7/31 IMPACT WRESTLING HOMECOMING PPV REPORT: Mixed tag team tournament, Eddie Edwards vs. W. Morrissey, Alexander vs. Black Taurus, more


PHOTO CREDIT: Impact Wrestling


JULY 31, 2021

Commentators: Matt Striker and D-Lo Brown

-Video package with clips of the Eddie Edwards vs. W. Morrissey feud, Josh Alexander vs. Black Taurus, and the Homecoming tournament.

(1) HERNANDEZ & ALISHA (w/Johnny Swinger) vs. DEONNA PURRAZZO & “THE DRAMA KING” MATTHEW REHWOLDT (formerly Aiden English)

After Hernandez, Alisha, and Deonna entered the ring, the lights went out. When they came back on, the Drama King stood in the ring with a spotlight on him. He cut a promo and said tonight would be the first stroke on the canvas and that tonight would be the coronation of a king and a queen (he sang the words “king” and “queen”). Fans chanted “Drama King”. Alisha and Deonna locked up to start the match. Deonna came out on top, but Alisha battled back with punches.

Deonna went for an armbar, but Alisha came back with a kick and dropkick to Deonna in the corner. Hernandez tagged in. Matt gave Deonna a pep talk and she faced off with Hernandez. They battled back and forth until Deonna caught him with a pump kick and tagged to Matt. Hernandez overpowered Matt. Hernandez suplexed Matt. Alisha tagged in and delivered kicks to Matt. Matt pulled Alisha down by the hair then slammed her.

Deonna tagged in and knee dropped Alisha. Deonna took Alisha to the mat. Swinger tripped Deonna from the outside. Deonna and Alisha clotheslined each other. Hernandez hit Matt with a shoulder block and took over on offense. Hernandez dove over the ropes onto Matt on the floor. Alisha leaped from the top rope onto the pile. Back in the ring, Matt landed punches and kicks on Hernandez, then got the pin after his finishing move.

WINNERS: Deonna Purrazzo & Matthew Rehwoldt in 8:00.

(D.L.’s Take: Good debut for the Drama King and the fans reacted well to him.)

-D’Lo and Striker appeared on camera and ran down the tournament brackets and the rest of the matches for the show.


Grace and Petey both had on chain headwear, like when they teamed with Scott Steiner. Petey and Cardona squared off to start. D’Lo talked about Grace’s recent powerlifting records. Grace slammed Cardona. Petey and Grace teamed up to slam Cardona. Grace and Chelsea faced off. Grace challenged her to a test of strength, but Chelsea kicked her. After an exchange, Grace got the upper hand and tagged to Petey.

Grace and Petey suplexed Cardona. All four wrestlers fought in the ring. Petey and Grace clotheslined Cardona and Chelsea, then did pushups and posed. The action spilled to the floor. Cardona hit a neckbreaker on Petey on the floor. Back in the ring, Cardona stomped Petey. Chelsea tagged in and gave Petey a neckbreaker. Cardona gave Petey a big boot, then put him in a chin lock. Petey DDT’d Cardona.

Grace clotheslined Chelsea and hit the double knees in the corner. Grace missed a Vader Bomb. Petey and Cardona battled. Petey went after Cardona’s back. Grace gave Cardona hard clotheslines and a dropkick. Grace and Petey suplexed Cardona. Cardona caught Petey with knees and a dropkick. Chelsea and Grace tagged in and battled. Chelsea got the best of the exchange.

Petey went for the destroyer on Chelsea, but Cardona broke it up. Petey sent Cardona out of the ring. Chelsea hit a sunset flip on Petey. Grace and Petey teased double Canadian Destroyers but Cardona and Chelsea got out of it. Petey and Grace double teamed Cardona then applied double camel clutches. The fans chanted “tap”. Petey dove on Cardona on the outside. Chelsea hit the Unprettier on Grace for the win.

WINNERS: Chelsea Green & Matt Cardona in 11:00.

After the match, Steve Maclin hit the ring and attacked Petey Williams.

(D.L.’s Take: Fun match that gave everyone enough time to show good moves.)

-W. Morrissey promo. He told Eddie Edwards he was lying to himself and he would show everyone that Eddie was a fraud.


Dreamer and Ellering had painted faces like the Road Warriors. Beale took the mic and enthusiastically brought out Missy Hyatt as the surprise partner. Myers looked puzzled. Missy came out in jeans and heels with her infamous Gucci purse. Missy protested that she was not a wrestler. Fans chanted “Missy Hyatt”. The announcers speculated that she didn’t know she was there to wrestle. Missy could be heard telling Myers she didn’t know she was there to wrestle. Myers and Dreamer locked up to start.

