WWE SMACKDOWN RESULTS (5/10) : McDonald’s “alt perspective” report on King and Queen of the Ring First Round

By Alex McDonald, PWTorch Contributor


MAY 10, 2024

Announcers: Corey Graves, Wade Barrett



-They showed a video recap of Backlash in France last weekend.

-The camera panned the crowd. Corey Graves introduced the show and then promoted the King and Queen of the Ring tournament that is set to conclude in Saudi Arabia in two weeks. They showed the tournament brackets. Wade Barrett announced that Bobby Lashley is out of the tournament and has been replaced by Angelo Dawkins.

-Nick Aldis was in the ring. Aldis introduced Cody Rhodes.

-Cody Rhodes made his entrance. The crowd sang his entrance theme as he made his way to the ring. Rhodes got a mic from ringside and stood opposite of Aldis. Aldis congratulated Rhodes on a successful defense against A.J. Styles at Backlash. Aldis said they must turn their attention to the King and Queen of the Ring PLE. Aldis said he knows that Rhodes wants to be a fighting champion and defend the title against the very best. He said that Rhodes’ next challenger has been determined. Aldis pointed toward the entryway.

-Logan Paul made his entrance. Aldis walked past Paul on the ramp and shook his hand. Paul jumped on the apron and stared Rhodes down. Paul entered the ring and then got a mic from ringside. The crowd booed Paul as he stood in front of Rhodes.

-Rhodes said he knew what Paul wanted to talk about. Paul said that Rhodes did. Paul proposed a main event for the King and Queen of the Ring champion versus champion match. Paul said this would kick off the Logan Paul Levesque era. Rhodes said he liked the challenge. Paul cut off Rhodes and said he didn’t care about Rhodes’ feelings. He said he, not Rhodes, is the longest reigning champion in WWE. Paul called himself the greatest attraction in the company and said he had the greatest rookie year of all time. Paul turned to a kid in the crowd and told him to hold up his sign. Paul congratulated the kid and said he met a Superstar in Logan Paul. Paul turned and said Rhodes was great too. Paul said Rhodes won the 2023 Royal Rumble, but everyone was talking about Paul’s collision with Ricochet. Paul mentioned that Rhodes won the title at Wrestlemania, but everyone was talking about Paul and his brand. Paul said that three years ago, they both debuted at Wrestlemania. Paul said that since then, he has been the rocket fuel for the spaceship that is WWE. Paul asked how Rhodes could finish the story when it isn’t his to finish. Paul said he wants to talk about knocking Rhodes out and pinning him on his logo to leave Saudi Arabia as the WWE Champion.

-Rhodes said he bets that a lot of people stand across from Paul and assume he’s a dumbass. Rhodes said he isn’t going to call Paul an outsider. He said Paul is under forty and made the Forbes list. He said that Paul won the United States title in his fifth match. Rhodes said if he won the U.S. title he would be a grand slam champion. Paul started to lift the mic and Rhodes stopped him. Rhodes called Paul disrespectful and delusional. He said Paul can’t go a match without going for brass knuckles. He said WWE is a team. Rhodes said that Paul is going to find out where he stands on the team at King and Queen of the Ring.

(McDonald’s Analysis: It makes sense to go with Paul here. Most everyone else is wrapped up in the tournament and it passes as a marquee match for Saudi Arabia. Promo was fine for both sides, but incredibly basic. They don’t have much to go on and it doesn’t feel like Paul really earned the title shot. I assume they won’t bother to mention any of that. This is a means to an end and another guy Rhodes can just beat.)

-Kayla Braxton was in the back with A.J. Styles. She asked about his first round tournament match against Randy Orton. Styles said he had Rhodes beat at Backlash and everyone knows it. Styles said the crowd in France sang along to distract him. He said it should be him defending against Paul. Styles said he would beat Rhodes the next time. Styles said he’s going to earn another title shot and winning the King of the Ring is a great step in the right direction.

(McDonald’s Analysis: Styles has felt reinvigorated over the last couple of weeks. I hope that continues. This was a good promo from him.)

-Naomi made her entrance. They showed a graphic for Naomi against Nia Jax. Graves promoted the match for after the break. [c]

-Nia Jax made her entrance.

