NXT TV RESULTS (8/27): Wells’s live report on No Mercy go-home featuring Joe Hendry in concert, No Quarter Catch Crew vs. The Family, Wentz & Wes Lee face to face, more

by Kelly Wells, PWTorch Contributor


AUGUST 27, 2024

NXT Commentators: Vic Joseph, Booker T

Ring Announcer: Mike Rome

Backstage Correspondent(s): Kelly Kincaid, Sarah Schreiber



-Fatal Influence had new team music and a new logo. It was a woman-fronted rock song, but not in the same vein as the usual in this company, which was a nice departure in a company where much of the music is too similar.
(1) META-FOUR (Lash Legend & Jakara Jackson) vs. FATAL INFLUENCE (Fallon Henley & Jacy Jayne) (w/Jazmyn Nyx)
Legend and Henley worked the early part of the match, and Legend took the upper hand and tagged Jackson. Henley got in some strikes but Jackson hit some chops and dropkicks. They crashed together in the center of the ring and both made tags. Jayne hit a huracanrana and then tried a crucifix, but Legend held on, then caught an attacking Henley. She dominated both, and Meta-Four cleared the heels from the ring and Jackson hit a tope suicida on both as the match went to split-screen. [c]
Jackson and Jayne were selling on the floor as the match returned from split-screen. Both made tags. Strangely, the faces and heels were in the opposite corner from the long-established norm. Legend hit a chokeslam on Henley and got two. Jackson tagged in and Legend set her up for an unfortunate-looking assisted lariat from the top; I think Jackson just didn’t have the impact necessary to make it look strong. Henley and Jackson went to a forearm exchange from their knees, and Henley stole the upper hand by hanging Jackson on the middle rope. Jayne took control. The audience was pretty cold, and this is where I remembered that this show was taped immediately after last week’s show.
Legend got caught up with Jazmyn Nyx outside. She laid Nyx out, but reentered the ring and got nailed with a running forearm, and then two knees in the middle of the ring to finish.
WINNERS: Fatal Influence at 10:04.
(Wells’s Analysis: Fatal Influence will need more reps and Jackson continues to be an early work in progress after her lingering injury. The presentation of Fatal Influence works but I wonder how many people will think of this as Toxic Attraction-lite)
-There was an MSK segment, running through their history together leading to Wes Lee’s heel turn. It was a strong, long-form package to catch up anyone who tuned out. Of course, it ended with Wentz’s rushing of Lee at the show’s closing last week.
-Karmen Petrovic entered ahead of her match with Izzi Dame. [c]
-Eddy Thorpe played some of his music for three of the young women in the PC. Ashante Thee Adonis showed up and tried to siphon some of the flavor from Thorpe and mack on the girls, but as usual they blew him off and exited. Adonis asked which one was “his” and Thorpe said they were just friends. Adonis didn’t understand the concept of being platonic friends with a woman.
Petrovic got in some quick early kicks, then snapped on a headlock and held on as Dame tried to slam her. Dame shoved Petrovic and blocked her to the mat after a rope run. Dame hit a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker, then a spear in the corner for two. Dame hit a corner lariat, then charged into a boot. Petrovic got in another kick but then jumped herself right into a sit-out powerbomb by Dame for two. Dame put Petrovic up in a torture rack, but Petrovic escaped before long. Dame tried another tilt-a-whirl but Dame rolled through and covered for two. Petrovic hit a back kick and a spin kick and tried to get the tiring crowd going. She ran into a lariat by Dame. Big boot by Dame and she made a cocky cover with one boot and got two.
There was a small “Izzi” chant. I’m not going to tell these fans how to choose who to cheer for, but NXT has done very little to set Dame apart in any way whatsoever, so I wonder if they’re seeing things in person that we don’t see on TV. A “Karmen” chant drowned it out. Dame tried a slam but Petrovic rolled her up for a sudden three.
WINNER: Petrovic at 4:12.
(Wells’s Analysis: Very basic stuff as Dame is still little more than a heel create-a-wrestler. Petrovic has some nice moves but the impact still looks light, so that might be next on the to-do list)
-Charlie Dempsey and Myles Borne were sparring. Wren Sinclair tried to get involved, and tried to assert herself at the top of the group. The Family were (elsewhere) getting ready for the six-person tag, and two of the unnamed Family cronies who occasionally show up tried to give Tony D’Angelo some information, but he blew them off twice and said he was too busy right now. Tony D, Stacks and Adrianna Rizzo took off, and the two cronies were left there with one holding a phone that clearly had the information on it, and he said “this is bad.” [c]
-Sarah Schreiber had a sit-down interview with Jaida Parker that immediately set her up as a babyface, or at least the de facto babyface in her match against Roxanne Perez. She ran through her journey in NXT, and put over her opponents to get here and said she was certainly hurting a bit. She also put over Perez but said she was ready and has wanted this for as long as she could remember. She showed good fire as she finished her thoughts.
Roxanne Perez stormed in and kicked Schreiber out, and took her seat. She said some nice things about her opponent, but then said she meant her previous opponent, Lola Vice. She said Parker is a lot of things, but not the Prodigy. Parker said she would slap the taste out of Perez’s mouth. Perez called her bluff and Parker reared back and loudly smacked her across the face. She then looked offstage at someone offscreen and said “What are you doing here? I heard about you. You can get some too.” Perez also took note of the unseen person and her jaw dropped slightly. It might be time to bring Giulia or Stephanie Vaquer into the fold, eh?
(3) THE FAMILY (Tony D’Angelo & Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo & Adrianna Rizzo) vs. NO QUARTER CATCH CREW (Charlie Dempsey & Myles Borne & Wren Sinclair)
Stacks and Dempsey paired off for a minute followed by Borne and Crusifino doing the same. Borne worked over Stacks in the NQCC corner and Wren Sinclair tagged herself in, to the irritation of Borne. That meant she and Rizzo were lega, and Rizzo cleared Sinclair from the ring. The two goons from the earlier segment showed up and whispered something to D’Angelo. He shook his head and the three of them exited up the ramp as the match went to commercial. [c]
The Family worked over NQCC and hit bada-boom, bada-bing on all three members. The NQCC men isolated Stacks and worked his injured leg (he had a knee brace on his right leg). They ruthlessly made tags and worked the knee, and Dempsey made some rapid-fire covers for two each time. Dempsey worked Stacks’ leg with technical precision and leaned back into an added headlock, but Stacks pried himself free. Borne tagged in and continued the heat segment on the leg and Dempsey soon after tagged in again and worked the leg some more. Dempsey tried to rip off the knee brace. Stacks surprised Dempsey with a rollup for two, but Dempsey nailed him with a German suplex. NQCC tried a team move but Dempsey nailed Borne when Stacks moved, and Luca Crusifino got the hot tag and got in a number of shots. He was able to cover Borne, but Wren Sinclair nailed him and then taunted him right in his face as he stared at her. Action all spilled outside and got messy, but back inside, the men of the Family hit an assisted lungblower and Crusifino got the duke on Borne.
WINNERS: The Family at 11:10.
(Wells’s Analysis: Good action but The Family act is so silly as a babyface act. It also flies in the face of storytelling that they still pulled off the win after D’Angelo left ringside. With those criticisms out of the way, it really was a pretty good classic tag match with a heat segment and some good fire, and some fun moments, mostly thanks to Wren Sinclair.)
-Pete Dunne fired up ahead of his match tonight. [c]
-Ethan Page was in Ava’s office. Ava said Page should know better than to do what he did last week. He said Ava should suspend him and he won’t even have to defend his championship at No Mercy. She said he’ll definitely be doing that, but nice try.


