10 YRS AGO – NXT Takeover Report (2-11-2015): Kevin Owens vs. Sami Zayn for the NXT Title, Charlotte vs. Becky vs. Sasha vs. Bayley, plus Baron Corbin, Breeze, Buddy, Balor, more

Charlotte Flair talks WWE sale to Endeavor
Charlotte Flair (art credit Joel Teach © PWTorch)


The following report originally published 10 years ago this week here at PWTorch.com…

WWE NXT Takeover Results
February 11, 2015
Live at Full Sail University
Report by Justin James, PWTorch contributor

“Takeover Rival” starts with a video packager starting with the women’s championship match, then the Zayn – Owens feud.

Announcers are Corey Graves, Jason Albert, and Rich Brennan.

Hideo Itami is out first.

Backstage interview in the locker room from last week, where Tyler Breeze ambushes Itami. He’s angry because he thinks he could have beaten Finn Balor in the #1 Contender Tournament.

Tyler Breeze comes out to provide what should be an outstanding starter match. He has a fur-covered selfie-stick. A “crazed fan” jumps the rail to cover Breeze in kisses, he doesn’t even blink an eye and keeps walking to the ring.


Breeze hides behind the ref then gets in a cheap shot on Itami. Itami bounces out of the corner to rally. Kicks send Breeze to the outside. Breeze sneaks into the ring, Itami ducks an ambush, then more stuff kicks. Breeze rolls under the ropes to avoid Itami, but Itami tears him apart coming through the ropes. Breeze starts to work a leg. Figure four through the ropes and around the ring post has Itami in real pain. Sick single leg crab variant from Breeze, but Itami makes it to the ropes. Sudden GTS tease, Breeze escapes, super model kick and Itami barely kicks out. Really nice sequence there.

They go back and force. Series of hard kicks to the jaw from Itami, ref break, then more. Itami is stumbling around on his bad knee. Itami to the corner, hesitation drop kick. Running kick and Breeze is out.

WINNER: Hideo Itami in 8:13. Really good match here despite the lack of build. Itami is hitting his stride and Breeze is so good.

Shot of William Regal looking at Kevin Owens sternly as a ref talks to Owens. Owens just plays with his phone.

Bull Dempsey is out for his No DQ match with Baron Corbin in the worst-handled NXT feud for a long time.


Corbin immediately rushes the ring to take the fight to Dempsey. Corbin trashes Dempsey inside the ring, then outside until a suplex from Dempsey drops Corbin on the ramp. Dempsey sends Corbin’s face into the ring post then beats him down outside as the crowd asks for tables. Dempsey looks under the ring but doesn’t find anything so he keeps using his feet and fists. Giant spinebuster surprises Dempsey for two. Corbin hefted Dempsey pretty high in the air. Corbin clears Dempsey and himself out of the ring, but Dempsey gets the edge. Dempsey to the top, hits a headbutt for a nearfall. Dempsey can’t believe he didn’t get the pin.

Dempsey kicks Corbin to the curb, then dumps him into the ring steps. Dempsey gets a chair for the first weapon of the match, but he runs right into End of Days.

WINNER: Baron Corbin in 4:15. That match had a ton of energy, but didn’t feel like much of a No DQ match. Corbin did a good job selling for Dempsey, though I wasn’t a fan of the John Cena win at the end.

Post-match, Corbin takes the chair, sets it up mid-ring, and watches Dempsey roll around in the ring.

Backstage, William Regal and the ref give Sami Zayn instructions.

Backstage, Becky Lynch and Bailey in separate shots are preparing for their match. They both have new outfits.

Lucha Dragons hit the ramp for their rematch against Wesley Blake and Buddy Murphy. Brennan compares the shock of Blake and Murphy winning the titles to Jon Stewart leaving the Daily Show.


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3 – NXT Tag Team champions WESLEY BLAKE & BUDDY MURPHY vs. LUCHA DRAGONS (SIN CARA & KALISTO) – NXT Tag Team Championship match

Sin Cara fends off an early double team from Blake and Murphy. Blake escapes a huracanrana. Sin Cara continues to take offense to Blake. Kalisto slips trying to work on Murphy outside. Sunset flip powerbomb gets a nearfall for Sin Cara. Murphy tags in and so does Kalisto. Murphy takes tag team offense. Blind tag brings Blake in, double team move gets a nearfall for the champions. Brennan reminds us that Blake and Murphy used to just be a “stepping stone.”

Kalisto gets in and hits his dazzling offense. Murphy blocks the SDA, blocks Kalisto from getting to the corner, wants a powerbomb, Kalisto reverses for a nearfall, then a crucifix for two, they trade rollups and jackknives, Blake and Sin Cara both make the save. Double tag. Blake rolls through a cross body, Sin Cara rolls through a suplex for two. Single arm deadlift powerbomb is blocked and Blake rolls up Sin Cara, tags Murphy, Murphy takes a powerbomb for a nearfall. The action and reversals and counters here are great.

