7/17 IMPACT WRESTLING SLAMMIVERSARY PPV REPORT: Kenny Omega vs. Sami Callihan for the Impact World Championship, Ultimate X returns, Moose vs. Eddie Edwards, more


PHOTO CREDIT: Impact Wrestling


JULY 17, 2021

Commentators: Matt Striker, D-Lo Brown, Mauro Ranallo

-Slammiversary promo video with clips of Nashville, Impact alumni, current Impact wrestlers, and clips of a Sami Callihan promo.

-Clips of Kenny Omega & Don Callis entering through a private entrance and Sami Callihan entering the front of the building in front of fans.

-Shots of the arena with enthusiastic fans holding their signs.

(1) JOSH ALEXANDER (c) vs. TREY MIGUEL vs. ACE AUSTIN vs. PETEY WILLIAMS vs. ROHIT RAJU vs. CHRIS BEY – Ultimate X Match for the Impact Wrestling X Division Title

Matt Striker noted that Madman Fulton and Shera were banned from ringside. Bey made the first attempt to climb the ropes but he got pulled down and beaten up. Alexander and Ace squared off in the ring. Alexander hit a German suplex on Ace. Rohit tried to climb but he missed the rope at the top and got booted by Alexander. Bey hit a dropkick on Alexander. Bey hit a dive on Alexander to the outside. Petey hit a rana on Bey on the outside.

Trey hit a DDT on Alexander on the outside. Rohit and Ace battled on the ropes. Rohit threw Ace on the pile on the outside. Rohit grabbed a rope from under the ring and tried to climb up the X. The fans cheered him on. Rohit climbed his rope but Petey pulled him down and got rid of Rohit’s rope. Bey hit a series of moves on Petey. Bey climbed the X and was followed by Trey and Rohit. Rohit speared Bey off the X. The crowd chanted “X Division”.

Rohit took a pole to try to get the belt off the X. Rohit attacked wrestlers with the pole. Fans chanted for Rohit. Rohit stood on a chair and tried to unhook the belt with the pole. Trey dropkicked him off the chair. Alexander climbed the X but Petey pulled him off and sent him to the floor. Petey put Trey in the sharpshooter. Rohit put Trey in a crossface at the same time. Alexander climbed the ropes. Ace tried to suplex Bey, but Alexander put Bey in an ankle lock while he was hanging from the X. Fans chanted “Holy Shit”.

Alexander dropped from the X. Fans chanted “This is Impact”. Bey and Ace fought on the ropes. Bey took Ace off the X with a spectacular move. Petey hit the Canadian Destroyer on Rohit, then hit one on Trey. Petey climbed the X. Bey was on Alexander’s shoulders and Petey hit a Canadian Destroyer on Bey from the X. Another “Holy Shit” chant. Alexander and Petey brawled. Alexander hit a piledriver on Petey.

Alexander and Petey exchanged punches. Rohit hit moves on Trey and Alexander. Trey stopped Rohit from climbing the X. Alexander hit a Spanish Fly on Trey off the top rope. Bey climbed the X and Alexander followed. They fought on the X. They both unsnapped the belt. Ace failed to take it from them. Alexander knocked Bey off the X and held on to the belt to win the match.

WINNER: Josh Alexander in 16:00 to retain the X Division Title.

(D.L.’s Take: Wow! What a start to the show. The action was so fast I could barely type and keep up. An excellent Ultimate X match. Everyone had a chance to shine and looked like superstars. The fans added so much to the presentation.)

-D’Lo and Striker appeared on camera and ran down the matches for the show.

-Gia Miller interviewed Don Callis outside of Kenny Omega’s dressing room. Callis complained about Tommy Dreamer talking about firing Callis. He complained about the no DQ stipulation in the match and said that it favored Sami Callihan. Callis said that if it wasn’t for Impact, Sami would be in prison. He called Sami a sociopath and said it concerned him. Callis got gradually more excitable during the interview. He said Sami may be dangerous, but Omega was a God. Callis said that Sami couldn’t kick out of a One Winged Angel. He said after this match, his work would be done in Impact. Then he smiled and told Gia to have a nice day in a pleasant tone.

-Video package on the Brian Myers/Matt Cardona feud.


Striker noted that Cardona and Tenille used to be in a relationship that fizzled. Cardona’s surprise partner was his fiancé Chelsea Green, in her “Hot Mess” persona. Fans went wild and chanted “Welcome back!” All four wrestlers squared off. Chelsea and Tenille slapped each other and had to be pulled apart. Cardona and Myers started the match, with Cardona getting the upper hand. Cardona clotheslined Beale and Kaleb on the outside. Myers super kicked Cardona, then hit a flatliner on the ramp. Back in the ring, Myers had Cardona in a chin lock as Kaleb took selfies at ringside and Tenille taunted Cardona.

