The following report originally published 20 years ago this week here at PWTorch.com…
MARCH 24, 2005
-Michael Cole and Tazz introduced the show. Randy Orton then kicked off the show by posing, then talking about his WrestleMania title match. He said next Sunday he has a chance to make history. He brought up John Cena, which drew some boos from the crowd. He referenced his involvement in the Saturday Night’s Main Event match. Orton was not being paid by the word, but by the minute, as he really took his time with his opening few sentences. They cut to a clip of SNME. Then he concluded by saying everyone is jealous of his good looks and skills. Basic stuff, reenforcing his character, but not substantial enough to stand out as a WrestleMania main event-level promo.
-Ring intros took place for MNM and Bobby Lashley for the battle royal up next.
[Commercial Break]
Animal walked out and said he shouldn’t have to be in the battle royal because last week he proved himself by beating his opponent fair and square. He said he is a bigger superstar than any of the other wrestlers in the ring ever will be and he’s earned more money than them, so he deserves respect. He was then promptly attacked by the entire ring of wrestlers and eliminated immediately. He vowed to get everyone back. The first few wrestlers eliminated were Scotty 2 Hotty, Kid Kash, Gymini, Simon Dean, and Funaki. Bobby Lashley eliminated Gymini and Simon Dean.
[Commercial Break]
MNM eliminated Brian Kendrick and Jamie Noble. Paul London and Psicosis eliminated each other. Paul Birchill tossed Super Crazy. Tatanka chopped Birchill out of the ring. It came down to MNM, Tatanka, and Lashley as the final four. Duke didn’t make this Final Four, either. This push of Tatanka is hard to understand. Tazz picked Lashley, ending the streak of announcers’ predictions always being wrong. MNM eliminated Tatanka. There was no gasp of disappointment in the arena. MNM double-teamed Lashley. Lashley powered out of a double crab hold by MNM. MNM regained control and went for a double suplex, but Lashley powered them over with a reversal. Lashley then eliminated MNM. Cole said Finlay, Lashley’s arch rival, won’t be happy. They plugged Finlay would face Rey Mysterio later, plus Mark Henry vs. Kurt Angle in a Royal Rumble rematch.
WINNER: Lashley in 13:00 (est. due to commercial break/editing) to earn the final slot in the Money in the Bank match at WM22.
[Commercial Break]
-More clips aired of SNME of Steve Austin giving JBL a Stunner as Chris Benoit laughed on the rampway.
-Deal or No Deal Model interviewed JBL. He opened: “You are a woman and therefore you do not think. Stand there and look trampish as you were obviously paid to do.” Ironically, he said that with Jillian Hall by his side. JBL said he will outwrestle and embarrass William Regal as his means of getting revenge against Benoit.
-Cole and Tazz then narrated clips of Undertaker, Mark Henry, and Daivari. Cole wondered if they’d ever see Daivari again. Tazz said he doubted it.
-Mark Henry talked backstage about how Taker took away his title shot and his manager. He said in a casket match at WrestleMania, he will take something from him: “Your precious winning streak.”
-The ring intro took place for Rey Mysterio. Has less ever happened in the first 45 minutes of an edition of Smackdown? A bland Orton promo, a short JBL promo, Mark Henry yelling for a minute, a forgettable battle royal, and lots of SNME clips.
[Commercial Break]
Finlay – who looks quite fit, by the way (maybe there’s a nickname alliteration in there somewhere) – overpowered Rey early. When Rey teased a comeback, Finlay nailed him with a forearm and Rey hit the mat like he was hit with a really, really big model airplane flying right into his head. Finlay stopped another Rey comeback attempt at 7:00. The action spilled to the floor with Cole shouting, “Finlay is dominating!” Rey came back at 12:30 with a roundhouse kick to Finlay’s face followed by a bodyblock for a two count. There was an awkward spot on an Irish whip mid-ring that they covered well for. Rey hit a dropkick to Finlay’s face while seated leading to a two count. Rey hit the 619 at 14:30. Finlay grabbed his stick. Rey dove off the ropes at Finlay. As the ref was distracted by Finlay’s weapon, Orton turned Rey’s flying dive into an RKO . Finlay then made the cover and scored the win. Cole screamed, “Orton screwed Mysterio! You’ve got to be kiddin’ me!”
