The Rock talks getting the “Roman Reigns treatment” early in his WWE run, what changed for him & the audience?, more in Instagram blog

By James Caldwell, PWTorch assistant editor


“The Rock” Dwayne Johnson posted a multi-layered Instagram blog on Tuesday talking about his Roman Reigns-like experience being an unwanted babyface booed out of the building at WrestleMania 13 in 1997.

Rock did not mention his cousin Reigns by name, but Rock’s story and his description of his struggles as Rocky Maivia fit Reigns in today’s WWE landscape.

Most notably, Rock talked about how not being real and acting how the company told him to act generated strong boos from the audience.

Rock talked about his re-emergence as a character when he turned heel after WM13 – teasing at a possible outcome for Reigns in 2016. Along those lines, Rock focused on WM13, which included the famous double-turn of “Stone Cold” Steve Austin and Bret Hart – teasing at a possible outcome for Reigns and Triple H in the main event of WM31.

Regardless of whether Rock’s story is a red herring or preview of what’s to come for Reigns’s character, Rock’s story is applicable to how today’s audience is receiving Reigns and reacting to his presentation.

Of course, Rock shared the story because there’s a good ending of him becoming a top star for WWE and eventually a major entertainment icon. Reigns has not shown those type of leading man traits during his current run in the main event spotlight. Is a heel turn the solution? Rock’s story seems to suggest he thinks it could be…

1997, I was 25yrs old, the youngest Intercontinental Champion in WWE history and performing in #WrestleMania13.

It would become one of the most defining moments of my life. Not because it was my first WrestleMania I had the privilege to be a part of, but because I was boo’d out of the building. Literally boo’s from 20,000 people that screamed “Get the f*ck outta here.” And when you’re supposed to be a good guy or “babyface” in wrestling speak – getting boo’d is the worst thing that can ever happen. They boo’d me because I wasn’t being real. I was told by the company how to act, how to respond to fans and the worst part of all.. I was told what to say and what not to say.
Not long after this match, I lost the title and was eventually sent home for months to recuperate from an injury – it didn’t really matter anyway because I wasn’t drawing the company any money nor did the fans care I was gone.

A week before I was scheduled to return to the WWE, I got a call from Vince who said “How do feel about turning heel?” (which means becoming a bad guy). I said “Great, but I have one request… give me 2 minutes on the microphone on live TV and let me be myself. Be real and authentic. I gotta be me.” Vince said “You got it.” The following week I cut a promo that was from the heart. Real and authentic.

6 months later I was the hottest heel in the company.

Even though I hated being boo’d out of the building at WrestleMania13, I learned one of the greatest life lessons that still serves me today. Be real. Be authentic. Be me.

Truly my honor to perform this Sunday at #WrestleMania32 for the WWE Universe.. as me. #TheRock #DwayneJohnson #BigBrownBaldTattooedPuppyLover #SlightlyElectrifyingAndOneHandsomeSumbitch

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