MARCH 14, 2025
Walker Stewart was once again flying solo at the commentary desk.
It was a Chaontai Civil War as we continued to build to the Yuji Nagata title match tomorrow. Every preview tag on this tour for this match has unfolded in the same way, with the only variable being who gets to beat the Young Lion. Tonight it was Nagata tapping out Murashima.
WINNERS: Nagata, Ishii, Yano, & Kojima via submission in 8:00. (*1/2)
(Lansdell’s Analysis: Much the same as all the other matches. They really are trying to sell that title match as a realistic last chance at glory for Nagata. I wonder how many people are actually buying into it.)
(2) UNITED EMPIRE (Great-O-Khan & Jacob Austin Young & Callum Newman) vs. SHOTA UMINO & JADO & EL PHANTASMO
On paper this was a revenge match for O-Khan, but I expected it to serve as a table-setter for an O-Khan title shot against ELP. Speaking of ELP, he apparently borrowed Drilla Moloney’s coat for his entrance.
We got no such teaser, and no build for any future TV title match for anyone. ELP and Newman had some good back-and-forth but not enough to suggest a singles match. ELP pinned Young after a UFO.
WINNERS: ELP, Jado, and Umino via pinfall in 6:00. (**1/4)
(Lansdell’s Analysis: Umino really needs to refine this new gimmick. I can’t tell if he’s supposed to be depressed or stoic. Once the bell rings he is definitely just cold and violent, but in his entrance he just looks sad. The whole match felt like it existed to show more development of New Improved Bald Shota Umino, as he blew off a handshake from former close friend ELP after the match. That’s all well and good, but it’s hard to develop something that hasn’t yet been defined.)
(3) GABE KIDD & SANADA & BAD LUCK FALE & CHASE OWENS vs. HOUSE OF TORTURE (Ren Narita & Sho & Yoshinobu Kanemaru & Yujiro Takahashi)
My eyes were squarely on Sanada for this one as he has been notably non-committal in this feud with HoT so far. Indeed while everyone else was brawling in the crowd, Sanada was serenely “chasing” Sho. At no point did I see Sanada make contact with any member of HoT. There was no actual match here. Within thirty seconds of the bell ringing to officially start the intended match, Evil and Dick Togo interfered to cause the DQ.
WINNERS: Bullet Club via DQ at 00:23. (DUD)
(Lansdell’s Analysis: The camera kept going back to Sanada during the crowd brawl segment, which definitely suggests a development. It still feels really obvious that he will turn and join HoT, but I don’t know that any other outcome is realistic and smart. House of Torture continues to be the least watchable thing in any big promotion right now.)
They went straight into this tag match while the remainder of the two stables continued to brawl on the outside. There was some discussion about this now being a six-on-six tag match, but who could tell? Everyone just kept brawling on the floor. Sanada was STILL pursuing Sho at a leisurely pace while everyone else fought.
El Phantasmo joined Stewart on commentary as it became clear that the match was now a 12-man tag. Sanada still managed to avoid actually hitting anyone on camera. Evil pinned Gedo after a Magic Killer to give him the revenge win.
WINNERS: House of Torture via pinfall in 7:00. (*1/4)
(Lansdell’s Analysis: This was confusing as all heck, but the clear takeaway here was Sanada actively avoiding any physicality. This feud probably needs to end in a cage match or something similar to the United Empire-War Dogs feud in 2023, preferably leading to the dissolution of HoT.)
(5) TMDK (Zack Sabre Jr & Ryohei Oiwa & Hartley Jackson) vs. JUST FOUR GUYS (Taichi & Taka Michinoku & Yuya Uemura)
Aside from the preview of ZSJ and Taichi’s reunion, I was curious how the Oiwa-Uemura contest would go. We did get an unusual spot after the opening exchange between Taichi and ZSJ where they each stood in their respective corners. ZSJ called Taichi on for more, but he just stood there staring until Uemura tagged himself in. The commentators sold it as a lack of confidence on Taichi’s part, which is something to flag for later maybe.
After a very near fall with a magistral cradle from Taka, Oiwa hit The Grip on Taka for the win. We didn’t get much at all between Oiwa and Uemura, so that curiosity will continue to simmer.
