SEPTEMBER 16, 2020
Announcers: Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone, Excalibur
-They aired the Dynamite opening theme, then cut right to the pyro on the stage as fans cheered.
-Jurassic Express were in the ring and ready for FTR to make their entrance. The Young Bucks, instead, walked out and superkicked referee Mike Posey. Three other referees walked out. The Bucks turned and left. Excalibur said that’s going to be another $5,000 fine each. Ross said maybe more. The camera followed them to the back. They threw a wad of cash at Tony Khan as their presumed fine payment. They walked past FTR and the two teams exchanged words. FTR with Tully Blanchard laughed at them. Then the camera showed their walk into the entrance tunnel.
(1) JURASSIC EXPRESS (Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus) vs. FTR (Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler w/Tully Blanchard)
FTR kissed their belts before handing them to Blanchard before the match. FTR went to work on Jungle Boy at the start, working over his arm and making frequent tags. JB did a really cool sequence of running up to the top rope and then bouncing off the top rope and flipping into an armdrag. Luchasaurus tagged in. FTR had a brief conference with Blanchard. When Harwood leaped off the top rope at Luchasaurus, Luchasaurus turned it into a powerslam. JB tagged back in and leaped off of Luchasaurus’s shoulders and flipped onto Harwood. Wheeler took control with a powerslam after running the ropes. He applied a bow and arrow stretch next. Harwood dropped JB over Wheeler’s knee leading to a two count.
JB finally hot-tagged Luchasaurus at 7:00 and took both members of FTR down with a rally. FTR soon took over, though. JB tagged himself in and clotheslined Harwood from behind for a near fall. A minute later JB turned a powerslam attempt by Wheeler into a small package. Harwood tried to pin JB with a yank of the tights. JB rolled through and yanked on Harwood’s tights to get a near fall. The announcers praised JB playing by FTR’s rules. JB scored another near fall with an inside cradle. Luchasaurus tried to dive at Wheeler at ringside, but Wheeler ducked and Luchasaurus flew into a crowd of wrestlers at ringside. FTR then cheated to score a leverage pin over JB with Wheeler and Blanchard holding JB down. Ross said the referee was doing his job, but he just got outmaneuvered.
WINNERS: FTR in 14:00.
(Keller’s Analysis: Really good tag match start to finish.)
-They went to the announcers at ringside who hyped the scheduled matches including Thunder Rosa defending her title, MJF in action, Hangman Page vs. Kaz, and Chris Jericho & Jake Hager vs. Private Party.
-They cut backstage urgently to Alex Marvez checking on Matt Hardy who was down clutching his right knee. Private Party said they didn’t see what happened. Jericho and Hager walked in and laughed at his condition and suggested some ice. [c]
Kenny Omega was at ringside with the commentators. Ross asked about the Hardy situation. Omega said he hoped Hardy is going to be okay after having a streak of bad luck in recent weeks. Omega said he is happy to see Page back in action. Excalibur said he learned Omega was offered a chance to wrestle a tag match with Page instead, but he opted not to. Omega said he’s done with tag team wrestling. He then said if they’re in line for a tag team title match, so be it, but that’s not his focus at this time. They cut to a break a few minutes in after Page dove onto Kaz at ringside. They stayed with the action on split-screen. [c/ss]
Omega said neither are in the top five and both have a lot to prove. Excalibur told Omega that he and Page are ranked no. 1 in the tag team division since they’re former champions. Omega turned back to talking about winning his next singles match. Excalibur called him “somewhat evasive.” Kaz landed a cutter for a near fall at 12:00. Schiavone and Omega talked about how hot and humid it is in Jacksonville. Page landed a sitout powerbomb for a near fall a minute later. The audience chanted, “This is awesome!” They battled at ringside next. Page landed a lariat on the floor and then Buckshot Lariat back in the ring for the win. Omega abruptly left the announce desk and returned to the back. Page looked disappointed Omega didn’t stick around to congratulate him. Excalibur said they seem to be going their separate ways. Page opened a can of beer and swigged it after the match.
WINNER: Page in 14:00.
(Keller’s Analysis: Another good match. Omega continued to be his laid back, quirky self, dismissive of his past partnership with Page.)
-A brief video package aired on the Best Friends-Santana & Ortiz feud. They hyped their Parking Lot Brawl as the main event of tonight’s show.
-MJF and Wardlow made their way to the ring. They cut to a split-screen commercial break, and MJF was taunting wrestlers at ringside. [c/ss]
(3) MJF (w/Wardlow) vs. SHAWN DEAN
MJF shook hands with Dean, then poked him in his eyes and applied his Salt of the Earth (Fujiwara armbar) for the quick tapout. MJF held on a few extra seconds before releasing. Wardlow threw Dean out of the ring.