Myers tagged in a reluctant Missy. Ellering squared off with her. Missy tagged out quickly. Fans chanted “You still got it!” Ellering faced off with Myers and gave him a drop toe hold. Dreamer and Ellering double teamed Myers. Fans chanted “LOD”. Beale hit Dreamer from the outside but Dreamer no-sold it. Beale ran from Dreamer but Rachael hit him. Myers DDT Dreamer in the ring. Fans chanted “We want Missy”.

Myers hit a suplex on Dreamer. Dreamer got the Death Valley Driver on Myers. Myers tried to make the tag, but Missy got off the apron and walked up the ramp. Dreamer and Rachael hit the Doomsday Device on Myers and pinned him.

WINNERS: Tommy Dreamer & Rachael Ellering in 7:00.

(D.L.’s Take: Really fun match with some elements of nostalgia thrown in. I enjoyed Missy’s appearance.)

-Violent by Design promo. Eric Young talked about failure. Deaner talked about redemption. Young said that Deaner would get redemption against Willie Mack tonight.


Fans chanted for Crazzy Steve, then for Bahh. Bahh and Steve faced off. Steve bit Bahh’s head, to the approval of the crowd. Tasha tagged in. Fans chanted “Bite her face off”. Steve tagged in Rosemary. Fans chanted “Bite her face off” again. Rosemary and Tasha exchanged punches. Rosemary suplexed Tasha and hit her in the back. Bahh tagged in and squared off with Rosemary. Tasha hit Rosemary from the outside. Bahh covered Rosemary for a two count.

Tasha tagged back in and hit a series of moves on Rosemary. Bahh tagged in and mocked Rosemary. Rosemary recovered and tagged Steve. Bahh got the advantage on Steve. Bahh missed a sit down splash. Rosemary and Tasha tagged in and battled. Bahh accidentally splashed Tasha in the corner and she rolled out of the ring. Steve got a jumping DDT on Bahh for the win.

WINNERS: Rosemary & Crazzy Steve in 10:00.

(D.L.’s Take: Basic tag match with some comedy sprinkled in. Fans were into all four wrestlers at different points.)

-Steve Maclin cut a backstage promo. He said he attacked Petey Williams because he is trying to rise in the X Division ranks.

(5) WILLIE MACK (w/Rich Swann) vs. DEANER (w/Eric Young & Rhino & Joe Doering)

Mack got the upper hand in the early going. Deaner turned things around with an eye rake. Deaner hit Mack with a big knee lift on the outside. Mack battled back with an exploder suplex. Mack connected with a clothesline, elbow, slam, and legdrop. Deaner tried to fight back but got cut off with a Samoan Drop and a standing moonsault. Deaner got Mack in a powerbomb for a two count. Swann was enthusiastic at ringside encouraging Mack and getting the crowd involved.

Mack scored a big punch and followed with a two count. Deaner dropkicked Mack and got a neckbreaker. Mack scored a two count after a Low Down. Mack missed a frog splash. Mack got out of a DDT and hit a stunner. Rhino put Deaner’s foot on the bottom rope. Swann caught Rhino with a flip from the apron. Eric Young hit Mack with a flagpole while the referee was distracted. Deaner hit a DDT for the win.

WINNER: Deaner in 10:00.

(D.L.’s Take: Solid back and forth match that really picked up at the end. Fans were into it.)

-Gia Miller interviewed Matt Cardona and Chelsea Green backstage. Gia asked if they had what it takes to make it to the finals. Cardona said they do everything together and that streak would continue tonight. Chelsea asked if Deonna and the Drama King were ready for them.


Fans chanted “Drama King” during Rehwoldt’s ring entrance. They were enthusiastic for Chelsea Green as well. Chelsea extended her hand to Deonna. Deonna slapped it away. Chelsea rolled up Deonna for a two count. Deonna grabbed Chelsea’s arm that was in a cast. Rehwoldt cut Chelsea off from making a tag, but she escaped and tagged to Cardona. Fans chanted for Cardona. Rehwoldt got in some moves, but Cardona made a comeback, including a baseball slide to the outside.

Chelsea wiped out Deonna on the outside, to the approval of the crowd. Rehwoldt sent Cardona over the top rope. Back in the ring, Rehwoldt went on the attack. Deonna and Rehwoldt double teamed Cardona. Rehwoldt legdropped Cardona and choked him over the middle rope. Deonna knee dropped Cardona and got a two count. Rehwoldt put Cardona in a chinlock. Fans chanted “We want Chelsea!” Cardona caught Rehwoldt with a neckbreaker.

