JULY 13, 2022
Commentators: Excalibur, Taz, Tony Schiavone, Jim Ross
Ring Announcer: Justin Roberts
-A Fyter Fest intro theme played.
-Excalibur introduced the show, calling it the first of four nights of Fyter Fest.
(1) WARDLOW vs. ORANGE CASSIDY (w/Chuck Taylor, Trent Beretta) – TNT Title match
As Cassidy made his way to the ring with Chuck and Trent, an inset interview aired with them. Chuck said he and Trent got manager’s licenses and they planned to cheat because Orange is so outpowered. Orange shrugged and said, “I don’t care.” Wardlow then made his entrance. Excalibur noted that Cassidy has one of the best win-loss records in AEW without having held a title. Fans chanted “Wardlow!” at the start. Cassidy asked for a test of strength. When Wardlow began to accept the challenge, Cassidy put his hands in his pockets. Wardlow pulled his hands out of his pockets and then yanked his inside-out pockets off his jeans. Wardlow dropped his straps, flexed, and smiled. Cassidy got in his space and then pulled Wardlow’s straps back up. Fans laughed.
Wardlow cartwheeled out of a headscissors attempt by Cassidy. A corner graphic hyped that Chris Jericho would speak later. Chuck tried to slip a chainsaw into the ring as Trent distracted the ref. Taz said that might be a little too much. The ref kicked them from ringside. Wardlow blocked an Orange Punch and backed him against the ropes. Cassidy dove through the ropes at Wardlow, but Wardlow caught him. Cassidy slipped free and tried to shove Wardlow into the ringpost, but Wardlow blocked it. Wardlow pursued Cassidy as a “Wardlow’s gonna kill you!” chant started among some fans. Wardlow spotted something and then pulled Danhaussen out from under the ring. Danhaussen talked himself out of Wardlow doing him any harm. Cassidy hit Wardlow with an Orange Punch at ringside. Back in the ring, Wardlow caught Cassidy’s follow-up Orange Punch attempt and tossed him out of the ring. They cut to a split-screen break. [c/ss]
During the break, Wardlow landed a delay-drop vertical suplex for a two count. Cassidy rammed Wardlow’s head into the top turnbuckle ten times after the break. He went for a top rope crossbody press, but Wardlow caught him. Cassidy slipped free and clipped Wardlow’s knee from behind. Cassidy set up a Beach Break, but Wardlow blocked it and set up a powerbomb. Cassidy countered into a DDT. Cassidy hit a tornado DDT next for a near fall. Cassidy went for an Orange Punch, but Wardlow blocked it and hit an F10 and put his foot on Cassidy’s chest for a near fall. The announcers were convinced that would end it. Taz said no one had ever kicked out of it.
Wardlow gave a look that indicated it was time to get serious. He tried to powerbomb Cassidy. Cassidy punched Wardlow to try to break free and then head scissored him out of the ring. He dove through the ropes and rammed into Wardlow. He threw Wardlow twice into the ringpost. Fans chanted “Freshly squeezed!” Cassidy went for a diving DDT off the ropes, but Wardlow caught him. Cassidy countered Wardlow’s move into a Slum Dog Millionaire followed by a quick Orange Punch and the Beach Break for a near fall that popped the crowd. Cassidy wound up and went for another Orange Punch, but Wardlow caught him mid-air and powerbombed him for the three count. Wardlow gave Cassidy a fist bump as a sign of respect before leaving the ring. Chuck and Trent checked on Cassidy as Wardlow left the ring.
WINNER: Wardlow in 13:00 to retain the TNT Title.
(Keller’s Analysis: That match was a lot of fun and well executed. They dealt with the face vs. face situation well.)
-Highlights aired of Pac successfully defending his All-Atlantic Title against Shota Umino at a RevPro event in Sheffield, England on Sunday. Excalibur said it was a great first defense.