(1) NAOMI vs. NIA JAX – Queen of the Ring Tournament First Round Match

The bell rang twenty-five minutes into the hour. Naomi landed a strike and went after Jax. Naomi came off the ropes but Jax took her down. Jax tossed Naomi into the corner. Jax splashed Naomi in the corner and then tossed her across the ring. Jax splashed Naomi in the opposite corner. Jax came off the ropes with an elbow drop. Jax kicked at Naomi. Jax tossed Naomi into the corner again. Jax charged with a boot but Naomi moved. Naomi landed a series of kicks to the leg of Jax. Naomi rammed Jax head first into the middle turnbuckle. Jax charged Naomi in the corner but Naomi moved and Jax crashed into the ring post and fell to the outside. Naomi came off with a dive that sent Jax into the ring barricade. Naomi punched away at Jax but Jax held her off. Jax landed a Samoan Drop on the outside as the show cut to commercial break. [c]

Naomi fought out of a headlock with a jawbreaker. Naomi landed a kick and stayed after Jax but Jax knocked her right back down with a headbutt. Jax hung up Naomi on the top rope and then landed a headbutt that sent Naomi to the floor. Jax motioned to the crowd that she was going to attempt a dive. The crowd booed. Naomi got on the apron and hung up Jax on the top rope. Naomi went for a sunset flip but Jax blocked. Jax tried to drop onto Naomi but Naomi moved out of the way. Naomi landed a series of strikes to Jax. Naomi landed a clothesline and then came off the ropes with a spinning elbow. Naomi came off the ropes with a kick and knocked Jax down to one knee. Naomi came off the ropes but Jax caught her. Naomi got free and landed on the apron. Naomi gave Jax a facebuster on the apron. Naomi hit a split legged moonsault and made the cover for a two count. Naomi landed a flying forearm in the corner. Naomi lifted Jax to the top rope. Naomi followed her up. Jax landed a pair of headbutts. Naomi kept coming and climbed to the top rope. Naomi landed a Frankensteiner and made the cover for a two count. Naomi landed a superkick and followed up with another. Naomi went for a headscissors but Jax caught Naomi and slammed her down. Jax hit a leg drop and then positioned Naomi in the corner. Jax hit the Bonsai Drop and made the cover for the win.

WINNER: Nia Jax in 11:00 to advance in the Queen of the Ring Tournament

(McDonald’s Analysis: That was better than I expected. Nothing to write home about, but not the embarrassment it could have been. Jax was the logical choice to move on. Both tournaments are hard to call and I don’t think we have any idea where they’re going until some of these matches play out. That’s a good thing.)

-Baron Corbin was in the back. Byron Saxton appeared. He welcomed Corbin back. Corbin said he was lost when he was last on Smackdown. He said he didn’t know if he was a king, a constable, rich, broke, happy, or sad. He said he found himself in NXT and he’s going to wreck stuff as himself. Carmelo Hayes appeared. He asked when Corbin got drafted. Corbin said Hayes’ big head will be an easy target. Hayes said that Corbin should have pulled out like Lashley did. Hayes said he was going to run circles around Corbin tonight. [c]

-They showed a video package on D.I.Y.

-Graves said the post draft rosters are in effect.

-Baron Corbin made his entrance. Graves mentioned that Corbin is a former King of the Ring.

-Carmelo Hayes made his entrance.

(2) BARON CORBIN vs. CARMELO HAYES – King of the Ring Tournament First Round Match

Hayes rolled under Corbin and then went for a right. Corbin backed off. Hayes grabbed a waistlock and Corbin shrugged him off. Hayes took Corbin down with a low kick. Hayes slapped Corbin. Corbin took offense and landed a big right. Corbin took Hayes down with elbow strikes. Corbin landed a sit-out suplex and made the cover for a two count. Hayes rolled to the outside as the show cut to commercial break. [c]

Corbin rained down elbows in the corner. Corbin set up for a superplex but Hayes got free. Hayes came off the ropes with a clothesline. Hayes then spun into a facebuster and made the cover for a two count. Corbin reversed Hayes and lifted Hayes to his shoulders. Hayes got free with elbows. Hayes came off the ropes and Corbin looked for Deep Six but Hayes got free. Hayes charged Corbin and Corbin landed a Death Valley Driver followed by a suplex. Corbin made the cover for a two count. Corbin took Hayes to the corner and lifted him to the top turnbuckle. Hayes fought back and Corbin backed off. Hayes landed the First 48. Hayes charged and took Corbin down with a shoulder tackle. Hayes climbed to the top rope and came off but Corbin moved. Corbin slammed Hayes in the corner and then took him down with a clothesline. Corbin slammed Hayes face first and made the cover for a two count. Corbin set up the End of Days but Hayes countered into a roll up and got the win.

