NXT HITS & MISSES (7/30): Joe Hendry concert, Roxanne Perez vs. Thea Hail, The Rascalz Treehouse, Jensen vs. Alexander, more

By Jason Goodspeed, PWTorch contributor


Lash Legend & Jakara Jackson vs. Isla Dawn & Alba Fyre: Hit

Nice to see Fyre and Dawn get some recognition and see them featured. I remember seeing them feud and wasn’t sure how they would work as a team, but I love them together. Legend and Jackson kept up pretty well with the two more seasoned wrestlers. They gave them a decent amount of time to tell a good story. I never felt the outcome was in question, but there were a couple of near falls to help keep you guessing. Lash has definitely improved and I felt this was one of Jackson’s best showings in NXT. I hope they keep the titles on Fyre and Dawn for a bit, rather than the hot potato style we’ve seen since the belts introduction. Fun continuation of the Mensah/Page feud at the end.

Tony D’Angelo fs. Tavion Heights for The Heritage Cup: Hit

Although I don’t believe that the Don character will resonate on the main roster, Tony D’Angelo has been elevated by The Heritage Cup. I think he’s had some of his past matches on NXT. The Cup’s style benefits D’Angelo’s style. I wasn’t sold when he won it, but I look forward to his defenses. Height held his own during the match, I’m surprised he’s been buried down deep in the roster. Nice to see him get some attention. I still don’t know how Wren Sinclair fits into this whole thing, but color me interested.

Brooks Jensen vs. Cedric Alexander: Minor Hit 

Surprising result to the match. Alexander has become a bit of a gate keeper and I fully expected him to take the loss to Jensen, who seemed like he was on the verge of a mini push with Shawn Spears. I’m sure this is just another chapter down the road to Jensen becoming a true protégé of Spear’s. On a weird side note: how long has Jensen wrestled in Converses? I’m trying to remember if I’ve ever seen that before. I’ve owned those before and they offer almost zero support, so good on him, if he can wrestle a match wearing them!

Je’von Evans vignette: Hit

I loved this. What an amazing young man. He came off as so likable and real. He’s special and his stories were heartwarming. More of this kind of stuff, please.

The Rascalz Treehouse: Hit

Good fun with the re-united trio. I loved Wes Lee’s solo run, but I think there is a hell of a lot of fun to be had with these guys. I also love the thought of the NXT tag titles represented and defended over the NXT and TNA brands. I still think I’m dreaming at times, watching another company so prominently featured on a WWE show. This collaboration has been a ton of fun for me.

Joe Hendry concert: Freaking Hit

A fun, silly and over the top popular segment with the crowd. As much as I hate to see Gallus being bit players, they make great foils for Joe Hendry. I wonder who Hendry will find as partners, as I’m sure this will be headed to a six man tag at some point.

Kendal Grey vs. Jaida Parker: Hit

I recently went back and watched some of Parker’s older matches, has she come into her own. She seemed like a tack on to OTM, but in the end, OTM has been the background players to Ms. Parker. The whole Kendal Grey tossing around Myles Borne is…unusual. I’m not sure where that whole storyline is headed, but sadly it seems like it will be at the expense of The No Quarter Catch Crew.

Jacy Jayne & Jazmyn Nyx & Fallon Henley vs. Sol Ruca & Karmen Petrovic & Lola Vice: Hit 

Even though this was a random match up based on social media beef, they allowed the women a good chunk of time and I felt everyone had their moments to shine. Petrovic especially has advanced nicely and Ruca continues to pull out a new move or two in every match. Petrovic taking the loss makes sense, as she is the most “rookie” of the bunch. I’m old enough to remember when 5 on 5 Survivor Series matches had four more involved and yet were given a tenth of the time. Women’s wrestling has truly evolved.

Tatum Paxley sighting: Hit

If you follow this column regularly, what did you expect me to rate this? The re-invention of Wendy Choo has been a slow burn, but I think she’s going to be fun in this character role. Nice to see the Women’s North American champ have a solid line up of challengers out of the gate

Roxanne Perez vs. Thea Hail: Hit

Terrific match that didn’t have a definitive result guaranteed (as I see Hail getting the title eventually down the road), though my odds were on Perez with the win. It’s amazing to me how young these ladies are and yet, both look so seasoned in the ring.

Overall, a terrific kickoff to the two week Great American Bash, worth checking out.

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RECOMMENDED NEXT: NXT TV RESULTS (7/30): Wells’s live report on Great American Bash featuring Roxanne Perez vs. Thea Hail, Fyre & Dawn vs. Legend & Jackson, Joe Hendry concert, more

OR CHECK THIS OUT AT PROWRESTLING.NET: Powell’s NXT Hit List: Great American Bash night one with Roxanne Perez vs. Thea Hail for the NXT Women’s Title, Joe Hendry’s concert, Tony D’Angelo vs. Tavion Heights for the NXT Heritage Cup

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