MARCH 13, 2023 (Recorded 3/1)
Announcers: Paul Wight & “Daddy Magic” Matt Menard
The two women locked-up. Sakura backed Zyra into the ropes and chopped her. Zyra went for another lock-up, but Sakura side-stepped and ran into a shoulder-block from Zyra. Sakura grabbed Zyra by the hair and threw her to the ground before locking in a surfboard stretch. Sakura kicked Zyra into the corner and posed for the crowd. Sakura slapped Zyra across the face and chest, and Zyra returned with a few of her own. Sakura landed a DDT before she ascended the ropes. Sakura landed a flying crossbody for a two count.
Sakura went for a swinging DDT and landed the move. Sakura began to whip Zyra with a piece of her outfit. Sakura landed a running crossbody in the corner, and then chopped Zyra some more. Sakura landed a scoop slam, and then ascended to the top rope and landed a Moonsault for the victory.
WINNER: Emi Sakura in 3:00
(Drew’s Analysis: Emi’s offense is very strike-heavy, but is also mixed with some high-flying moves, which I think is an interesting combination. We continue to see Emi on Elevation almost every week, and not as much on Rampage, and almost not at all on Dynamite. I do think she is in a good spot on Elevation to work with some of the independent talent and give them opportunities to work in AEW with an established wrestler. Zyra had a good look, and matched Emi’s striking offense. I am sure she will return to Dark or Elevation soon.)
(2) JAKE HAGER (w/Angelo Parker) vs. LEVI SHAPIRO
Hager was representing the Jericho Appreciate Society. Menard’s commentary was going nuts for his friends.
Hager was wrestling with his hat on. The two locked-up, and Hager landed some wrestling holds on Shapiro before he handed his hat off to Parker at ringside. Shapiro juked Hager with a go-behind before popping the crowd. The two locked-up again, and Hager backed Shapiro into the corner and landed some vicious-looking strikes. Hager continued to shove Shapiro in the corner. Shapiro fought back and got into the face of Hager. Shapiro landed some strikes of his own before succumbing to a chinlock variation submission from Hager. Hager and Parker posed for the fans in the ring.
WINNER: Jake Hager in 2:00
(Drew’s Analysis: Hager continues to do nothing for me. This was what it was. Shapiro looked older, but looked like he had a good time there.)
Shafir was not accompanied by Vickie Guerrero or Nyla Rose this week.
The two locked-up, but Shafir shoved Mayra away. Mayra applied a side headlock, but Shafir transitioned into an armlock. Shafir missed a knee, but caught Mayra and went for a scoop slam. Mayra went for a crucifix pin, but could not land it. Shafir shoved Mayra away. Shafir had Mayra in the corner, but then whipped her by the head out of the corner. Shafir landed some hip-hits on Mayra before taking on a fighting stance against Mayra. Shafir continued to kick Mayra around the ring.
Mayra began to fight back. Shafir threw Mayra off the ropes, but Mayra came back with a dropkick that was not all there. Shafir locked Mayra in with a submission on Shafir’s shoulders for the victory.
WINNER: Marina Shafir in 2:30
(Drew’s Analysis: Shafir as a solo act is hard for me to sink my teeth into. I much prefer her with Rose and Guerrero. Shafir by herself is a charisma vacuum that is going to be difficult for the fans to enjoy. Mayra was a little clunky here.)
(4) BRIAN CAGE (w/Prince Nana) vs. JACK CARTWHEEL
Brian Cage is one-third of the ROH Six-Man World Tag Team Champions, and represents The Embassy.
The two locked-up, and Cage threw Cartwheel to the mat. Cage went for a beal throw, but Cartwheel did a cartwheel and took advantage. Cartwheel landed some more fun cartwheels that he has included into his offense. Cage was on the outside, and Cartwheel landed a dive that included a cartwheel on the outside onto Cage. Cage lifted Cartwheel up and threw him onto the apron, and then into the barricade on the outside.
Cage chopped Cartwheel on the outside. Back inside the ring, Cage lifted Cartwheel up and deadlifted him over his head. Cartwheel goes for a cool cartwheel move, but Cage caught him. Cartwheel slinked away to the outside and landed a cool cartwheel senton. Cartwheel went to the top rope, but jumped off right into a powerbomb for two. Cage set Cartwheel up for a suplex, but Cartwheel slinked away and landed a crucifix pin for a very close two count.
Cartwheel ascended to the top rope again and almost landed a phoenix splash, but Cage took advantage again and landed a powerbomb into a leg submission for the victory.
WINNER: Brian Cage in 3:00
(Drew’s Analysis: Brian Cage looks like a million bucks, but something does not connect with the TV audience as much, and I can’t really put my finger on it. Prince Nana is a heat magnet when he wants to be, so that will be helpful for Cage. Why aren’t the other two-thirds of the ROH Six-Man Tag Team Champions being featured on AEW Elevation some? I know they have their separate show, but if Cage can show up, why can’t they?)
The Bunny did not accompany The Butcher and The Blade to ringside.
Blade and Massaro started out with a lock-up. Massaro backed Blade into the corner, but Blade came back with some chops. Massaro returned with some chops of his own. Blade landed a shoulder tackle and ran off the ropes before landing a kick to the face of Massaro, followed by a suplex. Massaro tagged in Kreed, and Kreed was chopped in the corner. Butcher was tagged in, and landed a leg drop on Kreed. Butcher lifted Kreed up, but Kreed slipped away and landed a dropkick. Butcher landed a crossbody, but the pin was broken up by Massaro. Massaro begged Butcher to not retaliate, but Massaro ended up punched in the face.
