WWE MAIN EVENT RESULTS (8/7): Ivy Nile vs. Alba Fyre and Pete Dunne vs. Akira Tozawa

By Mike Meyers, PWTorch contributor

WWE Main Event results and analysis


AUGUST 7, 2024

Announcers: Blake Howard, Byron Saxton

(1) IVY NILE vs. ALBA FYRE (w/Isla Dawn)

Nile took Fyre to the mat with a waist lock to start. Fyre came back and whipped Nile to the mat, then laid in a kick. Nile ducked a clothesline, then took Fyre down with a clothesline of her own. Nile rolled up Fyre for an early two-count. Nile kicked Fyre in the gut, then hoisted her into a vertical suplex position and proceeded to her squat routine – five squats, then the suplex. Nile ran the ropes and Dawn, from the floor, tried to trip Nile on the rebound. Nile took to the floor to chase Dawn around the ring, allowing Fyre to dive through the ropes to blindside the idiot babyface who turned her back on her opponent.

Dawn taunted Nile, then Fyre rolled Nile back into the ring. She dropped a knee to Nile’s shoulder and covered for two. Nile blocked a suplex attempt, then rolled up Fyre with an inside cradle for a two-count. Fyre applied a chinlock. Nile escaped the hold by snap maring Fyre to the mat. Nile took Fyre down with a shoulder tackle, then with a hurricanrana. Dawn climbed onto the apron, but Nile quickly kicked her off to the floor before kicking Fyre in the far corner. Nile followed up with a German suplex which she bridged for a cover and two-count. Fyre rolled up Nile for a cover. The ref began the count, but noticed Fyre was using Dawn’s outstretched hand for additional leverage, so the cover was nullified. Nile immediately rolled up Fyre for a successful cover and victory.

WINNER: Ivy Nile by pinfall in 5:20.

(Meyers’s Analysis: Nile’s cool feats of strength are counteracted by her classic WWE babyface idiocy. Also, finishes like this always annoy me: Being “surprised” by a pin isn’t something that should prevent you from kicking out in the middle of a match where you haven’t been injured.)

(2) PETE DUNNE vs. AKIRA TOZAWA (w/Maxxine Dupri)

The men grappled back and forth on the mat, then got to their feet simultaneously. Dunne applied a wristlock that Tozawa quickly reversed. Dunne scooted to the edge of the ring for a rope break – when Tozawa backed off cleanly, Dunne clocked him with a right hook to the chin. Tozawa, dazed, rolled to a corner and got to his feet. Dupri, from the floor, shouted, “Don’t let him treat you like this!”

Dunne did some small joint manipulation, then stomped Tozawa’s arm. He fired Tozawa into a corner and ran after him, but Tozawa got booth boots up to block. He tossed Dunne out to ringside with a hurricanrana, then dove through the ropes to take him out on the floor. The crowd cheered as we cut to break.

Dunne took control as we came back from break by clotheslining Tozawa to the mat. He hyper extended Tozawa’s wrist, then attacked the digits. Dunne issued another stomp, this time to Tozawa’s hand. He clubbed Tozawa with a forearm strike, then covered for two. Dunne applied a chinlock. Tozawa battled out and took Dunne down with a high-angle DDT. Tozawa hit a shining wizard, then climbed to the top rope. He nailed Dunne with a missile drop kick and covered for two.

Dunne blocked a suplex, then hit Tozawa with an enzuigiri. Dunne followed up with a snap German suplex, then stomped both of Tozawa’s hands. Tozawa issued his own German suplex and bridged for a two-count cover. Tozawa excitedly got to his feet and tore his shirt off, Hogan-style. He went back to the top rope, but Dunne rolled out of harm’s way. Tozawa rolled through his landing, but Dunne was waiting and chopped Tozawa in the chest. Dunne snapped Tozawa’s fingers, then took him to the mat with the Bitter End DDT. Dunne covered for the three-count.

WINNER: Pete Dunne by pinfall in 6:55.

(Meyers’s Analysis: Good stuff from both guys. Dunne dialed up the heel antics, mocking the crowd during and after the match.)

SHOW SCORE (0-10): 7.8

Find Mike Meyers on TwitterX: @themikeshow42

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