WINNERS: TMDK via pinfall in 8:00. (**1/4)
(Lansdell’s Analysis: Taichi-ZSJ has some actual story behind it, as well as being an important match in the Cup. This match actually did a great job of furthering that story, which is the point of these preview tags after all. They just often don’t deliver to this degree. The action was nothing special, however.)
(6) TJP vs. DRILLA MOLONEY – New Japan Cup Second Round match
The history between these two is long, with multiple Junior Heavyweight Tag Title matches and that one cage match behind them. That said, they had never had a singles match in New Japan.
The animosity had clearly not died down as both men stared each other down before the bell. TJP flew in with a dropkick at the bell, then took Moloney to the outside. After a couple of whips to the barricades, they got back in the ring where TJP hit a half-hatch suplex for a one-count. TJP went for a running kick in the corner but got caught with a spear and a slam from Moloney.
Moloney beat down TJP in the corner, then whipped him back and forth between corners. They went to the outside again. Moloney whipped TJP into a barricade, then got back in the ring. The referee counted 19 before TJP rolled back in. Moloney greeted him with a scoop slam for a two-count. A snap mare and a kick to the spine left TJP down while Moloney paced around him. Moloney stomped on TJP’s back, but TJP fired up and hit a frankensteiner to send Moloney back to the outside. TJP followed him out with a tope con giro.
They came back to the ring at the five-minute mark and traded forearm strikes. TJP hit a flurry of shots to stagger Moloney, but then got caught and dropped with a suplex. TJP popped right up! A series of strikes and blocks from each man left both of them on the mat. Both men got to their feet in opposite corners. Moloney charged, TJP tried to go up and over but Moloney caught him! Drilla Killa…no, TJP escaped and hit a tornado DDT. Moloney ducked a clothesline and hit a spear for a two-count. Both men were down again.
Moloney sat up suddenly and went for Drilla Killa, which TJP countered into a victory roll for a two-count. TJP went for a detonation kick, Moloney avoided it and hit a spinebuster. Again Moloney went for the Drilla Killa, and again TJP was able to avoid it and apply the cobra twist. Moloney got to the ropes to force the break. Both men rolled to the apron, where TJP went for a suplex. Moloney wrapped himself in the ropes to block and went for a piledriver, which TJP blocked. Moloney vaulted back into the ring and tried to spear TJP off the apron, but TJP avoided it and kicked him in the chest. TJP hit a springboard forearm in the ring, then a flying back elbow in the corner. He tried the facewash kicks again, and this time was successful at the ten-minute mark.
TJP went to the top rope, but Moloney met him there. TJP successfully fought him off and hit that annoyingly unrealistic stomp off the top with Moloney hanging upside down and sitting up to meet the impact. A shining wizard followed for a near fall. He went for a Final Cut, Moloney escaped and hit a brainbuster for a two-count. He connected flush with a spear for a near fall. TJP again escaped a Drilla Killa attempt, they went through a series of dodges that ended in a double stomp and a falcon arrow by TJP for a near fall. TJP hit a basement dropkick in the corner, then went to the top for the mamba splash…connected! 1…2…no! TJP went straight into the Pinoy Stretch, but as Moloney got close to the ropes he went for an octopus hold instead. Moloney elbowed free, but ate a detonation kick. TJP measured Moloney for a shining wizard…blocked! Drilla Killa! 1…2…3!
WINNER: Drilla Moloney via pinfall in 15:00. (***1/4) . Moloney will face Boltin Oleg or Shingo in the next round.
(Lansdell’s Analysis: I enjoyed this, but it still felt like it was lacking a little. I can’t really put my finger on why. Still, this was an elevation for Moloney as he moves over to heavyweight, and he could well be a dark horse finalist. TJP is having only a marginally better year than Taichi, but with the added wrinkle of dissent in his faction. I like the guy a lot so I hope they find a good spot for him.)
(7) SHINGO TAKAGI vs. BOLTIN OLEG – New Japan Cup Second Round match
On paper we would expect a meat collision here. Sometimes, expectation matches reality.