Cardona made a comeback on Myers. Tenille pulled Chelsea off the apron to prevent her from making a tag. Myers DDT’d Cardona. Striker noted that Chelsea had a cast on her arm but was cleared by doctors. Cardona speared Myers. Chelsea made the hot tag and hit a series of moves on Tenille. Myers broke up a pin attempt. Chelsea slapped Myers. Tenille hit a neckbreaker on Chelsea. Cardona punched Myers in the corner.

Tenille went for a low blow on Cardona, but Cardona pulled out a cup that said “Always Ready”. Chelsea hit a Canadian Destroyer on Myers. Cardona dove on Beale and Kaleb. Chelsea hit a low blow with the cast on Tenille, followed by an unprettier for the win. After the match, Cardona put Chelsea on his shoulder, like Macho Man and Elizabeth.

WINNER: Matt Cardona & Chelsea Green in 6:00.

(D.L.’s Take: Fun match that was largely comedy. It was good to see Chelsea back in Impact and the fans ate it up.)

-Video package on W. Morrissey and Eddie Edwards


The fans went wild for Eddie during his entrance. Eddie and Morrissey exchanged punches. Morrissey hit an overhead slam and followed up with punches. Morrissey choked Eddie over the ropes. Eddie made a comeback but Morrissey booted him off the ropes to big boos. They brawled on the floor and Eddie ran Morrissey’s leg into the post. Morrissey ran Eddie into the apron and punched him. Eddie snapped Morrisey’s neck over the ropes, but Morrissey came right back and pushed Eddie off the apron onto the railing.

In the ring, Morrissey stomped Eddie to the mat and talked trash to Eddie. The fans started a loud “Eddie” chant. Morrissey continued to punch Eddie. A “Let’s go Eddie” chant started. Eddie suplexed Morrissey. Eddie chopped Morrissey. Eddie sent Morrissey over the ropes. Morrissey caught Eddie during a dive and choke slammed him onto the apron. Eddie backdropped Morrissey on the ramp. Back in the ring, Morrissey dropped Eddie to the mat.

Eddie made a comeback including hitting a Blue Thunder Bomb for a two count. Eddie charged Morrissey but pulled the referee in front of him. Morrissey came back with a big boot. Eddie got a two count. Eddie hit a knee that sent Morrissey out of the ring. Morrissey took a chain out of his boot and hit Eddie with it. Morrissey followed with a powerbomb for the win.

WINNER: W. Morrissey in 10:00.

-Moose promo. He talked about mistakes that people make like going all in on a poker game when the rent is due. He said asking for a match against him is a big mistake. He said the consequences for Chris Sabin would be bad. Solid promo.

-Vignette with someone painting “Long live the king” on a canvas, then “drama” was painted over it.

-Gia Miller interview with an Impact Wrestling super fan contest winner. He said he was most excited to see Deonna Purrazzo and wanted to see Sami Callihan take the belt. They were interrupted by Madman Fulton and Shera charging the ring. They were upset about being banned during the X Division match and argued with a referee. Scott D’Amore appeared and said he was happy to see fans back. He said he knew that Fulton and Shera were upset and asked if they were ready for action. Scott said he ran into two guys who were ready to fight. Juice Robinson and David Finlay walked to the stage to an enthusiastic reception.

(4) FINJUICE (Juice Robinson & David Finlay) vs. MADMAN FULTON & SHERA

Juice teed off on Shera. Shera clotheslined Juice. Shera got sent to the outside. Finjuice double teamed Fulton and got the pin.

WINNERS: Finjuice in 2:00.

(D.L.’s Take: Basically a squash and a nice surprise to see Finjuice in action.)

-Video package of the Moose/Chris Sabin feud.


They brawled at the start and exchanged the advantage. Moose missed a dropkick into the corner. Sabin leg whipped Moose. Fans had duel Sabin and Moose chants. Moose sent Sabin to the floor. Back in the ring, they traded the advantage back and forth. Sabin hit a rana on Moose and hit a leg whip. Sabin put Moose in a figure four leg lock. Moose launched Sabin into a turnbuckle. Moose bealed Sabin. Moose chopped Sabin hard on the outside. Fans chanted “Holy Shit”. The crowd quieted and Moose chopped him again. Fans chanted “One more time”. Moose motioned like he would do it, but flipped off the crowd instead.