WINNER: Carmelo Hayes in 6:00 to advance in the King of the Ring Tournament

-They showed the updated bracket in the King of the Ring.

(McDonald’s Analysis: Corbin being presented as a face is weird and hard to get used to. Same with Hayes being a heel. It felt backward in that sense. Beyond that, the finish made sense. I’m honestly surprised Corbin got in as much offense as he did. With Hayes being such a high draft pick, you’d think they’d let him have a statement win over a guy like Corbin. This felt like more of a fluke than anything else. I don’t know if that’s the right move if they’re going to invest in Hayes moving forward.)

-Kayla Braxton was in the back with Bayley. Bayley said there’s a lot of talented women in the tournament. She said she wants to see how far Jade Cargill can go. Piper Niven and Chelsea Green appeared. Green said Bayley forgot about Niven. She said they had to go because Niven had to take Cargill out in the first round.

-Cargill was shown walking in the back. They showed a graphic for Cargill against Niven. Graves promoted the match for after the break. [c]

-They showed a video for Wrestlemania XLI in Las Vegas.

-Saxton was in the back with Randy Orton. Saxton said some are saying Orton is the favorite to win the tournament, but others are saying the same about Styles. Orton said he’s accomplished many things in WWE but he’s never won King of the Ring. Orton said everyone knows how great Styles is. Orton said it feels phenomenal when he hits Styles with an RKO. Orton started to leave and then stopped. He said he had a message for Tama Tonga. He said Tonga and the Bloodline took out his friend Owens. Orton said something tells him that he and Tonga will cross paths. Orton said it won’t be an RKO out of nowhere for Tonga. Orton said he’s going to make sure that Tonga sees it coming.


-Jade Cargill made her entrance.

-Piper Niven made her entrance with Chelsea Green.

(3) JADE CARGILL vs. PIPER NIVEN (w/ Chelsea Green) – Queen of the Ring Tournament First Round Match

The bell rang one minute into the second hour. They locked up and broke up. They locked up again with the same result. The two women talked some trash. Cargill came off the ropes and they collided. They talked some more trash. Niven came off the ropes and they collided again. Neither woman went down either time. Cargill came off the ropes and ducked under a clothesline from Niven. Cargill took Niven down with a shoulder block. Niven landed a back elbow. Cargill recovered and landed a superkick that sent Niven to the corner. Cargill charged and Niven took her down. Niven landed a senton and made the cover for a two count. Niven stomped on Cargill. Niven choked Cargill with the middle rope as Green taunted her. Niven took the ref away and Green landed a slap to Cargill. Niven slammed Cargill down in the center of the ring. Green taunted the crowd on the outside. Niven lifted Cargill to her feet and delivered a short arm clothesline. Niven went to the arm of Cargill and went for another clothesline. Cargill blocked and landed shots. Niven landed a punch and then came off the ropes. Cargill caught Niven coming in and delivered a modified back suplex. Cargill made the cover for a two count. Niven retreated to the corner. Cargill hit two Stinger Splashes. Green climbed onto the apron and Cargill knocked her down. Niven knocked Cargill into the corner and landed a splash of her own. Cargill collapsed in the corner and Niven charged to land a cannonball. Niven made the cover for a two count. Niven positioned Cargill and climbed to the second rope. Cargill got to her feet and pulled Niven down. Cargill landed a kick followed by Jaded for the win.

WINNER: Jade Cargill in 5:00 to advance in the Queen of the Ring Tournament

-They showed the updated brackets with Cargill facing Jax in the next round.

(McDonald’s Analysis: They fit a lot into that five minutes. Cargill sold well enough for Niven and Niven looked like a credible foe. In the end, Cargill was just too much and was able to hit her finish against the larger opponent. They accomplished what they wanted to here. Good stuff.)

-Cargill signed a picture on her way up the ramp. Bianca Belair made her entrance and celebrated with Cargill on her way to the ring. They showed a graphic for Belair against Candice Lerae. Graves promoted the match for after the break. [c]

-They showed a video package on Shinsuke Nakamura.

-Candice Lerae was in the ring and had Indi Hartwell with her at ringside.

