TNA IMPACT TV RESULTS (3/13): Hendry Title Defense, Slamovich & Lee vs. Blanchard & Jade

By Darrin Lilly, PWTorch Contributor


MARCH 13, 2025

-Commentators: Tom Hannifan, Matthew Rehwoldt

-Recap of last week’s events.


The winner of this match got the advantage for their team at Sacrifice. Towards the end, Eddie caught Slater with a Blue Thunder Bomb for a two count. Slater battled back with a kick. They battled on the top rope, but Eddie caught Slater with a Boston Knee Party for the pin. [c]

WINNER: Eddie Edwards

-Sami Callihan had a backstage confrontation with Mance Warner and Steph De Lander.

(2) LAREDO KID vs. WES LEE (w/Tyson & Tyriek)

Lee turned the tide of the match with a series of kicks. The two wrestlers traded strikes. Kid the best of the exchange. Kid got a two count after a dive from the top rope. Kid gave Lee a rana for another two count. Lee came back with kicks. A kick to the head led to Lee getting the pin.

WINNER: Wes Lee in 8:00.

The Rascalz and Ace Austin walked down the ramp. Trey Miguel said they wanted until the match was finished to come out because they weren’t cowards. He said that Lee’s team could take notes. Zachary Wentz said they were closing the chapter at Sacrifice and sending Lee’s team back to NXT. [c]

-Spitfire approached Santino Marella. They were joined by Ash & Heather by Elegance and The Concierge, who complained about their treatment from Spitfire. Santino made a two vs. three match with the teams at Sacrifice. Spitfire was happy and the Elegance team was upset.


Xia had the early advantage. Rosemary battled back and put Xia in a chinlock on the mat. Xia knocked Rosemary off the ropes and fought back with a series of moves. Xia kicked Rosemary in the head, and she rolled outside. Rosemary brought a chain in the ring, but Xia stepped on it. Xia took the chain and wrapped it around her fist as the fans chanted “Do it!” Rosemary spit green mist into Xia’s eyes to cause a DQ. [c]

WINNER: Xia Brookside by DQ in 6:00.

-Steve Maclin wrote in a journal as guitar music played. It was revealed that he was sitting next to Eric Young outside by a fire. Eric said their two paths would collide one way or another. Maclin talked about them having respect for each other. Maclin left and told Eric to enjoy his drink. Eric took a sip and smiled.


Cody took the mic and said it was good to have TNA Wrestling back in Orlando. Fans chanted “TNA!” He talked about being a father of four. Fans chanted “He’s got kids!” He said that was someone else’s gimmick. He said since he put his fate in the hands of the fans, he’s been having a great time.

JDC said the fans don’t care about Cody. Fans chanted “Yes, we do!” JDC told Cody to get out of the ring so he could be counted out. Cody teased leaving, but then said it was the people’s choice. The fans wanted him to have the match. Cody said, “The people have spoken” and punched JDC in the face to start the match.

Cody started the match with punches, but JDC made a comeback. Cody fought back, but JDC got the pin after a Falcon Arrow. [c]

WINNER: JDC in 2:00.

-Arianna Grace sat in with the commentary team.


Tessa was booed heavily during her entrance. Masha and Jade started the match, but Tessa tagged in quickly. Tessa pie faced and slapped Masha. Masha fought back with kicks. Jade tagged back in. Lee dropkicked and punched Jade and got a two count. Jade hit Lee with a solid punch to get the advantage for her team.

Lee and Jade clotheslined each other. Masha tagged in and cleaned house on Tessa and Jade. All four wrestlers fought in the ring and exchanged moves. Fans chanted “TNA!” Masha and Tessa traded strikes. Lee caught Tessa with a kick that sent her out of the ring. Jade hit Masha with the title belt behind the referee’s back. Tessa gave Masha the Buzzsaw and got the pin. [c]

WINNERS: Tessa Blanchard & Cora Jade in 9:00.

-Mike Santana/Mustafa Ali Summit. Ali was with his entourage. Hannifan sat between Santana and Ali and was the moderator. Ali said he respected Santana as a competitor. He said he can handle the pressure, but Santana can’t. Santana said he’s been dealing with pressure all of his life. Clips played of his life and TNA career. He talked about beating Josh Alexander at Genesis, which proves he can handle pressure.

Hannifan said that no one has beat Santana one-on-one in six months. Ali said that pressure is when you meet adversity. Ali said that Santana doesn’t care about TNA. He talked about if Santana won the title, how everyone would be counting on him. He called Santana a liability and an addict. Santana said that Ali isn’t here for the locker room or TNA, but he’s here for himself. Santana said that he is an addict, but he’s an addict for the people and being true to himself.

Santana said that he proved people can hit the bottom and rise to the top. Ali said there was too much tension. He brought out a wine bottle and told Santana to take a drink. Santana took off his glasses. Ali said Santana would lose at Sacrifice. He said Santana would take a sip and another and another and would let everyone down. He said it would break Santana’s daughter’s heart.

Santana attacked him but got jumped by the entourage. Ali poured the win in a glass and set it in front of the fallen Santana. He said, “that’s for when you wake up.” Santana stared at the glass as he got up. [c]

-Hannifan and Rehwoldt ran down the card for Sacrifice.

-Frankie Kazarian joined the commentary team at ringside.

-Joe Hendry did his ring entrance to face a mystery opponent. Hendry did mic work before the match. Santino came out and was going to the announce the opponent. He was interrupted by Ryan Nemeth. He said that his brother returns to TNA in one day at Sacrifice. He said that his brother hates Hendry as much as he does. He said that his brother gave him his title rematch and he was taking it now.

(6) JOE HENDRY (c) vs. RYAN NEMETH— TNA World Title Match 

Hendry immediately gave Ryan the Standing Ovation and got the pin.

WINNER: Joe Hendry in seconds.

Santino said that’s not the guy he had in mind. Santino brought out Hammerstone to face Hendry. Hammerstone did his ring entrance. [c]

(7) JOE HENDRY (c) vs. HAMMERSTONE— TNA World Title Match

Fans were solidly behind Hendry. The action quickly spilled to the outside, with Hammerstone getting the advantage. [c]

Hammerstone still had the advantage after the break. Hendry made a comeback after a suplex. Hammerstone gave Hendry an overhead suplex and got a two count after a powerslam. Hammerstone powerbombed Hendry for another two count, then put him in a Boston Crab. Hendry reached the ropes to break the hold. Hendry gave Hammerstone a German Suplex. Hendry gave Hammerstone the Standing Ovation and got the pin.

WINNER: Joe Hendry in 15:00.

The System and the Colons ran in the ring and attacked Hendry. The Hardys, Elijah, and Leon Slater ran out for the save. Everyone brawled in the ring and outside to end the show.


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