WINNER: MJF in under 10 seconds.
-MJF took the mic after the match and asked for his music to be cut. He told everyone to pipe down. He said they should all be able to agree that he is a very honest man. “No you’re not!” chanted the audience. MJF said Jon Moxley, the guy they’re cheering for, cheated. He said he should be “un-duh-feet-id” and the AEW World Champion. The audience chanted, “You’re a loser!” He said from here on out, he is to be referred to as: “MJF, the undefeated, undisputed, uncrowned AEW World Champion of All Elite Wrestling.” He insisted Justin Roberts announce his new title right now. Justin began announcing it dryly. MJF interrupted and insisted on gusto or else Wardlow would pay him a visit. Justin complied. MJF said it’s become clear he’s never getting a fair shake around there. He said you need to be part of a group or a stable apparently. He said it seems like there’s a new group or stable every week. He said he’s always considered himself a lone wolf, but maybe he should join a wolf pack and be lone no more. He said whatever he does, it doesn’t matter, because “I’m still better than you, and you know it.” Schiavone said, “What a pompous ass.”
(Keller’s Analysis: Good maintenance promo to establish his personality. I’m not sure if he’s going to actually form or join a faction, but I think he’s right that there might already be too many in AEW.)
-Taz gave a scouting report on Ricky Starks’ finisher.
-Eddie Kingston was in the ring with the Lucha Bros. and The Butcher & The Blade. He said he had three points to make. He said he never lost the battle royal. He said he’s owed. He said he and his wrestlers are a family, not a stable. He said when they have a dispute, they don’t talk it out or go out to dinner, they are agents of violence and take it out on victims. Butcher & Blade yanked some wrestlers from ringside over the barricade and beat them up at ringside and in the ring as Kingston provided commentary. He said his third point he wanted to make is that Blade needs to get his house in order. He set the mic down and they posed together as Ross wondered what that meant. Schiavone said he had no idea. [c]
(4) PRIVATE PARTY (Marq Quen & Isiah Kassidy) vs. CHRIS JERICHO & JAKE HAGER
As Private Party came out, Schiavone announced Moxley and Lance Archer would battle in a six-man tag team match and would pick their partners perhaps later tonight. They cut to fans singing the lyrics to Jericho’s entrance theme. Jericho smiled with pride. Schiavone told Ross they’re going to learn the lyrics and perform it soon. Private Party landed a stereo dives on opposite sides of the ring seconds into the match. They double-team suplexed Hager center-ring for an early two count. Jericho and Hager soon took over on Quen in their corner. Ross said they still don’t know who attacked Hardy earlier. Hager hit Kassidy with a bat. They cut to a break, but stayed with the action on split-screen. [c/ss]
Hager controlled Kassidy through the break. Hager knocked Quen off the ring apron, then turned back to Kassidy. Kassidy head scissored Hager and then twisted into a DDT. Both were slow to get up, but both tagged in their partners. Quen hit Jericho with two clotheslines and a dropkick. Quen flip dove onto Hager at ringside, then springboarded onto Jericho back in the ring for a near fall. Nice, well-timed, crisp sequence. Quen tagged Kassidy back in for a tandem sequence. Schiavone wondered if Kassidy had recovered enough. His favored his back as he tried to pin Jericho. Jericho kicked out. Hager mistakenly splashed Jericho in the corner. Kassidy then took Jericho off the ropes with a rana. Quen tumbled with Hager over the top rope to ringside. Kassidy struggled with his back pain, but covered Jericho for another two count. Kassidy avoided a Judas Effect and rolled him up for a two count. Kassidy then landed a cutter and rolled out of the ring. Ross said he should have gone for the cover. Kassidy climbed to the top rope gingerly. He went for a flip dive, but Jericho moved and then hit the Judas Effect for the win.
WINNERS: Jericho & Hager in 13:00.
-Jericho put Kassidy in a Walls of Jericho after the match. Kassidy tapped. Jericho let go. Quen then gave Jericho a Pelé kick. Private Party’s music played instead of Jericho’s.
(Keller’s Analysis: One of Private Party’s better matches. Well-paced, psychologically sound, and well-curated to feature their strengths without overdoing it or being too spot-happy. The match told a good story that was paced properly for everything to sink in. I have a feeling Jericho had something to do with it, and it really worked.) [c]
-The announcers hyped the Oct. 14 Dynamite Anniversary Show with Moxley vs. Archer.
(5) THUNDER ROSA vs. IVELISSE (w/Diamante) – NWA Women’s Title match
They showed Hikaru Shida in the crowd. After a few minutes of action, Rosa rolled to ringside after kicking out of a pin attempt to regroup. They cut to a break as Ivelisse rolled to ringside to pursue her. [c/ss]
For the finish, Thunder Rosa landed a Tombstone Piledriver for the win.