(4) BIANCA BELAIR vs. CANDICE LERAE (w/ Indi Hartwell) – Queen of the Ring Tournament First Round Match

Belair took Lerae down with a shoulder block. Lerae landed a kick and then went after Belair. Belair lifted Lerae from behind and Lerae knocked Belair to the floor. Lerea followed Belair out and slammed her into the barricade. Hartwell attacked Belair. Lerae went for a roll up in the ring. Belair recovered and slammed Lerae down. Belair punched away at Lerae in the corner. Belair flipped off the second rope and sold her knee. Lerae took Belair down and made the cover for a two count. Lerae went after the knee of Belair. Belair kicked Lerae off. Belair landed a fallaway slam. Belair kipped up. Belair went for a suplex but Lerae landed on her feet and chopblocked Belair. Lerae climbed to the second rope but Belair grabbed her and delivered a K.O.D. for the win.

WINNER: Bianca Belair in 3:00 to advance in the Queen of the Ring Tournament

(McDonald’s Analysis: Kind of a waste of time. This is the match they should have saved for the live event. Lerae isn’t someone to be taken seriously and despite the attacks on the knee, Belair beat her with next to no effort.)

-Graves and Barrett were shown ringside. They threw to a video recap of the match at Backlash with the Bloodline against Randy Orton and Kevin Owens. Barrett narrated the video.

-The Bloodline were in the back. Heyman appeared and Solo Sikoa rose to his feet. Heyman asked Sikoa for a moment. Heyman said that he’s Roman Reigns’ wise man. Heyman said that Sikoa is making a decision. Sikoa said that Heyman is lying. He said that he lied about Reigns withdrawing himself from the Draft. Sikoa said that they got drafted in the third round. He said they should have gone first. Sikoa said Heyman cost him money. He asked if Heyman is trying to take money from him and his children. Sikoa said that Reigns lost their title at Wrestlemania. Sikoa asked if Heyman has spoken to Reigns since Wrestlemania. Heyman confirmed that he hadn’t. Sikoa said he has spoken to Reigns. He said that Reigns said that Sikoa is in charge until Reigns gets back. Sikoa said Heyman is his wise man, by orders of the Tribal Chief. Sikoa asked Heyman for a hug. Heyman leaned in and Sikoa hugged him. Sikoa said he loved Heyman. Tama Tonga and Tonga Loa stood behind Sikoa and Heyman and looked on.

(McDonald’s Analysis: Really powerful segment. Sikoa came off really well here. He is morphing into the master manipulator and I can’t wait to see how Reigns reacts to all of this once he returns. On top of that, how does Sikoa react to Reigns with his new persona?)

-Angelo Dawkins made his entrance with Montez Ford. Graves promoted Dawkins’ match against Tama Tonga for after the break. [c]

-They showed a video package on Andrade.

-Tama Tonga made his entrance with Solo Sikoa, Tonga Loa, and Paul Heyman.

(McDonald’s Analysis: Tonga already has a cool entrance. He’s being signaled as an important figure. I’m interested to see how this match goes.)

(5) ANGELO DAWKINS (w/ Montez Ford) vs. TAMA TONGA (w/ Solo Sikoa, Tonga Loa, & Paul Heyman) – King of the Ring Tournament First Round Match

Tonga went right after Dawkins and took him down in the corner. Tonga stomped away. Tonga charged and landed a clothesline on Dawkins. Tonga continued to hammer away at Dawkins. The ref stopped Tonga and had him back off. Tonga charged Dawkins in the corner and Dawkins moved. Dawkins landed some punches and then hit a clothesline. Dawkins came off the ropes with a twisting elbow. Dawkins stayed on the attack and landed a Pounce that sent Tonga to the outside. Sikoa climbed onto the arpon and Dawkins knocked him down. Ford landed a dive onto Sikoa and Loa. Dawkins hit a Sky High in the ring on Tonga. Dawkins made the cover for a two count. Loa attacked Ford at ringside. Loa held Ford in place for Sikoa to land the Samoan Spike. Tonga planted Dawkins face first off the distraction and made the cover for the win.

WINNER: Tama Tonga in 2:00 to advance in the King of the Ring Tournament

-Sikoa entered the ring and hit Dawkins with the Samoan Spike. Heyman looked on in fear as the Bloodline exited the ring.