Moose dropkicked Sabin. Moose pulled at Sabin’s nose. Sabin bit Moose. Moose delivered an overhead slam. Moose missed a moonsault. Sabin made a comeback. He hit a kick and a dive to the outside on Moose. Sabin hit a DDT off the top rope for a two count. Moose scaled the ropes and hit an incredible fall away moonsault slam on Sabin. Moose and Sabin brawled on the floor. Moose powerbombed Sabin on the apron then rammed him into the railing.

Back in the ring, Sabin rolled up Moose for a two count. Sabin stunned Moose with a victory roll for the win.

WINNER: Chris Sabin in 12:00.

(D.L.’s Take: Really good match and the fans were really into it, which added to the match.)

-Clip of Havok and Rosemary beating Fire N Flava for the Knockouts Tag Team Champions on the pre-show.

-Interview with Decay celebrating the Tag Team Title victory.

-Video package on Violent By Design and the tag team match lead-up events.

(6) VIOLENT BY DESIGN (Joe Doering & Rhino) (c) vs. RICH SWANN & WILLIE MACK vs. FALLAH BAHH & NO WAY vs. THE GOOD BROTHERS (Doc Gallows & Karl Anderson) – Impact Wrestling World Tag Team Title Match

No Way Jose (now called “No Way”) was the replacement for TJP. He had a conga line accompany him to the ring, which included Johnny Swinger, Alisha Edwards, and John E. Bravo. No Way and Swann started it off. Bahh led the fans in a chant for No Way. Swann and No Way exchanged the advantage and briefly had a Kid N Play dance exchange. Anderson and No Way mixed it up. Bahh and No Way double teamed Anderson. Swann and Mack double teamed Anderson.

Doc punched Swann. Doc put Swann in a chin lock. Fans chanted “Let’s go Rich”. Doc hit an elbow drop on Swann. Doc and Anderson tagged in and out to keep the advantage on Swann. Swann eventually made the tag to No Way. No Way ran wild on Anderson. Doering tagged in and faced off with Doc. They traded big punches and kicks. All the wrestlers ran in and brawled. Swann hit a series of moves on Bahh.

Bahh sent Swann out of the ring. Mack hit a Samoan Drop on Bahh. No Way clotheslined Mack. Doering clotheslined No Way. Swann broke up a pin attempt. Doering backdropped Mack and Swann over the top rope. Anderson hit a Gun Stun on Rhino. The Good Brothers hit the Magic Killer on Rhino for the win.

WINNERS: The Good Brothers in 11:00 to win the Impact Wrestling World Tag Team Titles.

(D.L.’s Take: Solid tag team match. I was surprised by the title change.)

-Clips were shown of Kenny Omega and Sami Callihan getting ready for their match.

-Video package on Deonna Purrazzo.

(7) DEONNA PURRAZZO (c) vs. THUNDER ROSA – Impact Wrestling Knockouts Title Match

The crowd popped huge for Thunder Rosa as the surprise opponent and chanted her name. A dueling chant broke out between Virtuosa and Thunder Rosa fans. They locked up and took it to the mat. They exchanged holds on the mat to a stalemate. Rosa tripped Purrazzo into the ropes to get the advantage. Purrazzo applied a Divorce Court to get the upper hand. Deonna put an octopus hold on Rosa but Rosa backed her into a corner to get out.

Purrazzo booted Rosa in the corner. Rosa dropkicked Purrazzo from the top rope. Rosa hit a running clothesline and dropkick to the corner. Purrazzo got Rosa in an armbar, but Rosa got out and applied a choke. Purrazzo returned to the armbar. Rosa suplexed Purrazzo. Rosa landed a double stomp to Purrazzo’s back for a two count. They exchanged chops and punches. Purrazzo came back with a pump kick. Rosa returned a kick. Deonna got the piledriver for the win.

WINNER: Deonna Purrazzo in 11:00 to retain the Impact Knockouts Title.

(D.L.’s Take: Excellent match with good intensity. Thunder Rosa lived up to the “mystery opponent” billing and the crowd was thrilled.)

Purrazzo grabbed the mic to talk but she was cut off by the music of Mickie James. Mickie walked to the ring to a huge reception. She said it was good to be back, but Purrazzo said this was her moment. Mickie talked about Deonna’s accomplishments. Mickie said she was VP of NWA Empower and said that is why she is here. She invited Purrazzo to Empower. Purrazzo told Mickie to grab her trash bag and get the hell out of here. Mickie slapped her. They squared off and Mickie dropped Purrazzo with a kick.

-D’Lo and Striker plugged the next Impact Plus special, Homecoming, which would include a mixed tag team tournament. A video ran for Bound for Glory coming to Las Vegas.