Shingo appeared tentative, going straight to the ropes as soon as Oleg got a waistlock on him. They locked up, and Shingo tried several times to take Oleg down with a shoulder tackle. Oleg did not go down. They traded shots, an exchange that was always likely to favour Oleg. Oleg charged Shingo in the corner, Shingo moved and then hit a hip toss. Oleg hit the ropes and just ran through Shingo like he was not there. A running splash from Oleg got a two-count.
Oleg tried for a Boltin Shake, but again Shingo bailed to the ropes and then to the floor. Shingo was tentative getting back into the ring, and instead pulled Oleg to the outside and whipped him to the barricade. He tried to do it again but Oleg reversed it. Shingo put the brakes on and avoided collision with the barricade, then sent a charging Oleg up and over the barricade. That looked to be a whole lot of not fun. Shingo hit a suplex on the outside at the five-minute mark.
Back in the ring, Shingo hit a slingshot kneedrop from the apron to the inside.A standing senton was enough for a two-count, then went straight into an armbar. Oleg got to the ropes right away to force the break. Shingo continued to attack the arm, but Oleg hit a big dropkick seemingly out of the blue. Shingo came back with a series of knees to the gut, but Oleg came back with a slam. Boltin Shake time! Only two reps before the toss this time, possibly selling damage to his arm. He hit a Stinger splash and a Vader bomb for a two-count.
Oleg went for Kamikaze, Shingo escaped it and hit a corner clothesline. He followed up with a flurry of jabs and chops in the corner, a back elbow, and then a DDT. He followed up with a twist and shout, then called to the crowd before hitting a big corner clothesline at the ten-minute mark. Shingo set for a superplex…which connected! 1…2…no! Shingo called to the crowd again, and they responded loudly for the first time all night. It’s Shingo Time! He went for a lariat but just ate a chop from Oleg instead. He blocked a second chop attempt and clubbed away at Oleg’s arm. Oleg responded with a sleeper, which Shingo was able to escape. He went for a crossbody, but Oleg caught him and popped him over into a Samoan drop. That was impressive. Oleg went for Kamikaze again, but instead turned it into an Attitude Adjustment. Again he tried for Kamikaze, but again Shingo escaped out the back. German suplex by Shingo! He followed up with a sliding elbow to the side of the head, but Oleg hit a big dropkick to return fire. Shingo popped up from that and hit a sliding lariat! Made in Japan…oh dear. Oleg slipped and barely managed to rotate enough to not die. The move looked pretty awful, but got a two-count anyway.
Both men got to their feet at the 15-minute mark. Shingo hit a succession of alternating elbows, a headbutt, and a lariat. Oleg jumped up and hit Kamikaze! 1…2…no! Oleg looked a little confused, but tried for an F5…countered into a DDT! In opposite corners both men struggled to their feet, charged, and collided with lariats. They went again, but this time Oleg stayed vertical. Shingo ducked an attack and hit a big lariat into a near fall. He hit some elbow strikes to the head, but Oleg absorbed them and lifted him for Kamikaze…countered with a crucifix bomb! Shingo hit a huge lariat for another near fall that the crowd really bought into. Shingo hit a wrist-clutch Death Valley driver for the somewhat anticlimactic win.
WINNER: Shingo Takagi via pinfall in 18:00. (***1/2) Shingo will face Drilla Moloney in the quarter-finals.
(Lansdell’s Analysis: That seemingly random Moloney-Shingo match earlier in the year doesn’t look so random now. Moreso than the match with Takeshita, this match exposed some of Oleg’s inexperience. To be fair, he is way ahead of where he would be expected to be at this stage. But if you are being given high-profile matches, these deficiencies will get scrutinized more than they would on the undercard. This is not a knock on Oleg at all, it’s more of a commentary on Shingo and how Takeshita was better able to work with Oleg’s limitations. Oleg will be just fine in the long run, and I don’t think the couple of missteps and deer-in-headlights moments from this match will hurt him at all. I am curious where he goes from here, however.)