-Chris Jericho made his ring entrance alone, wearing a wizard-red suit. Jericho said he stands before them not as Jericho the Wizard, Sports Entertainer, or Rock Star. He said he stands before everyone as the Living Legend and Eddie Kingston’s superior. He said he wanted to address Kingston’s recent comments. He said he isn’t accusing Kingston of being a liar, but he is confused. He talked about how everything Kingston does in the name of friendship turns to mold. He said he shaved Ortiz’z head and shaved his dignity. He said J.A.S. took Santana out of Blood & Guts. He said he took Bryan Danielson out at Anarchy in the Arena “and we don’t know when he’s coming back.” He said Ruby Soho has a mangled hand because of him. “She’s your Ruby!” he shouted. He said he should have taken better care of her. “You should take better care of your chicks, Eddie.”
He said Eddie is a mark for Terry Funk, Onita, and Sabu, so that’s why he’s challenged him to a barbed wire match. He asked Kingston how many barbed wire matches he’s had. He said he had the first barbed wire match ever in Canada at age 22. He said the pain was unbearable, but deep down inside he felt pleasure. He said he’s as sadistic and maniacal as Kingston, but Kingston underestimates that because of his movie star good looks and list of accomplishments in pro wrestling. He said next week he won’t be facing “Chris Jericho,” but rather “The Painmaker.” He said he is accepting the match because it’s the final fight in their feud.
He said when he beats him, he crawl back into his little hole and continue drinking, drugging, depression, and mental issues “and everything other excuse you have” which is just to cover up for him knowing he will never be at his level. He said if he wants to shed blood, they have a deal. He said the only thing that can wash away his sin is a river of Kingston’s blood. He told Kingston he’s not a liar, he’s a loser.
(Keller’s Analysis: Jericho doing some really good mic work there. When he’s on, it really stands above most others in AEW in terms of the long-form “holding court mid-ring” style promo. It’s tough to follow up on a Blood & Guts format, but barbed wire works. It’d have been nice if they established the Ruby-Kingston relationship on Dynamite before trying to get heat involving it.) [c]
-Backstage, Kingston was fuming mad. Ruby and Ortiz were behind him as Kingston said he’s going to hurt him and enjoy him.
Taz said this is Takeshita’s chance to shine even without a title on the line. Takeshita back suplexed Moxley onto the ring apron. Moxley came back a minute later with a boot to the face. They cut to a split screen break at 4:00. [c/ss]
Moxley took it to Takeshita at ringside and then back in the ring. Back from the break, they focused on Takeshita bleeding heavily from his forehead. When Takeshita rallied, he went for a top rope splash. Moxley lifted his knees and then went for a rear choke. Takeshita blocked it, so Mox shifted into a cross armbreaker. Takeshita reached the bottom rope with his boot to force a break. Mox stood and slapped Takeshita as fans began a “This is awesome!” chant. Takeshita knocked Mox out of the ring and landed a running flip dive over the top rope at ringside. “Holy shit!” chanted fans. Back in the ring, he landed a top rope frog splash for a near fall. Fans popped for the sequence. Takeshita landed a Blue Thunder Bomb a minute later for a near fall. Mox came back with a sudden Paradigm Shift followed by some elbows and a Death Rider attempt. Takeshita slipped out and back suplexed Mox into a bridge for a near fall. Mox landed a Death Rider seconds later followed by elbow strikes and then the Bulldog Choke for the tapout win.
WINNER: Moxley in 13:00.
(Keller’s Analysis: A really good match. It was one of those matches where it was clear the two involved just wanted to go out and have a really good match. Mox should have won and did win, but Takeshita looked like he was in his league and nearly at his level.)
-A soundbite aired with the House of Black. Brody King talked about Darby Allin.
-They went to the announcers who said Brody attacked Darby at a “promotional event” over the weekend. They agreed it’s a bad idea to get on the bad side of the House of Black.
-Christian Cage made his entrance. His screen graphic during his entrance says “Worked Everyone,” a variations on “Outworks Everyone.” Luchasaurus joined Christian. Christian said he doesn’t know The Varsity Blondes at all. He made fun of Brian Pillman Jr.’s hair, then shifted to his father, the late Brian Pillman. He said some call Pillman a legend, but he thinks he was average. He said he does respect, though, that he bled and sweat in the ring. He said he was quite sure he’d be okay with him speaking on his behalf that he’d be appalled his last contribution to the business was Pillman Jr.. Christian put up a picture of a photo Garrison put up of himself on social media. Christian said it bothered him because Garrison looked like Jungle Boy in the photo. He told that to Luchasaurus, who then marched to the ring.