-Zach Wentz entered, followed by Wes Lee, for their face-to-face segment. PC security guys were in the rings, along with two referees trying to keep the peace. Wentz wondered why he thought they’d be different from every other team in wrestling and stay together. Lee said this was proof that Wentz was too immature. He said he knew he’s a big star and he knows Wentz came back for the “NXT rub.” He pointed out to Wentz that the two of them are on different levels. Wentz said nobody knows how good Lee is like he does, and he knows he screwed up and ruined MSK. He said he grew up and became a man. He said watching Lee motivated him to go back to NXT and be reunited with his brother.

Lee said the reunion was okay and the nostalgia would’ve been fun for a few weeks, but again, they’re just not on the same level. He said it’s not 2022 anymore. Wentz said Lee is a very emotional person and he was ready to quit for the third time when MSK stopped him. He asked who was there for him when nobody else was. He said he couldn’t be his tag team partner in front of the cameras, but behind the scenes, he was always his brother. Lee said Wentz could say whatever he needed to make himself sleep at night, but they’re just on different levels (okay, retire that line for the rest of the segment, Wes). Wes said he and Trey did something Lee could never do, and win the TNA tag team championships. Lee said he, the WWE Superstar, would be dominant over the TNA wrestler. He said “wrestler” with disdain, gaining the proper heat. They got in one another’s faces and jawed to end the strong hype segment.