(8) JEFF COBB vs. TETSUYA NAITO – New Japan Cup Second Round match
After Sean Ross Sapp said he had heard that Cobb was already listed on WWE’s internal roster, there was a great deal of intrigue around the outcome of this match. The pair have a lot of history, with Cobb doing some of his best trolling when Naito is the target.
Early on, Naito sent Cobb to the floor and looked to be heading for a dive. Cobb slid back in and hit an arm drag, sending Naito to the outside. Cobb hit the ropes for a dive but Naito tripped him…tranquilo, said Naito. Cobb was enraged and ran at Naito, who dropkicked his ankles and sent him to the outside across the ring. Naito followed this time and whipped Cobb towards a barricade, but Cobb put the brakes on. He whipped Naito into a different barricade, and Naito hit and went over said railing. Cobb held him up and puppeted Naito into doing the LIJ salute. That was fun.
Back in the ring, Cobb absorbed some Naito forearms and rammed him into the corner. He followed up with a spear in the corner at the five-minute mark, then covered for a two-count. He stood on Naito’s back and mocked the LIJ salute. He whipped Naito to the corner and hit the Cobb-inacion Cobb-ron to further mock Naito. Once more Naito tried to fire back with ineffectual shots until Cobb put paid to that effort with a chop. Cobb went for the standing moonsault, but Naito moved. Naito hit an inverted atomic drop, a back elbow and a basement dropkick. He whipped Cobb into a corner, then escaped a slam attempt to plant Cobb with a tornado DDT for a two-count.
Naito applied a cravate variation on the mat. Cobb managed to get to his feet, but Naito started laying in his trademark wrist-clutch elbows to the side of the head and neck. Naito went up for a superplex, which Cobb tried to reverse. They fought for control on the top. Naito went for the top-rope rana, Cobb blocked and went for the super powerbomb, but Naito countered and hit the rana anyway at the ten-minute mark. Esperanza connected for Naito! He went for the running Destino but Cobb countered and turned it into a tombstone! Cobb just stood up still holding Naito in the tombstone position, then transitioned into a spin cycle for a two-count. He followed up with a standing moonsault for another two-count. Tour of the Islands…countered into a modified Destino! Both men were left down in the middle of the ring.
Naito was up first and again went for the running Destino, Cobb blocked it but could not connect with anything as he seemed to lose his grip. Naito went for a tornado DDT but turned it into a small package for a near fall. A second small package got a second near fall. Naito almost hit an enzuigiri but only grazed Cobb with it. He rang up the arm…Destino…no! Tour of the Islands! Both men were down again in the middle of the ring. Cobb got to his feet first and rang up the arm, looking for his own Destino…Naito blocked with an elbow and a rolling kick, then ran into a devastating clothesline from Cobb. Spin Cycle from Cobb! Only a one-count! Naito ducked a clothesline but ate a superkick. Another Tour of the Islands! 1…2…3!
WINNER: Jeff Cobb via pinfall in 15:00. (***) Cobb will face Shota Umino in the quarter-finals.
(Lansdell’s Analysis: Well there were an awful lot of people online who said that result could not happen now. Of course nobody directly addressed or denied the rumours about Cobb’s departure, but even if that is true there’s no reason Cobb had to lose here. He might even win the Cup and then lose the title match, though I would bet against that being the plan. Naito looked to be a few steps off tonight, though not to the degree he was off during his title run. The match felt clunky and disjointed as a result, a shame when it’s the main event and likely attracted additional eyes from people looking to see more of this Cobb guy. I do think he loses to Umino next round, and I doubt that has changed from the original plan before the rumours started spreading.)
Final thoughts: If I’m being honest, all three Cup matches tonight were disappointing. Not that they were bad, but more that they did not live up to the high expectations I had. Oleg felt out of his depth, TJP and Moloney were missing something to lend some gravity to the match, despite the history between them. There are some interesting matches set for the quarter-finals, and of course the world title is on the line tomorrow, so we will see if the pace picks up on tomorrow’s card.
Keep your eyes and ears open for the 7-Star Podcast and Radican Worldwide on PWTorch VIP to hear more of my thoughts on the Cup and the Goto-Nagata match tomorrow. Thanks for joining us!
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