Deonna ran in and stopped Chelsea from making a tag. Cardona finally made the hot tag and Chelsea ran wild on Deonna. Chelsea connected with a running knee for a two count. Cardona hit Radio Silence on Rehwoldt. Deonna got Cardona in an armlock but Chelsea broke it up. Cardona hit a flapjack on Rehwoldt. Deonna held onto Cardona’s leg. Deonna and Chelsea kicked each other on the floor. Rehwoldt hit a front DDT on Cardona to get the win.

WINNERS: Deonna Purrazzo & Matthew Rehwoldt in 11:00.

(D.L.’s Take: Good back and forth match. Rehwold was given a lot of ring time to introduce himself to the Impact audience. The live fans seemed receptive.)

-Gia Miller interviewed Missy Hyatt backstage. Brian Myers interrupted and complained that she didn’t know any wrestling moves. Missy said she wasn’t a wrestler; she was a manager. Missy said he didn’t have any originality. Myers walked off and said it was Beale’s fault. Missy got Beale to take his glasses off and told him to close his eyes. She hit him with the bag and called him a stupid mark. Missy said Gia was doing a great job and walked off.


Rosemary and Ellering started it off. They licked their palms and shook hands. Rosemary riled the crowd up. Fans chanted for Ellering as well. After Ellering took Rosemary down with a shoulder tackle, Steve and Dreamer tagged in. There were dual chants for Dreamer and Steve. Dreamer and Steve went back and forth. Rosemary challenged Dreamer to lock up as fans chanted “bite his face off”. Rosemary bit Dreamer’s hand, Dreamer bit her hand, then Steve beat Dreamer’s hand. Ellering reluctantly got in the ring and bit Steve’s hand. Fans chanted “This is awesome”.

Ellering took Rosemary down with chops. Dreamer continued the attack on Rosemary. Ellering ran Rosemary into the corner and chopped her. Rosemary came back with a sling blade. Steve covered Ellering for a two count, then put her in a chin lock. Ellering battled back, but Steve bit her hand. Rosemary clotheslined Ellering. Dreamer and Steve tagged in. Dreamer power slammed Steve. Dreamer punched Steve in the corner and bit him.

Dreamer DDT’d Steve, but Rosemary broke up the pin. Steve made a comeback with punches and a cannonball. Dreamer got a DDT for a two count. Rosemary slammed Ellering off the ropes and followed with a spear. Dreamer hit a piledriver on Rosemary. Steve reversed a roll up and pinned Dreamer.

WINNERS: Rosemary & Crazzy Steve in 10:00.

(D.L.’s Take: Another fun match with some unique comedy spots. The fan’s enthusiasm really elevated the match.)

-Gia Miller interviewed Eddie Edwards backstage. Eddie said W. Morrissey had it all but he lost it. He said the only way Morrissey could win is if Eddie is no longer breathing. Alisha walked up and gave Eddie the kendo stick. She said she wanted him to end this tonight.

(8) JOSH ALEXANDER (c) vs. BLACK TAURUS (w/Havok)—Impact Wrestling X Division Title match

Fans chanted “Walking Weapon” during Alexander’s entrance. When the bell rang, fans chanted “Both these guys”. After the initial action, Taurus got out of an ankle lock. The two had a staredown. Alexander took Taurus to the mat and stomped him. Alexander chopped Taurus. Taurus came back with a powerslam. Taurus pulled at Alexander’s nose. Alexander caught Taurus with a Northern Lights Suplex.

Taurus caught Alexander with a backbreaker for a two count, then choked him in the corner. Taurus chopped Alexander off his feet. Taurus caught Alexander with a shoulder breaker. Alexander rolled up Taurus for a two count, but Taurus came back with chops and a DDT to the foot. Taurus stretched Alexander’s arms while his knee was in his back. Alexander came back with punches. Alexander suplexed Taurus.

Taurus sent Alexander to the floor then caught him with a twisting dive through the ropes. Fans chanted “X Division”. Alexander stomped Taurus’s leg and gave him four German suplexes. Alexander clotheslined Taurus over the top rope. Alexander hit a crossbody block to send Taurus off the apron to the floor. Alexander connected with an impressive moonsault from the top rope. Taurus battled back and got a spear for a two count.

Fans chanted “Fight forever”. Taurus rallied with some offensive moves. Alexander got the ankle lock on Taurus. Taurus got a sling blade on Alexander and got a two count. Alexander hit a running forward roll with Taurus on his shoulders. Fans chanted “This is awesome”. Both wrestlers slugged it out. Taurus clotheslined Alexander. Alexander got a backbreaker and piledriver on Taurus for the win.

WINNER: Josh Alexander in 16:00.

(D.L.’s Take: Match of the night thus far. This was probably Taurus’s best match in Impact so far. Alexander’s streak of strong matches continues.)

-Gia Miller interviewed Matthew Rehwoldt and Deonna Purrazzo backstage. Deonna bragged about picking a great partner and vowed to be crowned as the new queen. Rehwoldt said he was an artist on the verge of a breakthrough. They walked to the ring.