-Joe Hendry and Trick Williams had a brief talk backstage. Williams pumped up Hendry, who said that Williams would get the first championship match after he wins the title from Ethan Page. Williams said he’ll hold him to it.

-Kelani Jordan walked through the back ahead of her match with a secret opponent chosen by Wendy Choo. [c]


Rosemary is a creepy goth from TNA. She got a pretty nice reaction from the still-tired crowd. There was a “Rosemary” chant from the crowd, which was nice for her, though no help to babyface Jordan. The two worked quickly early, with a lot of reversals. Jordan hit a splash for two. Rosemary choked Jordan on the ropes for a moment, then charged in and hit her with a corner forearm. Half-and-half suplex by Rosemary for two. Rosemary snapped on a sleeper and Jordan elbowed her way out.

The two got to their feet and exchanged forearms. Kelani caught a kick and fell back and kicked Rosemary in the face. Booker said “shades of my former tag partner RVD.” Jordan got in some kicks. Rosemary evaded a Rocker Dropper but Jordan hit a flatliner. Rosermary no-sold and then speared Jordan when she ran the ropes and covered for two. Rosemary charged Jordan in the corner, but Jordan shoved her away and hit her moonsault to finish.

WINNER: Kelani Jordan at 4:21.

The lights went out and Wendy Choo showed up laughing on several screens. The real Choo choked out Jordan from behind, then posed with the championship.

(Wells’s Analysis: Admittedly, I haven’t ever seen Rosemary so she’s just a name on the page to me. She looked slow throughout the match and she fell awkwardly multiple times. The PC could really help her out if that’s the plan)

-Oro Mensah tried to gas up the women of Meta-Four and Lexis King stepped in and broke up the party, saying nobody cares about Mensah’s sob story about his father. Mensah said this is rich from somebody who lacks a father figure (Christian Cage would be proud of that line). King threw hands and Mensah did the same. Officials broke it up as we went to commercial. [c]

-Chase U celebrated with their championship belts in their classroom. Duke Hudson and Riley Osborne apologized for their loss last week. Ridge Holland said it was okay and said it was all about what’s next. Thea Hail said this will be the reign of all reigns. Axiom and Nathan Frazer showed up and it stayed babyface-ish, but Frazer said after they take the tag team titles on Sunday, Chase U will come crumbling down.


Finally time for Jensen’s “push” to result in a win, I think, as Blade really has nothing to lose as a single. Blade hit Jensen with a tope con giro during Jensen’s entrance and they battled outside a little before getting into the ring for the bell. Jensen took over on offense shortly into the match with some brute offense. Vic was still trying to make “Malik and Edris” happen instead of referring to the two by their last names, which he does with literally everyone else. Either cut their last names or don’t, guys.

The two exchanged rights in the center of the ring. Blade hit a couple of running ax-handles and then went north, but Jensen met him there. Blade hit him with a blockbuster from the top and covered for two. Blade went up and went for a frog splash, but Jensen put up the knees. DDT by Jensen, who then went up and hit a flying elbow to finish. Vic made it worse by saying “Edris and Blade” this time.

WINNER: Brooks Jensen at 3:28.

(Wells’s Analysis: Harmless action to finally allow Jensen to pick up a singles win, which he likely has none of on NXT, ever. I still think he’s best cast as a buffoonish sidekick for a brutish partner in a babyface team, but we’ll see how he develops if the push continues. Blade, as always, looked good in defeat)

-Sarah Schreiber caught up with Je’Von Evans, who said Joe Coffey is about to find out just how much he can wrestle. He did Coffey’s arms-crossed taunt and walked out of frame. [c]

-Hank & Tank were talking about never ending up like Wes & Zach. OTM showed up and said these two weren’t hungr for the gold – just barbecue. Hank said he was hungry for a hoss fight. OTM took their leave and although it was basic, at least something is actually happening in the dormant tag division.

(6) JE’VON EVANS vs. JOE COFFEY (w/Wolfgang & Mark Coffey)

Coffey turned a front chancery into a snap mare, then worked the arm. Evans tried to wriggle his way free but Coffey was there with him every step of the way to counter. Coffey grounded Evans, who finally got free and ran the ropes right into a block. He jumped and got caught by Coffey, but rolled him up for two. Evans hit a rana and then another after a springboard. Coffey charged in the corner and Evans slipped out of the corner. Evans dropkicked Wolfgang, who lost his mind outside the ring. Evans was in control as the match went to split-screen, which usually is saved for the opener and the main event, but the main event segment is likely to be the Hendry concert. [c]