-Video package on the Kenny Omega/Sami Callihan feud.

(8) KENNY OMEGA (w/Don Callis) (c) vs. SAMI CALLIHAN—No DQ Impact Wrestling World Title Match

David Penzer did the in-ring introductions. Fans were heavily into Sami and loudly chanted “F*** ‘em up, Sami”. Callis took the mic to introduce Omega. Fans chanted “You got fired” at Callis, who replied “real men don’t quit, they get fired”. Sami attacked Omega at the end of the announcements. The bell rang. Sami hit a piledriver and got a two count. Callis joined the commentary team. Callis called Striker a stooge.

Sami brought a chair in the ring. Sami sat in the chair and applied a chin lock. The fans chanted “Sami”. Sami pulled out a fork, but Omega got it away. Omega hit a series of punches. Sami pulled out a pizza cutter and rolled it across Omega’s forehead. Callis screamed that this was Dreamer and D’Amore’s bullshit. Omega was bleeding from the forehead. Sami put Omega over the ropes and rolled the pizza cutter over his forehead again.

Sami continued with the pizza cutter. Omega made a comeback with punches. Sami hit a Death Valley Driver. Omega rolled to the floor. Sami tried to dive through the ropes, but Omega hit him with a metal trash can lid. Omega hit Sami with various weapons including the trash can lid and a cookie sheet. Omega put a trash can over a ring post. Omega landed a moonsault with a trash can to Sami’s ankle. Omega chopped Sami.

Sami got out of the One Winged Angel. Omega sent Sami into a chair. Callis went to ringside and taunted Sami. Omega stomped on Sami, who was bleeding also. Callis rejoined the announcers. Omega used the fork on Sami’s forehead. Omega put the fork in Sami’s mouth. The action spilled to the outside and Omega threw Sami into the railing. Sami missed a chop and hit the post. Omega threw Sami into the ring apron.

Omega pulled out a table from under the ring and placed it on top of Sami. Omega double stomped the table. Omega set up a table at ringside. They battled on the ring apron. Sami grabbed Omega low. Sami pile drove Omega through the table. Sami pulled a board from under the ring and threw it in the ring. He also threw in a trash can. Sami slammed Omega into the trash can and through the board that was set up in the corner. Omega kicked out of a pin attempt at two.

Sami went to ringside and there was a chair wrapped in barbed wire under the steps. Sami threw it in the ring. Fans chanted “F*** ‘em up, Sami”. Omega hit a v-trigger and a jumping leg drop into the chair. Omega powerbombed Sami onto the chair followed by another v-trigger. Sami grabbed the ropes to break up the pin attempt. Omega stacked up weapons in the middle of the ring and superplexed Sami into it. Sami kicked out at two.

Sami got out of a One Winged Angel. Sami hit a tombstone piledriver on the chair for a two count. Fans chanted “This is awesome”. Omega threw powder in Sami’s face. Sami accidentally hit a piledriver on the referee. Omega hit Sami with the title belt, followed by a piledriver. A second referee ran in, but Omega decked him. The Good Brothers walked to the ramp, but Eddie Edwards and Chris Sabin came out to run them off.

Sami got a piledriver on Omega and got a close two count. Sami pulled out a bag from under the ring. He took it in the ring and poured out thumb tacks. Callis got on the ring apron and distracted Sami. Omega threw tacks in Sami’s eyes and hit a v-trigger. Omega put thumbtacks in his kneepad and hit a v-trigger. Sami kicked out at two. Omega put tacks in Sami’s mouth then followed with a v-trigger. Omega hit the One Winged Angel in the tacks for the win.

WINNER: Kenny Omega in 27:00 to retain the Impact Wrestling World Title.

(D.L.’s Take: A really good match. The end result was never really in doubt, but it was still an exciting match. Callis was a good touch on commentary.)

Omega, Callis, and the Good Brothers celebrated in the ring. The lights went out. Bullet Club music started. Jay White’s music played and he walked to the ramp and into the ring. The Good Brothers and Callis threw up the Too Sweet hand gesture, but the show went off and left on a cliffhanger.

FINAL THOUGHTS: An excellent night of action that surpassed expectations. It was great to have live fans back and they made a big difference. The key matches of the night were Ultimate X, Deonna Purrazzo vs. Thunder Rosa, and the main event. Chelsea Green, Finjuice, Thunder Rosa, Mickie James, and Jay White were good surprises. The show was definitely worth going out of your way to see.

CATCH-UP: Jay White confronts Kenny Omega after Slammiversary main event


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