NXT HITS & MISSES (5/28): Jordynne Grace, TNA-NXT, Roxanne Perez shines on the mic, Dante Chen earning screen time, Ridge Holland, more

By Jason Goodspeed, PWTorch contributor


HIT: Mia Yim vs. Tatum Paxley (sad)

Oh, you know I have a huge crush on Tatum, but the right woman went over here. As much as I want to see the rocket strapped to Paxley’s back, Yim has such a storied past in NXT that I can forgive her being given the rub. Paxley has come such a long way and her grasp on her new character makes me hope she gets to move upward and forward soon in the division.

HIT: Ridge Holland vs. Riley Osborne

I’m still not sold on Holland’s “sad Dad” character, but this match exceeded my expectations and held my interest throughout. I’m hoping for a decent payoff to the slog of Ridge’s woes sooner than later though.

HIT: Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson vs. Malik Blade & Edris Enofe

Another “when will the saga end” storyline with Enofe and Blade losing constantly, but overall it was a decent match and I like Gallows & Anderson getting a push on NXT. As much as I like Axiom and Nathan Frazier, I wouldn’t mind a small run with Gallows and Anderson holding the belts.

HIT: Dante Chen

My man, you’ve earned every bit of screen time you’re getting. Good for him!

HIT: Roxanne Perez promo

There are times when the teenage version of me reacts in such a way that is almost embarrassing and that was with the appearance of Jordynne Grace! Holy every letter I can abbreviate! PLEASE let NXT and TNA continue this budding relationship. I very rarely describe myself as ‘giddy’, but damn: I was giddy for this segment. Good golly gosh darn was I giddy! I’m ashamed to say how many times I rewound and watched this segment!

HIT: Dante Chen vs. Lexis King

I like me some Lexis King, but seriously happy for Dante Chen. I’m not sure how long this push will last, but I’m definitely along for the ride.

HIT: Je’Von Evans & Trick Williams vs. Joe & Mark Coffey

As much as I don’t like to see the Coffey Brothers take a loss, I know this was more for the Ethan Page debut. I’m not terribly familiar with Page’s work, but after doing some research, he comes with high marks from what I’ve read, so I’m excited by any new roster member.

Did I mention JORDYNNE FREAKIN’ GRACE??? Sorry, I’m hung up on this potential partnership with NXT and TNA! That’s all for this week – ‘til next week!

RECOMMENDED NEXT: NXT TV RESULTS (5/28): Hazelwood’s live report on Sexyy Red’s appearance, Williams & Evans vs. Gallus, Yim (Michin) vs. Paxley & Jordan vs. Sinclair in last two qualifiers, more

OR CHECK THIS OUT AT PROWRESTLING.NET: Powell’s NXT Hit List: Ethan Page and Jordynne Grace, Trick Williams and Je’Von Evans vs. Mark Coffey and Wolfgang, NXT Women’s North American Title ladder match qualifiers

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