WWE YOUTUBE VIDEO REVIEW: Does this compilation paint a sympathetic view of Owens’ reaction to Sami’s decisions with the Bloodline?

By Josh Prost, PWTorch contributor


When Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens face off tomorrow night at Elimination Chamber: Toronto, it’s going to be a battle between two friends who have had a nearly two decades of history with one another.

There have been lots of betrayals, followed up with happy reunions. Except this time, there might not be a happy reunion.

When Owens used the package piledriver on Sami, a move that had been banned in WWE for several years, it wasn’t an accident. He was clearly trying to end his friend’s career, something Zayn picked up on immediately. Zayn demanded a match with Owens, which Raw General Manager Adam Pearce obliged with an unsanctioned match. With this match coming up in a few days, the WWE YouTube channel uploaded a video chronicling their history over the past few years and what led to the creation of the match.

This was an excellent video to prime viewers for a match between two wrestlers whose careers have intertwined several times over the years. Usually, whenever they betray each other, everyone knows that they’ll get back together. However, given the events that have transpired since the Royal Rumble, this friendship might be definitively over.


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The first half of the video was definitely my favorite part, as it clearly shows why Owens is so mad. Sami betrays Roman Reigns to defend Owens, but crawls back to him nearly two years later. It’s obvious that Sami is willing to put aside the months of abuse by the Bloodline, something Owens isn’t happy about.

Karrion Kross’s inclusion in this is interesting yet makes sense. He’s trying to get through to Sami to think about his actions and what has transpired around him. It seems like his part of this story is just beginning, so it’ll be interesting to see how that plays out in the weeks ahead.

Overall, this video not only highlights the rise and fall of the current Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens friendship, but also capturs Karrion Kross’ part in the story as well. It’s understandably frustrating to see Sami’s actions over the years in regard to Reigns and the Bloodline and Owens. They treat him horribly, he leaves them, then he comes back to them seemingly forgetting what happened months prior. Then the cycle repeats without him ever looking at his decisions. That’s what Owens and Kross are trying to drill into his head.

However, what Owens did went too far so the match on Saturday feels necessary. You don’t just try to end someone you call a friend’s career just to prove a point. There are way better ways to get that message across. Sami  and Owens are facing off in an unsanctioned match in just a few days, and based off the last couple of weeks, it’s something that needed to happen.

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