(3) LUCHASAURUS (w/Christian Cage) vs. GRIFF GARRISON (w/Brian Pillman Jr.)
Schiavone said Luchasaurus looked motivated by Garrison reminding him of J.B. Luchasaurus brushed off Garrison’s early attempt at offense and finished him quickly with his new finisher, The Tar Pit.
WINNER: Luchasaurus in 2:00.
-Afterward, Luchasaurus went after Garrison on the floor. When Pillman stood up to him, Luchasaurus headbutted him and then put him on a table. He chokeslammed Garrison on top of him. The table didn’t break, so he did it a second time and the table broke.
(Keller’s Analysis: I like the Christian/Luchasaurus pairing. I wish AEW would officially address on Dynamite whether Christian is going to wrestle or just manage Luchasaurus.)
-Schiavone interviewed Danny Garcia, Matt Menard, and Angelo Parker. He asked about how they’ll be in a shark cage above the ring during the Jericho vs. Kingston barbed wire match. Menard and Parker didn’t like that. Menard said he wants Claudio and Ortiz to also be locked in a cage too. Garcia then challenged Wheeler Yuta to a match at ROH Death Before Dishonor with the Pure Title at stake. [c]
-Excalibur plugged All Out week at Now Arena near Chicago, Ill.
-Schiavone interviewed “Hangman” Page backstage about being eliminated by Brody King in the recent battle royal. John Silver and Alex Reynolds said they’re also upset and they’re going after House of Black on Rampage.
-Jim Ross’s music played and he joined the announcers on commentary for the second hour.
Excalibur said Hager and Claudio were once friends years ago, but grew apart and are now enemies. Claudio landed a running back elbow at the start and went for a quick win, but Hager countered. Claudio went for a giant swing right after, but Hager bailed out to ringside. Fans chanted “We the People.” Claudo paused and smiled, then dropped to ringside where Hager caught him with a clothesline. Claudio came back with a 619 for a near fall a minute later. Hager eventually landed a running corner swing splash for a near fall. They cut to a break. [c/ss]
Claudio landed a running European uppercut at ringside and then a high crossbody back in the ring for a near fall. Claudio gave Hager his signature giant swing next. Regal said it’s a miserable feeling. Claudio applied a scorpion deathlock mid-ring. Hager tried to reach the bottom rope. He couldn’t, so he signaled for help. Mendard and Parker ran out. Claudio released his hold and took a swing at Mendard. Hager caught him with a uranage for a near fall. When Hager went for an anklelock, Claudio upkicked Hager to break free. He followed with a back suplex and then began to apply a scorpion. Menard and Parker distracted Claudio briefly again, but he still finished Hager with a European Uppercut and a sitout powrbomb.
WINNER: Claudio in 12:00.
(Keller’s Analysis: Good match, pretty much peak level for a Hager match which seems to have a limit.)
-In a backstage interview, Hook didn’t answer whether a title shot is in his future. He just walked away. [c]
-A clip aired of Thunder Rosa losing a match last Saturday in Tokyo, Japan to Miyu Yamashita with a reverse roll-up.
-Schiavone interviewed Rosa who said she was so happy to have a banger of a match after a two-and-a-half year hiatus. She said she wishes she won, but now she’ll have to face her in a rematch in the U.S. soon. Toni Storm and Rosa said they’re now ThunderStorm and ready to take on any team. In walked Britt Baker & Jamie Hayter. They said thunder storms are known to cause carnage, but they’re well versed in how to handle thunder storms. Rebel brought in a sand bag. Baker handed it to Schiavone.
Deeb came out first. Jay came out and greeted her parents at ringside. The announcers said this is homecoming for her. Deeb scored a two count at 2:00. Jay rolled to ringside. They cut to a break. [c/ss]
Jay applied a sleeper on the mat a few minutes after returning from the break. Deeb broke free and then applied her Serenity Lock for the win.
WINNER: Deeb in 7:00.
-Deeb held onto the hold after the break. Mercedes Martinez charged out for the save. Excalibur noted she is the ROH Champion.