(McDonald’s Analysis: I figured it would be short, but Dawkins got too much. The Street Profits aren’t pushed as anything serious and Dawkins doesn’t compete regularly as a single. Tonga should have just destroyed him. They got there, but I wasn’t crazy about how they did it. On another note, Sikoa should leave the suit on when he does the attacks. I think it would help the image. He looks too much like the old Sikoa with just the t-shirt on. It’s a small thing, but I think it would make a difference. Beyond that, the announcers did a great job putting over how vicious Tama Tonga and Tonga Loa are and explaining why they weren’t signed to WWE earlier in their careers.)

-Graves threw to a video package on Blair Davenport.

-A.J. Styles made his entrance. Graves promoted Styles’ match against Orton as a graphic was shown. [c]

-They showed a graphic for a contract signing with Logan Paul and Cody Rhodes next week. They then announced the continuation of the King and Queen of the Ring tournaments with matches to be finalized later.

-Randy Orton made his entrance.

(6) A.J. STYLES vs. RANDY ORTON – King of the Ring Tournament First Round Match

The bell rang forty minutes into the hour. They circled each other and then Styles grabbed a headlock. Orton shot Styles off the ropes and they collided. Orton clotheslined Styles over the top rope and to the floor. Orton posed on the second rope as the show cut to commercial break. [c]

Orton was mounted on Styles in the corner. He landed punches as the crowd counted along. Orton dropped to the mat and landed an uppercut for his tenth shot. Orton lifted Styles but Styles landed on his feet and delivered a kick. Styles hit a sliding kick and Orton dropped to the outside. Styles went to the apron and charged Orton with a knee. Styles went to the floor and went after Orton but Orton landed a kick and then back suplexed Styles onto the barricade. Styles went into the crowd and Orton went for a hanging DDT. Styles got free. Styles leapt from the barricade to the announce table and then towards Orton. Orton caught Styles coming in and hit a back suplex onto the announce table. The crowd chanted for Orton to do it again. Orton obliged and delivered another back suplex onto the announce table. Orton tossed Styles into the ring as the crowd cheered Orton on. Orton went after Styles but Styles caught Orton coming in. Styles went after the knee of Orton and then took him down with a chopblock. Orton dropped to the outside. Styles followed suit and then ran around the ring to deliver another chopblock to the knee of Orton. [c]

Styles continued to work on the knee of Orton as they came back from break. Styles hit an elbow drop to the knee of Orton. Styles draped Orton’s leg on the bottom rope and set up for an attack but Orton launched Styles over the top rope to the floor. Styles climbed to the apron and Orton stopped Styles with a kick. Orton went for a DDT but Styles got free. Styles went for a Calf Crusher but Orton got free and landed a kick. Styles rolled up Orton for a two count. Orton landed an uppercut that sent Styles to the apron. Orton went for the DDT again and Styles went to the leg. Styles pulled the leg against the ropes as he dropped to the floor. Styles went for a Phenomenal Forearm but Orton knocked Styles off the top rope. Styles went to the corner and Orton followed him in. Styles recovered and attempted the Calf Crusher again. Orton fought Styles off but Styles was able to lock in the Calf Crusher. Orton continued to fight the hold off. Orton countered with a headlock and Styles let go. Orton delivered a powerslam and made the cover for a two count. Orton sold his knee and was slow to get to his feet. Orton took Styles to the corner and put him on the top rope. Orton landed a pair of punches and then climbed up to join Styles. Orton set up for a superplex but Styles got free. Styles went after Orton but Orton recovered and finally hit the Hanging DDT. Both men were down in the ring. Orton measured Styles and went for an RKO. Styles shoved Orton off. Styles hit the Phenomenal Forearm and made the cover. Orton grabbed the second rope to break the count just short of three. Styles complained to the ref and then dragged Orton to the center of the ring. Styles set up for a Styles Clash. Orton got free and hit the RKO for the win.

WINNER: Randy Orton in 17:00 to advance in the King of the Ring Tournament

-Orton celebrated in the ring as he continued to sell the knee.

(McDonald’s Analysis: Really good match. These two guys work well together and they told a good story with Orton selling his knee throughout the match. Styles has looked significantly more interested the last few weeks and it showed again tonight with this performance. Orton got the win and that makes sense as I imagine they are building to him against Tonga at some point. That’s probably their out to get both guys out of the tournament without one of them taking a loss. Anyway, solid episode with some storyline movement, but mostly focused on the tournament matches as a set up for the next PLE. Nothing wrong with this show at all even if it wasn’t groundbreaking by any means.)


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