Kalisto accidentally gets cleared, blind tag, Sin Cara blocks a powerbomb, running suplex then Murphy from the top for the win.

WINNERS: Wesley Blake & Buddy Murphy in 8:10. I really liked this match. It was occasionally sloppy but it was really exciting at the end.

The weird static thing is back, telling viewers to stay tuned for next week.

Video package summarizing the #1 contender’s tournament. Sit down talks with Adrian Neville and Finn Balor. Neville says that Balor’s presentation will not intimidate him. It will be tough for Neville to find support when he is facing Balor. Balor gets a huge pop for his theatrical entrance. Similar body paint to last Takeover.

4 – FINN BALOR vs. ADRIAN NEVILLE – #1 Contender Championship Tournament match

Neville grounds Balor with headlock takeovers. Balor finally gets some separation, but Neville takes him down by a leg, then a sunset flip, but Balor sends him outside. Dropkick sends Neville rolling outside for a breather. Springboard dropkick gets two for Neville, then more headlocks on the mat. Neville continues the ground game. Balor surprises Neville on the apron but a dropkick gives Neville the edge again. Delayed vertical suplex gets two for Neville.

Neville continues to grind away on Balor. Enziguiri sends Neville to the mat, and Balor hits the obligatory NXT Takeover flip dive, injuring his tail in the process. Neville slides through the ring to buy time, and Balor stalks him. Hesitation drop kicks sends Neville right through the barricade, drawing a “Holy s–t!” from the crowd. Balor to the top, double foot stomp and Neville barely kicks out.

Neville with kicks, then a Pele Kick from Neville then a superkick and they are both down taking a count from the ref. Balor walks into a suplex, then a second with a bridge for a nearfall. Balor sells the back of his head, Neville hits a corkscrew moonsault from the second rope for a nearfall. Neville is stunned. Big “Yes!” from the crowd. Slingblade out of nowhere. Balor turns Neville inside out with a lariat. Powerslam DDT gets a nearfall for Balor.

Balor looks for another foot stomp, but Neville gets to the corner. Enziguiri stops Balor at the top, body slam, Neville wants the Red Arrow, Balor runs under, roundhouse drops Balor, Red Arrow, knees up, inside cradle for the closest of nearfalls. Dropkick sends Neville’s head into the turnbuckle, double foot stomp, end of match.

WINNER: Finn Balor in 13:45. If Zayn vs. Owens wasn’t left in this night, I would say that there is no way this isn’t match of the night. Just an amazing match, outstanding work from both Balor and Neville. The NXT Championship scene is just filled with incredible talent right now. This is how you do a face vs. face match and have no problems with a face getting booed or the fans losing interest. Pitch perfect booking on this tournament. Balor against either Zayn or Owens will be bonkers.

Post-match, Balor shows Neville respect by offering a hand, and Neville accepts.

Backstage, Sasha Banks and Charlotte separately prep for their fatal four-way.

Video package on Charlotte’s dominance as champion. Banks says she knows how to beat Charlotte. Lynch says she will do what it takes to wear the gold. Bayley says she has to be out for herself since everyone else is. Really exciting package here making them all seem like viable players tonight.

5 – NXT Women’s champion CHARLOTTE vs. BAYLEY vs. SASHA BANKS vs. BECKY LYNCH – NXT Women’s Championship Fatal Four-way match

Everyone tries to pileup on Charlotte, but Charlotte takes out Bayley and then Banks and Lynch at the same time. Bayley tries a schoolgirl but regrets it. Charlotte gets sent outside where Banks and Lynch take her out then double team Bayley. They throw Bayley back-first into the turnbuckles, then both try a cover. They argue a bit, then Lynch surprises Banks with an incredible suplex. Lynch with leg drops. Dragon screw from Lynch, then more leg work. Banks breaks up a submission from Lynch, then they brawl in the corner. Banks with the double knees in the corner but Lynch escapes. Missile dropkick from Lynch gets a cover, but Charlotte makes the save.

Predictable dominance with Charlotte taking out all comers. Banks and Charlotte go back and forth, Banks dodges a spear and Lynch takes it. Charltote wants a wheelbarrow, Bayley jumps in with a Codebreaker, then a Big Boot to Bayley. Charlotte gets dumped into the ring post, then Banks slaps her lips off. Banks wants double corner knees, Lynch interferes, Banks sets her up in the ropes too, hits double knees to both women, two count on Charlotte, then Lynch, then Charlotte again. Bayley sneaks in with a sick suplex.

Bayley has Charlotte alone and goes nuts with back elbows in the corner. Bayley puts Charlotte up top, then a huracanrana. Bayley to Belly but Lynch yanks her off. They tangle on the outside and Bayley looks mean. Dropkick through the corner to Lynch. Banks over the top rope to take them all out. Crazy physical match. Charlotte realizes she needs someone in the ring to pin. “This is wrestling.” Charlotte flies over the top too, dropping herself onto the trio. She grabs Lynch to send into the ring. Surprise recovery from Lynch, suplex and Charlotte kicks out at two.