-Schiavone interviewed Jade Cargill, Stokely Hathaway, and the Baddies. Stokely told Jade to trust him. He said they’ll be watching Kris Statlander and Athena on Friday.
-Excalibur plugged Rampage: Jonathan Gresham vs. Lee Moriarty, The Gunn Club explain their actions, Private Party vs. Lucha Bros. Then he plugged next week’s Dynamite: Kingston vs. Jericho in a barbed wire. He then shifted into plugging ROH Death Before Dishonor.
-Jey Lethal interrupted the announcers. He was with Sonjay Dutt and Satnum Singh. He cut a promo vowing to embarrass Samoa Joe at the PPV. [c]
Jim Ross noted he’ll be in Waterloo, Iowa later this month for the Pro Wrestling Hall of Fame Weekend, which he called “a wonderful charitable event.” He said it’s the most fan-friendly event he’s ever participated in. (Ross inducted me into George Tragos/Lou Thesz Pro Wrestling Hall of Fame at that event in 2015, by the way.) Swerve and Nick argued at ringside after a flurry of dazzling offense in the ring and at ringside. Lee tagged in a few minutes later against Matt. Lee didn’t budge when Matt tried to take him down. Hobbs joined Lee in suplexing Matt before facing off against each other. Everyone else leaped into the match. Lee dominated for a couple minutes until Matt dropkicked his legs and knocked him to the floor. Starks and Hobbs teamed up against Swerve next. They cut to a break. [c/ss]
Lee was splashing wrestlers in various corners after the break. Ross said he’s like a washer and dryer on roller skates. He cleared the ring and played to the crowd. Lee then went for a running dive onto the Bucks, but Hobbs and Starks tripped him from the other side of the ring. Nick flipped onto Lee at ringside, but Lee caught him and powerbombed him into Matt. Back in the ring, Lee went for a powerbomb, but Nick slipped free and tagged in Hobbs.
Hobbs and Lee collided. Hobbs got the better of Lee in a mid-air collision. Lee came back with a superplex attempt, but Hobbs headbutted him and shoved him to the mat. Hobbs then landed a frog splash two-thirds of the way cross the ring for a near fall. Ross said it was a bullfrog splash, the biggest frog splash he’s seen. Fans chanted “This is awesome!” Starks walked the top rope and gave Nick a cutter off of Hobbs’s shoulders for a near fall. Starks and the Bucks triple superkicked Lee. When Ricky posed, the Bucks superkicked him. The Bucks kicked Hobbs into the ref, who went down. Nick threw a tag belt to Matt. Matt kissed the belt, but Starks kicked it into Matt’s face. He then grabbed the belt, but Swerve kicked the belt into his face. Swerve then looked over at Lee as if he was considering hitting Lee with it. He dropped the belt instead. Matt hit Swerve and several others with the belt. The ref recovered and counted a nearfall of Matt on Swerve.
The Bucks gave Swerve the BTE Trigger next. Starks broke up the cover. Nick threw him out of the ring. The Bucks then set up Swerve again, but Lee blocked it. Lee and Swerve then double-teamed Matt with a powerbomb into a Swerve Stomp for a near fall, broken up by Hobbs and Starks. Hobbs gave Lee a spinebuster. Hobbs then gave spinebusters to both Bucks on Lee. He stood mid-ring as fans reacted with a “Holy shit!” chant. Hobbs tagged in Starks, who then rolled up Swerve for a near fall. Starks lifted Swerve onto his shoulders, but Swerve slipped free. Starks speared Swerve for a near fall, broken up by Nick. Matt superkicked Lee, but Lee blocked it and yanked off Matt’s boot. Lee hit the Bucks with the boot, then dropped Hobbs over the top rope. Starks punched Lee. Lee dropped to the ring apron. Lee headbutted Starks. Swerve leaped off of Lee’s chest onto a crowd below. Back in the ring, Lee gave Starks his Pounce. Lee then hit his running flip dive onto a crowd at ringside. Swerve then landed a top rope stomp on Starks for the win.
WINNERS: Swerve & Lee in 18:00 to capture the AEW Tag Team Titles.
(Keller’s Analysis: Swerve pinning Starks instead of one of the Jacksons makes the win feel less important. The match was wild fun, though.)
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