Blade was tagged back in, and landed a clothesline on Kreed. Butcher and Blade landed their double-team finisher for the victory.
WINNER: The Butcher & The Blade in 1:00
(Drew’s Analysis: The live audience seemed to enjoy The Butcher & The Blade. Kreed had some charisma. This was short, sweet, and to-the-point.)
(6) ATHENA (c) vs. INDER MUNDI – ROH Women’s World Title Proving Ground Match
Athena asks Mundi, “Who are you?”
Mundi started with a quick roll-up, and a few quick other pins. Mundi kicked Athena in the gut and landed a suplex. Mundi went for a monkey flip, but Athena landed a strong right hand to the face of Mundi before posing for the audience. Athena mounted Mundi and punched her in the face, before yelling at the referee and telling him, “Don’t tell me what to do!” Athena clubbed Mundi in the back, and mocked the audience.
Mundi landed some strikes, but Athena came back with a whip into the corner and some strikes in different corners. Athena grabbed Mundi by the hair and pulled her down. Athena was dancing around and laughing at Mundi. Athena locked in her choke, and then covered Mundi for three.
Athena posed with her belt after the match. Athena then did the usual, and scared the referee out of the ring. Athena dragged Mundi to the middle of the ring, and bounced Mundi’s head off of the belt, and then laughed about it.
WINNER: Athena in 2:00
(Drew’s Analysis: This was a better showing for Athena. She really showed some charisma here, probably more-so than normal. Mundi also showed some fire. Not much else to say.)
(7) BEST FRIENDS (Chuck Taylor & Trent Beretta) vs. STARBOY CHARLIE & OLUMIDE
Paul Wight on commentary said, “We’re giving the people what they want,” by having Best Friends on Elevation. I’m not sure about that.
Beretta and Olumide started. Beretta locked in a side headlock and then a should tackle. Olumide landed an impressive set of acrobatic moves, including a high dropkick. Taylor tagged in for Best Friends, and Charlie tagged in. Charlie chopped Taylor some, but Taylor just stood there smiling. Taylor landed a chop of his own and dropped Charlie to his feet. Charlie continued to attempt to mount an offense, and landed a dropkick and a standing shooting star press. Taylor landed a pop-up powerbomb before posing for the audience. Beretta back in.
Beretta landed a knee to the head of Olumide. Best Friends landed their Soul Food combination move, before hugging. Beretta and Charlie are legal. Olumide knocked Taylor off the ropes, and Charlie landed a Canadian Destroyer on Beretta. Charlie landed a moonsault for two.
Olumide tagged back in. Beretta landed a kick to the head of Charlie, and landed a German Suplex on Olumide. All four men are in the ring. Beretta landed an Inverted Piledriver on Olumide for the victory.
WINNER: Best Friends in 3:00
(Drew’s Analysis: I’m not the biggest Best Friends fan, but this was fun. Starboy Charlie and Olumide had some impressive talent as well and they were able to match Best Friends fairly well. I would like to see some more from them. How are they any different than the pizza guy? Or any other generic guy or gal they have signed to contracts? These two really have something.)
(8) LUCHA BROTHERS (Rey Fenix & Penta El Zero Miero w/Alex Abrahantes) vs. THE WINGMEN (Peter Avalon & Ryan Nemeth)
Wight mentioned that he enjoyed Penta’s gear.
Avalon and Fenix began the match. Fenix rolled around the ring to intimidate Avalon. Avalon slapped Fenix, and told Fenix to tag in Penta. Avalon shoved Fenix, and Fenix tagged in Penta, but Avalon tagged in Nemeth. Penta gets in Avalon’s face and cursed at him in Spanish. Nemeth tagged Avalon back in. Avalon was reluctant to get back in the ring.
Avalon and Nemeth trapped Penta, and took advantage. Nemeth and Fenix fought on the outside. Nemeth is tagged back in, and Avalon and Nemeth attempt the double-team on Penta, but Penta kicked Nemeth in the head, and then Avalon as well. Penta landed a sling blade on Nemeth and then tagged in Fenix. Fenix landed a double-crossbody.
Fenix kicked Nemeth in the face and then Avalon as well. Lucha Brothers landed double-kicks to the face of The Wingmen. Fenix covers both Nemeth and Avalon for two. Superkicks went all-around, before Nemeth landed a big DDT on Fenix that is broken up by Penta.
Avalon and Nemeth both had Fenix in the ring, but Penta grabbed Avalon from behind and pulled him into the post. Penta is back in, and goes for a Gory Special on Nemeth, but then both guys double-teamed Nemeth for the victory.
WINNER: Lucha Brothers in 4:00
(Drew’s Analysis: Lucha Brothers are something else. I am happy to see them on Elevation, as I get to review them, but I am at the same time surprised. I am not sure why they would not be featured on Dynamite. The Wingmen are entertaining. I enjoy Avalon and Nemeth’s creativity and wit inside the ring.)
Overall, this is an episode of Elevation that is missable. Only the main event really had any hype or chemistry to it. Go out of your way to watch that, as it was quick, but enjoyable.
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