WINNER: Finlay at 15:01.
STAR RATING: *1/2 — Totally built around Rey selling with a few teased comebacks. Well executed, but it got monotonous. The finish didn’t do much to build WM other than make Rey mad at Orton. It didn’t go far enough to create a sense if hurt Rey’s chances of winning at WM22.
-Raw Rebound aired.
[Commercial Break]
-Teddy Long called out Booker T and Sharmell. Cole said, “I call Booker T the Master of Fake Injuries.” That’s a clever nickname. Long had a contract in hand. Booker asked why Long called him and his wife out there. Long said it appears to him he’s moving around pretty well. He said he already spoke to his doctors and they said there was nothing wrong with him. “This is the same crap you tried to pull when you were U.S. Champion,” Long said. Long said because Booker claims he’s injured, he’s going to provide him with a partner of his choosing. Booker said he doesn’t care about that, he’s not wrestling. Booker said he wasn’t signing the contract. Long said if he didn’t sign it, he’d be fired.. Sharmell looked panic-stricken. Booker told Long to look into his eyes and recognize that he has the heart of a champion and a great looking wife and he’s above wrestling a “worm-eatin’ freak.” He said his wife is scared to death. She can’t sleep at night and has nightmares and wakes up in cold sweats. When Booker realized he had no choice, he said he was ready to defend his wife’s honor and sign the contract. He said Long better provide him with a good partner. Long revealed his partner in a two-on-one match against Boogeyman would be Sharmell. Sharmell’s reaction to that news was more entertaining than the entire first hour of Smackdown combined.
[Commercial Break]
-A vignette aired called “The Miz Reality Check.” He was at spring break acting cool and partying. He ended with a close variation of “that’s how we roll” catch phrase. The vignette concluded: “The Miz: Coming soon to Smackdown.”
-Chris Benoit’s ring intro took place. JBL’s limo drove out. Regal and JBL walked out.
[Commercial Break]
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The match was joined in progress with the type of matwork exchanges you’d expect from these two. Then Regal took full control and rammed Benoit into the ringpost at ringside. Regal dominated with submission and mat holds for several minutes. Benoit then applied the Crippler Crossface out of nowhere for a tapout win. JBL and Hall watched the match from a safe distance by the limo.
WINNER: Benoit at 5:30 (est.)
STAR RATING: *3/4 — Short, but solid action.
-A Mark Henry vignette aired.
[Commercial Break]
-Cole and Tazz ran down the entire WrestleMania card.
-Ring intros took place for the main event.
[Commercial Break]
Henry methodically dominated offense in the opening minutes. He tossed Angle to ringside at 4:30, kicking him in the ribs and headbutting him on the floor. He then rammed Angle into the security barrier. Angle fought back by ramming Henry’s head into the ringside steps. Henry rammed Angle back-first into the ring apron, then scored a two count inside the ring at 5:40. Henry locked on a bear hug. Angle struggled to escape, but failed in his attempts. The ref dropped his arm twice, but shockingly the arm didn’t drop the third time. Instead, Angle hip tossed Henry to escape. Cole said that’s “like hip locking a compact car.” Angle gave Henry a german suplex. Angle punched away at Henry’s head and then dropped his strap. Henry splashed Angle and the ref from behind at 8:30. Henry tried to splash Angle, but Angle moved and applied the Anklelock. Orton then ran out and hit Angle from behind. Orton then set up an RKO. Rey came out to make the save, but when he dove at Orton, Orton ducked and Rey landed on Angle. Henry tossed Rey out of the ring, then splashed Angle. Now even Tazz is calling the non-senton a senton, which Cole has been doing for years. Afterward, Angle shoved Rey for causing him to lose. Orton smiled from the rampway. Angle turned to yell at him. Rey hit Angle with a 619. Cole said WM is going to be every man for himself.
WINNER: Henry at 9:32.
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