Fans chanted “Bite his face off”. Steve and Rehwoldt started the action. Steve took Rehwoldt to the mat and bit his ear. Steve DDT’d Rehwoldt. Rosemary tagged in and bit Rehwoldt’s arm. Deonna and Rosemary squared off with fans chanting “Bite her face off”. Rosemary hit a sling blade on Deonna. Deonna hit a lung blower on Rosemary. Rehwoldt worked on Rosemary’s back, then pulled her down by the hair.

Deonna stomped Rosemary in the corner. Rosemary and Deonna clotheslined each other. Steve and Rehwoldt battled, with Steve getting the better of it. Steve got a two count after hitting Rehwoldt with a running cannonball. Rehwoldt got a powerbomb on Steve for a two count. Fans chanted for Steve. Steve fired up and Rehwoldt backed up. All four wrestlers were in the ring. Rosemary DDT’d Rehwoldt for a two count. Rosemary speared Rehwoldt.

Rosemary got a scorpion death drop on Deonna for a two count. Rehwold pulled Rosemary by the hair from the outside. Steve dove on Rehwoldt on the outside. Steve was holding his knee. Deonna hit the Queen’s Gambit on Rosemary for the win.

WINNERS: Deonna Purrazzo & Matthew Rehwoldt in 11:00 to win the Homecoming tournament.

Gia Miller presented the crowns to Deonna and Rehwoldt as they bowed and celebrated in the ring.

(D.L.’s Take: Solid tag match, which further established Deonna’s dominance and a strong introduction for Rehwoldt.)

-Video package on the Eddie Edwards vs. W. Morrissey feud.

(10) EDDIE EDWARDS vs. W. MORRISSEY—Hardcore Match

Fans were really into Eddie and chanted with his song. Morrissey attacked Eddie at the bell. Eddie came back with a trash can lid and hit Morrissey. Morrissey threw Eddie to the floor. Morrissey punched Eddie and threw him back in the ring. Eddie fought back with a Blue Thunder Bomb and Morrissey kicked out of a pin attempt at one. Eddie went to the floor and pulled a table from under the ring. He set it up at ringside. Eddie also pulled out a trash can. Morrissey booted the trash can into Eddie.

Back in the ring, Morrissey splashed Eddie in the corner. Morrissey wrapped a chain around Eddie’s mouth. Fans chanted “You suck”. Eddie fought back with chops, but Morrissey took him down. Morrissey choked Eddie with a chair. They fought on the top rope. Eddie sunset flipped Morrissey into a pile of weapons in the ring. Eddie dove through the ropes. Eddie fought back with a trash can lid that flew into the crowd.

Morrissey fought back and took Eddie up the ramp. Eddie backdropped Morrissey on the ramp. Morrissey slammed Eddie into the ring apron. Fans chanted “This is awesome”. Morrissey threw Eddie into the ring steps. Morrissey pulled a ladder from under the ring and bridged it between the ring apron and the ring steps. Eddie dove through the ropes onto Morrissey. Fans chanted “Eddie!” Eddie pulled out a kendo stick from under the ring.

Eddie hit Morrissey with the kendo stick. Morrissey booted Eddie off the top rope through the table that was set up earlier at ringside. Fans chanted “You suck”. Eddie fought back with thumbs to the eye. Morrissey choke slammed Eddie onto the ladder that had been set up. Morrissey slid a table in the ring. Fans chanted “No more tables”. Morrissey attacked Eddie with a trash can lid then threw him back in the ring as fans chanted “You still suck”.

Morrissey took a zip tie to tie up Eddie’s hands. Morrissey hit Eddie with the kendo stick then threw it out of the ring. Eddie shoulder tackled Morrissey through a table in the corner. Eddie broke out of the zip ties. Eddie grabbed the kendo stick and hit Morrissey repeatedly. Eddie wrapped a chain around his knee. Eddie connected with the Boston Knee Party for the win and to end Morrissey’s undefeated streak.

WINNER: Eddie Edwards in 20:00.

(D.L.’s Take: Really good hardcore match that was all action. The match was helped by the fan enthusiasm and chants.)

FINAL THOUGHTS: The mixed tag team concept was a fun change of pace and provided some fun moments. I enjoyed the surprises such as Missy Hyatt and the debuting Drama King. The crowd was really into the matches and added a lot to the presentation. Match of the night was Josh Alexander vs. Black Taurus. Good main event between W. Morrissey and Eddie Edwards to cap off the night.

CATCH-UP: THIS WEEK IN IMPACT WRESTLING 7/29: Preview, analysis, and updates on all things Impact Wrestling heading into Homecoming on Saturday


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