up and showed him and the world something important to him, his childhood home. Hangman talked about what Swerve’s life was perhaps like, suggesting his dad yelled at him to shut up while he was watching TV. He said his dad probably didn’t love him much. He said his dad probably thought it’d be a wonderful world if he was never born.

Swerve stood and tossed around the table and chair. Hangman said Swerve told him last week that when he sat in a car outside his front door and watched him carry his pregnant wife to the hospital, so he had to choose between hate and success, vengeance and peace. He poured gasoline outside the house as Swerve paced and fumed. Hangman said he told Swerve for months and months that there was nothing that he wanted more out of this life than to burn his world to the ground. Swerve kneeled and began to cry. Hangman sat on a chair in the yard and said he’s going to take what is left of him at All Out. He said he’s going to take his pride and dignity as Swerve is on his knees pleading for his forgiveness. He said it’s time for goodbyes. He told Swerve to say goodbye to his hopes of ever holding the AEW World Title again. He said he’ll say goodbye to his health, his career, his joy, and his happiness.

Hangman lit a match and threw it over his head. He said he gets to say goodbye to Swerve’s house. Swerve yelled, “No! No!” as the house went up in flames. Swerve pounded the mat in agony as the house burned.

(Keller’s Analysis: So the match is off and Hangman will be in jail for arson, right?)



PWTorch editor Wade Keller is joined by PWTorch’s Chris Lansdell to review AEW Dynamite LIVE tonight right after Dynamite. Join us and let us know your thoughts on Dynamite during the show.

Email our post-show at with your comments and questions about Dynamite. We’ll read your emails live during the post-show.

Subscribe to all of our free podcasts by searching “wade keller” and “pwtorch” in your podcast app of choice including Spotify and Apple Podcasts and most other iOS and Android apps.


RECOMMENDED NEXT: AEW FEUD TRACKER: Assessing and grading the key feuds heading into All Out including Hangman-Swerve, Danielson-Perry, Mercedes-Shida,, plus Moxley, more

OR CHECK THIS OUT AT PROWRESTLING.NET: Kevin Kelly and the Tate Twins (a/k/a The Boys) file a lawsuit against AEW

Check out the latest episode of the “All Elite Conversation Club” with Joel Dehnel and Gregg Kanner, part of the PWTorch Dailycast line-up: CLICK HERE to stream (or search “pwtorch” on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or any other iOS or Android app to subscribe free)

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