Coffey controlled most of the break. He hung up Evans on the top rope. Coffey worked Evans’ wrist and kept shoving his face away dismissively, gaining the ire of Evans, who ran the ropes and laid out Coffey with a lariat. Evans got in some combo shots and a leaping forearm. He ran the ropes and hit the kind of leaping kick that might need his own name on it. Evans hit a beautiful top rope clothesline for two. Coffey caught Evans with a German suplex and then hit the Glasgow Sendoff for a long two. Coffey ran into a back kick from Evans. Superkick from Evans, who ran himself into a big European uppercut. Coffey went up and missed a cutter. Evans hit a gorgeous cutter from the top for a very long two. Coffey went out and regrouped. Evans went to the top and hit a tope con giro to all three members of Gallus.

Evans put Coffey back into the ring, then ran the ropes. Wolfgang took the ref’s focus. Mark ate a top-rope cutter but Evans was left prone to Coffey’s finisher.

WINNER: Joe Coffey at 8:58.

(Wells’s Analysis: Gallus desperately need some wins to justify still being used on TV, and though Evans losing to them – even to their top guy – seems odd on the surface, Evans is definitely going to make a career of taking some high-profile losses and having something to overcome, a la Sami Zayn. These two matched up really well and had a much-needed match of the night here)

-Tony D’Angelo showed up at his usual Italian restaurant for what was apparently an emergency, as someone took his room. Oba Femi was seated at D’s table with the North American championship belt on the table. He casually sipped white wine. D tried to put over Femi, who said he didn’t need compliments. He said he didn’t tolerate disrespect. D echoed the sentiment, saying Femi has been stepping on his toes a lot lately. Femi said he could lay waste to him and all the people in the restaurant, but now was not the time. D said he would show everyone on Sunday that Femi is mortal. Femi said many have tried but none have succeeded, and D will be no different. This segment easily could have not happened given how little meat it really had, but Femi’s intense presence carried it, and D’Angelo does his best work in this backdrop as well. [c]

-Vic ran down the No Mercy card, with all four major singles championships on the line, as well as the tag championships and the grudge match between Wes Lee and Zach Wentz.

-Joe Hendry Concert.

Hendry’s inset still had “TNA Impact” on it though I think people are becoming increasingly convinced that Hendry’s future is in this company. Hendry thanked the NXT Universe (see, he’s got corporate speak down already) for spending the night with him. He thanked everyone for the support. He said he’s written a song about our beloved champion Ethan Page.


He sang that Page is most excited when playing with himself, and he added (with video proof) that Ethan likes to work out dressed up. The video screen showed Page lifting weights while wearing a…chicken hat? He got everyone singing “Ethan sucks…Believe in Joe…Ethan, put on some clothes.”

Page’s music played and he said this was over. He said Hendry couldn’t get away with doing this out of context. The lyrics apparently worked on the crowd, who kept singing the theme from the song at Page. They practically drowned him out at times. Hendry just owns the crowd. Page said he needs to keep Hendry out of NXT and away from the Championship.

Ava’s music played and brought her to the ramp. She said Page should be honored that Hendry wrote a song about him. She said that because of Page’s actions last week, the championship match on Sunday will have a special guest referee. The audience, well ahead of the curve, chanted “Whoop that Trick.” Trick Williams’ music played and he walked the ramp with a referee muscle shirt. Hendry caught Page with a uranage after he tried a cheap shot, and he covered. Williams shrugged and counted the three. From a camera looking out from Gorilla, Pete Dunne was watching. He said into the camera that Trick won’t make it to next Tuesday. Inside the ring, Hendry and Williams posed for the fans as the show went off the air at seven minutes past the hour and USA went to its 238230948923523049th showing of one of the Fast & Furious movies.

FINAL THOUGHTS: Beware the second show in a double taping, as the crowd is predictably losing its enthusiasm, and the company knows it. There was some content to like here, but most of it was pre-taped content to hype No Mercy. Outside of a pretty nice match in Evans-Coffey, there was no doubt that we were watching a developmental show, which is fine, but it was lower level at times than it often is. Rosemary looked way in over her head in her match, which I’m struggling to politely describe, but she definitely needs to get her ring work to catch up with her character work. As skippable as this show was – and it definitely was – I still think No Mercy is looking like a mighty nice card on Sunday. The positive coming out of tonight’s show is that a lot of undercard talent was showcased and we got early glimpses of who might step up next, if they can deliver in the ring as well as through their personas. Nate Lindberg and I will break it down in a few minutes on PWT Talks NXT. Check us out on the YouTube channel. Cheers.


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