Lynch is tearing her hair out in anger. Lynch puts Charlotte up top, but Bayley suplexes her away, goes up top, Bayley-to-Belly from the top, Banks tears her off at the last minute, covers and Charlotte kicks out. Bank Statement cross-face, but Lynch is on the apron so Banks kicks her into Bayley, re-applies Bank Statement. Charlotte reaches for the ropes and Banks pulls her back. Charlotte is fading, Banks rolls into a crucifix for the win.

WINNER: Sasha Banks in 12:28. Another outstanding women’s championship match on NXT. Great use of the fatal four-way format and everyone was competitive. Hard hitting action, high flying, counters and reversals, this match had it all. Surprising to see the Brock Lesnar of NXT lose here. Banks as champion brings a potentially new dynamic.

Post-match, Charlotte finally gets off the mat and offers Banks a handshake. Banks comes in, Charlotte gives her a hug, then Banks pushes her away. Charlotte gives her a very nasty look.

Video package on Kevin Owens vs. Sami Zayn. Same package we saw last week.

Owens gets some support on his way to the ring, despite being pitting against the super-popular Sami Zayn. Great presentation, with cameras behind the curtain as each wrestler prepares to hit the ring. Big pop for Zayn of course. Owens is all business during Zayn’s high energy entrance.

6 – NXT champion SAMI ZAYN vs. KEVIN OWENS – NXT Championship match

Owens and Zayn stare each other down from the corners. Zayn smiles at the “Ole!”‘s and Owens goes outside and to the ramp to play head games. He gets just inside the ring enough to break the count then goes back outside. Owens does it again to anger Zayn. Zayn jumps over the ropes as he leans over to talk to Owens and lands on Owens outside. Zayn wrecks Owens outside then back inside. Zayn risks a DQ in the corner. Ten punches with authority, then again. Owens fights out and drops Zayn’s face into the turnbuckle, then hits a clothesline. Another clothesline sends Zayn to the mat.

Hard whip sends Zayn flying in the air after impact. Owens with a hard chop, gets two. Body slam gets two for Owens. Owens locks in chinlocks to wear Zayn down. Owens just wearing Zayn down. Owens picks Zayn apart on the outside. Gutbuster and a senton get two for Owens. Zayn slaps himself to wake himself up, but Owens goes back to a chinlock. Graves compares this match to Brock Lesnar at SummerSlam, and that is about right.

Zayn surprises Owens with a pair of clotheslines, then a third sends Owens over the top. Zayn surprises Owens outside. Blue thunder bomb from nowhere gets a nearfall. Zayn runs right into a superkick. Cannonball senton for two. Horrific shoulder breaker and Zayn barely kicks out. Owens wants the popup powerbomb, but Zayn with a dropkick, then a suplex for a nearfall.

Zayn smashes Owens’ face into the turnbuckle, but Owens responds with a neckbreaker into the ropes. Owens goes to the top but Zayn pops up, clocks him, and looks for a superplex. Owens headbutts him down, 450 splash and Zayn gets knees up. Zayn can barely walk after that. Exploder suplex into the turnbuckle. Helluva Kick but Owens isn’t there. Owens plays possum on the corner, tries a powerbomb but Zayn grabs the ropes, Arabian moonsault and Zayn hits his head hard on the ramp. Zayn is too disoriented for the Helluva Kick, tries again and runs into a popup powerbomb for a very close nearfall.

Owens knocks Zayn with big shots to the head. Trainer comes out to check on Zayn. Pop-up powerbomb again. And again. Arrogant cover and Zayn limply rolls a shoulder. The trainers come into the ring to check on Zayn. Owens doesn’t care and hits a third powerbomb. A fourth. A fifth attempt and the ref pushes Owens away and calls for the bell. The ref raises Owens’ hand, and hands him the title. The crowd looks like they did when Lesnar broke the streak.

WINNER: Kevin Owens in 23:27 by referee stoppage. No words to describe this match. Watch it.

Final Reax: The key matches as expected were the Women’s Fatal Four-Way, Balor – Neville, and Zayn – Owens. The bonus match of Itami – Breeze delivered big time. The NXT Title match really did feel like Cena – Lesnar. The end was just so vicious. Great intrigue for Zayn’s next steps.

RECOMMENDED NEXT: 5 YRS AGO – NXT TV Report (2-5-2020): Adam Cole & Fish & O’Reilly vs. Riddle & Dunne & Ciampa, plus Swerve, Angel, Breeze, Dijak, Martinez, Devlin

OR CHECK THIS OUT AT PROWRESTLING.NET: Powell’s NXT Hit List: Oba Femi and Trick Williams vs. Grayson Waller and Austin Theory, Charlotte Flair crashes the NXT Women’s Championship summit, JDC appears


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