10 YRS AGO – NXT TV Results (7-17-2014): Sasha Banks vs. Alexa Bliss, plus Xavier Woods, Enzo & Big Cass, Adam Rose, Jason Jordan, Tyson Kidd, Sami Zayn

By Justin James, PWTorch contributor

Sasha Banks and Bayley (photo credit Brandon LeClair © PWTorch)


The following report originally published 10 years ago this week here at PWTorch.com…

WWE NXT Results
July 17, 2014
Taped at Full Sail University
Report by Justin James, PWTorch contributor

[Q1] No pre-credits video package this week. Enzo Amore and Colin Cassady hit the ring to start the show with tag team action. Amore and Cassady get their usual good reception. They are facing the Vaudevillains.

William Regal, Tom Philips, and Byron Saxton are in the booth.


Amore and English start. Amore looks absolutely insane with his hair and outfit. English sings as he works a wristlock, but Amore reverses it, then English reverses it. Surprise drop toehold puts English on the mat, but a back elbow in the corner gives English some room. Cassady tags in and wrecks English with forearms and knees. English escapes a slam and tags in Gotch who runs into a knee. Cassady preps the S-A-W-F-T Elbow, but the Legionnaires’s music hits to provide a distraction, and Gotch wins on a schoolboy and a handful of tights.

WINNERS: The Vaudevillains in 2:25. I liked what little there was of this match, and I hope to see it in its entirety soon.

Sami Zayn vs. Tyson Kidd is advertised as the main event.

Backstage promo from The Ascension. They say it doesn’t matter who a team thinks they are, they are just prey for The Ascension.

Video package on the BFF meltdown, and Charlotte is advertised to face Summer Rae for the NXT Women’s Championship next week.

C.J. Parker is out for a match against Xavier Woods.


Woods forces Parker into the corner, and he looks rather miffed. They tussle mid-ring. Woods gets the upperhand.

[Q2] Parker unloads on Woods as the announcers continue to argue about Parker. Woods ducks a punch and gets an edge on Parker. Kick from the apron, then a DDT but Parker kicks out at two. Parker ducks a cross-body, Woods ducks a heel kick, then Parker sits on a roll-up attempt for the win.

WINNER: C.J. Parker in 4:40. Not a bad match at all. The ending was a touch botched, though, as Parker was supposed to be grabbing the ropes but he couldn’t reach them.

Devin Taylor interviews Sami Zayn. Zayn says that Tyson Kidd has slowly be showing his true colors. Zayns calls Kidd insecure, and says that he would have been proud to face Kidd a few months ago, and now he just wants to embarrass Kidd.

Alexa Bliss is out to face Sasha Banks. Cue up an inset promo of Alexa reminding Banks that she won the last time they met. Banks comes out with a real swagger to her step.


Bliss tries a quick roll-up, but Banks escapes, then a small package for two. Dropkick from Banks puts The Boss in charge. Telegraphs body drop and Bliss tries a Sunset Flip for two. Banks stretches Bliss across the ropes in the corner then knees her in the middle. Bliss elbows out of a hold and then escapes from the corner. Codebreaker into a chinlock from Banks and Bliss taps.

WINNER: Sasha Banks via submission in 2:51. This match was short and had me wanting to see a lot more. Bliss looked so much more confident in the ring than her previous outings, and Banks had a pile of new moves.

Backstage, Devin Taylor asks Tyler Breeze when he will face Adrian Neville. He says that people are jumping to the conclusion that he is afraid to face the “uggo” Adrian Neville, and reminds us that he is still fighting a hand modeling accident, but his agent is working in the contract for the match. He privileges viewers with a repeat of his music video.

[Q3] “Last week” a cameraman tried to talk to Natalya but she brushed him off and looked distraught.

Devin Taylor interviews Tyson Kidd. She asks about last week, he says that she is wasting his time talking about his family, and asks why she doesn’t ask Sami Zayn about his family. He says Natalya is tough and can take care of herself.

The Exotic Express welcomes Adam Rose to the ring. He is facing the promising Jason Jordan. Inset promo from Jordan saying that his partner Tye Dillinger has been injured, but he doesn’t know how, and Dillinger was last seen partying with the Rosebuds. Wow, that’s a pretty flimsy excuse to have a match.


Rose gets a bit fresh out of the corner and then jumps into Jordan’s arms, then reverses a slam into a takedown. Rose rubs his rump in Jordan’s face. Jordan picks Rose apart in the corner, and a beautiful suplex into a bridge from Jordan gets two. Rose with his typical offense. Bronco Buster into the Party Foul for the win.

WINNER: Adam Rose in 3:21. I’m still a Lemon, but I liked Jason Jordan here. His amateur experience was quite evident.

Backstage, Dein Taylor interviews Kalisto. Seems she speaks fluent Spanish, and he speaks fluent English. He wants to focus on the future not his past. The Vaudevillains come out, and the screen suddenly goes to black and white with graininess and playing their music. Ugh. They hold up a sign, “Where is your partner?” and Kalisto doesn’t really answer. He says that he will get one and face them next week, then dashes away.

[ J.J.’s Reax: As per a conversation on an article a week or two ago, this is EXACTLY what I do not like about the Vaudevillains. Why would I think that the show becomes a silent film any time they show up? This is corny beyond belief. ]


[Q4] Kidd immediately hides in the ropes. Then he rolls out of the ring. Zayn points out the “Natty’s Husband” chant from the crowd. They make contact, but Kidd slips out of the ring again. “Tyson Chicken” chant now, that’s unique. Kidd is finally ready for a match, and walks right into offense from Zayn. Kidd ducks out of the ring to avoid the Helluva Kick. Kidd tries to get into the ring, Zayn slips to the apron to attack, Kidd kicks him from the apron and suplexes Zayn onto the ramp. They both look hurt headed into break.

[ Break ]

Kidd in control mid-ring. Kidd walks all over Zayn in the corner. Tree of Woe and Zayn takes knees then a basement dropkick to the chin. Zayn fights to his feet then dumps Zayn outside. Zayn to the top and he hits a big cross-body for two. Guillotine leg drop to the back of Zayn’s head through the ropes. Huge suplex from Kidd. Kidd to the top, Zayn gets knees up on an elbow drop and hits the Blue Thunderbomb for a nearfall. Top rope blockbuster from Kidd, but Zayn kicks out.

Kidd locks in the Sharpshooter mid-ring, but Zayn almost gets to the ropes, then Kidd brings him back mid-ring. Zayn toughs it out and the crowd rallies him to the ropes. Kidd to the top, but Zayn catches him, STO into the Koji Clutch and Kidd taps.

WINNER: Sami Zayn in 10:50. Really good match, very enjoyable. It will be interesting to see where Kidd goes from here.

FINAL THOUGHTS: Wrestling-heavy show to continue existing storylines. Not a bad thing at all.

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