OCTOBER 11, 2020
Iida said this wasn’t about who had longer careers, they’d win with fresh power. AZM said they lost their first match but would get back on track here.
(1) MOMOAZ (High Speed Champion AZM & Momo Watanabe) vs. WING★GORI (Saya Iida & Hanan) – TAG LEAGUE
AZM with a double-stomp to Hanan for the win.
WINNERS: MomoAz in 8:17.
(Pageot’s Perspective: If Iida & Hanan win a single match it will be a shocker.)
-Rina was with Death and Riho for her first appearance since the dissolution of Tokyo Cyber Squad. She was still wearing Hana Kimura’s hand-me-downs. She was very quiet and morose until Riho grabbed her and essentially told her to cheer up. That earned a smile from the teen. Natsupoi addressed Riho and said it had been a while. She wanted to crush a former high speed champion.
(2) DONNA DEL MONDO (Natsupoi & Artist Of Stardom Champions Wonder Of Stardom Champion Giulia & Future Of Stardom Champion Maika) vs. RINA & COLOR ME POP (Gokigen Death & Riho)
Natsupoi pinned Rina with Backlash.
WINNERS: Donna Del Mondo in 9:44.
(Pageot’s Perspective: I understand deciding not to give Rina a makeover. She was 13 when Kimura gave her her old gear and made her into Mini Hana with TCS. I’m sure it’s still really special to her and probably comforting to get to wear it and feel like Kimura’s still there with her, especially now that TCS is gone as well.)
-Kid said this was her fifth anniversary. Iwatani said they have more chemistry than Konami & Priestley.
(3) MK☆SISTERS (World Of Stardom Champion Mayu Iwatani & Starlight Kid) vs. BLACK WIDOWS (SWA World Champion Bea Priestley & Konami) – TAG LEAGUE
Priestley pinned Kid with a kamigoye.
WINNERS: Black Widows in 8:27.
(Pageot’s Perspective: The Blue Goddesses bracket is out to an early lead.)
-Shirakawa wanted revenge on Kashima after losing to her yesterday in singles action. She read in a column Nakano wrote that the H in Dream H essentially stands for hentai or horny… Shirakawa feigned naïveté.
(4) DEVIL DUO (Natsuko Tora & Saki Kashima) vs. DREAM H (Tam Nakano & Mina Shirakawa) – TAG LEAGUE
Shirakawa pinned Kashima with something called a GSS.
WINNERS: Dream H in 12:04.
(Pageot’s Perspective: Nakano is really flirty around Shirakawa and making a lot of innuendo. Shirakawa seems uncertain about the objectification of herself so far. We’ll see where it goes.)
-Syuri was thrilled to be facing the champions in their first league match. Hayashishita noted that Himeka couldn’t beat them teaming with Maika and was skeptical that teaming with Syuri would make a difference.
(5) GODDESS OF STARDOM CHAMPIONS APHRODITE (Utami Hayashishita & Saya Kamitani) vs. GRAB THE TOP (Artist Of Stardom Champion Syuri & Himeka) – TAG LEAGUE
Himeka pinned Kamitani following a running powerbomb.
WINNERS: Grab The Top in 14:43.
-Himeka boasted about winning, then told Giulia she wants to challenge for the white belt. She suggested October 29 in Korakuen, Giulia’s third anniversary as a wrestler. She mentioned beating Giulia in the Grand Prix. Giulia accepted.
(Pageot’s Perspective: And with that the rest of the tag league becomes a moot point for Grab The Top. They just earned themselves a tag title shot by beating the champs. Blue Goddesses continues to be the bracket to watch with Red Goddesses looking like a two-team foot race.)
Red Goddesses standings after day 2:
Crazy Bloom (Giulia & Maika) – 2
AphroditE (Utami Hayashishita & Saya Kamitani) – 1
Devil Duo (Natsuko Tora & Saki Kashima) – 0
MK☆Sisters (Mayu Iwatani & Starlight Kid) – 0
wing★gori (Saya Iida & Hanan) – 0
Blue Goddesses standings after day 2:
Black Widows (Konami & Bea Priestley) – 3
Color Me Pop (Gokigen Death & Riho) – 2
Dream H (Tam Nakano & Mina Shirakawa) – 2
Grab The Top (Syuri & Himeka) – 2
MomoAZ (Momo Watanabe & AZM) – 2
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