•Joey Janela & Sonny Kiss vs. Miro & Kip Sabian – MISS
Some sloppy spots throughout for a not-so hot start to Dynamite. Miro made his in-ring debut alluding to his past as Rusev with a similar entrance and the Bulgarian colors on his shirt. His blonde hair, improved physique, and ring attire does help to separate him from his WWE run. I am concerned about him being defined down by being associated with undercard talent. His debut didn’t feel like a big deal, but the book isn’t closed on him. There is a lot more story to tell, but it’s also going to be on Miro to prove to fans that he wants it with his attitude and body language.
•Hangman Page vs. Evil Uno – HIT
A good showcase match for Hangman Page. He continues to put on great performances while Kenny Omega refuses to tag with him. Hangman feels like he’s back in the position that fans want to see him in while Omega is throwing out more signals of an eventual heel turn. It took a long time to get to this point, but it finally feels like the right direction. At the end of the segment, when asked about an in-ring return, Omega said he’d come back at the right time and place as well as when it helps his ranking.
•Matt Jackson Interview – MISS
I’m glad The Young Bucks have solidified themselves as heels, but this performance seemed off. Matt Jackson’s cadence felt more like a wrestler trying to be a bad guy than a heel wrestler. The smashing of the cell phone against the wall was a cheesy recreation of when celebrities are fed up with paparazzi. This single performance wasn’t Matt’s best, but there’s no reason to not give them the benefit of the doubt and see how this plays out over time.
•Mr. Brodie Lee vs. Orange Cassidy – HIT
A great match that used the best in Brodie Lee and Orange Cassidy. Lee dominated most of the match leading to a Cassidy comeback with some very believable near falls. In the end, Dark Order distracted Cassidy which led to Lee retaining. After the match, the lights went out and Cody’s music hit. He returned with a new look in an all black suit with black hair. The crowd pop was nowhere near what it felt like it should’ve been because of the sparse crowd being so distant from the action. After Cody laid out Dark Order, Brodie Lee cut a great promo challenging Cody to a dog collar match and Lee expects a response by next week.
•Matt Hardy & Private Party Promo – HIT
As Matt Hardy recovers from his injuries sustained at All Out, he’s still trying to find his best self in AEW. He’s appointed himself as a mentor to Private Party. Hardy praised Private Party’s efforts against Chris Jericho and Jake Hager. Jericho followed by The Inner Circle came out to the ramp. Jericho said it wasn’t him who hit Hardy with a bat. Hardy said he would take on all of Inner Circle right now. Instead, Isaiah Kassidy stepped up and challenged Jericho to a match next week. Hardy’s affiliation with Inner Circle is helping them. Kassidy feels like a bigger deal and his match against Jericho feels like a major test for him at this point. AEW hasn’t been shy about elevating younger talent and Jericho is an excellent heel for them to play off of.
•FTR Promo – HIT
Tully Blanchard is relishing his role as FTR’s manager. He has a believability and investment that isn’t there when he’s with Shawn Spears. Blanchard said that FTR would be doing 20 minute time limit matches with other teams to give them a brush with greatness. It’s unclear how FTR are able to make up these rules unless the explanation is that it was built into their contract that they can decide whatever they want. FTR dismissed Best Friends as contenders before Trent and Chuck Taylor came out and challenged them to a match. FTR was ready to go before showing themselves as cowards and exiting the ring. This is a good role for them that they will only wrestle when it suits them and the tease of the match builds more anticipation for when it actually happens.
•Hikaru Shida & Thunder Rosa vs. Ivelisse & Diamante – HIT
Solid match between these two teams. By bringing in more experienced female workers, the quality of matches have risen far beyond what they were. The women’s roster is still plagued with injuries and travel restrictions, but if AEW is able to sign those with more experience they can be fresh opponents and work with the other wrestlers.
•Chris Jeircho Promo – HIT
Another fun interaction between MJF and Chris Jericho. This promo was less contrived than their last except for at one point when they simultaneously asked each other why they called the other a loser. They acknowledged what everyone saw on Dynamite, but each of them weaseled their way out of it. I like that AEW continues to tease this as a feud down the road. There are a number of directions they take including something involving The Inner Circle based on what MJF said about joining a group.
•Jon Moxley vs. Eddie Kingston – HIT
Due to Lance Archer testing positive for COVID-19, the original 6-man tag match had to be shelved. Thankfully, AEW had the built-in story of Eddie Kingston claiming he was owed a title shot because he was never eliminated from the Casino Battle Royal. Kingston got his shot on this show, but before the match he came out to the ring and cut a promo on Moxley. He said he’s cut from the same cloth as Moxley (referring to their time on the independent scene) and he’s been waiting 18 year for this moment. Moxley came out to get in Kingston’s face before referees came down to break up the scene. They went on to have a decent brawl where Moxley was able to bring out a lot in Kingston. Moxley retained the championship then was assaulted by Penta El Zero M and Fenix. Will Hobbs and Darby Allin charged the ring to make the save before Ricky Starks attacked them from behind. It felt like there was something brewing between Moxley and Kingston before this match, but due to circumstances AEW had to change course and fast track a potential storyline.
“This single performance wasn’t Matt’s best, but there’s no reason to not give them the benefit of the doubt.”
Hasn’t Matt Jackson been in the business for well over a decade? How can he NOT cut a good heel promo at this point?