WINNER: Rosa in 10:00.
-As Rosa celebrated, Diamante attacked her from behind. Shida made the save. She picked up the NWA TItle belt, eyed it, and then presented it to Rosa as the heels recovered at ringside. Excalibur called it a sign of great respect. Schiavone called it classy. Shida left as Rosa picked up her celebration again.
-Ross pivoted to talking about the debut of Miro.
-Backstage Kip Sabian was overseeing Miro doing bench presses. Miro stood up and said he wanted to go beat someone up. Kip said he has to organize the Best Bachelor Party Ever first. Miro flexed. [c]
-Lance Archer and Jake Roberts came out. Archer yanked a masked wrestler out of the front row and slammed him inside the ring. Jake said, “That’s what we call a proper ring entrance.” He asked if everyone would exchange their pleasure for some pain. “After all, aren’t they the same? We think so,” he said. Jake said like in politics, you can find yourself in bed with someone expected because you need money or a way out, but for them, they need tag team partners. He said if he’s going to lay in bed with the devil, he’d just as soon lay in bed with the Tasmanian Devil. He invited Taz out. Taz walked out to the ring. “Taz, with his always positive expression,” said Ross. Taz said as they talked about earlier, Team Taz is happy to do business with them. He said the trio of Brian Cage, Ricky Starks, and Archer is deadly. He said when Archer destroys Moxley and takes the AEW Title, Archer will give Cage the first shot at the AEW Title. “That was the deal, right?” he said. Jake said that’s what everybody wants. Archer said they share enemies, so they’re friends, but after Oct. 14, AEW will have a killer new champion. He said Kingston can cry all he wants, but he is going Godzilla on Daily’s Place. He was interrupted by Moxley’s music.
Moxley walked out through the stands. Starks, posing as a fan, grabbed Mox from behind. Cage then attacked Moxley. Starks and Cage tossed security aside and beat up Mox. They threw him into a storage chest. Will Hobbs ran out with a chair and hit Cage. Cage and Starks fled. Mox caught his breath and said one of his partners next week will be Hobbs. He said Darby Allin better get his ass to Jacksonville next week because they’re going to war together next week.
(Keller’s Analysis: Good segment start to finish. Jake still seems a little tough to decode these days, but overall this set up next week’s six-man tag next week really effectively. I also like the push of Hobbs. The Moxley endorsement is about as important an endorsement as anyone could get right now.)
-The announcers said Orange Cassidy will challenge Brodie Lee for the TNT Title next week. Shida & Thunder Rosa will face Diamante & Ivelisse will also battle. Plus, Jericho will have something to say. [c]
-A commercial aired for “Late Night Dynamite” next Tuesday night after NBA Playoff action.
(6) BEST FRIENDS (Chuck Taylor & Trent) vs. SANTANA & ORTIZ – Parking Lot Fight
They were surrounded by cars and cheering wrestlers in the parking lot. Ortiz powerbombed Trent on the roof of a car at 5:00. Santana & Ortiz lifted Trent and threw him back-first into the windshield. The windshield shattered. “Holy hell,” said Schiavone. Chuck used a bat and big wooden board to take over against Santana and Ortiz. Schiavone said he’s seen a lot of crazy stuff, but this has to be among the craziest. Santana and Ortiz took over. Santana pummeled Chuck with punches. Ross said the match cannot be stopped by the referee. Santana grabbed a lead pipe. But then out of the back of a trunk came Orange Cassidy. He landed an Orange Punch with his fist wrapped with a chain. Santana went down. Cassidy lifted Santana and dropped him onto an old Toyota. Chuck piledrove him on the hood. Trent then gave Ortiz a crunchy pildriver through a board bridged over the bed of a pick-up truck. Ross said these two will have nightmares about this match that rest of their lives. Excalibur said they fought for the honor of Trent’s mom, Sue. As they celebrated, a horn honked off to the side. It was Sue in he white minivan. They got in the van and she drove away with them for what is sure to be a wild party of cupcakes and lemonade. Before she pulled away, though, she gave Santana and Ortiz a middle finger.
WINNERS: Best Friends in 13:00
(Keller’s Analysis: Good brawl and good intensity and seriousness throughout, capped with a classic middle finger moment from Sue.)
FINAL THOUGHTS: One of the better start-to-finish episodes of Dynamite. Just steady and smart throughout, without any singular swing-for-the-fences segment, yet collectively a productive and enjoyable program that delivered good matches and promos while forwarding key storylines and setting up future shows with a strong main event payoff.
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