VIP AUDIO 8/19 – The Fix w/Todd & Wade (pt. 3 of 3): Mailbag – Was Ventura the first heel commentator? Was Ole justified in predicting Mark Calaway would never be a draw? Plus Gewirtz, Lucha Underground, Summerslam 1992, Rock-Reigns WM, more (90 min.)

PWT VIP All Shows
PWT VIP All Shows
VIP AUDIO 8/19 - The Fix w/Todd & Wade (pt. 3 of 3): Mailbag - Was Ventura the first heel commentator? Was Ole justified in predicting Mark Calaway would never be a draw? Plus Gewirtz, Lucha Underground, Summerslam 1992, Rock-Reigns WM, more (90 min.)

SHOW SUMMARY: In part three of this week’s three-part episode of The Fix with PWTorch VIP analyst Todd Martin and host PWTorch editor Wade Keller, they cover these topics:

  • Is AEW TV beginning to look too much like familiar WWE formatting?
  • Was Jesse Ventura really the first heel commentator in pro wrestling?
  • Was Vince McMahon more hands off with announcers in the 1980s?
  •  Is it true that throwing people over the top rope used to be grounds for disqualification?
  • A response to a roster depth chart for AEW with a structured set of tiers that lead booking decisions and matches.
  • Was Ole Anderson justified in thinking the future Undertaker, “Mean” Mark Callous, would never be a draw?
  • Some discussion of how titles are portrayed in pro wrestling today.
  • Is there already reason to be concerned about Paul Levesque’s booking after just a few weeks including the return of Karrion Kross and the continued inclusion of Omos along with sugar-rush booking decisions?
  • How does Konosuke Takeshita’s excursion to the U.S. compare to other excursions of Japanese wrestlers? Should AEW try to sign him to a full-time time deal? And if signing him to a full-time deal torpedoes AEW’s relationship with DDT and by extension Tokyo Joshi Pro Wrestling, would it be worth it given his talent?
  • If budget cuts were the reason for WWE roster cuts under Nick Khan, why is it suddenly okay for Paul Levesque to be bringing so many of them back?
  • Drew’s hometown.
  • Thoughts on the defunct Lucha Underground?
  • Does Brian Gewirtz really not understand why WWE writing isn’t an asset when trying to get other Hollywood jobs?
  • How did Wade let Brian get away with saying to Wade “you know the business quite well”?
  • Will Levesque hold it against Cody Rhodes that he did the throne-smashing stunt? Were the prospects of a main event push of Cody better off under the Vince McMahon regime?
  • Is the talk of The Rock headlining against Roman Reigns at WrestleMania next year just speculation or based on credible reporting?
  • Does the show-closing IC Title match from Summerslam 1992 hold up today? How was it reviewed back at the time?
  • Did AEW make a mistake not promoting the Jon Moxley-C.M. Punk segment and the return of Kenny Omega given ratings were low for the show? Is too much of a premium put on surprises?
  • Is pro wrestling going to be less fun to watch and analyze without Vince McMahon around doing what he did?
  • What reasons are likely the cause of WWE seeming to be better and heating in this year even before Paul Levesque took over booking?
  • Are these AEW wrestlers better or worse off than early in their AEW runs? Jungle Boy, Darby Allin, Sammy Guevara, The Dark Order, MJF, Hangman Page, The Young Buck, and Trent Beretta?
  • Would either Todd or Wade be intrigued by a job in pro wrestling overseeing quality control and storyline consulting?



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